discriminator oor Koerdies


A person who discriminates or differentiates

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14 Not long after Pentecost 33 C.E., an issue of discrimination arose.
4 Çaxê Yahowa Adem efirand, ewî Ademra tiştekî pir qîmet da, ev heye emirê qedandî.jw2019 jw2019
In the 2nd Quarter of 2016, 9 broadcast bans and temporary broadcast ban orders have been issued, 1 case of discrimination in accreditation has been experienced, 26 websites, 100 Twitter accounts and postings as well as 7 reports, 180 books, 1 magazine and 1 TV channel have been censored in addition to other 4 censorship cases.
Ez hatim ku riya te dadim, wekî tu neçî û nifira cimeta Îsraêlî nekî.Bianet Bianet
They used to use captions like “The transvestites spread terror.” In fact, the circumstances were very different. The real estate agents not renting the houses to us is a discrimination that followed this.
Hergê tu gura Xwedê bikî, tuyê bikaribî bibî dostê wî (Aqûb 2:23).Bianet Bianet
In the same quarter of last year, 169 reports and articles, 1 website, 1 film, 1 election film, 1 documentary film, 1 banner, 12 videos and 1 Twitter account had been censored and 1 confidentiality order had been issued. 20 media organs had become victims of discrimination accreditation in at least 5 cases and 3 censorship cases had been experienced in addition.
Hergê em gura qanûnêd Yahowa nekin, ew wê me jî ceza ke.Bianet Bianet
Everyone , without any discrimination , has the right to equal pay for equal work .
Vir, li ser şikil tu dikarî bivînî ça Yoşiya û eskerêd wî pûta hûrdexweşî dikin.Universal Declaration of Human Rights Universal Declaration of Human Rights
All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law .
Çi cûre çetinayên veşartî malbetêda dikarin hebin?Universal Declaration of Human Rights Universal Declaration of Human Rights
digital surveillance would have to avoid exacerbating discrimination and marginalisation;
Dêmek di axiriyêda jî, gava mirî bêne saxkirinê, ewana wê li ser erdê bijîn, hingê jîyîn wê hê xweş be.Tico19 Tico19
According to BİA’s Media Monitoring Report 2016, 778 press cards were cancelled; the property of 54 journalists was confiscated; the passports of 46 journalists were cancelled, and 3 people were discriminated against in terms of receiving accreditation.
Pêşaniya BilindBianet Bianet
And maybe you've never faced violence, or prejudice, or discrimination.
Sazkirina Cihgirêted2019 ted2019
CHP İstanbul MP Mehmet Bekaroğlu drawing attention to Davutoğlu’s situation said “If you relieve them of MP duties for other reasons but absence, then you are discriminating” and remarked that the issue was in fact related to the Kurdish question. (EKN/TK)
Dema pêl tên nîşan dan, peldank li ser bin an naBianet Bianet
People in many parts of the world want to be free from oppression, discrimination, and poverty.
(b) Îsa tevî kê hevaltî dikir?jw2019 jw2019
In addition, since the practice predominantly affects girls under 18, it also violates children’s rights to health, life, physical integrity, and non-discrimination.
Sererastkirinhrw.org hrw.org
Many residents of Wuhan and Hubei have reported discrimination based on their regional origin.
Ev pirtûk giran e.Tico19 Tico19
Most recently, on November 15, 2009, the Damascus Criminal Court sentenced three leading members of the Kurdish Azadi Party, which advocates an end to discrimination against the Kurdish minority, to three years in jail for "weakening national sentiment" and "inciting sectarian or racial strife or provoking conflict between sects and various members of the nation."
Çi cûra Şeytanê mîrê cina keta dilê Cihûda?hrw.org hrw.org
All of these documents oblige states to protect women's and girls' rights to health, to be free from violence, to life and physical integrity, to non-discrimination, and to be free from cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment, all of which are violated by FGM.
Kitêba Pîroz derheqa xebatê çi dibêje?hrw.org hrw.org
Misinformation about the virus has spread online, and there have been incidents of xenophobia and discrimination against Chinese people, other people of East and Southeast Asian descent and appearance, and others from areas with significant virus cases.
Ji vê yekê kifşê, wekî em gerekê xwe ji xûnê xwey kin.Tico19 Tico19
Girls face prejudice and discrimination.
Porg gellek gewre yeted2019 ted2019
Article 21 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, to which Iraq is a party, guarantees the right to freedom of assembly, and Article 26 prohibits discrimination on the basis of religion.
24 Axirîke çiqas baş hîviya wan meriva ye, yên ku dixwazin bona efirandarê Himzor Yahowa Xwedê pêbihesin, tev bibine nas û jêra qulix kin!hrw.org hrw.org
Female genital mutilation violates the rights of women to life, health and bodily integrity, non-discrimination, and the right not to be subjected to cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment.
Xerc dide bi nalê ji devê mesî derxistîhrw.org hrw.org
In the same quarter of last year, 15 websites, 8 media outlets (6 newspapers, 1 TV, 1 Magazine), 312 URL-based news articles, 200 Twitter accounts, 33 Youtube and 79 Instagram links, 3 books and 1 panel were censored. There were 5 cases of broadcast bans, 2 accredititation discrimination cases and 12 censorship cases.
Çi gerekê bikin, hergê zar safî dike, ku Yehowa Xwedêra xizmet neke?Bianet Bianet
All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination .
Ew yek, ku tu niha evê kitêbê dixûnî, dide kifşê wekî tu dixwazî pêbihesî hela Kitêba Pîroz çi hîn dike.Universal Declaration of Human Rights Universal Declaration of Human Rights
In the entire year of 2015, media had experienced 6 blackouts, 5 confidentiality and 10 accreditation discriminations. In addition, 118 websites, 353 Twitter accounts, 399 news articles and columns as well as 21 TV channels and 2 journalists had been subjected to censorship. 12 footages, 7 books, 5 humor magazines, 4 movies, 2 magazines, 2 journalists, 1 documentary film, 2 leaflet, 1 panel, 1 commemoration, 1 election film, 1 banner and 1 image had been censored.
25 Belê, Yahowa bi rastiyê jî dijminê me, dêmek mirinê, wê bide hildanê!Bianet Bianet
FGM violates women's and children's human rights, including their rights to health, to be free from violence, to life and physical integrity, to non-discrimination, and to be free from cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment.
4 Dê-bavên Mesîhî qîmet dikin hînbûna mektebêda.hrw.org hrw.org
Specific articles in international treaties, such as the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), and the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), note the obligations of countries that are parties to the treaty to ensure the above-mentioned rights to girls and women.
Koma tîpan a dûr hilbijêrehrw.org hrw.org
In the first quarter of 2017, there were at least 3 cases of permanent and 1 temporary broadcast ban, 3 websites were censored, 3 newspapers were banned, 1 book as well as 1 film were banned/blocked, there was 1 case of acreditition discrimination, 1 press card and 1 passport were cancelled and 1 employee from the international media was deported.
13 Derbazkirina hînbûna tevî malbetê borcdariya dê-bavên xwedêxof e.Bianet Bianet
30 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.