discriminatory oor Koerdies


/dɪsˈkɹɪmɪnətɹi/ adjektief
Of or pertaining to discrimination (in all senses).

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“We understand the practical need for security screening, but detaining all men and boys aged 15 and over simply because of where they are living is discriminatory, and these vulnerable people are being denied the protection they should be getting,” Fakih said.
Pelê XML yê mîhenganhrw.org hrw.org
The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) permits a government to restrict the right to freedom of expression to protect public morals only if the restriction conforms to strict tests of necessity and proportionality and is non-discriminatory, including on the grounds of religion or belief.
Êşa giran dikeve dil çaxê pêdihesin, wekî zar mala xweda rastî zulmiya usa tê û ji wan meriva kîjana nas dike û baweriya xwe wan tîne.hrw.org hrw.org
Given that Arabs seem to be the sole victims of these demolitions and evictions, and no explanation has been given by the authorities as to why they are being so targeted, the KRG actions appear to be discriminatory.
3. Çi diqewime li mala Qeyafa, yê ku kahînê pêşin bû?hrw.org hrw.org
Evictions must be justified in law, only be carried out for a legitimate reason, and be proportionate and non-discriminatory.
Paşî emê bivînin, ça Îsayê 12 salî tevî dersdara di paristgehêda xever dida.hrw.org hrw.org
As to the assault against Paylan and other HDP MPs, “if racist, discriminatory lynch attempts can take place in parliament, it is inevitable that those on the streets inspired by those will take it upon themselves”, warned the platform.
4. Çira Xwedê bi xewa giran Adem razanid?Bianet Bianet
Ladies and gentlemen, this plight of millions of women could be changed if we think differently, if women and men think differently, if men and women in the tribal and patriarchal societies in the developing countries, if they can break a few norms of family and society, if they can abolish the discriminatory laws of the systems in their states, which go against the basic human rights of the women.
Çida Îsa meseleke baş hîşt neferên malbetara?ted2019 ted2019
“The blanket restrictions on the camps for displaced people are too far reaching and discriminatory,” said Lama Fakih, deputy Middle East director.
Lema jî 10 berekêd Îsraêl xwera Yerovam kivş kirin ça padşa. Lê berekêd Binyamîn û Cihûda bin padşatiya Rehobowam dimînin.hrw.org hrw.org
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