disseminated oor Koerdies


adjektief, werkwoord
Simple past tense and past participle of disseminate.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Koerdies

belavkirî. pertkirî

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

disseminated sclerosis


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
And it became a cat-and-mouse game where we would see accounts taken down and they'd just come back up, and an arrogance around somebody having a 25th account and material that was disseminated everywhere.
Elametî derheqa van keremeta li hemû ciya bela dibû.ted2019 ted2019
Health care workers have a primary responsibility to disseminate accurate information on the health effects of the practice, and should therefore be fully aware of the consequences of FGM.
Dê-bavê Mesîhî Pol û Lûanna, carna xûşk-bira teglîfî mala xwe dikin û tevayî wede derbaz dikin.hrw.org hrw.org
The inventor Dean Kamen, the guy who invented the Segway, a genius by any standards, once said that his job is easy, inventing things is easy, the hard part is the technology dissemination -- it's getting those technologies and products to the people who need it most.
TEVÎ te tiştê usa qewimiye, ku pêşiyê sozekî bidî kesekîra lê paşê poşman bî?ted2019 ted2019
The bill would authorize officials to shut down for up to a year any media outlet that printed or otherwise disseminated prohibited statements as well as to impose fines in this range.
Lê ev yek nerast e.hrw.org hrw.org
Blood: disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC); leukoerythroblastic reaction
Ça ew yek ku hela hê Şawûl bû mesîhî, dilgerm dike wan mesîhiya, jin û mêrêd kê jî mîna wan baweriyê nakin? (Kar.Şand.Tico19 Tico19
Next, we must disseminate what we learn.
Daniyêl Dn.ted2019 ted2019
The large number of host bat and avian species, and their global range, has enabled extensive evolution and dissemination of coronaviruses.Many human coronavirus have their origin in bats.
• Dîsa ber Civîna Giregira diseneTico19 Tico19
Human Rights Watch is calling on the Iraqi government and the KRG to respect and fulfill their international obligations to protect the human rights of girls and women, particularly by taking steps to eradicate FGM, including developing an enabling policy and legal framework to address FGM, disseminating accurate information about FGM, and mobilizing support against FGM.
Hergê cara duda jî neyê standinê usa derbaz kin ça lazim e, berxwe nekeve, lê bifikire, ku cara din ça bikî, wekî rind derbaz be”.hrw.org hrw.org
And that's when we combine large groups of civil society voices with creatives, techies, app developers, artists, comedians, and we can create really specified content and actually, online, disseminate it to very strategic audiences.
Navê Xwedê çi ye, û em çi pêdihesin derheqa wî ji kitêba Daniyêl?ted2019 ted2019
And the final point I want to make is that I think this project worked well because we engaged all the stakeholders that buy into this project and are important to consider in bringing the technology from inception of an idea through innovation, validation, commercialization and dissemination, and that cycle has to start and end with end users.
Dêmek em dikarin arxayîn û serbest Yahowara dua bikin û xwe nêzîkî wî bikin (Îbranî 4:14-16).ted2019 ted2019
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