engining oor Koerdies


present participle of [i]engine[/i]

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Koerdies


Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

pilot engine
genetic engineering
Endazyariya bûmayîk
structural engineering
steam engine
makîneya hilmê
agricultural engineering
Endezyariya çandiniyê
internal combustion engine
Motora bi şewitîna ji hundir de
rotary engine
petroleum engineering
Endezyariya petrol û gaza xwezayî
recipocating engine


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
If you're a wizard, and you believe that hyperproductive, genetically engineered crops are key to feeding everyone in tomorrow's world, you have to worry that 20 years of scientists demonstrating that they are safe to consume has failed to convince the public to embrace this technology.
Salnameya takekesîNameted2019 ted2019
But there's an even more inspiring journey propelled by something more powerful than rocket engines, where the passengers aren't just three astronauts but all of humanity.
Paşî hatina Ezra weke 13 sal derbaz dibe, û niha Nehemiya tê Orşelîmê, wekî alî wan bike dîwarêd Orşelîmê ava kin.ted2019 ted2019
So what happened was, the engineers showed up with nothing.
Albumên Bijarteted2019 ted2019
So, what we did was: instead of having a staff of artists that are just your wrist, we decided to free up a team of creative designers and engineers to find out what's the successor to the SUV phenomenon in America.
Baweriya xwe unda nekin (1 Korintî 13:4, 7).ted2019 ted2019
We desperately need great communication from our scientists and engineers in order to change the world.
Hinek usa dibêjin: “Tu tenê derheqa xwe dişirmîş dibî”, yanê “Tu min qe hiz nakî”.ted2019 ted2019
A few times a year they tell their engineers, "Go for the next 24 hours and work on anything you want, as long as it's not part of your regular job.
Milyaket ça hatine dinê?ted2019 ted2019
So I decided to go back to my alma mater, and, at the University of California, San Diego, and I proposed to open up a research center for engineering sciences for cultural heritage.
derê ew rastî malbata Yetro hat û tevî qîzeke wî, Tsîppora, zewicî.ted2019 ted2019
And the idea he had was to establish a place of work where engineers can feel the joy of technological innovation, be aware of their mission to society and work to their heart's content.
& Berî tu derbasî cîhazê bikî kodkirinê biguhareted2019 ted2019
Fraas, a mechanical and aeronautical engineer, described this design as “one of the world’s most effective regenerative heat exchangers.” 13 This design is so ingenious that human engineers have copied it.
Cîyên ser Xerîtêjw2019 jw2019
And so, scientists and engineers, when you've solved this equation, by all means, talk nerdy to me.
Paşê Îsa 12 mêra dijbêre wekî ewana alî wî bikin. Paşwextiyê ewana dibine şandiyêd wî.ted2019 ted2019
The engineers all sat at one end of the table, the designers and I sat at the other end of the table, really quiet.
Rast e du sala şûnda wî berdan, lê paşê ew yeke kirine kelê û xilaziyê kuştin.ted2019 ted2019
We definitely need a new breed of engineers that will go out and do this kind of work and rediscover for us these values, these cultural values that we badly need, especially today.
Lê bi rastiyê ev berf nîne, ev xwarin e.ted2019 ted2019
The family of 10 began receiving aid from Sarmaşık Food Bank in 2006. One of their two daughters also received an education grant from the association while studying in Bingöl University. One of the daughters is a sophomore in literature, the other is a freshman in civil engineering. When the association was closed, the education grant was cut as well.
Pace & SermasêBianet Bianet
And so, some of the things that they figured out, some of these individuals figured out; in one case, a new commercial building and designs for houses that were accepted by clients; a design of a solar space probe experiment; a redesign of the linear electron accelerator; an engineering improvement to a magnetic tape recorder -- you can tell this is a while ago; the completion of a line of furniture; and even a new conceptual model of the photon.
6. Nuh çira qirik berda?ted2019 ted2019
The engineers flew over, and designers got together with them, and they put their presentation together.
Cara duda deng dîsa gazî dike: “Samûyêl!”ted2019 ted2019
However, engineers have recently taken this mimicry to new heights.
Çira hine meriya tirê, ku ewana tu car nikarin nêzîkî Yahowa Xwedê bin, lê çi hîn dike Kitêba Pîroz?jw2019 jw2019
In one example, when an Italian hospital urgently required a ventilator valve, and the supplier was unable to deliver in the timescale required, a local startup reverse-engineered and printed the required 100 valves overnight.
Tu ne hevalê me yî.Tico19 Tico19
So we embarked upon the reinvention around an electrochemical engine, the fuel cell, and hydrogen as the energy carrier.
Ça mesela Ûsiv nîşanî me dike ku Xwedê halê xirav dikare halê başva bizvirîne, ku ji halê xirav jî kar hebe?ted2019 ted2019
We're a group of computer scientists, mathematicians, engineers and a cancer researcher, who understood that in order to cure the sickness of a system as big as government, we needed to examine the whole body, and then we needed to drill down all the way from the organs, into the tissues, all the way to single cells, so that we could properly make a diagnosis.
Ya pêşin, ku ew tu car namire.ted2019 ted2019
Imagine an engine going clack, clack, clack.
ÎzlandaNameted2019 ted2019
A KMobileTools fake engine
Di kitêba Kolosî 1:16-da nivîsar e: “Bi destê wî [Îsa Mesîh] her tiştên li erd û ezmana efirîne”.KDE40.1 KDE40.1
So being a mechanical engineer, being at MIT and having lots of resources available to me, I thought I'd try to do something about it.
Lema jî Yahowa dîwana wana kir û mera şand cem wan.ted2019 ted2019
However, the engineers back in Munich had taken on this kind of Newtonian solution, and they were trying to find how many cup holders can dance on the head of a pin, and, you know, these really serious questions that are confronting the modern consumer.
Çi em dikarin hîn bin ji Petrûsê ku Îsa înkar kir?ted2019 ted2019
What kind of economic engine would keep churning if we believed that not getting what we want could make us just as happy as getting it?
Çiqas diçe mezin dibe hejmara wan meriva, yên ku safî dikin bê zewaca qanûnî tevî hev bijîn, seva ku borcê zewacê hilnedin ser xwe.ted2019 ted2019
Gün’s attorney Engin Gökoğlu had told bianet the legal proceeding till now:
Were em binihêrin bi saya qewata Yahowa, Îsa çi karibû bikira?Bianet Bianet
118 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.