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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Danièle had begun her full-time service in rural Brittany, far away from her home.
Lê Qayîn guh neda Yahowa.jw2019 jw2019
Detained from her house in İzmir’s Torbalı district, Kubilay’s house was searched by operation units.
2. Çira Îsa di tewlêda tevî heywana hate bûyînê?Bianet Bianet
She's the only survivor from her family.
Tomarkirinted2019 ted2019
The HDP announced that Buldan was taken from her house in İstanbul this morning and detained.
Yan jî çira di welgerandina “Dinya Tezeda” nivîsîne“Yahowa”?Bianet Bianet
But in the last year, where President Sirleaf comes from, her village, we went there to work with these girls.
Dê û bav gerekê çi bikin, çaxê ewana têderdixin ku zara wan çiqas diçe nes dibe û miqabilî şîretên dê-bavê xwe dertê?ted2019 ted2019
Paul wrote that a wife who was separated from her husband should “remain unmarried or else be reconciled with her husband.”
Lê du merivên ne bêqisûr ça dikarin zewacêda bextewar bin?jw2019 jw2019
On January 6, 2017, Nuriye Gülmen was discharged from her position through the Statutory Decree No. 679 issued under the State of Emergency.
2. Ça em dikarin çev bidine vê keçikê biçûk û hevalêd wî, yê ku li ser şikil tê kivşê, seva ku pêbihesin derheqa Yahowa û Îsa?Bianet Bianet
The men took the family to a school in Tal Afar filled with other Yezidi captives, where the fighters separated her from her family.
Nivîskarê Yekemî
Because I could not identify the position of my body in space, I felt enormous and expansive, like a genie just liberated from her bottle.
Ew ne tiştekî usa ne ku pişt guhê xweva bavêjin.ted2019 ted2019
Thirty-five days later they separated Jalila from her sister and took her to a house in Syria that housed other abducted young Yezidi women and girls.
Another woman from Rania told Human Rights Watch that she had not had FGM performed on her two daughters, but keeps this a secret from her neighbors and extended family.
15. a) Kîjan meniya tek nivîsar e Kitêba Pîrozda, ya ku îzinê dide Mesîhiya hev biqetin û malbeta teze saz kin?
So right here, these are the motor units that are happening from her spinal cord out to her muscle right here, and as she's doing it, you're seeing the electrical activity that's happening here.
Navêd hine ji wan ev e: Endrawis, Petrûs (awa gotî Şimhûn), Fîlîpo û Natanyêlê ku (wîra usa jî Bertolomeyo digotin).ted2019 ted2019
And I saw my sister's face, this wail of pain and suffering and surprise threatening to erupt from her mouth and wake my parents from the long winter's nap for which they had settled.
Bikarhênerted2019 ted2019
The girl climbed onto the roof and threatened to jump but residents prevented her from jumping, and the fighters took her back.
Ew keremetêd mezin
When the child was abducted, two women in uniform took her from the school to a checkpoint at the entrance to Khanasoor, where they kept her for several hours, but surrendered her when a group of men from her family arrived at the checkpoint brandishing weapons and demanded her return, residents said.
10 Hîn bin baweriya xwe rûspiyên civatê bî
No one in the village would tell me where Eun-Sook was, because the grandmother had always hidden her from Westerners.
5, 6. (a) Gava Îsa dît ku bira-pismam û dostên Lazar ça şîna Lazar dikin, ev yek ça li ser Îsa hukum bû?ted2019 ted2019
Three assailants were released. Only four assailants were arrested; a man who stormed in a café and shot at his ex-girlfriend injuring also six other people in the café was first released, then arrested. Furthermore, a woman, who took the knife from her husband who was strangling her and wounded him, was arrested. Legal proceedings about the 23 assailants were not reported in the media.
Ça ji mesela 12 kurêd Aqûb dihate kivşê, navêd kurêd Îsraêlê berê bi çi cûreyîdatanîn?Bianet Bianet
Men killed three women by choking, two by cutting their throat, one by throwing her from high, one by burning her, six by stabbing them, six by pistol, one by beating, one by bearing with an object.
Xwe pirs ke: “Bi rastiyê ez dixwazim bizewicim?”Bianet Bianet
From there they took her to several locations within Iraq and then to Raqqa, in Syria.
When I met Maria, I liked her right from the start.
Cimeta Îsraêl pir şa dibûn, ku Yahowa Şawûl kivş kir ça padşa.jw2019 jw2019
Sixteen-year-old Noor told Human Rights Watch that ISIS fighters abducted her on August 3 from Tal Afar and held her until September, when she escaped.
Lê gelo çi cûreyî?
A Witness couple share the Bible’s message of good news with a mother who picked up her son from school.
Lê gelo çira ewana usa şa dibin?jw2019 jw2019
Kaplan condemned Parliamentary Administrative Chief as well and said the administrative chief Ahmet Gündoğdu from the AKP seized her phone:
Di kitêba gulomatkkirîye berêda, kîjan ku di Kûmranêda ber Bera Mirî hatiye dîtinê, gele ciya navê Xwedê nivîsar e.Bianet Bianet
Just to make things even crazier, Gayle, Natasha's new mom, was three days away from giving birth to her own daughter.
Nûçeyên KDE' yêNameted2019 ted2019
Remarking that she was fired for not withdrawing her signature from the declaration, Yıldıran said will “take it to the court”.
Taybetmendiyên %Bianet Bianet
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