heart-disease oor Koerdies


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And their higher rates of obesity, diabetes and heart disease are the result.
Tê kivşê ku bi rastiyê jî ew zara hez dike.ted2019 ted2019
anyone in the family have a heart problem heart disease heart attack high cholesterol high blood pressure
ÎmportTico19 Tico19
I mean you don't hear about anything that's like cancer or heart disease associated with play.
Ewana temamiya şevê di rêda bûn.ted2019 ted2019
Well, you know, the diet that we've found that can reverse heart disease and cancer is an Asian diet.
Çi bikin hergê ew îzinê nade, wekî tu zara tevî xwe bivî ser civata, yan tevî wan hînbûna Kitêba Pîroz derbaz kî?ted2019 ted2019
And in one generation, for example, Asia's gone from having one of the lowest rates of heart disease and obesity and diabetes to one of the highest.
Galatî Gl.ted2019 ted2019
Chloroquine has been recommended by Chinese, South Korean and Italian health authorities for the treatment of COVID-19, although these agencies and the US CDC noted contraindications for people with heart disease or diabetes.
Te du heb şîfreyên cuda nivîsand. Ji kerema xwe re dîsa biceribîneTico19 Tico19
So we took two copper stents and we put it in the artery of this pig, and let me show you the result that's very gratifying as far as people who have heart disease are concerned.
4. Dersekî ça Xwedê da Firewin, û Firewin çi cav da?ted2019 ted2019
Decades after the "Hunger Winter," researchers documented that people whose mothers were pregnant during the siege have more obesity, more diabetes and more heart disease in later life than individuals who were gestated under normal conditions.
Çawa xûşk-birên Mesîhî dikarin ber dilê wan malbetada bên, kîderê dê yan bav tenê zarên xwe mezin dikin?ted2019 ted2019
When we compare it to other conditions that we're familiar with, things like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, in fact, genetics plays a much larger role in autism than it does in any of these other conditions.
Deşta Sorekêted2019 ted2019
And what we can do with our biology is going to shape our future and that of our children and that of their children -- whether we gain control over aging, whether we learn to protect ourselves from Alzheimer's, and heart disease, and cancer.
Lê hergê emirê wê mala wêda bin ziyanêda ye, ew safî dike başqe be, tu kes gerekê wê sûcdar neke.ted2019 ted2019
Many of these underlying health conditions are common in the United States: based on self-reported 2018 data, the prevalence of diagnosed diabetes among U.S. adults was 10.1%, and the U.S. age-adjusted prevalence of all types of heart disease (excluding hypertension without other heart disease) was 10.6% in 2017.
Cin bi Derewiyê Didine Kifşê, Yan Çi Mirî Berdewan Dikin DijînTico19 Tico19
" On 22 March 2020, Germany banned public gatherings of more than two people.Older adults and those with underlying medical conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, respiratory disease, hypertension, and compromised immune systems face increased risk of serious illness and complications and have been advised by the CDC to stay home as much as possible in areas of community outbreak.In late March 2020, the WHO and other health bodies began to replace the use of the term ""social distancing"" with ""physical distancing"", to clarify that the aim is to reduce physical contact while maintaining social connections, either virtually or at a distance. "
Di moda dirbê de paceya diyaloga têketinê tuneTico19 Tico19
Heart and blood vessel diseases still kill more people -- not only in this country, but also worldwide -- than everything else combined, and yet it's completely preventable for almost everybody.
Dêmek, dê-bavno hazir û bîlan bin.ted2019 ted2019
Rates of cardiovascular symptoms is high, owing to the systemic inflammatory response and immune system disorders during disease progression, but acute myocardial injury may also be related to ACE2 receptors in the heart.
32, paşî Cejina PîrozkirinêTico19 Tico19
14 sinne gevind in 4 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.