identically oor Koerdies


In an identical manner.

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identity card
unknown identity
identity document
identical figures
kurdish identity
identity kit


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Now, your definition of "good person" and your definition of "good person" and maybe the taxi driver's definition of "good person" -- we may not all have the same definition, but within whatever our definition is, that moral identity is important to many of us.
Ew dişirmîş dibû ku wê bikaribe alî wan bike, wekî ewana ji dîltya xwe xilaz bin.ted2019 ted2019
However, they are equally closely related to RaTG13 with about 90% identity at the level of nucleotide sequence.
Lê gelo navê Xwedê çi ye?Tico19 Tico19
Culture and the preservation of cultural identity serve as the underlying impetus for continuing the practice.
Çaxê mecal çêdibe, ez paya didime zara û dibêjim ku ez wana qîmet dikim, yan evê mecalê ji destê xwe berdidim?”
And these can be a lot of different things, but roughly, a sense of alienation, a sense of isolation, questioning your own identity, but also feeling that your in-group is under attack, and your in group might be based on a nationality or an ethnicity or a religion, and feeling that larger powers around you are doing nothing to help.
Bişkojkên Mişkî hatin çalakirin. Ji niha pê ve ji bo kontrolkirina mişkî dikarî bişkojkên hejmarî ên klavyeyê bi kar bînîted2019 ted2019
On September 22, at about 4 p.m., a larger number of Asayish forces arrived without warning and demanded that the residents hand over their identity cards and threatened to demolish the homes with them inside if they did not leave.
Lê ev yek çi tê hesabê?
Now the game was that simple: Adopt a secret identity, recruit your allies, battle the bad guys, activate the power-ups.
Pol û Lûanna bawer in, wekî wedederbazkirinên usa kar in bona zarên wan.ted2019 ted2019
9 girls were abused by their teachers, two others by the directors at their schools, one by a school employer, one by her father, one by her stepfather, one by her neighbour, one by a man she knew from the neighbourhood, one by the owner of a grocery store, two by men who wanted to marry them, one by her boyfriend and four others by male strangers. Identities of men who harassed the other five girls were not covered by the media.
KulîlkCommentBianet Bianet
Three more people are reportedly in detention as well yet we have no information regarding their identities yet. (EA/DG)
Bi Sêlava Dinyayê hemû merivêd xirav hatin qir kirinê.Bianet Bianet
Should it be a bat, a pangolin or another mammal, it is expected that SARS-CoV-2 or its parental viruses that are almost identical will be identified in its natural hosts in future.
Baweriya xwe unda nekin (1 Korintî 13:4, 7).Tico19 Tico19
Enrollment in a school means recognition of her identity and her name.
DIVÎNÎ çi vira diqewime?ted2019 ted2019
In the 21st century, new trust networks, and the reputation capital they generate, will reinvent the way we think about wealth, markets, power and personal identity, in ways we can't yet even imagine.
Bîr nekin wekî “dinyayê jî derbaz be, havijiya wê jî, lê ewê ku emirê Xwedê diqedîne wê heta-hetayê bimîne” (1 Yûhenna 2:17).ted2019 ted2019
Displaced people in the Nazrawa and Laylan camps told Human Rights Watch that they could only leave after obtaining a sponsor, that security forces are taking their identity cards before they can leave the camp, and that they must return the same day.
Mesela derheqa şivanê qenc û axilê pêz; Cihû dixwazin wî bidine ber kevira; diçe wî aliyê Ûrdunê li Beytanyayê
The General Staff has yet to give information as to the identity of the wounded and killed soldiers by 5 p.m. (EKN/TK)
Lê çi di Kitêba Pîrozda tê gotinê, derheqa şixulê her kesê di malbetêda?Bianet Bianet
Identities of four men injuring women weren’t mentioned.
URL' ya Podcast binivîseBianet Bianet
But at the same time, her mind is pushing away, because she remembers there are all these other parts to her identity -- other relationships, her work, hobbies, a spiritual and intellectual life, not to mention physical needs: to sleep, to eat, to exercise, to have sex, to go to the bathroom, alone --
BerfCommentted2019 ted2019
But the other twin, Callum, appeared to be healthy, as far as the doctor could tell, and these twins were identical, genetically identical.
Rojnivîska Çewtiya Lêgerînêted2019 ted2019
You know, Aristotle says a tragedy is that moment when the hero comes face to face with his true identity.
Edîtorê MenuyanNameted2019 ted2019
The remaining interviewee did not carry an identity document.
Lê mêrêd zulm ev yek begem nekirin. Wana dixwest îzbat kira, bêjî Steyfan ne rastiyê meriya hîn
I use to say many times to myself that I wish I wasn’t born with this identity, but now I say I wish I wasn’t here in this world. Wars, environmental pollution, climate change, increasing femicide and child abuse...
Bi giliyê wê, kincêd bedew li mêrê wê bûn û beşera wî jî xweş bû.Bianet Bianet
I even tried to reconstruct my identity on the social media like everyone else does.
Usa jî Yahowa gote Yêşû, ku ew wê xwexa van meriya nîşanî wî ke.ted2019 ted2019
Without exception, they expressed great concern for their own safety and requested that Human Rights Watch withhold all names, dates, and places of interviews to protect their identities.
چاو رش چه زندي تو
And what you find is that the car seats and the lap-and-shoulder belts, when it comes to saving lives, fatalities look exactly identical.
Em dikarin hesav kin, ku ev dar ya Xwedê bû.ted2019 ted2019
And then at the back of the greenhouse, it condenses a lot of that humidity as freshwater in a process that is effectively identical to the beetle.
Zarokên min li derve dilîzin.ted2019 ted2019
And the tongkonan is symbolic not only of the family's identity but also of the human life cycle from birth to death.
Li vir tu çi divînî?ted2019 ted2019
Hürriyet daily reporter Haşim Kılıç speaking on air on CNN Türk has reported that the assailant has entered the center with a police identity.
6. Ça em dikarin çev bidine Steyfan, gava kesek me didexeydandinê?Bianet Bianet
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