neutrally oor Koerdies


In a neutral manner; evenhandedly or fairly.

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bi nêtarî. nêtarkî

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Jesus taught his disciples that they must maintain neutrality in these circumstances.
Weke hîjdeh sal derbaz dibin û Îsa tê nixumandinê, paşê ew destpêdike derheqa Padşatiyê dannasîn bike, çimkî Xwedê hema seva vê yekê Îsa şande erdê.jw2019 jw2019
Antibodies are an immunoglobulin (Ig) produced by B lymphocytes to fight pathogens and other foreign objects and they recognize unique molecules in the pathogens and neutralize them directly.
18 Yek ji wan meriva yên ku tenê zarên xwe mezin dike, dilê xwe vedike: “Çaxê ez tême mal û dora min tenê çar dîwar in, yan çaxê ez zara dikime nav ciya, wî çaxî ez qe nikarim tenêbûnê teyax kim”.Tico19 Tico19
In a statement regarding the curfew, the Diyarbakır Governorship said that “operations will be conducted in order to neutralize members and supporters of the BTÖ (Separatist Terrörist Organization) who are active in the mountain and forest regions within the borders of Lice and Hani districts, to destroy their shelters, storage facilities and anti-aircraft weapon sites as well as to seize their ammunition.
Lê ka em pêbihesin çi Ûsiv wê niha bike.Bianet Bianet
Efforts have been made to develop S protein-based vaccines to generate long-term and potent neutralizing antibodies and/or protective immunity against SARS-CoV.
Navêd hine ji wan ev e: Endrawis, Petrûs (awa gotî Şimhûn), Fîlîpo û Natanyêlê ku (wîra usa jî Bertolomeyo digotin).Tico19 Tico19
Your brain at positive is 31% more productive than your brain at negative, neutral or stressed.
% # tê sazkirinted2019 ted2019
10 Jesus was careful to remain neutral on the taxation issue.
Samûyêl jî bi şabûnva qayîl bû di konê Yahowada qulix kira, çimkî ew ji dê-bavê xwe gele rind hate hînkirinê.jw2019 jw2019
Intriguingly, sera of convalescent SARS patients were capable of neutralizing WIV1.
3. Nava çend roja Îsa xwe nîşanî şagirta dikir, û wedê çi îda gihîştibû?Tico19 Tico19
However, behind this neutral expression, the child is actually experiencing a lot of emotions, such as fear, guilt, shame and maybe a little bit of liar's delight.
Ewê got: “Belê, kerem ke”.ted2019 ted2019
So when children lie, their facial expression is typically neutral.
Cur be curNameted2019 ted2019
3. Handing jurisdiction to political authority is betrayal. Therefore, independence and neutrality which is indispensable for safety of property and life must be ensured. Right to fair trial must be exercised wholly. The practices like "collective crime" contravening human rights must be given up.
Lema zar dîsa jî padşê Xwedê rûmet dikirin.Bianet Bianet
So this neutrality policy is really important for us because it empowers a community that is very diverse to come together and actually get some work done.
Xwedê Destpêdike Tişta Çêketed2019 ted2019
(Laughter) Two months later -- and this is now documented in the Information Technology for International Development journal -- that accents had changed and were remarkably close to the neutral British accent in which I had trained the speech-to-text synthesizer.
Ne kulîrk, ne dar û ne jî heywan tune bûn.ted2019 ted2019
Why Is Neutrality So Important?
3. Gava Ûsiv û Meryem rê ketin ku herin mala xwe, seva çi ewana paşda vegeriyan Orşelîmê?jw2019 jw2019
IN DEED: We show by our strict neutrality and godly conduct that we support Jesus’ kingship
Cîwarbûna Îsraêlê di Erdê Sozdayîda û qewimandinêd paşî cîwarbûnêjw2019 jw2019
What are three things that could erode our neutrality?
Çi ye Padşatiya Xwedê?jw2019 jw2019
And again, as you have just said, it was a very interesting scenario because it was a scenario where they wanted to have somebody who was credible, had this political neutrality and at the same time, was for a minority because Islam is a minority religion in Mauritius, because in Mauritius, we stratify people's origins by virtue of their religious belief.
Paşê jî hema li ber çevêd şagirtêd xwe ew hilkişiya ezmana.ted2019 ted2019
For example, antibodies isolated from a recovered patient neutralized MERS-CoV.
Mêrê wê Neman serkarê eskerêd sûryayê ye.Tico19 Tico19
“Why Is Neutrality So Important?
5 Rast e zar mezin dibin û malbeta xwe saz dikin, lê dê-bav yeke berdewam dikin berxwe kevin, bona zarên xwe.jw2019 jw2019
So the biggest and the most important thing is our neutral point of view policy.
ÇAXÊ Xwedê zewac saz kir, ewî negot ku zewac wê wedelû be.ted2019 ted2019
It also held seven Witnesses of Jehovah, all imprisoned for their Christian neutrality.
Yahowa kîjan pêşkêşeke qîmet daye me, û çira em gerekê evê pêşkêşê bidin xebatê?jw2019 jw2019
ACE2 also regulates the membrane trafficking of the neutral amino acid transporter SLC6A19 and has been implicated in Hartnup's disease.
Lê çira haqas hevqetandin hene?Tico19 Tico19
All over the USSR, Jehovah’s Witnesses remained neutral in political matters.
Hevala min rojbûna min ji bîr kir.jw2019 jw2019
On the other hand, studies in Middle East have shown that dromedary camels are seropositive for MERS-CoV-specific neutralizing antibodies, same as camels of Middle East origin in multiple African countries.
20 Çaxê jin rastî zulmiya mêrê xwe tê, îzina tu kesî tune zorê wê bike seva ew ji wî biqete yan tevî wî bimîne.Tico19 Tico19
So the Wikipedia governance model, the governance of the community, is a very confusing, but workable mix of consensus -- meaning we try not to vote on the content of articles, because the majority view is not necessarily neutral -- some amount of democracy -- all of the administrators -- these are the people who have the ability to delete pages.
Ev pirtûka ya te ye.ted2019 ted2019
People could say no -- in other words, I'm focused only on my task -- or yes -- I am thinking about something else -- and the topic of those thoughts are pleasant, neutral or unpleasant.
Navê mêvandarîted2019 ted2019
32 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.