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(Luke 22:19) However, Jehovah is not primarily concerned with the number of people who come.
Lê belê ji bo Yehowa, tiştê herî muhîm ne ev e ku çend kes tên, lê ev e ku ew çima tên.jw2019 jw2019
No wonder an increasing number of people feel that they can be happy without religion!
Loma her ku diçe zêdetir însan difikirin ku dîn ji wan re ne lazim e.jw2019 jw2019
The number of people who committed/allegedly committed suicide since July 15 coup attempt has risen to 14.
Tê îdiakirin ku 7 ji wan kesên xwe kuştîn di dema ew girtî an jî desteserkirîbûn xwe kuştine. (EKN/MB)Bianet Bianet
Amid a cruise ship outbreak, quarantines and docking are challenging partly due to the large number of people aboard.
Di nav şewbeyeke li keştiya deryageriyê de, karantîna û nêzikbûna li benderê zehmet e ji ber hijmara zêde ya mirovên tê de.Tico19 Tico19
So I suppose you could multiply that by 20 or something to get the number of people who've seen it.
کەواتە وا هەست دەکەم کە دەبێت ئەو رێژەیە کەڕەتی ٢٠ بکرێت تاکو ژمارەی ئەو کەسانە بزانین کە تەماشایان کردووەted2019 ted2019
A large number of people came to Güvenpark where the police took security measures in the morning hours (June 15).
Di saetên sibê de gelek kes hatin Guvenparkê ku polîsan tedbîrên ewlekariyê standibû.Bianet Bianet
By 2015, the number of people displaced from their homes by war or persecution had grown to some 65 million.
Li sala 2015an, hejmara kesên ku seba şer an zilmê ji warên xwe revîbûn gihîştibû kêm zêde 65 milyonan.jw2019 jw2019
The confused faces and shaky hands of people who have dementia, the big numbers of people who get it, they frighten us.
ئێمە لە خڵەفان دەترسین. دەموچاوە شێواوەکان و دەستە لە رزۆکەکانى ئەو کەسانەى خڵەفاون زۆریى توشبوان بەم نەخۆشییە دەمانترسێنێتted2019 ted2019
Phase III trials are large, pivotal trials to determine safety and efficacy in sufficiently large numbers of people with the COVID-19 infection.
Ceribandinên Faz III ceribandinên mezin û girîng in ji bo diyarkirina ewlehî û kêrhatîbûnê li ser hijmarên gelek zêde yên mirovên enfeksiyona COVID-19 girtî.Tico19 Tico19
Cases refers to the number of people who have been tested for COVID-19, and whose test has been confirmed positive according to official protocols.
Bûyer derbarê hijmara mirovan e ku ji bo COVID-19ê hatine testkirin, û testên wan li gor protokolên fermî wek erênî derketine.Tico19 Tico19
Using this Scriptural reasoning, he has helped a number of people to understand that God still wants good people to live forever in Paradise on earth.
Bi saya vê muhakemeya li gor Kitêba Pîroz, vî birayî alî çend kesan kiriye ku ew fehm bikin ku Xwedê hê jî dixwaze ku însanên baş heta bi hetayê li ceneta li rûyê erdê bijîn.jw2019 jw2019
Phase II trials are used to establish an initial reading of efficacy and further explore safety in small numbers of people having the disease targeted by the NCE.
Ceribandinên Faz II ji bo destnîşankirina xwendina destpêkê ya kêrhatîbûnê û ji bo keşifkirina bêtir ewlehiyê tên bikaranîn di ser hijmareke hindik a mirovên xwedî nexweşî yên bûne armanca NCEyê de.Tico19 Tico19
KRG and Iraqi authorities should make public the number of people detained at checkpoints or screening centers, the legal grounds for their detention, and subsequently the number of people charged and convicted.
دهبێت بهرپرسانی حكومهتی ههرێمی كوردستان و حكومهتی عێراقی ژمارهی ئهو كهسانهی له خاڵهكانی پشكنین و سهنتهرهكان دهستبهسهركراوون ئاشكرا بكات و ڕوونكردنهوه بدهن سهبارهت بهوهی لهسهر چ بنهمایهكی یاسایی دهست بهسهركراون و ژمارهی ئهو كهسانهی تۆمهتی ئهنجامدانی تاوانیان ڕوبهڕوكراوهتهوه چهنده
Since the Fallujah operation, al-Abadi’s government has refused to make public any information on the number of people killed and detained during and after the operation despite numerous requests from Human Rights Watch.
حكومهتهكهی عهبادی ڕهتیكردۆتهوه هیچ زانیاریهك لهسهر ژمارهی كوژراوان و دهستگیركراوانی كاتی ئۆپراسیۆنهكهی فهلوجه دوای ئۆپراسیۆنهكه بڵاوبكاتهوه، ئهمه سهرهڕایی پێشكهش كردنی چهندین داواكاری لهوبارهیهوه لهلایهن هیومان ڕایتس ۆوچ
We all know quite a number of people who have everything that it would take to be happy, and they are not happy, because they want something else or they want more of the same.
هەموومان چەندین کەس دەناسین هەموو شتێکیان هەیە کە پێویستە بۆ دڵخۆش بوون، و هێشتا دڵخۆش نین، چونکە شتێکی تریان دەوێت یان زیاتریان لەهەمان ئەو شتە دەوێت.ted2019 ted2019
The number of infected people increased exponentially before 23 Jan. 2020, matching the time of massive transportation before the Spring Festival in China.
Hejmara kesên tûşîbûnê berê bi 23-ê Çileya 2020-an, li gorî maweya veguhestina berfireh a beriya Mîhrîcana Biharê ya li Çînê, bi berfirehî zêde bûye.Tico19 Tico19
Aid workers attributed the deaths to the lack of sufficient medical care and humanitarian aid for the large numbers of displaced people in the camps.
Karkerên alîkariyê sedema mirinê têkildarî kêmbûna sexbêriya bijîşkî ya birêkûpêk û alîkariyên mirovî bo hejmara mezin a kesên koçberkirî li
So you've got a thing on the left, CO2, that you want to get to zero, and that's going to be based on the number of people, the services each person is using on average, the energy, on average, for each service, and the CO2 being put out per unit of energy.
کەواتە شتێکت دەبێت لە لای چەپ کە گازی دووەم ئۆلسیدی کاربۆنە، دەتەوێت دایبەزێنیت بۆ سفر کە ئەوەش وابەستەیە بە ژمارەی خەڵکەوە هەروەها بە ئەو خزمەتگوزاریانەی کە هەرتاکێک بەکاریان دەهێنێت لە ڕێژەکەدا ووزەکەش لە ڕێژەکادا بۆ هەر خزمەتگوزاریەک وە دانانی گازی دووەم ئۆکسیدی کاربۆن بۆ هەر یەکەیەک لە ووزەted2019 ted2019
“They were pledging to help and then they asked for certificate, ID photocopy and residence document. They came to me as well but I didn’t give them anything, however, I heard that a large number of people handed over their certificates without questioning in return of minor financial aid”. (RB-LA/NU/HK)
“Digorin ew ji kêmendaman re bibin alîkar, rapor û fotokopiye nasnameyên wan digirtin. Hatin cem min jî. Min neda. Lêbelê min bihîst ku bi dayîna alikariyên piçûk gelek kesan ti tiştek ji wan nepirsîne û raporên xwe dane wan.” (RB-LA/NU/HK)Bianet Bianet
Since mid-July, Iran’s operations against PJAK inside or near villages close to the Iranian border have led to the displacement of hundreds of families, caused the deaths of at least three villagers, and wounded an unknown number of people, according to international humanitarian aid organizations, Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) officials, and media reports.
بهپێی ئاماری ڕێكخراوه مرۆییه نێو دهوڵهتیهكان و بهرپرسانی حكومهتی ههرێمی كوردستان و ڕاپۆرتی میدیاكان، له ناوهڕاستی مانگی تهموزهوه ئۆپراسیۆنهكانی سوپای ئێران دژی چهكدارانی پژاك لهو گوندانهی نزیكن له سنورهكانی ئێرانهوه بووهته هۆی ئاواره بوونی سهدان خێزان و كوژرانی لانی كهم سێ لهو گوندنشینانه و برینداربوونی ژمارهیهك خهڵك
But when something is feasible in thousands of laboratories all over the world, which is going to be the case with these technologies, when there are large numbers of people who see them as beneficial, which is already the case, and when they're almost impossible to police, it's not a question of if this is going to happen, it's when and where and how it's going to happen.
بەڵام کاتێک دەتوانین شتێک بکەین، لە هەزاران تاقیگەی جیهاندا بەتایبەتی ئەوانەی لەگەل تەکنەلۆژیادا مامەڵە دەکەن و ژمارەیەکی زۆر لە خەڵکی پێیان وایە ئەوە زۆر بەسودە هەروەک لەم ڕۆدا دەیبینین کاتیک چاودێری کردنی مەحاڵ دەبێت پرسیارەکە ئەوە نییە ئایا ئەوە ڕوو دەدات یان نا ؟ بەڵکو پرسیارەکە ئەوەیە کەی و لە کوێ و چۆن ڕوودەدات؟ted2019 ted2019
After listing a number of types of people who will not inherit God’s Kingdom, the apostle Paul added: “That is what some of you were.”
Li van ayetan, Pawlos behsa kesên ku Padîşahiya Xwedê mîras nastînen dike, lê paşê wisa dibêje: “Hin ji we weha bûn.”jw2019 jw2019
We have local numbers accessible to three quarters of a billion people on the planet.
ئێمە ژمارە تەلەفۆنی کارای ناوخۆیی حەوسەد و پەنجا هەزار کەسی ئەم جیهانەمان لە لایەted2019 ted2019
This determines the number of fract digits for monetary values, i. e. the number of digits you find behind the decimal separator. Correct value is # for almost all people
Ev ji bo nirxên diravî hejmara malikên qurişan nîşan dide. Bi gotineke din hejmara malikên tu li pişt veqetîneka dehikan dibînî nîşan dide. Hema hema ji bo herkesî nirxa rast # yeKDE40.1 KDE40.1
It is common that for people who are exposed to a large number of viruses or whose immune functions are compromised, they have higher chance to be infected than others.
Ew ji bo kesên ku bi rastî hejmareke mezin ji vîrûsan dibin an xebata sîstema ewlehiya lesî dikeveber xeterê, li hember kesên din şansek zêdetir hene ji bo tûşîbûnê.Tico19 Tico19
35 sinne gevind in 15 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.