offense: (violation) oor Koerdies

offense: (violation)

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offensive language
offense: (crime)
offensive arms
offensive: go into /take the offensive
to transgress (commit an offense)
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“International law protects speech that others might find offensive so long as it does not openly threaten violence.”
Paşê ew vegeriya ezmana û carekê bona hertim, qîmetê xûna xweye rêtî anî ber Xwedê (Îbranî 9:11, 12)
This offensive has already displaced 62,300 people.
Kitêba Pîroz ça hatiye nivîsarê?
" The source accused Russia of embarking on a ""geopolitical and diplomatic"" charm offensive. "
Darikê Kêlekê yê WebêTico19 Tico19
So David prepared to punish Nabal for his offensive and unreasonable response.
Hilbijartina Zimênjw2019 jw2019
7 All forms of stealing are offensive to Jehovah.
Padşayê ku Xwedê kivş kiriye, dêmek Îsa Mesîh, wê usa bike wekî qulixkarêd Xwedê di edilayiyêda û bextewariyêda bijîn, û tu car nexweş nekevin û nemirin.jw2019 jw2019
berate you, review every detail of the offense, and require you to admit fault
veqetînderjw2019 jw2019
Am I holding on to specific offenses committed against me that I should overlook?
Wî çaxî cimetê got: “Ahan ev e Xwedayê me, yê ku me ji Misirê derxist!”jw2019 jw2019
13 soldiers wounded in an offensive yesterday have been taken under treatment in hospitals in Kilis and Antep provinces.
Gele sal pêşiya bûyîna Koreş, Yahowa bi pêxemberê xwe Îşaya derheqa Koreş giliyê usa nivîsî bû: “Ez ça dixwazim tu hema usa jî bikî.Bianet Bianet
The regional press law limits damages on publication-related offenses, caps penalties, and prevents authorities from shutting down media organizations.
Ez niha pirtûkekê dixwî
And they should do their best to rehabilitate children associated with armed groups, even those charged with a valid criminal offense.
Tê bîra te ku du sala Pawlos di kelê Qeyseriyêda derbaz kiribû
The government should ensure that arbitrary or abusive use of force and firearms by law enforcement officials is punished as a criminal offense.
1. Kî ye Ûnis, û Yahowa çi wîra got?
“The combination of harsh prison sentences, fines, and media shutdowns for ill-defined offenses such as ‘insulting’ and ‘mocking’ is unmistakably chilling,” Stork said.
Padşatiya Xwedê serwêrtiya ezmana ye, Padşayê wî Îsa ye, û dîsa 144 000 meriv hatin jibartinê ku tevî wî padşatiyê bikin (Eyantî 14:1, 4)
The draft bill prescribes up to 10 years in prison and closing a publication for vaguely worded offenses such as “portraying the prophets inappropriately.”
Gelo bi rastiyê tiştên usa diqewimin?
31% of 2 million and 683 cases brought to trial in accordance with the Turkish Penal Code in 2015, were offenses against physical integrity.
BIDE ber çevê xwe, wekî tu ji dijminekî xwe direvî.Bianet Bianet
In his view, cases of children who may be charged with legitimate criminal offenses would be adjudicated much more quickly in the courts in federal Iraq.
Lê jina gura milyaketa
Detention should be on a clear legal basis, and detainees should be charged promptly with a criminal offense or released, and brought quickly before a judge.
Lema jî tê nikaribî tevî wî şer bikî”
Since early 2014, when the Islamic State (also known as ISIS) opened its offensive in Iraq, fighting has displaced over 3 million Iraqis from their homes.
Ew tevî neferêd mala xwe di şeherê Ûrda dijî
According to Sabah, the offenses “Aiding an [illegal] organization though not being a member” and “being a member of an [illegal] organization” took place in the indictment.
Tê bîra te ku Yahowa Dehe qanûn, yanê Dehe temî, nivîsî bû?Bianet Bianet
The principles also require governments to "ensure that arbitrary or abusive use of force and firearms by law enforcement officials is punished as a criminal offense under their law."
Pelên Taybet (Pelên Cîhazê,
According to the report of Nurettin Kurt from Hürriyet daily, 622,112 cases have been brought to trial for offenses against physical integrity, 573,843 for robbery and 443,071 others for threatening.
Gava Îsa Mesîh bibûya Padşa, pêşiyê wê tevî Mîrê-cina şer kira.Bianet Bianet
Under the bill, people found guilty of such offenses can face up to 10 years in prison and fines ranging from 10,000,000 Iraqi dinars (US$ 8,500) to 50,000,000 dinars (US$42,600).
11. (a) Ça Xwedê dinihêre li ser neheqiyên vê dinyayê?
The law provides amnesty to anyone who can demonstrate that they joined ISIS, or another extremist group, against their will and did not commit another offense such as torture or killing while a member.
“Û wî destpêkir ji Mûsa û hemû pêxembera, çi ku wan kitêbada bona wî nivîsar bûn, wanara şirovekirin. Hingê femê wan vekir, ku nivîsara fem bikin”
Twenty-four witnesses, including Peshmerga officers and local sheikhs, told Human Rights Watch they saw militias looting villages around Amerli after the offensive against ISIS ended and just before militias destroyed homes in the town.
(b) Çira birêd Ûsiv wî înkar kirin?
Children who have been charged with a valid criminal offense should be treated in accordance with international juvenile justice standards, which emphasize alternatives to detention and prioritize the rehabilitation and social reintegration of the child.
Padşê Baş Di Îsraêlê
Crimes against humanity are serious offenses, including rape, sexual slavery, enslavement, unlawful imprisonment, persecution of a religious group, and other inhumane acts intentionally causing great suffering, that are part of a widespread or systematic attack on a civilian population.
Ewana ji nava meriva hatine kirînê, çawa berê deremeta pêşin ku Xwedê û Berxra bêne dayînê” (Eyantî 14:1, 4)
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