out of the way oor Koerdies

out of the way

adjektief, bywoord
remote or secluded

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Koerdies

awarte. ne asayî. kêrnehatî. ne di cihî de. çewtî

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to put oneself out of the way (to do something)
to get something out of the way


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Rather, I am asking that we make space -- physical, psychic room, to allow life to play itself all the way out -- so that rather than just getting out of the way, aging and dying can become a process of crescendo through to the end.
24 Her çetinayî dikare bê safîkirinê, hergê derheqa wê yekê tevî neferên malê xeber din.ted2019 ted2019
So many of the commercials that come out there in the way of a message -- what's really being said?
Gava ev mêr ketine hindurê malê, wana Îsayê biçûk tevî dîya wî Meryemê dîtin.ted2019 ted2019
So, naturally, the only way out of the slump that I could think of was, I decided to call Oprah.
Lê seva çi merî xwe nixum dikirin? Seva ku nîşan kin wekî ji gunêd xwe poşman bûne û dixwazin terk bidin.ted2019 ted2019
But getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.
SwîsreNameted2019 ted2019
And of course, we human beings are way out on the end of the distribution like the crows.
Çêre dertêted2019 ted2019
This is the way we're actually constructing the world today out of this data.
Xwe ji hevaltiya xirab dûr bigirin (1 Korintî 15:33).ted2019 ted2019
How does Jehovah make the way out for those who rely on him in the face of trials?
Avîşe kurê xûşka Dawid Tserûya bû.jw2019 jw2019
Kılıçdaroğlu expressing that security officials warned him ahead of the funeral to not attend it since “some might throw stones, eggs at him”, spoke as follows on the way out of Fatih Mosque:
18 Zarên mezinra gerekê şirovekin, wekî halê malbetê çetin bûye û lazim e, wekî her kes hazir be tiştekî ji xwe kêm ke.Bianet Bianet
When nature is too powerful to stop, the safest course is to get out of its way.
Kerewzted2019 ted2019
Now, I've seen the Washington Monument in person thousands of times, well aware of the change in the color of marble a third of the way up, but I had never really looked at it out of context or truly as a work of art.
Bi gotina hekîmekî Firansî, destşûştin “ew tiştekî lapî ferz e bona sihet-qewata rûviya û mihandina xwarinê. Destşûştin usa jî xwey dike ji înfêksîên nava hewayê û ser desta”.ted2019 ted2019
To find out how Jehovah opened the way for some of them, we will visit Madagascar, the fourth largest island on earth.
“30 parîk zîv wezinandin [dan]”jw2019 jw2019
Stating that they would oppose to the draft which makes some amendments on civil registry services, the council pointed out that they would fight against all attacks carried out against women on the pretext of the way they dress.
(b) Çi tê hesabê xilaziya dinyayê seva wan, ku miqabilî Xwedê diçin, û çi wê biqewime tevî wan, kî ku gura serwêrtiya Padşatiya Xwedê dikin?Bianet Bianet
Again, the key innovation of this technology is that when he wants to go fast, he just grabs the levers near the pivots and goes through a big angle every stroke, and as the going gets tougher, he just slides his hands up the levers, creates more torque, and kind of bench-presses his way out of trouble through the rough terrain.
Ça em dikarin mîna Pawlosê şandî guman bin, ku hergê em heta xilaziya Yahowara amin bimînin, ew wê heqê me bide?ted2019 ted2019
When you broaden out in this way, you will see clear evidence of the uniting power of God’s Word and spirit.
PAŞÎ Yerovam, her padşa yê ku li ser 10 berekê Îsraêl padşatî dikirin, xirav bûn.jw2019 jw2019
Consider some of the ways that Jehovah may make the way out for us:
Hergê meriv tembel e, xwestina xwe her tiştî dike, nerazî ye û naxwaze xwe bide cefê, ew yek xirab dikare ser her kesî hukum be (Metelok 26:14-16).jw2019 jw2019
In the first place we must find a way out of this.
(a) Roja sisiya Xwedê çi çêkir?Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
I'm working independently on one particular idea which uses natural gas to generate electricity in a way that takes carbon dioxide out of the air.
Xilaziyê wana zebûrek Xwedêra stira û çûn.ted2019 ted2019
Another way that zero tolerance lives itself out is in the writing of boys.
Êlîşa jî qulixkarekî xwe şand bal Neman ku ew Nemanra bêje,wekîseva qencbûnê ew gerekê heft cara bikeve çemê Ûrdunê.ted2019 ted2019
But really, it wasn’t the drugs that were important; it was this idea that what the drugs did would help shock people out of their normal way of thinking, and getting them to forget the adult behaviors that were getting in the way of their ideas.
3 Qurbangeha Qurbanêd Şewatêted2019 ted2019
The other half of the students are told exactly the opposite: "Make your choice, and by the way, the mail is going out, gosh, in two minutes, to England.
Hergê jina Mesîhî prînsîpên Kitêba Pîroz dixwaze bide xebatê seva ku bê menî ji mêrê xwe biqete, bi wê yekê ew dide kifşê wekî qedirê sazkarê malbetê Yehowa nagire.ted2019 ted2019
The only way they're going to lift themselves out of energy poverty is by adapting fuels that are more efficient, that are less expensive, that are better for human health, better for the environment and that are more productive.
Hema usa jî qewimî.ted2019 ted2019
The way it does this is it comes out at night, crawls to the top of a sand dune, and because it's got a matte black shell, is able to radiate heat out to the night sky and become slightly cooler than its surroundings.
18 Bi alîkariya hînkirinên dînê qelp, Şeytan Mîrê-cina meriya dide bawerkirinê, wekî paşî mirinê merî dibine kesên ruhanî, û yên sax gerekê qedirê wan bigirin.ted2019 ted2019
So, if teasing unnecessary suffering out of the system was our first design cue, then tending to dignity by way of the senses, by way of the body -- the aesthetic realm -- is design cue number two.
Lê Rebeka Aqûb gele hez dikir, çimkî ew gedekî gele milûk û edlayîhez bû.ted2019 ted2019
The mere fact that somebody would even just sit down, pull out a piece of paper and think about someone the whole way through, with an intention that is so much harder to unearth when the browser is up and the iPhone is pinging and we've got six conversations rolling in at once, that is an art form that does not fall down to the Goliath of "get faster," no matter how many social networks we might join.
lîsteya lêdanê nehate nivisandin(%ted2019 ted2019
And that really struck me about my father, in the sense that he had such belief that somehow, doing these things giving in the way that he gave, that something good would come out of it, even in the middle of a war, there was a war with Pakistan at one point, and the construction stopped totally and he kept working, because he felt, "Well when the war is done they'll need this building."
Pencereya çalakted2019 ted2019
34 sinne gevind in 12 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.