out-and-out oor Koerdies


(idiomatic) Complete, utter.

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And then everybody kind of runs out and goes out.
Kîjan derecada mêr û jin dikarin ji hev başqe bijîn?ted2019 ted2019
And so I pulled back out of the research and thought, I need to figure out what this is.
(a) Ça seva gunê Adem, halê temamiya erdê xirav bû?ted2019 ted2019
You can try and find out how he's moving out assets from that country.
Ewî birakî wan Şimhûn kire kelê û hîşt ku ewana xwarin hildin û herine malê.ted2019 ted2019
And I set out to find out what it is that causes some people to be more resilient than other people.
Profîlê & Jê Bibeted2019 ted2019
I got out of my car, and two kids ran out from behind a dumpster, waving their hands frantically.
20 Gelek sal pêşda, merîkî amin bi navê Îbo, pirseke usa da: “Heger meriv bimire, gelo dikare dîsa bijî?”ted2019 ted2019
And it turns out that different things crystallize out at different stages.
Jêbirina Bijareyanted2019 ted2019
And they couldn't figure out what was going on until somebody came out on deck and announced that one of the people onboard had died during a nap in his bunk.
74 Mêrê ku neditirsiyated2019 ted2019
My mom was freaking out, my dad ran around to put out the fire and of course my sister started recording a Snapchat video.
& Hemûyan Hilbijêreted2019 ted2019
The CDC, the Center for Disease Control, has said, of the children born in the year 2000 -- those seven- and eight-year-olds today -- one out of every three Caucasians, one out of every two African-Americans and Hispanics are going to have diabetes in their lifetime.
Belgeyaderbasdar bigireted2019 ted2019
The whole world is laid out for you, the best jobs are laid out for you, and you want to go and work in a village?
Ewana dilşkestî dibin seva wê yekê ku dê-bav ji hev diqetin, yan yek ji wan dimire.ted2019 ted2019
You go out on a date with a guy, and he picks his nose; you don't go out on another date.
5. Ça Artahşaşt dilremtiya xwe nîşanî Nehemiya kir?ted2019 ted2019
I would like to help others rediscover that wonder -- to want to engage with it, to want to learn, to want to share what they've learned, what they've figured out to be true and what they're still figuring out.
Xilaziyê merî hatin bal Mûsa û gotin: “Me gune kir, çimkî me pêşberî te û Xwedê xever dida.ted2019 ted2019
But the other thing that is humanistic about Jawbone is that we really decided to take out all the techie stuff, and all the nerdy stuff out of it, and try to make it as beautiful as we can.
Li wê rojê Îsa nêzîkî jinekê gele nexweş bû.ted2019 ted2019
You can take out one or two and the plane still flies, but you take out one too many, or maybe that one holding on the wings, and the whole system collapses.
Yekî cabdar be (1 Tîmotêyo 5:8).ted2019 ted2019
(Video) Diane Downs: At night when I close my eyes, I can see Christie reaching her hand out to me while I'm driving, and the blood just kept coming out of her mouth.
Paşî wê yekê ça Yoşiya bû padşa, ew nava heft sala hê zêde pêdihesiya derheqa Yahowa.ted2019 ted2019
When we look at foreign terrorist fighters, we see young men with the wind in their hair out in the desert and women going to join them to have nuptials out in the sunset.
Lema jî pêşiya ku safî kin çiqas zarên wan hebin, mêr û jin gerekê hildin hesab ku ewana çiqas zar dikarin xweyî kin.ted2019 ted2019
So, at 16 minutes what I did is I slid my feet out because I knew that if I did go out, if I did have a heart attack, they'd have to jump into the binding and take my feet out before pulling me up.
Navnîşana & Girêdanê Bişîneted2019 ted2019
and this small system actually prints it out -- so it actually acts like a paper input-output system, just made out of paper.
Hine dê-bav dixeyîdin çimkî ewana dişirmîş dibin, wekî zarên wan azabûnê ji wan distînin.ted2019 ted2019
And the engineers told the designers, "If you go in with all your stuff, we'll walk out, we'll walk right out of the project."
Genim, hêjîrêd zûgihîştîted2019 ted2019
You need to get halfway down to even find out which address they're talking about, and then further down, in tiny 10-point font, to find out how to actually get involved.
Çira em dikarin guman bin, wekî padşêd û kahînêd ku wê wedê padşatiya hezar salî padşatiyê bikin, wê dilrem û berdilî bin?ted2019 ted2019
So I'm an academic at MIT, and I'm a mechanical engineer, so I can do things like look at the type of terrain you want to travel on, and figure out how much resistance it should impose, look at the parts we have available and mix and match them to figure out what sort of gear trains we can use, and then look at the power and force you can get out of your upper body to analyze how fast you should be able to go in this chair as you put your arms up and down the levers.
(c) Ça kitêba Daniyêl serê 5 nîşanî me dike, ku serkartiya temamiya dinyayê destê Yahowada ne?ted2019 ted2019
Rather, I am asking that we make space -- physical, psychic room, to allow life to play itself all the way out -- so that rather than just getting out of the way, aging and dying can become a process of crescendo through to the end.
8 Were em li ser meselekê dişirmîş bin, derheqa bavekî qenc û bîlan, û kurê wîyî mezin, yê ku hê mala dê-bavê xweda dijî.ted2019 ted2019
And so, some of the things that they figured out, some of these individuals figured out; in one case, a new commercial building and designs for houses that were accepted by clients; a design of a solar space probe experiment; a redesign of the linear electron accelerator; an engineering improvement to a magnetic tape recorder -- you can tell this is a while ago; the completion of a line of furniture; and even a new conceptual model of the photon.
Çaxê Daniyêl hê xever dida, eskerêd Mediyayê û Farisa rastî jî destpêkirin dadine Babîlonê.ted2019 ted2019
Instead of finding out what we thought was the case -- that blindness was caused mostly by glaucoma and trachoma -- we were astounded to find out that blindness was caused instead by cataract.
19 Mesîhî narevin ji wan cûrê qenckirina, kîjan miqabilî qanûnên Xwedê nînin.ted2019 ted2019
Once you've figured this out, it is tempting to keep writing the same poem, or keep telling the same story, over and over, once you've figured out that it will gain you applause.
Dibe ku şixulê milyaketa îro li ser emirê te hukum dibe?ted2019 ted2019
38 sinne gevind in 21 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.