peopling oor Koerdies


Present participle of people.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Koerdies

akincîkirin. avakirin

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Assyrian people
worldly people
number of people
on a friendly footing with people
people wear white
people wear white
various people
old: (people)
rough: (of people)


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That means that people are beginning the first step, which is acting out of their own self-interest.
ئەمە ئەوە دەگەیەنێت کە خەڵک لەسەرەتای هەنگاوەکانییەتی کە هەندێ کاردەکەن بەدەر لە حەز و ئارەزووی خۆیانted2019 ted2019
Sadly, this hoax narrative has persisted, and there are still people in Nigeria today who believe that the Chibok girls were never kidnapped.
تەنها پرۆپاگەندە بووە ،بەداخەوە بەو شێوەیە چیرۆکەکە بڵاوبوویەوە هێشتا خەڵکانێک هەن لە نێجیریادا کە پێیانوایە کە کچانى چیبۆک .ted2019 ted2019
There is no evidence animals can pass the virus on to humans, though British authorities advise washing one's hands after contact with animals, like after contact with other surfaces infected people could have touched.
Çi şahidî nînin ku nîşan bidin heywan dikarin vîrusê derbasî mirovan bikin, dîsa jî rayedarên Brîtanî piştî destlêdana bi heywanekê şûştina dest pêşniyaz dikin, her wekî piştî destlêdana bi rûxarên din ên ku mirovên enfektebûyî dibe dest lê dabin.Tico19 Tico19
Like Jehovah, we dearly wish that people would respond to the message and “keep living.”
Wek Yehowa, em jî dixwazin ku mirov mizgînê qebûl bikin û sax bimînin (Hêz.jw2019 jw2019
Deported from Northern Cyprus due to his social media sharings following Reina attack, subjected to lynch attempt in Turkey and detained, Barbaros Şansal was detained following prosecution questioning on charge of "inciting people to hate and hostility" on January 4, 2017, and arrested on February 3, 2017.
Şansal diyar kir ku wî vîdeoyê ji Kibrisê parvekiriye û ji ber di dawiya vîdeoyê de gotiye ‘Di nav gûyî xwe de bixeniqe Tirkiye” gelek aliyan ji vê yekê aciz bûbûn. Hûn dikarin vîdeoyê ji vir bibînin.(HK/MB)Bianet Bianet
Do you feel, however, that people who have distinctly different personalities are bound to have problems?
Gelo mirovên ku xeyset de mîna hev nînin, qe dikarin ji hev re yole herin?jw2019 jw2019
“The meetings to be organized in Germany didn’t bear an intention of affecting Germany’s domestic politics. In a democratic country, such a ban is unacceptable in principle. The ways should be paved for both yes and no [campaigns]. These are the requirements of democracy. If you are not going to organize meetings, how will you call people to vote”.
“Ew civîna dê li Almanyayê bihatiya kirin, ne yek ji wan civînan e ku bandorê li sîyaseta navxweyî ya wî welatî bike. Betalkirina wê civînê ji bo welatek demokratîk wek prensîp nayê qebûlkirin.”Bianet Bianet
He faces between 7.5 and 15 years in prison on charge of "aiding the terrorist organizations of Kurdistan Worker's Party (PKK) and Revolutionary People's Liberation Party/Front (DHKP-C) as a non-member. (EA/DG)
Ew bi “propagandaya rêxistina terorî” û “şikandina rûmeta dewletê û organên medyayê” tê sûcdarkirin.(EA/MB)Bianet Bianet
10- 'Solution is Inclusion System in Education for People with Disabilities'
10- Xwendekar û Weliyên Çewlikî DiaxivinBianet Bianet
And we tell other people, "Do this, do this, do this," until this thing comes alive.
وە هەر کە سانێکی وەکو ئێمەشە کە فەرمان دەدەن بە خەڵکانێک و پێیان دەڵێن ئەمە بکەو ئەوە بکە تاوەکو ماشێنەکە دێتە ئاراوەted2019 ted2019
Chloroquine has been recommended by Chinese, South Korean and Italian health authorities for the treatment of COVID-19, although these agencies and the US CDC noted contraindications for people with heart disease or diabetes.
Klorokîn ji aliyê rayedarên Çînî, Koreya Başûr û Îtalyan ji bo tedawiya COVID-19ê hat pêşniyazkirin, her çiqas wan saziyan û CDCya DYê kontradîksiyonên ji bo mirovên bi nexweşiya qelb û dîabetê destnîşan kir jî.Tico19 Tico19
Would you get in an airplane with 250 people you didn't know, coughing and sneezing, when you knew that some of them might carry a disease that could kill you, for which you had no antivirals or vaccine?
ئایا دەچیتە ناو فڕۆکەیەک لەگەڵ (٢٥٠) کەس کە نەیان ناسیت کۆکەو پژمە ، کاتێک دەتزانی هەندێکیان نەخۆشیەکیان لەگەڵدایە کە لەوانەیە بتکوژێت کە تۆ هیچ ڤاکسینێک یان بەرگریەک نیە لە دژیted2019 ted2019
And you know, as it turns out, people don't want to just dream about flying, nor do they want to watch us fly.
،ئێوە دەزانن، هەروەک ئەوەی بۆمان دەرکەوت . خەڵکانێک نایانەوێت خەون بە فڕینەوە ببینن .ted2019 ted2019
And they thought that if there was a pandemic, a billion people would get sick.
وە باوەڕیان وابوو ئەگەر بڵاوبونەوەکە ڕوو بدات یەک بلیۆک کەس توشی نەخۆشی دەبێتted2019 ted2019
And they don't just guess what makes people happy; they go to places like Latin America and they realize that happiness there is associated with family life.
وە تەنها لە خۆیانەوە شتێک ناڵێن کە خەڵک دڵخۆش دەکات دەچن بۆ شوێنەکان وەک ئەمەریکای لاتین وە ئەوەیان بۆ دەردەکەوێت لە خۆش گوزەرانی لەوێ پەیوەندی بە ژیانی خێزانەوە هەیەted2019 ted2019
His condition grew so desperate that the people from his firehouse lined up to give him transfusions hoping to dilute the infection surging through his blood.
هێندە دۆخەكەى بێ هيوا بووكە كە هاوپيشەكانى بەڕیز وەستابوون خوێن بدەن بە هيواى ئەوەى خوێنە ژەهراوييەكەى ڕوون بكەنەوەted2019 ted2019
So I wanted to enroll in this youth camp to get a better understanding of why people were joining.
بۆیە ویستم بەشداری بکەم لەم کەمپینەی گەنجاندا بۆ ئەوەی باشتر تێبگەم لەوەی بۆچی گەنجەکان یەنە ناوییەوە.ted2019 ted2019
The decision of ban was protested ahead of the ceremony in front of the İHD. Republican People’s Party (CHP) MP Sezgin Tanrıkulu, former Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) MP Levent Tüzel, Labor Party (EMEP) Chair Selma Gürkan, Free Journalists Initiative Spokesperson Hakkı Boltan, Confederation of Progressive Trade Unions of Turkey (DİSK) Press Labor Chair Faruk Eren and many journalists were also at the İHD.
Beriya rêûresmê biryar li ber avahiya İHDyê hat protestokirin. parlamenterê Partiya Gel a Komarî (CHP) Sezgîn Tanrikûlû, parlamenterê berê yê Partiya Demokratîk a Gelan (HDP) Levent Tuzel, Hevseroka Giştî ya Partiya Kedê (EMEP) Selma Gurkan, berdevkê Înîsiyatîfa Rojnamegerên Azad Hakki Boltan, Serokê Giştî yê DİSK Basin İŞê Farûk Eren û gelek rojnameger jî li İHDyê bûn.Bianet Bianet
Well there's an answer that many people would give.
باشە، وەڵامێک هەیە کە زۆربەی خەڵک دەیداتted2019 ted2019
Responding to questions from Human Rights Watch, Kurdistan Regional Government officials in Dohuk province said in a November 27 letter that it was “strictly prohibited” to recruit children from camps for displaced people, that the authorities protected the “civilian nature” of the camps, and that if any child recruits were found, they “will be given attention and rehabilitated through specialized centers and special programs.”
Di bersiva xwe de li ser pirsên Human Rights Watch, berpirsên Hukmeta Herêmî ya Kurdistanê li parêzgeha Dihokê di nameya xwe ya 27ê Çiriya Paşîn de anî ziman ku leşkerkerwergirtina zarokan ji kampên kesên koçberkirî “bi tekûzî qedexe ye”, û ku desthilat “xûyê sivîl” ya kampan diparêze, û ku heger rastî çi haletên zarokên leşkerkirî hatibin, dê ew “bala xwe bidin wan, û ew veşiyandin bikin bi riya navendine taybet û bernameyine taybet.”
The answer came, "The problem isn't the people that you chose.
وهڵامهکه گهیشت، کێشهکه خهڵکهکه نیه کهئێوه ههڵتان بژاردووه، کێشهکه ئهوهیه که ئێوه ههڵتان بژاردوونted2019 ted2019
As of 28 March, there were 32,308 confirmed cases in New York City, and 672 people had died from the virus.On 26 March, the United States was reported to have more confirmed coronavirus infection cases than any other country in the world, including China and Italy.As of 8 April, 400,335 cases have been confirmed in the United States, and 12,841 people have died.
Ji 28ê Adarê ve, li New York City 32,308 bûyerên pejirandî hebûn, û 672 kes bi sedema vayrûsê mirin. Di 26ê Adarê de, Emrîka ragihand ku ji her welatek cîhanê, di nav de Çîn û Îtalya bêtir bûyerên vegirîtina koronavirus piştrast kir. Hesoa di 8 a Nîsanê 400,335 haletê li Emrîka hate teyîdkirin, û 12,841 kes ji mirin.Tico19 Tico19
You went wherever life took you for work, and people were mostly welcoming of you.
ژیان بۆ هەرکوێیەکی ببردیتایە دەڕۆشتیت، و خەڵک بەزۆری پێشوازیان لێدەکردیت.ted2019 ted2019
What do Jehovah’s people have in common, and how does this benefit us?
Şahidên Yehowa di kîjan waran de hemfikir in, û hûn ji vê çi feyde distînin?jw2019 jw2019
My hope is that over time, by tracking people's moment-to-moment happiness and their experiences in daily life, we'll be able to uncover a lot of important causes of happiness, and then in the end, a scientific understanding of happiness will help us create a future that's not only richer and healthier, but happier as well.
هیوای من ئەوەیە بە ڕۆشتنی کات و سەرنجراکێشانی خەڵکی بەرەو دڵخۆشییەکی سات بە سات لەژیانی ڕۆژانەیان دا دەتوانین هۆکاری زۆر گرنگی دڵخۆشی دەربخەین وە لە کۆتایشدا تێگەیشتنێکی زانستیانە بۆ دڵخۆشی یارمەتیمان دەدات داهاتوویەک درووست بکەین کەنەک تەنها دەوڵەمەنتر و تەندروستربین بەڵک و دڵخۆشتربینted2019 ted2019
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