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“Journalism is not a crime and journalists work to provide people with access to accurate information.
Lê hergê zar îzinê bidine wan, haqas bikin çiqas ku qewata wan digihîjê, zar wê texmîn kin, wekî çiqas hindik emirê wan kontrol dikin, haqas heleqetiya tevî wan wê baş be.Bianet Bianet
To provide them with a suitable intervention, we create the four-step approach, a psychosocial work plan that follows the refugees on each step of their journey.
Firewin serê nanpêj hilqetand.ted2019 ted2019
So he has provided us with warning examples to help us avoid making serious mistakes.
Di & Vê Paceyê de Vekejw2019 jw2019
1-2. (a) Why can we expect that Jesus would provide us with a simple way to commemorate his death?
RojanekirinQSqljw2019 jw2019
In light of violations in previous operations to retake territory from ISIS, Human Rights Watch has also provided al-Abadi with recommendations to prevent abuses during any screening and detention processes linked to the Mosul operation.
Karaktera ji bo nîşandana hejmarên pozîtî
In addition to masks, health-care providers should wear fitted isolation gowns in order to further reduce contact with viruses.
Di Nisretêda Îsa her heftiyê diçe li ser civatê seva qulixkirinê.Tico19 Tico19
Thus, to provide us with what we need when we need it, “the faithful and discreet slave” is distributing spiritual food by means of the publications we use in our ministry, as well as through the programs that are presented at our meetings and assemblies.
Wê gavê ewana tûyî rûyê wî dikirin, û bi kulma lê dixistin.jw2019 jw2019
The Iraqi authorities should promptly inform detainees of any charges against them and provide them with an opportunity to promptly challenge their detention before an independent judicial body, as required under Iraqi law.
Şertên Guherandinê
Authorities should provide individuals with the possibility to challenge evictions before they take place, and ensure compensation to those affected if the evictions are wrongfully carried out, and for any property lost or damaged.
Lê bi rastiyê Îsa xever dida derheqa rastiya Xwedê û padşatiya wî
The Memorial campaign, the Memorial itself, and the calls we later make on those who attended may provide us with the opportunity to help sincere truth-seekers to understand the answer to that important question.
Yêşû tevî hemû eskerêd xweva leze-lez ketine rê.jw2019 jw2019
The US remained the largest provider of military equipment to Iraq and also supported Baghdad with training, intelligence, and advisers.
13 Kitêba Pîroz derheqa xebatê çi dibêje?
These are the steps we believe are necessary to support this one another so that we can continue to work, provide our movement with the support they need, and the world with the service they rely on.
Lê pêşiya vê yekê Yêşû du cesûs şande wê derê.Tico19 Tico19
These technologies, combined with the extraordinary talents of teachers, provide an opportunity to revolutionize education.
Celebê dîrokê ya kurtted2019 ted2019
Going forward, the CRT is working to set up a page on Meta-Wiki to provide a space for the community to monitor the impact and follow our communications with them.
Dîmenderparêzê çalak dikeTico19 Tico19
"The app was developed by local IT community, released as open source and will be handed over to the government.North Macedonia launched ""StopKorona!"", a Bluetooth-based app to trace exposure with potentially infected persons and provide a fast response to healthcare authorities."
Lê em zanin ku wan weda ne bombe ne jî sîliha tune bûn.Tico19 Tico19
* Authorities working at the screening centers should have basic technical training in the tasks they are carrying out, and the government should provide them with adequate resources needed to screen individuals as quickly and safely as possible.
22 Îsa Mesîh şagirtên xwe hîn dikir, wekî ewana derheqa hatina Padşatiya Xwedê dua bikin. Ji vê yekê tê kifşê, ku wî çaxî Padşatiya Xwedê hê nehatibû
None of the children interviewed by Human Rights Watch said they were provided with lawyers, or permitted to have their parents or an adult guardian present during interrogation sessions or appearances before authorities whom they thought were judges.
13 Ew meriv mala kêda nexweşê giran hebûye, dibêjin wekî sêrîda wanara çetin bû
Families of ISIS suspects are not allowed to leave the camp, though camp authorities will provide them with temporary permits for medical visits.
HELA dîna xwe bide, çi li ser vî şikilî zêde bû
Every displaced person who had left the camps when they spoke to Human Rights Watch had paid money to a smuggler or official to hasten the process or provide them with necessary permissions.
Lê kalik û pîrik heta ku qewata wan heye başqe dijî
Dr. Dindar Zebari, chairperson of the KRG’s High Committee to Evaluate and Respond to International Reports, provided Human Rights Watch with an explanation of KRG security force screening and detention processes for displaced persons in late October.
Mêrê serwaxt wê çev bide Îsa hizkirinêda û gelek tişt dewa neke ji jina xwe, lê xem bike seva halxweşiya wê
If women do choose to raise the children, there should be a plan for providing them with assistance, including psychosocial and financial support.
12 Di Kitêba Pîrozda hûr bi hûr tê gilîkirinê, ku ça pêşiya mirinê, Îsa dane cefê
Thus, mental health care should be provided to COVID-19 patients, suspected individuals, and people in contact with them as well as the general public who are in need.
Rast e Îsa gele cefa dikişand, meriya qerfê xwe wî dikirin, lê yeke ewî ber hemû tiştî teyax dikir, û tu car dişirmîş nedibû, ku gerekê caba dijminên xwe bide yan kînê bikişîne (1 Petrûs 2:21-23).Tico19 Tico19
They should assist with long-term eradication efforts and provide ample support to government initiatives and civil society programs that aim to eradicate this harmful traditional practice.
Pelên demdemî (bi taybetî ji bo makîne û bikarhênerê heyî
Even though they have skills, the money they make with carpentry is not enough to pay rent, let alone provide for their children at university.
Dîroka kurtBianet Bianet
Due to the lack of experience with the novel CoV, physicians can mainly provide supportive care to COVID-19 patients, while attempting a variety of therapies that have been used or proposed before for the treatment of other CoVs such as SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV and other viral diseases (Table (Table2).2).
Em xwexa dikarin safî kin çi ye qencî û çi ye xirabî”.Tico19 Tico19
48 sinne gevind in 13 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.