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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
But we realize we are providing sustenance on several levels: smell, a symbolic plane.
Wana gote wê: “Vî benê sor hilde û pencerêva girêde. Neferêd mala xwe temamî di mala xweda top ke.ted2019 ted2019
KRG authorities should try to close gaps in medical care and psychosocial support for the Yezidi girls and women and ensure that doctors provide survivors with results of tests they undergo and information on the services available to them, Human Rights Watch said.
4. Çira li ser Birahîm divêjin hevalê Xwedê?
And the trick here is to use a single, readable sentence that the audience can key into if they get a bit lost, and then provide visuals which appeal to our other senses and create a deeper sense of understanding of what's being described.
Hin jî, bi nihêrandina meriya seva miriya îda çi çar heye?ted2019 ted2019
The family escaped to Pakistan, and the two older boys, age eight and 10 at the time, wove rugs for 10 hours a day to provide for their family.
4. Çira Yêşû erdê Kenanê para vekir?ted2019 ted2019
If children are joining armed forces to flee early marriage or domestic abuse, or to provide for their families, the Syrian Democratic Forces and the Autonomous Administration should not be enlisting them into the military and instead seek to protect them from such abuse with civilian measures, Human Rights Watch said.
Ka em pêbihesin çi serê wî qewimî
Every displaced person who had left the camps when they spoke to Human Rights Watch had paid money to a smuggler or official to hasten the process or provide them with necessary permissions.
Çawa dikarin ew du tişta bînin sêrî?
The Memorial, like no other meeting of God’s people, provides undeniable evidence of the unity of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Darikê Amûran ê Bêhtirjw2019 jw2019
Patients who attend their practice for a routine blood test will be asked to provide an additional sample for serology.
Dêmek, xeysetda hûn hev tên?Tico19 Tico19
If he continues to feed the ravens, you can trust that Jehovah will provide your material necessities too. —Ps.
16 Kitêba Pîrozda nivîsar e: “Axmax dersa bavê xwe bêhurmet dike, lê yê guh dide hilatinê, feraseta wî zêde dibe” (Metelok 15:5).jw2019 jw2019
Going forward, the CRT is working to set up a page on Meta-Wiki to provide a space for the community to monitor the impact and follow our communications with them.
Niha dîna xwe bide, ku Îsa wê ça wanara şiroveke, wekî nêtêd wan bibine herî mezin rast nîne.Tico19 Tico19
Mardin Metropolitan co-Mayor Ahmet Türk's attorney, Zeynep Ceren Boztoprak said the İstanbul Forensic Medicine Institution report, published today, has determined continued imprisonment would not constitute a life threatening situation for Türk, provided "health checks are undertaken every six months".
73 Padşê baş di ÎsraêlêdaBianet Bianet
“There is no elevator in some centers. Our friends who have difficulties are obliged to climb the stairs by themselves or with the help of others. There is no treadmill in the center. We are not provided adequate physiotherapy training. My condition could be improved in a shorter period of time, but my treatment takes longer than usual due to the lack of technical equipment. The course hours are also insufficient”.
(b) Ça bela çara eyan kir ku Xwedê dikare cimeta xwe xwey ke, û ji vê yekê, derheqa “tengasiya mezin” çida cimeta Xwedê îroyîn guman dibe?Bianet Bianet
66 journalists have been tried seeking a prison sentence of 1,685 years and 6 months in total on charges of “conducting [illegal] organization”, “being a member of an [illegal] organization” and“aiding an [illegal] organization”. 1 journalist has been sentenced to 6 years in prison on charge of “being a member of an [illegal] organization”. There has been 5 new cases. 7 journalists have stood trial on charges of “coup plotting”, “spying” or “providing and publishing documents concerning the security of State”. 2 of these journalists have been sentenced to 10 years and 10 months in prison on charges of “providing and publishing confidential documents”.
Gelek hewas û baş e kengê dê-bav û zar tevayî hêsa dibin û wede derbaz dikin.Bianet Bianet
The stability this provides is giving the farmers the confidence to invest.
Destpêbûyî ji Yêşû 356 sala di Îsraêlêda hakim serwêrtî dikirin.ted2019 ted2019
The General Staff in its written statement explained that the attack was launched against the armored vehicle responsible for providing convoy security.
Ev nû ye.Bianet Bianet
What Schooling Is Provided for Pioneers?
Ev serhatî meseleke baş e seva me, wekî çi jî nîbe timê gumana xwe bidine Yahowa û wîra amin bimînin!jw2019 jw2019
It can provide assistance when we're stuck.
Dewsa ku qanûneke Xwedê tenê bixûnin wanara, wê hê baş be pirsa bidine wan, mesele, Çira Yehowa ew qanûn da me?ted2019 ted2019
How does Jehovah provide consolation?
Çi tê hesabê qedirê meriva bigirin, û zewacêda kê gerekê qedir bide kifşê?jw2019 jw2019
“The Iraqi government should provide the public with real evidence and answers on who was responsible for the killing of this Kurdish activist given the apparent presence of only Iraqi forces in the city,” said Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East director at Human Rights Watch.
MALBET tişteke lape kevin e dinyayêda, ew serê sêrîda hebûye û ew tişteke gelek ferz e bona
It provides helpful research tools.
NEXWEŞÎ, KUL-DERD Û MIRIN WÊ TUNE BIN: “Dê wê gavê çavên koran vebin, guhên kerran jî vebin.jw2019 jw2019
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WADI case workers have taken some of these women and girls out of the camps for social activities, which appeared to help occupy them and provide a semblance of a normal life.
Qenc dike kulfeteke ser xûnê vebûyî; Qîza Yayîro sax
The director general further told the group that the Asayish "cannot provide protection for the demonstrators if they block main streets and [the Asayish] will not take responsibility for their safety."
2. Çira Yahowa gote Gîdeon ku eskerêd wî gelek in?
It also provides a third of the food we eat.
Danişînê Biqufilîneted2019 ted2019
Well, consider how Jehovah provided trustworthy leadership in the past during times of change.
Hine wede şûnda Nehemiya hate Orşelîmê û hemû nêtêd xwe cimetêra gilî kir.jw2019 jw2019
206 sinne gevind in 10 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.