right oor Koerdies


/ɹaɪt/ adjektief, werkwoord, bywoord, tussenwerpsel, naamwoord
(archaic) Straight, not bent.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Koerdies


adjektief, naamwoord, werkwoord
complying with justice, correct
Rather, we should personally learn what is right in God’s eyes and choose to do it.
Gerek em rind bielimin ku li ber çavê Xwedê çi rast e, û vê yekê hilbijêrin.


adjektief, naamwoord
The right-wing politicians and parties


adjektief, naamwoord
right, not left, side
Would you like to replace the existing file with the one on the right?
Tu dixwazî ku pelê heyî bi pelê aliyê rastê bidî guhertin?

En 14 vertalings meer. Besonderhede is ter wille van die beknoptheid verborge

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Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Koerdies

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Soortgelyke frases

right: right away/ off
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Danezana Gerdûnî Ya Mafên Mirovan
European Court of Human Rights
Dadgeha Mafên Mirovan ya Ewropayê · Dadgeha Mafên Mirovan ya Ewrûpayê
right of search
right (n.): (to do stg.)
to set a room to rights
right (adj.): (correct)
right of self-determination
right hander


Advanced filtering
So brilliant -- there it is, right there, that distance that I'm talking about -- that psychological construct to protect you from the results of your work.
زۆر دڵگیرە، ئەوە ئەو دووریەیە کە قسەدەکەم لەبارەیەوە ئەوە ئەو سازدانە سروشتیەیە کە دەتپارێزێت لە ئەنجامی ئیشەکەتted2019 ted2019
BİA Media Monitoring Report includes the chapters “Killed Journalists”, “Journalists Imprisoned”, “Assaults, Threats and Blockings”, “Investigations, On-going Trials, Verdicts”, “Defamation, Personal Rights and Claims for Damages”, “Bans, Closures and Pull-offs”, “Constitutional Court”, “European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR)”, ”Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK)” and “Supreme Election Board (YSK)”.
Di Rapora Çavdêriya li Medyayê ya BIAyê de ev beş hene: ‘’rojnamegerên hatîn kuştin’’, ‘’rojnamegerên girtî’’,’’êrîş, astengkarî û tehdîd’’, ‘’lêpirsîn, dozên vebûyî û dozên dom dikin’’,’’heqaret, mafên kesayetiyan, dozên tezmînatê’’,’’astengkirina rojnamegeran’’,’’Dadgeha Makeqanûnê’’,’’DMME’’,’’RTUK’’ û ‘’YSK.’’Bianet Bianet
OK, maybe you're saying, all right, well, we see brains, but what does that have to say about minds?
باشە، لەوانەیە بڵێن زۆرباشە، ئەوە چەند مێشکێک دەبینین بەڵام ئەی ئەوە چی دەڵێت لەسەر بەکارهێنانی مێشکەکان؟ted2019 ted2019
I could have told you 50 others just like it -- all the times that I got the message that somehow my quiet and introverted style of being was not necessarily the right way to go, that I should be trying to pass as more of an extrovert.
دهمتوانی بهههمان شێوهی ئێوه (٥٠)ی تریش بڵێم ههموو ئهوکاتهی که نامهکانم پێ دهگهیشت بهجۆرێک شێوازێکی ئارام و لهسهرخۆم ههبووکه گرنگ نهبوو ههمبێت ههتا بڕۆم دهبوو ههوڵ بدهم یان کراوه و کۆمهڵایهتی بمted2019 ted2019
Within 10 minutes, hundreds more security forces surrounded and filled the square, and dozens of men in civilian clothing approached the protesters and began to punch, kick, and strike them with wooden batons, protesters and journalists told Human Rights Watch.
بە ووتەى خۆپیشاندەران و ڕۆژنامەنووسان لە ماوەى 10 خولەکدا، بە سەدانى تر لە هێزەکانى پۆلیس و ئاسایش ڕژانە شوێنەکە و چواردەوورى ناوچەکەیان گرت ئەمە جگە لە دەیانى تر لە هێزەکانى ئاسایش کە بە جلوبەرگى مەدەنیەوە هاتبوون و کەوتبوونە لێدان و هێرش کردنە سەر خۆپیشاندەران.hrw.org hrw.org
In the days leading up to the expulsions, Human Rights Watch examined satellite images from September 2016 to October 12, 2016, and identified 85 demolished buildings.
له چهند ڕۆژی بهرله دهستپێكردنی ئهو ههڵمهته، هیومان ڕایتس ۆوچ ههستا به شیكاركردنی وێنهی مانگه دهستكردهكانی نێوان مانگی ئهیلولی ٢٠١٦ و ١٢ی تشرینی یهكهمی ٢٠١٦ و تێیدا تێبینی ٨٥ بینای وێرانكراوی كرد.hrw.org hrw.org
KRG authorities should try to close gaps in medical care and psychosocial support for the Yezidi girls and women and ensure that doctors provide survivors with results of tests they undergo and information on the services available to them, Human Rights Watch said.
هیومان ڕایتس ۆوچ ووتی، دهبێت حكومهتی ههرێمی كوردستان ئهو بۆشاییه تهندروستیانه پڕبكاتهوهو چارهسهری دهروونی بۆ ژنان و كچانی یهزیدی فهراههم بكات و دڵنیایی بدات لهوهی پزیشكهكان ئهنجامی پشكنینهكان دهدهنه ئهو ژنانهی پشكنینیان بۆ دهكرێ و زانیاریان دهدرێتێ لهبارهی ئهو خزمهتگوزاریانهی لهبهردهسته بۆیان.hrw.org hrw.org
He said he saw another protester, a 25-year-old man, shot in his left leg, one young woman shot in her right hand, and another in her right leg.
ئهو ووتی كه بینیوویهتی خۆپیشاندهرێكی تر كه كوڕێكی تهمهن ٢٥ ساڵ بووه فیشهكێك بهرقاچی چهپی كهوتووهو كچێكی تر دهستی ڕاستی بهركهوتووهو یهكێكی تر قاچی ڕاستی.hrw.org hrw.org
Human Rights Watch documented nine cases of children used by the HPG; in four cases, the child had left the HPG.
Human Rights Watch neh haletên bikaranîna zarokan ji aliyê HPG ve bibelgeh kirin, di çar ji wan de zarokan dev ji HPG berdabûn.hrw.org hrw.org
But I was surprised to discover, actually, that that was not right -- that the negative impact of a taker on a culture is usually double to triple the positive impact of a giver.
بەڵام سەرم سوڕما کاتێک زانیم، ئەو شتە ڕاست نییە -- بۆم دەرکەوت کاریگەری خراپی وەرگرێک لە کلتورێکدا دوو ئەوەنە بۆ سێ ئەوەنەی کاریگەری باشی بەخشەرێکە.ted2019 ted2019
We needed beeswax for a project we were working on; he was so capable, he was able to render the nicest block of beeswax I have ever seen from cow dung, tin cans and his veil, which he used as a screening, right in this meadow.
پێویستمان مێوی هەنگ بوو بۆ ئە پڕۆژەیەی کە کارمان لەسەر دەکرد، ئەو زۆر بەتوانا بوو ئەو توانی جوانترین پارچە مێوی هەنگیان پێشکەش بکات کە تا ئێستا بیندرا بێت لە ڕیخی مانگاوە، قوتووە سەرەکانیان، کە بەکارهێنابوو وەک تاقیکردنەوە ڕاست لەم مێرگەدا. وە بە شێوەی داهێنانێک، ئەوە ئیلهام بەخشەted2019 ted2019
And that's a lot harder for me, because as honored as I am to be here with all of you right now, this is not my natural milieu.
پێکهنین ئهوهش زۆر قورستره بۆ من چونکه ههرچهنده ڕێزم لێ بنرێت که ئێستا لێرهم لهگهڵ ئێوهدا ئهمه ژینگهی سروشتی من نیهted2019 ted2019
Responding to questions from Human Rights Watch, Kurdistan Regional Government officials in Dohuk province said in a November 27 letter that it was “strictly prohibited” to recruit children from camps for displaced people, that the authorities protected the “civilian nature” of the camps, and that if any child recruits were found, they “will be given attention and rehabilitated through specialized centers and special programs.”
Di bersiva xwe de li ser pirsên Human Rights Watch, berpirsên Hukmeta Herêmî ya Kurdistanê li parêzgeha Dihokê di nameya xwe ya 27ê Çiriya Paşîn de anî ziman ku leşkerkerwergirtina zarokan ji kampên kesên koçberkirî “bi tekûzî qedexe ye”, û ku desthilat “xûyê sivîl” ya kampan diparêze, û ku heger rastî çi haletên zarokên leşkerkirî hatibin, dê ew “bala xwe bidin wan, û ew veşiyandin bikin bi riya navendine taybet û bernameyine taybet.”hrw.org hrw.org
You have a personal project right now, but nobody may know it here.
ئێستا پرۆژەیەکی تایبەتیت هەیە، بەڵام لەوانەیە کەس ئاگاداری نەبێت.ted2019 ted2019
Why would we use that verb, it doesn't "feel" right?
بۆچی کرداری ( هەست) بەکاردێنین؟ted2019 ted2019
What are they doing right?
ئەو شتە ڕاستە چییە دەیکەن؟ted2019 ted2019
If children are joining armed forces to flee early marriage or domestic abuse, or to provide for their families, the Syrian Democratic Forces and the Autonomous Administration should not be enlisting them into the military and instead seek to protect them from such abuse with civilian measures, Human Rights Watch said.
Heger zarok tevlî hêzên çekdar dibin ji ber zewaca zû an jî şidetên malbatî, an jî daku debara lêçûna malbatên xwe bikin, divê Hêzên Sûriya Demokratîk û Rêveberiya Xweser wan nexe nav leşkeriyê û li şûnê divê wan ji tadekariyên bi vî rengî bi riya pîvanên sivîl biparêzin, Human Right Watch weha gotiye.hrw.org hrw.org
The HPG should investigate and hold accountable those responsible for abducting or otherwise abusing children, and the Iraqi government in Baghdad, which has paid salaries to YBŞ forces, should pressure the group to demobilize all child soldiers, Human Rights Watch said.
Divê ku HPG lêpirsînan veke û seza bide ew kesên li ser revandin an jî tundereftrarî ligel zarokan berpirs in, û divê ku hukmeta deshilata Îraqî li Bexdayê, yaku mûçeyên hêzên YBŞ didan, zextê li grûpê bike daku hemû leşkerên zarok ji erkê derxîxin, Human Rights Watch weha got.hrw.org hrw.org
I can give you 30 examples right now.
ئێستا دهتوانم (٣٠) نمونهت پێ بڵیمted2019 ted2019
Every displaced person who had left the camps when they spoke to Human Rights Watch had paid money to a smuggler or official to hasten the process or provide them with necessary permissions.
Her kesek koçberkirî yê ji kampan derketibû, dema bi Human Rights Watch re axivî got ku wî pere dabûn qeçaxciyekî an jî berpirsekî daku proses lezgîntir bikira an jî destûrên pêwîst bo wan dabîn bikirana.hrw.org hrw.org
“Follow Jesus With the Right Motive”: (10 min.)
“Bi Niyeta Rast li Pey Îsa Here”: (10 deqe)jw2019 jw2019
Article 2 of the Covenant guarantees the right to a remedy.
بڕگهی ٢ گرهنتی مافی قهرهبووكردنهوه دهدات.hrw.org hrw.org
An elderly woman in the village of Maridou told Human Rights Watch:
پیرەژنێک لە گوندى ماریدۆ ووتى بە هیومان ڕایتس وۆچ:hrw.org hrw.org
Human Rights Watch located an apparent mass grave site where Asayish buried at least some of the bodies after the executions, according to the retired security force member and six residents of the neighboring village.
هیومان ڕایتس ۆوچ توانی گۆڕێكی به كۆمهڵ لهوشوێنه بدۆزێتهوه كه بهپێی ووتهی ئهندامه خانهنشین بووهكهی ئاسایش و شهش دانیشتووی ئهو گوونده، ئاسایش ههندێك له لاشهكانی تێدا كردوون بهژێر خۆڵهوه له دوای گولهباران كردنهكه.hrw.org hrw.org
Disappears right into the background.
بە خێرایی خۆی ون دەکاتted2019 ted2019
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