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Now, we've taken a small liberty here, because the impact of universal education and family planning resources are so inextricably intertwined that we chose to cut it right down the middle.
Mirî bi xewa mirinê razane, ewana naçerçirin (Yûhenna 11:11).ted2019 ted2019
WS: Last move -- pull it down, right and left, right and left.
Dewsa vê yekê wana wî girt û avîtine bîra ziha.ted2019 ted2019
When we find a match, we apply the policy that the rights owner has set down.
Ev ferheng biha ye.ted2019 ted2019
“The KDP claims to be rights-respecting but has a history of shutting down critical voices,” Stork said.
Çaxê Birahîm 99 salî bû, Yahowa gote wî: “Ez soz didime te, tuyê bibî bavê gelek mileta”.hrw.org hrw.org
"Do I look like I can write down a song right now? If you really want to exist, come back at a more opportune moment when I can take care of you.
7 Mêrê Mêrxasted2019 ted2019
Courage is required to turn down such regular requests and set the right example for your children.
Fîlîpî Flp.jw2019 jw2019
So he designed this lid that's got an upside-down hexagon so you can get your nose right in there and get maximum aroma.
(b) Çira rûspiyêd civata, gava hîn dikin gerekê “xwe li wî nexşê hînkirina saxlem bigirin”?ted2019 ted2019
I can stand here right now and see, as I go tearing into the water after him, the moments slowing down and freezing into this arrangement.
Bişkojka Radyoyêted2019 ted2019
And she did, and if you go in Richard's library, which is one of the first that opened, it has this glorious frieze of, like, the heroes of the school, oversized, looking down into the little dollhouse of the real library, right?
Bîra Fîzîkî ya Bikaranîted2019 ted2019
“If I am going to die for my people, then I’ll lay down my life. What upsets me is that all these incidents take place right in front of the security and in its coordination”. (EKN/TK)
Dibek tera gele çetin be tiştekî biguhêzî di emirê xweda û bijîyî usa, ça Xwedê dixwaze.Bianet Bianet
And I definitely know that, in my case -- in my situation -- it would be very dangerous for me to start sort of leaking down that dark path of assumption, particularly given the circumstance that I'm in right now in my career.
Pekahya: 2 salted2019 ted2019
Maybe, just maybe, clouds could slow down global warming, and buy us a little bit more time to get our act together, which would be very convenient right now.
2. Paşî nixumandinê, sê sal şûnda Îsa çi gote şagirtêd xwe?ted2019 ted2019
To our question “So now what? What are you going to do?” he replies: “We will pursue a legal struggle. Shutting down of Sarmaşık Association, above all, deprives 32,000 people, who are at risk of starvation, from their right to food, their foremost need, and to condemn them to hunger. The association was making an effort to properly fulfill a duty the state did not or could not do. To shut down Sarmaşık [Association] is to shut down conscience.
17 Bes nîne zara hîn kin, wekî ewana xwe dûr bigirin ji hevalên xirab.Bianet Bianet
But when we say we lost our house -- this is, like, right after Katrina -- so the house is either all the way up there in the railway tracks, or it's somewhere down there in the Gulf of Mexico, and to this day, we really, we lost our house.
xêncî vê yekê di Kitêba Pîrozda giliyên usa nivîsar in: “Xebera Xwedê sax û zor e û ji her şûrê dudevî biratir e, ku derbazî heta navbera ruh û can, hestû û mejû dibe, nêt û fikirêd dila jî enene dike” (Îbranî 4:12).ted2019 ted2019
I don't know if it's the right decision or not, but I would like you to come to lunch tomorrow and tell the uncle what it's like to walk down the street, what people say to you, what you do for a living.
3. Çira zarêd wan jî gerekê kal-pîrbûna û bimirana?ted2019 ted2019
The argument that would be used by the association in employing domestic and international legal mechanisms will be this: “To close down the Sarmaşık [Association] is to commit a crime against humanity. Yet the domestic legal mechanisms do not function due to state of emergency. More precisely, the struggle to claim rights under state of emergency has an ambiguous ground. Legal experts are confused regarding all the organizations closed down with statutory decrees. There are those addressing the Constitutional Court, and those saying that this is an administrative decision so the Constitutional Court can do nothing.
Mirî bi xewa mirinê razane, ewana naçerçirin (Yûhenna 11:11).Bianet Bianet
CA: So to understand it right, this involves building deep into the ground, almost like a vertical column of nuclear fuel, of this spent uranium, and then the process starts at the top and kind of works down?
Çawa tunebûn û kêmasiya pera dikare malbetada çetinayî pêşda bîne?ted2019 ted2019
17 sinne gevind in 9 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.