right handed oor Koerdies

right handed

alternative name of right-handed

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Koerdies


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right- and left-hand traffic
Hatûçûna rastê û çepê
right: my right hand
right hand
right hand


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Your right hand.
4, 5. (a) Paşî wê yekê ça Îsa bû padşa, li ezmana çi qewimî?ted2019 ted2019
But if I wanted you to look at my right hand, then I look at it, too.
Usa jî Şawûl gele qewat bû û zû direviya.ted2019 ted2019
KB: Under your right hand?
Îsa dixwest pêbihesiya hela ewana wîra bêjin yan na.ted2019 ted2019
So notice RH: right hand, LH: left hand.
Çaxê zar mezin dibin gelek çetinayî dikarin pêşda bên, lê hingê şabûn û kerem jî hene.ted2019 ted2019
Do you think the spike is under your left or your right hand?
13 Birahîmê Hevalê Xwedêted2019 ted2019
SJ: Under my right hand.
Kitêba Pîroz divêje, ku ev yek rast nîbû, çimkî serê serîda Xwedê wana usa çêkir ku ewana li ser ezmana bijîn.ted2019 ted2019
OK, swap them around, put your right hand up.
Ji ku em zanin, wekî Yehowa xem dike bona wan malbeta, kîderê dê yan bav tenê zara mezin dike?ted2019 ted2019
Resurrected to heaven to be at God’s right hand
8 Kitêba Pîroz dide kifşê, wekî xeberdana derheqa sêksê wextê layîq û bi cûrê layîq, ne şerm e.jw2019 jw2019
So look to the right-hand side of the screen.
Ev tê hesabê çaxê dixwazin pêbihsin derheqa axiriyê, yan jî derheqa tiştên ne eyan.ted2019 ted2019
“I have bruises on my left leg and right hand.
Îngilîziya BrîtanyayêNamehrw.org hrw.org
If, for instance, I didn't want you to look at my right hand, then I don't look at it.
Kitêba Pîroz derheqa rojêd me çipêxembertiyêdike?ted2019 ted2019
True to his promise, he has sustained me, fortified me, and taken hold of me with his “right hand of righteousness.” —Isa.
Lema jî ewana ji miriya ditirsin û wana hurmet dikin.jw2019 jw2019
So that we can put these magazines in the right hands, however, we need to know the intended audience for each journal.
Kitêba Pîroz divêje, ku bavêd wan milyaketêd ezmana bûn.jw2019 jw2019
Cross your hands over, so your right hand goes over, interlace your fingers like this, then make sure your right thumb is outside your left thumb -- that's very important.
Çawa dê-bavê Mesîhî dikarin çev bidine Îsa wê yekêda, ku wede bona zarên xwe xerc kin?ted2019 ted2019
He said he saw another protester, a 25-year-old man, shot in his left leg, one young woman shot in her right hand, and another in her right leg.
Di Celîlêda ewana li mala Natanyêl di Qanada man.hrw.org hrw.org
But because so many of the issues in education aren't just in school, they're in family and community, what you also need, definitely, is more on the right hand side.
Paşê Meryema xûşka Mûsa nêzîkî wan bû.ted2019 ted2019
Mt 20:20, 21 —Two apostles requested positions of honor and authority (“mother of the sons of Zebedee,” “one at your right hand and one at your left” study notes on Mt 20:20, 21, nwtsty)
Peldankê jê bibejw2019 jw2019
And I got about two-thirds of the way through, and there was a chart on the right-hand side -- on the right-hand page -- that we've labeled here "The Most Terrifying Chart Imaginable for a New Parent."
Tê kivşê ku bi rastiyê jî ew zara hez dike.ted2019 ted2019
And what you see, at the lower right-hand side there, is a sample in which a single sample of blood has been put on the top, and it has gone through and distributed itself into these 16 holes on the bottom, in a piece of paper -- basically, it looks like a chip, two pieces of paper thick.
3 Du Şîret bona Bextewariya Malbetêted2019 ted2019
right here in my hand. ♫
5. Yahowa çi soz dide wan meriya, yê ku wî hez dikin?ted2019 ted2019
right here in my hand. ♫
Ez ferhengekê bi kar tînim.ted2019 ted2019
If you think the one on the left is Jazz and the one on the right is Swing, clap your hands.
Lê em gerekê ne tenê vê kitêbê bixûnin.ted2019 ted2019
All right, pick one, last quest: Shake someone's hand for six seconds, or send someone a quick thank you by text, email, Facebook or Twitter.
(b) Çi mesela Meryem û jinêd dinê hîştin seva jinêd îroyîn, yê ku mesîhî ne?ted2019 ted2019
She told Human Rights Watch that she was groped by several men, who forced their hands into her pants:
1. Yahowa çi pirs da Silêman, û ewî çi cav da?hrw.org hrw.org
“As a very fresh prisoner, I live by seeing here the benefits of right based journalism, energy of young passions. On the other hand, I am living the emptiness of losing my daily activities...
Paşê Yahowa gote Mûsa, ku ew şivdarê berjêrî Bera Sor bike.Bianet Bianet
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