skin (bag) oor Koerdies

skin (bag)

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Koerdies

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Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Removal of microorganisms from skin is enhanced by the addition of soaps or detergents to water.
Gavek dinTico19 Tico19
Scrubbing creates friction, which helps remove germs from skin, and scrubbing for longer periods removes more germs.
Lê îjar, ev mana xirav nedibû û kurm têda top nedibûn!Tico19 Tico19
Knowing that she wants to stick a needle in your skin and suck out your blood?
Yehowa xizmetkarên xweyî amin xilaz dike û miqatî wan dibe wedê lapî çetinda jî (Zebûr 145:18, 19).ted2019 ted2019
We know that underneath our facial skin, there's a rich network of blood vessels.
bîra te ça Pawlos diçû Şamê ku şagirtêd Îsa bizêrîne? niha ew xwexa şagirtê Îsa ye!ted2019 ted2019
I know intimately that skin you are hitting.
Heger Adem gura qanûna Yahowa bikira, ewê nemira; lê heta roja îroyîn wê li ser erdê bijîta.ted2019 ted2019
Now, fisherman from neighboring islands, they once hunted these manta rays to make traditional drums from their skins.
Ewî gura Xwedê dikir û li ber çevê Xwedê amin dima.ted2019 ted2019
It covers Earth like a skin.
(a) Ça kitêba Metta 26:15 nîşan dike, ku nemamiya Cihûda hindava Îsa nişkêva nîbû?ted2019 ted2019
It feels your skin. It rests on your skin, and it knows when it is you're talking.
Birevin berbi çiya, hergê dixwazin sax bimînin”.ted2019 ted2019
For PoCT a single specimen of blood is usually obtained by skin puncture.
Seva ku ev yek hê femdarî be, bide hesabê xwe, wekî tera gotine herî nav şeher ku rastî merivekî bêyî, yê ku tera qet nas nîne û te ew ne jî dîtye.Tico19 Tico19
We are kin under the skin.
Wêneyên ji bo diyaloganted2019 ted2019
So, it's not about slapping skins, anymore, on a technology.
Di sala 1914-da, nav şerda weke 100 mîlyon meriv mirin.ted2019 ted2019
Watch the skin color; watch the skin texture.
Em bi rastiyê jî mîna şînkayê ne, kîjan biharêda şîn dibe, çaxê tev dide ser û baran dibare ew pêra-pêra gul dide.ted2019 ted2019
At one time, Witnesses of different skin color in that country could not freely associate with one another.
Ça hemû meriv usa jî ewana tevî gunekariya xwe şer dikirin û mîna hemû meriya nexweş diketin.jw2019 jw2019
Why should you care about an obscure little skin fold on the female body?
Firne usa qayîm dişixulî, ku ev esker ji alava agir mirin.ted2019 ted2019
People of many nations and skin colors gather together in meeting places around the earth.
Ez ne li malê me.jw2019 jw2019
I thought my skin complexion settled that.
16 Lê hînkirinên dînê te derheqa mirinê, û hînkirinên Kitêba Pîroz, yek in?ted2019 ted2019
You're feeling some of the 100 billion bacterial cells that live on our skin.
1 Yûhenna 1 Yn.ted2019 ted2019
Drying your washed hands physically removes some germs from your skin (so don't skip that step, and don't share towels).
Dawiya DanişînêTico19 Tico19
He felt compassion for the crowds he met, for “they were skinned and thrown about like sheep without a shepherd.”
Kesê miqatejw2019 jw2019
It may also spread when one touches a contaminated surface, including skin, and then touches their eyes, nose, or mouth.
Bavê hevalê min pirtûkekê dixwîne.Tico19 Tico19
In clinical trials, alcohol-based hand sanitizers containing emollients caused substantially less skin irritation and dryness than soaps or antimicrobial detergents.
Xerc dide bi nalê ji devê mesî derxistîTico19 Tico19
They were really looking for us, the designers, to create the skins, to put some pretty stuff outside of the box.
Epeyamekê Bişîneted2019 ted2019
But our curiosity just got more and more intense, because we started to wonder, what about factors outside our own skin?
Nivîsa Asayîted2019 ted2019
And I wanted to really not just work on the skins, but I wanted to work on the entire human experience.
HELA binihêre li vir çi diqewime!ted2019 ted2019
Frequent use of alcohol-based hand sanitizers can cause dry skin unless emollients and/or skin moisturizers are added to the formula.
Şandiyêd Îsa, şagirtêd wîye başqe ne.Tico19 Tico19
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