spread out oor Koerdies

spread out

(idiomatic, intransitive) Become further apart.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Koerdies




Fawaz Tozo


to place items further apart


to place items further apart
belav [the kurds are spread out in america : li amerîka kurd belav in.]

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As we spread out around the world, we developed thousands of different languages.
3. Navê kurê Şawûl çi bû, û ew çi dikir?ted2019 ted2019
We live in a universe where the food coloring spreads out in the water, not a universe where it collects together.
Paşê Îsa tevî dê-bavê qîzikê û sê şagirtêd xwe kete li wê otaxê kîderê qîzik veleziya bû.ted2019 ted2019
Our only chance of long-term survival is not to remain inward-looking on planet Earth, but to spread out into space.
“Hingê yek ji her donzdeha ku Cihûdayê Îsxeryotî dihate gotinê, çû cem serekêd kahîna û got: ‘Hûnê çi bidine min, wekî ez wî bidime destê we?’ted2019 ted2019
So it was like a green inkblot spreading out from the building turning barren land back into biologically productive land -- and in that sense, going beyond sustainable design to achieve restorative design.
17 Gelek car ewên ku xem dikin bona dê-bavên xweyî emirda mezin û bêtaqet, gelek tişt ji xwe dewa dikin.ted2019 ted2019
So they spread out all the census data, and what they found, the guy described to me as a shocker, which is that in 1,997 out of 2,000 communities, women, young women, were making more money than young men.
Hîngê zmanêd mîna alava agir wanara xuya bû û li ser her yekî ji şagirtara kivş bû.ted2019 ted2019
And then to make the matters even worse, the virus started to spread out of these four places, especially northern India and northern Nigeria, into much of Africa, Asia, and even into Europe, causing horrific outbreaks in places that had not seen this disease for decades.
10 Qewîbûna malê wê yekêva girêdayî ye, ku çi cûre matêriyal hatine xebitandinê bona çêkirina malê.ted2019 ted2019
But when our species arose about 200,000 years ago, sometime after that we quickly walked out of Africa and spread around the entire world, occupying nearly every habitat on Earth.
Padşê Baş Di Îsraêlêdated2019 ted2019
With the COVID-19 outbreak, PHE and RCGP RSC have adapted existing influenza surveillance to monitor the spread of COVID-19 in the community, and this protocol sets out the basis for that collaboration.
Çira em gerekê pêbihesin derheqa milyaketa?Tico19 Tico19
As pointed out in the recent ECDC rapid risk assessment, a rapid, proactive and comprehensive approach is essential to delay the spread of SARS-COV-2, with a shift from a containment to a mitigation approach, as the anticipated rapid increase in the number of cases may not provide decision makers and hospitals enough time to comprehend, accept and adapt their response accordingly if not implemented ahead of time.
Ça serhatî derheqa Ûnis baweriya me hê dişidîne, wekî Yahowa cava duayêd me dide?Tico19 Tico19
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