still oor Koerdies


/stɪl/ adjektief, werkwoord, naamwoord, bywoord
(archaic, poetic) always; invariably; constantly; continuously.

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Not moving; calm




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to stand still: (be calm)
still life
still lake
still hunt
still born
People need to stop watching. Its that simple. They make excuses when pissed off people watch and boo. That's still a result.
People need to stop watching. Its that simple. They make excuses when pissed off people watch and boo. That's still a result.
she is still on the right of sixty
stand still


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Sadly, this hoax narrative has persisted, and there are still people in Nigeria today who believe that the Chibok girls were never kidnapped.
تەنها پرۆپاگەندە بووە ،بەداخەوە بەو شێوەیە چیرۆکەکە بڵاوبوویەوە هێشتا خەڵکانێک هەن لە نێجیریادا کە پێیانوایە کە کچانى چیبۆک .ted2019 ted2019
So the neurogenesis rate will decrease as we get older, but it is still occurring.
کەواتە ڕێژەی درووستبوونی دەمارەخانەی نوێ کەمدەبێتەوە لەگەڵ پیربوونمان، بەڵام هەر بەردەوام دەبێت.ted2019 ted2019
Nonetheless, I feel that if I were assigned to work there again, I would still be a novice.
Dîsa jî, eger ez dîsa biketama vê departmanê, ezê di vî îşî de dîsa bibûma şagirtê nû.jw2019 jw2019
With Syria to the north, Israel and Palestine to the south, and our government even up till this moment is still fragmented and unstable.
هەبوونی سوریا لە باکوور، ئیسرائیل و فەڵەستین لە باشور، و حکومەتەکەشمان هەتا ئێستاش پەرتەوازە و ناجێگیرە.ted2019 ted2019
It's also pretty clear that the bees sometimes catch other viruses or other flus, and so the question we're still struggling with, and the question that keeps us up at night, is why have the bees suddenly become so susceptible to this flu, and why are they so susceptible to these other diseases?
وە هەروەها ئەوەش زۆر ڕوونە کە هەنگەکان هەندێ جار ڤایرۆسی تریشیان تووش دەبێت یاخود ئەنفلۆنزاکانی تر، وە ئەو پرسیارەش کە هێشتا ئێمە لە هەوڵداین لەگەڵیدا وە ئەو پسیارەش شەو ئێمە بەبێداری دەهێڵێتەوە ئەوەیە بۆچی وا لەپڕ هەنگەکان هەستیار بوون بۆ ئەم ئەنفلۆنزایە وە ئەوان بۆ ئەوەندە هەستیارن بۆ ئەو نەخۆشیانەی تریش؟ted2019 ted2019
Arousal is still good because you are over-challenged there.
بەرزبونەوە هێشتا باشە چونکە لەوێدا زیاد لە پێویست تەحەدا کراویتted2019 ted2019
But the thing is, you have to remember, there really are still people within this algorithmically optimized system, people who are kind of increasingly forced to act out these increasingly bizarre combinations of words, like a desperate improvisation artist responding to the combined screams of a million toddlers at once.
،بهڵام، ئهوشتهی دهبێت له بیرت بێت تا ئێستاش خهڵك ههن له ناو ئالگۆڕیزمی گهشبینی زۆر میهرهبانن ناچاركران نواندن بكهن له تێكهڵكردنی وشه ،بهشێوهیهكی سهیر وهك هونهرمهندێكی بێ هیوا و كاردانهوهی بۆ تێكهڵكردنی .ted2019 ted2019
The clashes, which began the previous day in countryfield of Derecik town in Şemdinli district are still continuing.
Li nehiyeya [bi zimanê Tirkî] Derecikê ya Şemzînanê ji duhî ve şer PKKyî û leşker şerî dikin. Serê sibeyê du serbazên pispor di şerî de mirine.Bianet Bianet
Turkey has been able to even prevent impunity in murder cases in the 90s of journalists such as Musa Anter, Uğur Mumcu and Ahmet Taner Kışlalı. In the Hrant Dink murder trial which has been going on for 10 years the blame has been out on the “Fethullahist Terrorist Organization” which used to the “Ergenekon Terrorist Organization” earlier. While the trials of 26 suspects in cases regarding the attacks of AKP circles against Hürriyet daily still continue, cases have been brought against 19 people three of whom are arrested and five others are ranking personnel regarding the occupation of Doğan Media Center on the night of the coup attempt and one person being kiilled.
Tirkiyeyê jî ji bo dozên salên 90ê yên Mûsa Anter, Ûgûr Mûmcû, Ahmet Taner Kişlali cezayî bi temamî bide. Doza kuştina Hirant Dînkî 10 sal in ku didome. Doz ji “Rêxistina Terorî ya Ergenekonê” ji bo “Rêxistina Terorî ya Fethûllahgir” hat hewalekirin. di 6 û 8ê Îlona 2015ê de êrîş li rojnameya Hûrrîyetê hat kirin. 26 kes ji bo wê êrîşê jî têne dadkirin. Di şeva Hewildana Derbekirinê de êrîş li Dogan Medya Centerê hat kirin û di êrîşê de kesek mir. Ji ber vê bûyerê doz li 19 kesan hat vekirin. 5 kesên doz lê hatîn vekirin leşkerên pilebilind in. Sê leşker di girtîgehê de ne.Bianet Bianet
And if I didn't tell you what to look for, you'd still see the face, because we're programmed by evolution to see faces.
ئهگهر من پێت نهڵێم بۆچی بگهڕێیت، هێشتا ڕوکهشهکه دهبینیت چونکه ئێمه بهشێوهیهکی گۆڕاو ڕوکهشهکان دهبینینted2019 ted2019
16 of these 118 journalists are convicted, 18 of them are still standing trial and 84 others are under investigation. In the same quarter of 2016, 28 journalists 18 of whom were from the Kurdish media. were in prison
Ji 118 rojnamegeran, dadgehan biryara girtina 16 ji wan daye, 18 rojnameger jî têne dadkirin. Lêpirsîn li ser 84 rojnamegeran hene. Di heman dewra sala 2016ê de 28 rojnameger di girtîgehan de bûn. 18 ji wan rojnamegeran ji medyaya kurdan bûn.Bianet Bianet
When we were working on the Eden Project, we had to create a very large greenhouse in a site that was not only irregular, but it was continually changing because it was still being quarried.
کاتێک کارمان لەسەر پرۆژەی(عەدەن) دەکرد، کارەکە وای دەخواست کە خانووەکی شووشەبەندی کشتوکاڵی ئێکجار گەورە دروست بکەین، لە شوێنێکدا نەک هەر خۆی لە خۆیدا نا ڕێک بوو، بەڵکو بە بەر دەوامیش ڕووبەرەکەی گۆڕانی بە سەردا دەهات بە هۆی ئەوەی کە هێشتا هەر کاری هەڵدکەندنی تیا دا دەکرا بۆ مەبەستی کانزاکاریted2019 ted2019
I still remember a little girl, her name is Hala.
هێشتا لەبیرمە کچێکی بچووک، ناوی حەلا بوو.ted2019 ted2019
Maybe it still takes a village to teach our children well.
لەوانەیە هێشتا پێویستمان بە لادێیەک بێت بۆ پەروەردەکردنی منداڵەکانمان.ted2019 ted2019
We know from the research that the number one thing you can do to boost your physical resilience is to not sit still.
لەم گەڕانەدا ئەوەمان بۆ دەردەکەوێت کە شتی ژمارە یەک ئەوەیە تەنها پێویستمان بە ئەوەیە کە دانەنیشین بەڵکو بجوڵێینted2019 ted2019
But I'm still curious.
بەڵام هێشتا حەسرەت گرتومی.ted2019 ted2019
Today I have rights as a citizen. I am equal before the law just like anyone else. We have experienced physical violence to the utmost level alongside psychological violence, and it is still ongoing.
Îro weke welatiyekê mafê min heye. Bi qanûnên diyarkirî, ez bi welatiyên din re wekhev im. Heta ku tu bêjî îşeknceya fizîkî û psîkoljîk li me hate kirin û îro jî dewam dike.Bianet Bianet
If we cannot do as much in Jehovah’s service as we once did, why should we focus on what we can still do?
Eger em bi qasî berê nikaribin ji Yehowa re xizmet bikin, gerek em çima bala xwe bidin vê ku em niha çi dikarin bikin?jw2019 jw2019
And better still, imagine what would happen if, in a very large area, everyone would take these drugs, for just three weeks.
و هێشتا باشتر، هزربکە دا چ ڕوویدەت ئەگەر، دجهەکێ مەزن دا، هەمی کەسان ئەڤ دەرمانە بکارئینابان، بتنێ بو ماوێ سێ حەفتییان.ted2019 ted2019
Others may not have said these exact words, but they still made a vow before God.
Dibe ku hinekan tam wisa negot, lê wan dîsa jî li ber Xwedê sond xwariye.jw2019 jw2019
You can do small, trivial things and still get the benefits from doing this.
دەتوانیت شتی بچوکیی لاوەکی ئەنجام بدەیت بەڵام سودیشی لێ ببینیتted2019 ted2019
Richard Ford: I was slow to learn to read, went all the way through school not really reading more than the minimum, and still to this day can't read silently much faster than I can read aloud, but there were a lot of benefits to being dyslexic for me because when I finally did reconcile myself to how slow I was going to have to do it, then I think I came very slowly into an appreciation of all of those qualities of language and of sentences that are not just the cognitive aspects of language: the syncopations, the sounds of words, what words look like, where paragraphs break, where lines break.
ڕیچارد فۆڕد: من زۆر هێواش بووم له فێربوون و خوێندنهوهدا، ههموو ڕێگهیهکم بڕی لهناو قوتابخانه و زیاتر له شێوهیهکی ناوهندیم دهخوێندهوه ههتا ئهمڕۆش من ناتوانم بهبێدهنگی بخوێنمهوه خێراتر لهوهی که بهدهنگی بهرز دهیخوێنمهوه بهڵام بۆ من چهندین قازانجم لهوه وهرگرتوه چونکه کاتێک له کۆتایدا خۆم پێکهێنا تا چهند بههێواشی پێویسته بیخوێنمهوه، دوایی وابزانم زۆر هێواشتر بوومهوه بهناو ههڵسهنگاندنی ههموو باشیهکانی زمان وه ئهو ڕستانهی که نهک تهنها یهک ڕهگی نیشانهکانی زمانن: کێشهکان و دهنگهکانی وشهکان له چی وشهیهک دهبێت پهڕهگرافهکه، له کوێدا جیادهبێتهوه دێڕهکان لهکوێ تهواو دهبن، زۆر له خوێندنهوه دا خراپ نهبوو کهted2019 ted2019
In the same quarter of 2015, 4 individuals including 1 journalist were sentenced to 7 years, 9 months and 25 days in prison (4 years deferred), 23 individuals in total including 11 journalists were still standing trial over their articles, criticisms and expressed opinions on same charges. New investigations were launched on same charges in accordance with Article 299 against 19 journalists and there were 3 new criminal complaints filed. A verdict of non-prosecution was filed for four journalists.
Di heman dewra par de, bi maddeya 299. a TCKyê çar kesên yek ji wan rojnameger bû hatine mehkûmkirin. Wan cezayê girtîgehê yê 7 sal û 9 meh û 25 rojan stand, ceza ji bo 4 salan hat paşdedan. 23 kesên 11 ji wan rojnameger bûn jî ji ber nivîs, rexne û hizrên xwe bi maddeya 299. jî têne dadkirin.Bianet Bianet
There's still 13 trillion dollars circulating in the US economy.
هێشتا 13 تریلیۆن دۆلار له پاشهکهوتی ئهمهریکادا ههیهted2019 ted2019
There is evidence of transmission from people who don't have symptoms, although to what extent is still being investigated.
Delîlên derbasbûna ji mirovên ku xwedî bê semptom in hene, digel ku ew heya çi radeyê ye hîn tê lêkolînkirin.Tico19 Tico19
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