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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Why would it be unwise to compare what you do to promote Jehovah’s purposes with what others do?
Lê milyaket hate ber dilê wê.jw2019 jw2019
The same process is used to compare recycling versus landfilling, regenerative versus industrial agriculture, protecting versus cutting down our forests.
Şîfreya têketinêted2019 ted2019
On February 18, 2020, Boli Zhang and coworkers published a study to compare western medicine (WM) treatment alone with combined treatment of WM and TCM.
Rûpêla Serî/Rûpêla Neşir KirinêTico19 Tico19
Whenever possible, we will try to compare COVID-19 with SARS and another CoV-caused disease, Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS, an outbreak in 2012).
Heke pace li ser sermaseyeke cuda a nîgaşî jî hatibe vekirin jê hilpekeTico19 Tico19
This also resulted in a 33–43% drop in foot traffic to shopping centres in March compared to February.
Ew yek tenê Yehowa zane.Tico19 Tico19
Some have progressed to baptism.” —Compare Acts 2:7, 8.
Kî çi bêji bila bêjijw2019 jw2019
Now, to give you an idea, that's comparable to losing a night's sleep or the effects of alcoholism.
Pêşiya wê yekê ça Îsa Mesîh hate bûyînê, her kes dişirmîş dibû derheqa wê yekê, ‘Hela Îsa Mesîh wê kî be?’ted2019 ted2019
The lower tendency to induce irritant contact dermatitis became an attraction as compared to soap and water hand washing.
Kîjan in ew hine şîretên kêrhatî bona wan malbeta, kîderê kêmasiya pera heye?Tico19 Tico19
In 2008, a study was conducted by the University of Westminster, London, and sponsored by the paper-towel industry the European Tissue Symposium, to compare the levels of hygiene offered by paper towels, warm-air hand dryers and the more modern jet-air hand dryers.
Ahan hema usa Tîmotêyo sed-seda kîlomêtir tevî Pawlos derbaz dibû û “mizgîniya xêrê” dannasîn dikir, û hin jî civatêd nû vedikirin.Tico19 Tico19
Easy to do, actually, compared with architecture and being a librarian.
Çi gerekê em bikin, seva ku baxşandinê bistînin?ted2019 ted2019
His parents brought him into clinic, worried he didn't say much compared to his brothers.
Lê hergê zar gunê giran dike, dê-bav gerekê ewê yekê ji rûspiya veneşêrin.ted2019 ted2019
Rejoicing compared to jealousy.
Di nivîsarêd Peymana Nûda yêd ku hatibûn welgerandinê ser zimanê Almanî, lap hindik 11 cara navê Xwedê “Yahowa” hatibû xebitandinê (yan jî navê bi Îbranî “Yahweh” translîtêrasîon dikirin), û di çar welgerandinada paşî xebera “Xudan” navê Xwedê di neynikada nivîsar bû.ted2019 ted2019
"Look at the quality of the free paper compared to your lousy regular paper!
Û ev dinya usa dike, ku zar wî wedê xwe, boş-betal xerc kin.ted2019 ted2019
1, 2. (a) In what way might this system of things be compared to a condemned criminal?
Gelo kesêd ku mirine dikarin paşda bijîn?jw2019 jw2019
Having a dream shattered really is nothing compared to what many others have suffered.
Lê ça Mîrê-cina dixwaze evê nêta xwe bîne sêrî?ted2019 ted2019
You might think this is not much, compared to the billions of neurons we have.
Çaxê ewana tevayî di malekîda hîviyê bûn, dengekî qayîm temamiya malê tije kir.ted2019 ted2019
So, it also then tells you how you do compared to your age group.
Xwedê heye Efirandarê meyî himzor û bîlan, ew borcdar nîne hemû kirên xwe mera şiroveke.ted2019 ted2019
SARS-CoV-2 is apparently less pathogenic but more transmissible compared to SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV.
KDE ya KlasîkTico19 Tico19
Well, in Kenya it was taking 72 days for a business owner to register their property, compared to just one day in New Zealand, which was ranked second on the World Bank list.
Rojekê, çaxê Hêwa di baxçê Adenêda tenê bû, mer wêra xeverda.ted2019 ted2019
Occupationally, health care workers have higher risk compared to others with clusters of disease among workers and in health care settings.
Ev nayê hesabê, wekî ev hemû meriyê ku rê te digirin, hema Mîrê-cina rêberiyê wan dike.Tico19 Tico19
Do you guys see how this, right here, compared to that -- which one creates that patient problem solving, that math reasoning?
Guhartoya OpenGLted2019 ted2019
They understand the structural integrity of a deep avuncular lap, as compared to the shaky arrangement of a neurotic niece in high heels.
Dirb % # jixwe heyeted2019 ted2019
You could compare it to a new computer that's running 10 heavy programs at once.
3. Pawlos, Tîmotêyo û mêrêd ku tevî wan rê ketibûn çûbûn kîderê, û çi qewimî çaxê ewana hine wede di Mîletosda sekinîn?ted2019 ted2019
Jesus compared death to sleep.
Lema jî ewana revîn Misirê û Yêremiya jî zorê tevî xwe birin.jw2019 jw2019
Other scriptures compare death to a deep sleep.
Assarîon (Ya Romayî û nehîtî, sifir yan bironz)jw2019 jw2019
70 sinne gevind in 12 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.