to educate oor Koerdies

to educate

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It strikes me that much of the textbooks that are used to educate our children are inherently biased.
Cimeta te wê cimeta min be, Xwedayê te Xwedayê min be.ted2019 ted2019
The right to education cannot be prevented
(b) Îsa şagirtêd xwera çi meselekî baş hîşt?Bianet Bianet
Is it early, as in, you're in advance and you have to educate the world?
Rêva derbaz dibe û du kora qenc dike; mêvan diçe mala Zexayo; mesele derheqa deh mîna zêra 20:29-34ted2019 ted2019
Indeed, the meaning behind “discipline” primarily relates to education, such as that involved in raising a beloved child.
Guhertinan Şûnde Bînejw2019 jw2019
We have to educate people about tapirs and how important these animals are.
Rojekê, çaxê Dînah hate mala wî mêvan, Şekem lê zorê velezand û tevî raza.ted2019 ted2019
We need to educate the staff.
Lê îsraêliya dane pey wan û qira wan hemûşka anîn.ted2019 ted2019
Everyone has the right to education .
Lema jî Yahowa got: “Ezê xwarinê wera ji ezmana bibarînim”.Universal Declaration of Human Rights Universal Declaration of Human Rights
What happens to education?
Belê, derheqa padşatiya Xwedê.ted2019 ted2019
Formal education — as opposed to informal education or non-formal education — tends to refer to schools, colleges, universities and training institutions.
19 Îsa timê dişirmîş dibû seva meriya, û hazir bû alî wan bikira.Tico19 Tico19
They should have due process guarantees – which means access to counsel, including during interrogations, contact with their families, and access to education and health care.
Çiqas fermaneke bêxudêtî ye, usa nîne?
School closures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic have shed a light on numerous issues affecting access to education, as well as broader socio-economic issues.
Lê ewî yeke emir kir ku Aqûb heft sala seva Rahêlê bixevite.Tico19 Tico19
You need to start education from things that make a difference to them in their settings.
1. Paşî wê yekê ça Îsa tevî şagirtêd xwe ji otaxa jorin derketin ewana çûne ku, û çi Îsa wanara divêje?ted2019 ted2019
My wish is for you to help a strong, sustainable movement to educate every child about food, to inspire families to cook again, and to empower people everywhere to fight obesity.
AlmanîNameted2019 ted2019
Umm El-Saad, Asma and Fayza, and many women across the Arab world, show that it is possible to overcome barriers to education, which they know is the best means to a better future.
Mûsa ji Misirê gele dûr çû, û welatê Mediya cîwar bû.ted2019 ted2019
Says, "Leymah, my wish is to be educated.
Cihê nîşaneyêted2019 ted2019
But, you see, there are things we're enthralled to in education.
Yehowa Xwedê zewaca bêqanûnî hesab dike bênamûsî (1 Korîntî 6:18; Îbranî 13:4).ted2019 ted2019
If you were to visit education as an alien and say "What's it for, public education?"
Da ku ev guherand bibandor bibin, KDE ji nû ve bide destpêkirinted2019 ted2019
Or at home, if that's what they choose, to be educated with their families or friends.
EdîtorNameted2019 ted2019
These technologies, combined with the extraordinary talents of teachers, provide an opportunity to revolutionize education.
4. Îsa çiqas cara xwe nîşanî şagirta kir?ted2019 ted2019
I've been talking a lot about my experiences in the Middle East, and some of you might be thinking now that the solution then is for us to educate Muslim and Arab societies to be more inclusive of their women.
Niha Îsa divêje şagirtêd xwe, ku ewana gerekê hişyar bimînin û dua bikin.ted2019 ted2019
Our dream is very simple: to send each of these kids, get them prepared to be educated but also to live peacefully, contented in this conflict-ridden chaotic globalized world.
Îsa dibêje derheqa wê yekê, ku çiqas baş e pêşda derheqa her tiştî bifikirin û xwe hazir kin.ted2019 ted2019
He wanted to bring education and he wanted to bring technology, and those are pillars of his life, but also pillars of the mission of One Laptop per Child.
Min pirtûka xwe winda kir.ted2019 ted2019
Undergraduate education is education conducted after secondary education and prior to post-graduate education, for which the learner is typically awarded a bachelor's degree.
Hergê usa nekin, ser destê wan mîkrob dimînin.Tico19 Tico19
Tertiary education, also known as higher education, refers to the non-compulsory educational levels that follow completion of secondary school or high school.
20 Temamiya erdê wê bibe cinet.Tico19 Tico19
Responding to Republican People's Party (CHP) İstanbul MP and member of Commission on Human Rights Watch Gamze Akkuş İlgezdi's parliamentary inquiry regarding "Student imprisoners in penal institutions, Minister of Justice stated that there were 69,301 students in prisons in total who were still exercising their right to education.
Lê bi rastiyê bawerbûna me kirên û şixulên meva tevgirêdayî ye.Bianet Bianet
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