to eliminate oor Koerdies

to eliminate

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eliminated: to be eliminated


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As we are not able to eliminate these viruses, new genotypes might emerge to cause outbreaks.
Profîla ku vebeTico19 Tico19
5- To conduct studies that will contribute to eliminating poverty and sustainable development.
Edîtorê MenuyanNameBianet Bianet
Iraqi authorities have taken several steps to eliminate protests in the capital from public view.
• Li ser Çiyayê Zeytûnê pêxembertiyê dike derheqa hilşandina Orşelîmê, û nîşana hatina xweye axiriyê
But sometimes it may be helpful to not think in transactional ways, to eliminate the transaction, to make it a little bit more invisible.
& Hemûyan Biguherîneted2019 ted2019
"It's time for the regional government to step up to the plate and take concrete actions to eliminate this harmful practice because it simply won't go away on its own."
(b) Nanpêj çi xewn dît û xewna wî çi dihat hesavê?
That would give us an opportunity to actually eliminate malaria as a disease.
Bera Celîlêted2019 ted2019
"Hydrogen peroxide is used to help eliminate bacterial spores in the alcohol; it is ""not an active substance for hand antisepsis""."
2. Derbekî çaxê Hanna hat ber konê Yahowa ewê derheqa çi dua kir, û ça Yahowa cava wê da?Tico19 Tico19
By targeting the reproduction number (R) (the average number of secondary cases each case generates) and aiming to reduce the R to below 1, the policy seeks to reduce case numbers to low levels or (as seen in previous outbreaks with severe acute respiratory syndrome and Ebola) to eliminate human-to-human transmission.
EdîtorNameTico19 Tico19
What if we empowered all kids as scholars, asked them what colleges they were going to, designed a summer school they want to attend to completely eliminate the summer learning loss and close two-thirds of the achievement gap?
Xwe ji hevaltiya xirab dûr bigirin (1 Korintî 15:33).ted2019 ted2019
Their common trait was that they were from Diyarbakır and they wanted to take part in eliminating poverty in the city.
Nav biguharîneBianet Bianet
The primary objective was to map the poverty in the city and to contribute to the elimination of poverty. Right after its foundation, the association began its first field research in this area. Five neighborhoods in four central provinces were chosen as research areas.
Tuyê îsraêliya bivî erdê Kenan, yê ku min soz dabû wan, û ezê tevî te bim”.Bianet Bianet
With travel to the commune restricted, this eliminated new infections completely.
Çira di Welgerandina “Dinya Tezeda” navê Xwedê xût bi wî cûreyî tê nivîsarê “Yahowa”?Tico19 Tico19
Some countries used network-based location tracking instead of apps, eliminating both the need to download an app and the ability to avoid tracking.
• Cihûda nemamiyê dikeTico19 Tico19
The drying effect of alcohol can be reduced or eliminated by adding glycerin and/or other emollients to the formula.
Tu tenê bide hesavê xwe, emir di cinetêda çiqas wê bextewar be!Tico19 Tico19
If we eliminate cancer the way we're trying to do now, with chemotherapy and radiation, we're bombarding the body or the cancer with toxins, or with radiation, trying to kill it.
Carekê çaxê Hêwa tenê bû, mer wêra xeber da.ted2019 ted2019
The absence of a white flag on a house does not eliminate the legal requirement of attacking forces to distinguish between civilians and combatants, Human Rights Watch said.
Dê-bav gerekê xwe ji çi dûr bigirin?
So, to conclude, intelligent power can, globally, save thousands of lives, prevent tens of thousands of injuries, and eliminate tens of billions of dollars in property damage every single year, while significantly reducing global energy consumption.
Ji ku em zanin, wekî Yehowa xem dike bona wan malbeta, kîderê dê yan bav tenê zara mezin dike?ted2019 ted2019
It could not only eliminate negative experiences like disease, poverty, crime and other suffering, but it could also give us the freedom to choose from a fantastic new diversity of positive experiences -- basically making us the masters of our own destiny.
6 Kitêba Pîroz nava 1 600 sala hatiye nivîsarê.ted2019 ted2019
Social objection that started in 2013 with the Gezi protests against the AKP government has been followed by policies of minacious crackdowns, censorship and auto-censor against the press. “Elimination” efforts firstly run through the bosses were actualized by mass discharges through statutory decrees or trustee appointments to media outlets in 2016.
Paşwextiyê Mûsa 12 mêra dişîne ku ewana erdê Kenanê cesûsiyê bikin.Bianet Bianet
The Plan of Action for the Elimination of Harmful Traditional Practices Affecting the Health of Women and Children, prepared in 1994 by the second UN Regional Seminar, developed a state action plan to address harmful traditional practices, including FGM, that includes the following components:
Gelo çira Steyfan ber çevê wan usa reş bû, ku wana neheqiyê usa kir?
Specific articles in international treaties, such as the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), and the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), note the obligations of countries that are parties to the treaty to ensure the above-mentioned rights to girls and women.
2 Çawa hine tişt lazim e bona çêkirina tam, usa jî lazim e bona sazkirina malbeta baş
21 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.