to encounter oor Koerdies

to encounter

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to meet: (to encounter)
to bump into (to encounter, meet)


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I hid behind a fallen tree, which led to my encounter with the soldiers mentioned earlier.
10 Bela Misirêjw2019 jw2019
I think we need to renew those face-to-face encounters with the people not like us.
Çima bona însanetê gelek lazim e malbet qewî bin?ted2019 ted2019
It's in those face-to-face encounters that we discover that the people not like us are just people, like us.
Ez li vir kar dikim.ted2019 ted2019
The first article considers challenges that we may encounter in trying to obtain facts.
De bide hesavê xwe, hergê wana gura Xwedê bikira, jîyîna wan û zarêd wan çiqas wê bextewar bûya.jw2019 jw2019
Extroverts, when they interact, want to have lots of social encounter punctuated by closeness.
(b) Çi tiştên cûre-cûre derheqa Îsa, merî dişirmîş dibin?ted2019 ted2019
Maybe you've encountered the Zero-to-Three movement, which asserts that the most important years for learning are the earliest ones.
hergê hunurxeysetên xirab bihêlinted2019 ted2019
Really, everyone, regardless of his or her age, will encounter situations that require faithfulness to Jehovah. —Jas.
Wana dewsa qulixkirina Yahowara serê xwe ber xudanêd qelp datanîn.jw2019 jw2019
But there are also times when photographers simply encounter things that are, when it comes down to it, just plain fun.
Paşê ji du kurêd Îshaq Xwedê Aqûb dijbêre.ted2019 ted2019
Now if you do the math, people were at least six times more likely to buy a jar of jam if they encountered six than if they encountered 24.
Bi pirsê mirov diçe mala Xwedê.ted2019 ted2019
Now, an adult encountering a new situation -- when we encounter a new situation we have a tendency to want to categorize it just as quickly as we can, you know.
“Bi saya wî merivî yê ku li neynikê dinihêrî, ‘kalik’ got, wekî erd para malbeta me dikeve.ted2019 ted2019
Now, in my line of work, I encounter many very charming people on the internet who like to tell me that climate models are all wrong.
Nêt-fikirên me hişê meva tevgirêdayî ye.ted2019 ted2019
Empty food shelves were only encountered temporarily, even in Wuhan city, while Chinese government officials released pork reserves to assure sufficient nourishment of the population.
Îdî mala Bavê min nekine bazargeh”.Tico19 Tico19
To illustrate, consider a lesson we can learn from the Israelites’ conquest of the Promised Land and from David’s encounter with Goliath.
Girêdanê Jê Bibejw2019 jw2019
And I will keep doing this for the hundreds of tapirs that I've had the pleasure to meet over the years and the many others I know I will encounter in the future.
Ji vê yekê Yahowa gele hêrs ket û gote Mûsa: “Tu kes ji wan meriya yê ku 20 salî mezintir in, wê nakevine erdê Kenanê.ted2019 ted2019
The stories we tell about a movement like the First Intifada or the United States Civil Rights era matter deeply and have a critical influence in the choices Palestinians, Americans and people around the world will make next time they encounter an injustice and develop the courage to confront it.
6 Ji serê 11 em pêhesiyan, ku Şeytan Mîrê-cina îzina Xwedê serwêrtiyê bike, kire bin şikê.ted2019 ted2019
So I had the most profound encounters with people, especially lonely people who looked like they hadn't talked to anyone in weeks, and we would get this beautiful moment of prolonged eye contact being allowed in a city street, and we would sort of fall in love a little bit.
Kitêba Pîroz ça alî hemû cûre meriva dike, ku malbeta wan bextewar be?ted2019 ted2019
Much of what a pregnant woman encounters in her daily life -- the air she breathes, the food and drink she consumes, the chemicals she's exposed to, even the emotions she feels -- are shared in some fashion with her fetus.
Ka em pêbihesin çira ev cesûs ketine telikê.ted2019 ted2019
Another lawyer told Human Rights Watch that while working at the Supreme Judicial Council over the past year he encountered frequent references in comments by judges and others, as well as in court paperwork, to prisoners being held in Camp Honor prison and in “two other prisons in the Green Zone also run by the 56th Brigade.”
Pêlêd firtonê usa qayîm bûn, ku gemîvan nikaribûn rêberiya gemiyê
Hazard controls for this group, in addition to basic infection prevention measures, include ventilation using high-efficiency air filters, sneeze guards, and having personal protective equipment available in case a person with COVID-19 is encountered.
(a) Eyan ke, firqiya orta tirsa ber Yahowa û tirsa ku cem Belşatsar hebû, gava ewî nivîsara ser dîwarê dît.Tico19 Tico19
However, in this century, we have encountered highly pathogenic human CoVs twice, i.e., SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV, which caused an outbreak originally in China in 2003 and Saudi Arabia in 2012, respectively, and soon spread to many other countries with horrible morbidity and mortality.
ÇAXÊ Mûsa hate Misirê, ewî derheqa hemû keremetêd Xwedê, birê xweyê Harûnra gilî kir.Tico19 Tico19
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