to end oor Koerdies

to end

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to eke out a living (just barely make ends meet)
beginning to end
to make both ends meet
to make an end of
to bring to an end
to come to an end
to stand on end
to end up in smoke
to burn the candle at both ends


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
I slid down in my chair, and I couldn't wait for that meeting to end.
2. Mûsa û Harûn çi gotine Firewin û ewî ça cava xwe da?ted2019 ted2019
I'm just going to end up back here."
Tek Rêzika Qalindted2019 ted2019
It shouldn't be so easy to end it.
Çi gerekê bikin wekî ew meriv yê ku hînî îçkê bûye, ser xwe texmîn ke axiriya vexwarina xwe?ted2019 ted2019
So the prescription to end energy poverty is much more complicated than simply products.
23 Rast e, nivîsandina Kitêba Pîrozdu hezar sal pêşda xilaz bû ye, lê şîretên wê roja îro jî kêrhatî ne.ted2019 ted2019
And that's where I'm going to end my remarks, because that's where we are.
Sererast biketed2019 ted2019
The medical community plays an important role in helping to end this harmful practice.
Çaxê ewana ji Misirê derketin û hine rê derbaz bûn, Ûsiv xulamê xwe şande pey
But there is still much to be done to end the systematic institutionalization of children.
Habîl merîkî gelekî baş bû, û meriyêd mîna Yahowa tu car bîr nake.ted2019 ted2019
They should take all necessary action to end rape and other sexual violence by ISIS fighters.
Gelek dewar, pez û bizin di Misirêda
Moses pleaded with Jehovah to end the punishment of Miriam (See paragraph 8)
Alîkarî wera lazim e.jw2019 jw2019
The world will say to you, "We need to end racism."
Belê, Estera cahil û bedew bû jina Ahaşwêroş padşa.ted2019 ted2019
Link: What will God do to end our suffering?
Lema jî were em timê hê nêzîkî Yahowa û milyaketên wîye amin bin.jw2019 jw2019
* Making a strong and visible political commitment to ending FGM.
Omrî ûTîbnî:4
And I wasn't ready for that all to end.
“Na”, Bilam gote ker.ted2019 ted2019
This public transport shutdown had initially started on March 26 and was planned to end on Saturday, April 4.
Dibe ku çareserkirina bernameyê bixwazî. Çavekî daketaba backtraceyê. NameTico19 Tico19
This years foreign prize was awarded to Malawian clan chief Theresa Kachindamoto, and activist working to end child marriage.
Kitêba Pîrozda tiştên baş têne gotinê derheqa Loyîsê diya Eynikê, kîjanê tevî qîza xwe, nebiyên xweyî biçûk Tîmotêyora derheqa baweriya xwe gilî dikir.Bianet Bianet
It keeps smouldering at the roots And sending up new shoots Till another parasite Shall come to end the blight."
(b) Milûktiya nivîskarên Kitêba Pîroz, çi derheqa vê kitêbê mera eyan dike?ted2019 ted2019
Specifically, there are two types of access that are going to end energy poverty: there's physical access, and there's financial access.
Belê, temamiya erdê wê bibe cinetê bedew.ted2019 ted2019
If you park those end to end and wrap them around the Earth, that would stretch around the Earth 125 times.
& Biguherîneted2019 ted2019
The groups should urgently demobilize children, investigate abuses, pledge to end child recruitment, and appropriately penalize commanders who fail to do so.
Ev hemû mîna êşa kulfetê ye, ku destpêdike pê digire”
And here I would like to end with a quote by Yasmine, one of the four activist women I interviewed in Tunisia.
4. Çi got Cihûda ku birê xwe biçûk xilaz ke?ted2019 ted2019
"A point has been reached where we need to end the economic relationship, the financial relationship, the customs union and the accession talks".
Lê diha zef çetin e çaxê ser wê yekê difikirî û berxwe dikevî.Bianet Bianet
Quick aside: palliative care -- a very important field but poorly understood -- while it includes, it is not limited to end of life care.
Ez dê vê pirtûkê bi deyn bistînim.ted2019 ted2019
KCK Executive Council Presidency had made a written statement yesterday (April 18) calling on to the prisoners to end their hunger strike and said:
Hingê Îsa aşkere wanra got: ‘Lazar mir’”Bianet Bianet
If we can't do that, if we can't use our intellectual power to end slavery, there is one last question: Are we truly free?
Yêremiya Yêr.ted2019 ted2019
I'd like to end with a quote by John Keats, the Romantic English poet, a very famous quote that I'm sure all of you know.
23 Merivên meye nêzîk ji mirinê wê rabin û hergê ewana gura Yahowa Xwedê bikin, wê îda tu car nemirin.ted2019 ted2019
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