to that side oor Koerdies

to that side

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But I prefer a different myth, that's slightly to the side of that or underneath it.
Ew dijminê ku timê mecala digere, wekî aminiya xizmetkarê Xwedê bişkêne, hucumî ser Îbo kir û malbeta Îboye bextewar kuta kir.ted2019 ted2019
And I want you to release that negative energy by shaking it from side to side.
Ji bo girtina belgeya derbasdar, vê bi kar bîneted2019 ted2019
What a privilege to be at their side in that hour of trial!
(a) Ça kitêbaDerketin 16:8 eyan dike, ku seva me ferz e di civatê mesîhiyada qedirê wan bigirin yê ku bi têokratiyê kifşkirî ne?jw2019 jw2019
How did Moses and Aaron seize opportunities to show that they were on Jehovah’s side?
2. Hezeqêl kî bû, û çi tiştêd ecêv Xwedê nîşanî wî kir?jw2019 jw2019
Let's say you're on some spot on a side street that projects from a main cathedral square, and you want to get to another point on a side street just like that.
Paristgeh ji konê pîroz hê baş bû, û cimet îda di paristgehêda serê xwe ber Yahowa datanîn.ted2019 ted2019
Now, the human part related to animals: look at the left side of that.
(ç) Rast e ev serhatî derheqa şera orta du mileta bû, lê ji çi tê kivşê ku bi rastiyê ev şera orta Xwedayê rast Yahowa û xudanêd qelp bû?ted2019 ted2019
So, I love that sometimes we need to go to the opposite side of the world to realize assumptions we didn't even know we had, and realize that the opposite of them may also be true.
Dêmek, xeysetda hûn hev tên?ted2019 ted2019
That's the role of the third side, to help the parties go to the balcony.
Weke pênc cara derket, yan na?ted2019 ted2019
The men forced many of the protesters to one side of the square, next to a former police station that was used as a temporary security headquarters for the protests.
Sînyal Bişî
When we do, however, make a turn into a side street, our mind tends to adjust that turn to a 90-degree angle.
“Yêd ku dijîn dizanin ku wê bimirin; lê belê mirî bi tiştekî nizanin . . .ted2019 ted2019
She admits: “I quickly realized that I didn’t have enough money to move to the other side of the world.”
Lê çaxê xweyê malê dimire, hingê malbeta wî dikeve tengasiyê.jw2019 jw2019
There's an operator side on the right that allows you to turn, it allows you to zoom in, it allows you to highlight individual structures.
19 Hergê tu bizanibîrastiyê derheqa miriya, tuyê ji hînkirinên dînê qelp neyê xapandin.ted2019 ted2019
I was imagining that there was a genuine interest on the side of the creditors to find common ground.
Xwendin-nivîsînted2019 ted2019
So again we persisted, and Foster's Brewing came to the party and gave us our first ever sponsorship, and that was enough for me to quit my job, I did consulting on the side.
Hinek hîn dikin ku hergê merî qenciyê bike, li ezmana bijî, lê hergê xirabiyê bike wê bikeve cenimê.ted2019 ted2019
2 In this article, we will consider examples of individuals who claimed to be on Jehovah’s side while at the same time following a course that offended him.
Nasnavê biguherînejw2019 jw2019
The political parties in the German Parliament except The Left (Die Linke) back the plan to move the troops from İncirlik to Jordan. The Left on the other side demands that Germany withdraw from the fight against ISIS (Islamic State of Syria and Iraq).
Daneyê tomar bikeBianet Bianet
“I was in the hospital while there were the rumors circulating that the station was going to be shut down and that the police were about to arrive. On one side there was the closing down of the channel, on the other there was the death of my mother-in-law... One after another. Afterwards, I did not even have the strength to look for a job. As a matter of fact, I did not have the hope to find one. All the places I could have worked for were shut down. Then I had to go back to my hometown of Bandırma.
Heçî zef ji meriya û xwexa koçek jî bawer dikin, ku ewana bi rastiyê jî tevî ruhêd miriya xeber didin û elametiya ji wana pêdihesin.Bianet Bianet
The cognitive map in your mind may tell you, "Aris, go back to the main cathedral square, take a 90-degree turn and walk down that other side street."
13 Hergê mêr dixwaze malbeta wî bextewar be, dêmek ew gerekê mîna Îsa be.ted2019 ted2019
Muhammad is noted for stating that he is not a believer who goes to bed on a full stomach when his neighbor to his side is hungry.
2. Ev merivê ku ber sifir rûniştiye kî ye, û ew li wir çi dike?ted2019 ted2019
I nervously peered over the side of the bed to see what had befallen my fallen sister and saw that she had landed painfully on her hands and knees on all fours on the ground.
Paşwextiyê Dawid û eskerêd wî şeherekî gele bedew Orşelîm zeft kirin.ted2019 ted2019
I discovered this bar on Manhattan's Lower East Side that hosted a weekly poetry open Mic, and my bewildered, but supportive, parents took me to soak in every ounce of spoken word that I could.
Xwedê dixwest, ku merî heta-hetayê di bextewariyêda bijîn û ew soz dide, ku usa jî wê bibe.ted2019 ted2019
According to the report of state-run Anadolu Agency, Ministry of National Defence has declared that the wall is being built for the purpose of "primarily preventing potential attacks from the other side of the border as well as smuggling and illegal entries and exits.
KoleksiyonBianet Bianet
For every outskirt that was added, there was another bus route added, running from the outskirt all the way to the city center. And as these local buses approach the city center, they all run side by side and converge in pretty much one main street.
Soz dide derheqa piştovanekî din, mesela kola tiriyêye rast; qanûna hiz-kirinê dide; duakirina paşin tevî şagirtated2019 ted2019
The answer is that what you do -- and the details are not terribly important here -- is to make something more elaborate: You take several different layers of paper, each one containing its own little fluid system, and you separate them by pieces of, literally, double-sided carpet tape, the stuff you use to stick the carpets onto the floor.
Belabûna Mesîhîtiyêted2019 ted2019
Demirtaş was tried over a speech he made at Newroz celebration in Ağrı’s province of Doğubeyazıt. “We are on the side of dialogue and peaceful solutions. Our doors are open to anyone willing to negotiate any matter. However, if anyone tries to hit our hand which lend for peace with a club, we take that club and hit them in their heads. They should also know this”, Demirtaş had said.
Bernamekokeke ji bo sazkirina riyên derananBianet Bianet
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