to the bone oor Koerdies

to the bone

completely, totally

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The very cells that run the show must be corrupt to the bone.
Îsa Sax Eted2019 ted2019
A sizable flock of vultures is capable of bringing down a carcass the size of a zebra straight to the bone within just about 30 minutes.
Peldankên Veşartî Nîşan Bideted2019 ted2019
Tunceli Bar President Barış Yıldırım told bianet that Tunceli Governor Osman Kaymak, who is also the Tunceli Mayor, promised to give the bones of Osman Kaymak to his father.
5. Pêşiya wê yekê ça Îsa hemû zulmiyê wê qir kira, li ser erdê çi gerekê biqewime?Bianet Bianet
LGBTI activism has turned into an income nowadays. I also have friends who work their fingers to the bone but I think some associations perceive it as a means of income because they don’t do any major work.
Du meriv ça dikarin safî kin, ewana hev tên yan na?Bianet Bianet
“Kemal Gün took the bones out of the soil with his bare hands. The gendarmerie and prosecutor’s office sent the bones to the Forensic Medicine.
“Meriyêd neheq, yê ku serê xwe li ber golika zêr danîn gerekê bêne kuştinê”, Mûsa gote wan.Bianet Bianet
"Kemal Gün took the bones out of the soil with his bare hands. The gendarmerie and prosecutor's office sent the bones to the Forensic Medicine.
Rabirdûyê Paqij BikeBianet Bianet
"Kemal Gün took the bones out of the soil with his bare hands. The gendarmerie and prosecutor's office sent the bones to the Forensic Medicine.
7. Ev cinetê ku Îsa soz dabû, wê kîderê be?Bianet Bianet
Tunceli Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office and Tunceli Governorship stated that the bones were sent to the municipality.
Hevrazê EkrabîmêBianet Bianet
On May 17, Tunceli Chief Public Prosecutor's Office and Tunceli Governorship had also stated that the bones were sent to the municipality.
Şimhûn û Lêwî ji hêrsa şûrêd xwe hildan û ketine şeherê, wî çaxî ku ewana hîviyê nîbûn.Bianet Bianet
On May 17, Tunceli Chief Public Prosecutor's Office and Tunceli Governorship had also stated that the bones were sent to the municipality.
ji bo neqandina çewtiyan dikeve moda senkronîzeBianet Bianet
The Forensic Medicine reported that the DNA test couldn’t be proceeded due to the overheating in the bones resulting from the bombardment. The prosecutor informed that the bones cannot be delivered without a DNA match”.
Şîroveyekê binivîseBianet Bianet
"The Forensic Medicine reported that the DNA test couldn't be proceeded due to the overheating in the bones resulting from the bombardment. The prosecutor informed that the bones cannot be delivered without a DNA match".
Tevlêbûna TamBianet Bianet
They then took me to the camp infirmary to confirm that my bones were not broken and dragged me back to my tent.
Çira mera ser stûnê, bi sîmbolîk rind beramberî Îsa Mesîh tê yê ku li ser stûnê yanê kênarê hate mixkirinê?jw2019 jw2019
The bones were sent from the Forensic Medicine to Dersim
Paşî vê yekê, Birahîm û malbatê wî, şeherê Haran hîştin û derbazî welatê dinê bûn, navê kîjanî Kenan bû.Bianet Bianet
Attorney Barış Yıldırım said that the bones will be delivered to Kemal Gün when they arrive in Dersim.
Hergê tu bi temamiya dilê xwe Xwedê hiz bikî tuyê texmîn kî, ku “temiyêd wî ne giran in” (1 Yûhenna 5:3).Bianet Bianet
The residents took the girl to Snune hospital, where nurses bandaged her leg but could not set the bone.
Em tu car naxwazin mîna wî bin! Usa nîne?
There's a cut made in the scalp; it's opened; the neurosurgeon has a template; he marks it around, and uses a dental burr to remove a piece of the cranial bone exactly the size of our device.
Bi rastiyê jî ew heye jîyîna lape baş û bextewar!ted2019 ted2019
“Names of the torturers of my son took place in the report as well. Nevertheless, almost a year has passed, neither my son’s bones were found nor the murderers brought to justice.
Qewata me nagîje ku pêşberî wan gele eskera derkevin.Bianet Bianet
Tunceli Governorship has announced on its official website that the bones of his dead son have been delivered to Kemal Gün in Hozat district.
Teviya Bîra ValaBianet Bianet
And they all took the spotlight, even though every bone in their bodies was telling them not to.
Em bawer in, wekî malbeta weda jî edilaya wî cûreyî heye.ted2019 ted2019
I'm not the only kid who grew up this way, surrounded by people who used to say that rhyme about sticks and stones, as if broken bones hurt more than the names we got called, and we got called them all.
Gele sal pêşiya bûyîna Koreş, Yahowa bi pêxemberê xwe Îşaya derheqa Koreş giliyê usa nivîsî bû: “Ez ça dixwazim tu hema usa bikî.ted2019 ted2019
Don't just tell me that you study trabeculae, but tell me that you study trabeculae, which is the mesh-like structure of our bones because it's important to understanding and treating osteoporosis.
çi qewimî tevî wan meriya, yêd ku îda mirine?ted2019 ted2019
As the hunger strike continues, following the attorneys’ applications the families were taken to the shelter that was bombed. Kemal Gün told that they found bone pieces and some clothes and that everything found there was handed to gendarmerie.
Paşî destpêbûna firtonê weke 14 roj îda derbaz bû.Bianet Bianet
70 year-old Kemal Gün who had been on a hunger strike for 90 days to retrieve body of his son who was killed in airstrike in Dersim had his son's bones delivered yesterday (May 25). The funeral ceremony took place today in Hozat district of Dersim.
Carna wê tera jî şîret û alîkarî lazim be.Bianet Bianet
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