to turn around (vi.) (come back) oor Koerdies

to turn around (vi.) (come back)

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Peter said that you also need toturn around.”
Xemên wî cûreyî dikare riya te bigire, rast zara xwe şîret kî.jw2019 jw2019
Be willing toturn around” —that is, to make the necessary changes— and begin to do what is right.
“Ahan vira çi gotinê: ‘MENE, MENE, TEKEL û PERES’”.jw2019 jw2019
By then, I was two-thirds of the way through my education, and it was almost too late to turn things around.
Paşwextiyê, Koreş padşê Faristanê îsraêliya ji dîl girtinê aza kir.ted2019 ted2019
But I began to learn some things that turned my life around.
Paşê vê yekê Îsa tevî şagirtêd xwe rê ket heta Orşelîmê.jw2019 jw2019
(Laughter) "But I went home for Thanksgiving dinner, and pretty quickly the conversation around the table turned to what the hell was going on."
Paşî vê yekê Ûsiv birêd xwe hemêz kir û wana hemûşka paç kir.ted2019 ted2019
Impossible is trying to connect in this world, trying to hold onto others while things are blowing up around you, knowing that while you're speaking, they aren't just waiting for their turn to talk -- they hear you.
Kê ye sazkarê malbetê?ted2019 ted2019
And it turns out that as we called around to the independent crash test companies around the country, none of them wanted to do our crash test because they said, some explicitly, some not so explicitly, "All of our business comes from car seat manufacturers.
Ça Yahowa nîşan kir, ku xûn û emir hevva girêdayî ne?ted2019 ted2019
Today, even Bihar is turning around and opening up under a committed leadership that is making government transparent, accessible and responsive to the poor.
TevgerCommentted2019 ted2019
If we set about saying, for example, torture is wrong because it doesn't extract good information, or we say, you need women's rights because it stimulates economic growth by doubling the size of the work force, you leave yourself open to the position where the government of North Korea can turn around and say, "Well actually, we're having a lot of success extracting good information with our torture at the moment," or the government of Saudi Arabia to say, "Well, our economic growth's okay, thank you very much, considerably better than yours, so maybe we don't need to go ahead with this program on women's rights."
Li vir temamiya eskerêd îsraêlî top bûne.ted2019 ted2019
And she had turned it down, she said, because she was going to start her next business, an entrepreneurship consultancy that would teach business skills to men and women all around Afghanistan.
2. Aqûb, seva ku Rahêl bistîne, çi hazir bû bikira?ted2019 ted2019
Around 6 p.m., Qadir said, he tried to grab a one-armed man shooting at the ground in front of demonstrators from just outside the KDP office, but stopped when the man turned his rifle toward Qadir.
Ça Kitêba Pîroz şirovedike sazkirina malbetê, û ji ku em zanin ku ev yek rast e?
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