violator oor Koerdies


One who violates (a rule, a boundary, another person's body, etc.)

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"Right to health care violated"
Mafê Saxlemiya civakê binpê bûBianet Bianet
The court ruled that Turkey did no violation in neither cases.
Dozger ji ber neyîna ewlehiya canê xwe sê rojan neçû cihê bûyerê.Bianet Bianet
The 281 applicants affected by Roboski Massacre made an application to the European Court of Human Right on August 23, 2016 claiming human rights violations, the right to life in particular. (AS/DG)
“tiştê herî giring me ji bo zarokan boyax û firçe anibû da ew wêneyan çêbikin û pê derûniya wan baş bibe. Karmendan boyax û firçe birine. Wêneyên zarokan bi keda xwe çêkirîn hebûn karmendan ew jî birine.”(AS/MB)Bianet Bianet
Of course, they can't process this amount of data by hand, so they are using machine learning to decide if it's really a copyright violation or not.
لابردنیان هەیە بە دڵنیاییەوە، ناتوانن ئەم هەموو داتایە ،ڕێکبخەن و پرۆسەی بکەن بەڵكو زیرەکی دروستکراو بەکار دەهێنن بۆ ئەوەی بڕیار بدەن کە .ted2019 ted2019
An aid worker who interviewed civilians who fled Hawjia said that at least five families told him that, in violation of the laws of war, ISIS fighters were not allowing men to flee and only allowing women and children to leave if they paid US$400 per person.
كارمهندێكی مرۆیی كه چاوپێكهوتنی لهگهڵ ئهو هاووڵاتیانه كردبوو له حهویجهوه ههڵهاتوون ووتی، لانی كهم پێنج خێزان پێیان ووتوه كه چهكدارانی داعش ڕێگهیان به پیاوان نهداوه ناوچهكه جێبهێڵن و تهنها ڕێگهیان به ژنان و منداڵان داوه ناوچهكه جێبهێڵن و بۆ ههر كهسێك دهبوو بڕی ٤٠٠ دۆلاری ئهمریكی بدهن
It was expressed in the statement that works of rights defenders have been obstructed by the government in order to prevent the organizations from determining and reflecting the rights violations during the State of Emergency.
Di daxuyaniyê de hat destnîşankirin, xebatên parêzvanên mafan bi armanca ku pêşî li tespîtkirin û bilêvkirina binpêkirinên giran ên mafan ên di encama Rewşa Awarte ya demdirêj de derketine holê bigire, tên astengkirin.Bianet Bianet
Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunals for acts violating the fundamental rights granted him by the constitution or by law .
Herkes maf heye ku li hemberî kirinên ku mafên bingehî yên ku qanûna bingehî an qanûn jê re dinasin ihlal dikin , serî li mehkemeyên neteweyî yên selahiyetdar bixe .Universal Declaration of Human Rights Universal Declaration of Human Rights
The US State Department, which has supported the rule of law and press freedoms throughout the country and which still has considerable influence, has been largely silent about the recent serious human rights violations against journalists and protesters.
وهزارهتی دهرهوهی ئهمریكا، كه پشتیوانی سهروهری یاسا و ئازادی رۆژنامهگهری لهسهرانسهری عێراقدا كردووهو تائێستاش دهسهڵاتێكی بهرچاوی ههیه، بهشێوهیهكی گشتی بێدهنگبووه لهئاست پێشێلكارییه ترسناكهكانی ئهم داوییانهی مافهكانی مرۆڤ دژ به رۆژنامهنووسان و خۆپیشاندهران
Year-on-year, Turkey was condemned to pay fine of 19,060 Euros in the lawsuits filed by three legists, two journalists and one politician again for violating freedom of expression.
Di heman serdema sala borî de di serlêdanên 3 hiqûqnas, 2 rojnameger û siyasetmedarek de DMMEyê bi heman hincetê 19 hezar û 60 avro cezayê tazmînatê dabû Tirkiyeyê.Bianet Bianet
The ECtHR has sentenced Turkey to pay compensation for “violating the right to life” in both cases.
DMMEyê biryar da Tirkiye bi ‘’binpêkirina mafê jiyanê’’ mehkûm e.Bianet Bianet
"Rights violations in prison be ended" (AS/DG)
“Sekinandina binpêkirina mafê jiyanê yê girtiyan.”(AS/MB)Bianet Bianet
Aslan, arrested for "border violation" and "being a member of an [illegal] organization"has denied the charges and stated that she had been trying to cross the borders while trying to perform her journalistic duties related to keep abreast of the latest developments in the region.Order to strip naked for examination and beating in detention.
Parêzerê Aslan Kubra Gunduz derbarê mijarê de ji bianetê re axivî û got: “Asla n dema karê xwe yê rojnamegeriyê pêkdianî, ji ber îxlalkirina xeta sînor hat binçavkirn. Herçiqas ku ti delîl nebe jî, derbarê wê de bi îdiaya ‘endamê rêxistinê ye’ biryara girtinê hat dayîn.”Bianet Bianet
"FGM violates women's and children's rights, including their rights to life, health, and bodily integrity," said Nadya Khalife, Middle East women's rights researcher at Human Rights Watch.
نادیه خهلیفه، تۆژهری مافهكانی ژنان له خۆرهڵاتی ناوهڕاست، سهر به هیومان رایتس ۆچ، وتی "شێواندنی ئهندامی زاوزێی مێینه مافهكانی ژنان و منداڵان پێشێلدهكات، به مافیشیانهوه بۆ ژیان، تهندروستی و سهلامهتی جهستهییان."
In light of violations in previous operations to retake territory from ISIS, Human Rights Watch has also provided al-Abadi with recommendations to prevent abuses during any screening and detention processes linked to the Mosul operation.
بهڕهچاوكردنی ئهنجامدانی پێشێلكاری له ئۆپراسیۆنهكانی ڕابردوو بۆ گرنتهوهی ناوچهكانی ژێر دهستی داعش، هیومان ڕایتس ۆوچ پێشنیازی پێشكهش به عهبادی كردووه لهسهر چۆنیهتی ڕێگریكردن له پێشلكاری لهكاتی پرۆسهی سكرینكردن و دهستگیركردن پهیوهست به ئۆپراسیۆنی موسڵ
The notification only says that Bilici was suspended with approval by the Ministry for violating Articles 6,7,8 and 10 of the State Personnel Law No. 657, which prohibits civil servants from “damaging the State’s reputation”.
Li ser teblîxata Racî Bîlîcîyî hatiye nivîsîn ku ''ew li dijî xalên 6,7,8 û 10ê yên Qanûna Karmendên Dewletê ya 657ê tevgeriyaye''Bianet Bianet
Furthermore, the International PEN sent a letter of solidarity to writers and journalists saying “We are writing to remind you that you are not alone. In this period in which your human rights are violated, we will not remain silent. We will raise our voice on a global scale against those who want to silence you”.
Her wiha heyeta PENê ji nivîskar û rojnamegeran re name şandin. Di wê nameyê de wiha hat gotin: “Hûn ne tenê ne û em ji bo vê yekê bînin bîra we vê nameyê dişînin. Em di vê pêvajoya ku mafên we yên mirovî hatiye binpêkirin de, bêdeng namînin. Em ê li dijî pêkanînên ji bo bêdengkirina we di qada navneteweyî de dengê xwe bilind bikin.”Bianet Bianet
In the entire year of 2015, 15 journalists and 1 news site had been sentenced to 5 years, 8 months and 17 days in prison and 15,280 euro of punitive fine (540 euro deferred). 3 journalists have been sentenced to compensation payment of 4,330 euro in total for violating personal rights.
Di sala 2015an de bi temamî derbarê 15 rojnameger û siteyek de bi hinceta ‘heqaretê’ bi temamî 5 sal û 8.5 meh cezayê hepiskirinê û 48 hezar û 940 TL cezayê peredayînê hatibû dayîn. 3 rojnameger jî bi hinceta ‘êrişî mafên ferdî kirine’ bi temamî 14 hezar TL tezmînatdayînê ve hatibûn mehkûmkirin.Bianet Bianet
Ensure that the use of applications and platforms does not violate students’ data privacy.
Emîn bibe ku bikaranîna bername û platforman nihênîmana zanyarîya xwendekarên binpê nake.Tico19 Tico19
The court observed violation of Article 5 § 4 and 5 § 5 and held that the finding of a violation constituted in itself sufficient just satisfaction for the non-pecuniary prejudice sustained by Avci.
Doz biştî ku Dadgeha Bilind biryar xera kir hîna li 3yemîn Dadgeha Cezayê Giran berdewam dike. Daneşîna li pêş wê di 16ê Hezîrana 2017ê de lidar bikeve.Bianet Bianet
This term also identifies the practice as a human rights violation because of the violence associated with the procedure and because it is mostly carried out on young girls.
ئهم زاراوهیه كردهوهكه وهك پێشێلكردنی مافهكانی مرۆڤ پێناسهدهكات، بههۆی ئهو توندوتیژییهوه كه لهگهڵ كردهوهكهدایه، ههروهها لهبهرئهوهی كه بهزۆری لهگهڵ كچانی منداڵ دهكرێت
In "They Took Me and Told Me Nothing: Female Genital Mutilation in Iraqi Kurdistan," Human Rights Watch mostly describes the practice as female genital mutilation because this term conveys the harms associated with the practice and identifies it as a violation of girls' and women's human rights.
هیومان رایتس ۆچ له راپۆرتی "بردیانم و هیچیان پێ نهووتم: شێواندنی ئهندامی زاوزێی مێیینه له كوردستانی عیراق،" دا، به زۆریی كردهوهكه به شێواندنی ئهندامی زاوزێی مێیینه دادهنێت، چونكه ئهم زاراوهیه ئهو زیانهش دهگرێتهوه كه لهگهڵ كردهوهكهدایهو وهك پێشێلكردنی مافه مرۆییهكانی كچان و ژنانیش لهقهڵهمی دهدات
The KRG is accountable for any human rights violations, including FGM, which take place in the region it governs.
حكومهتی ههرێمی كوردستان بهرپرسیاره له ههر پێشێلكارییهكی مافی مرۆڤ، به شێواندنی ئهندامی زاوزێی مێیینهشهوه، كه لهو ههرێمهدا روودهدات
“Relying in particular on Article 2 (right to life), Ms Altın and Mr Kılıç complained of a violation of their brothers’ right to life, submitting that the operation had not been prepared in such a way as to limit the use of lethal force; they also complained about the lack of an effective and impartial Investigation.
DMMEyê eşkere kir ku lêpirsîneka kêrhatî li ser dozan nehatine kirin. Tirkiye dê ji bo her yek ji Esma Altin û Îsmaîl Kiliçî 10 hezar Euro wek tezmînata me’inewî bide. Dê bi temamî 4 hezar Euroyan jî ji bo mesrefên dadkirinê bide wan kesên navborî. (AS/MB)Bianet Bianet
Mostly Shia militias fighting ISIS with the support of the Iraqi government, such as the Badr Brigades, League of the Righteous, and Hizbollah Brigades, carried out widespread violations of human rights and international humanitarian law, in particular by demolishing homes and shops in recaptured Sunni areas.
به زۆری ئهو میلیشیا شیعانهی که شهڕی داعش دهکهن وهک سووپای بهدرو گرووپی عێائب اهل الحق و بهتالیۆنی ئیمام عهلی ههستاوون به پێشلکاری بهرفراوانی مافهکانی مرۆڤ و یاسا نێودهوڵهتیهکان وهک وێرانکردنی ماڵ و دوکان لهو ناوچه سوونانهی کۆنترۆڵیان کردوونهتهوه له دهست داعش
We would also like to highlight our concerns related to the upcoming operation to retake Mosul and offer some recommendations, in light of the violations we have documented in previous operations.
دهمانهوێ لهم نامهیهدا، چهند نیگهرانیهكی پهیوهست به ئۆپراسیۆنی چاوهڕاونكراوی موسڵ بخهینهڕوو، لهگهڵ پێشكهشكردنی چهند پێشنیارێك لهژێر ڕۆشنایی ئهو پێشێلكاریانهی له ڕاپۆرتهكانی ڕابردوودا ئاشكرامان كردبوو
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