wastefulness oor Koerdies


imprudent or excessive expenditure or the waste of resources

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waste water
waste paper
to go or run to waste
bermayî · gilêş · israf · qirşûqal · çop
wasted: to be wasted
waste heap


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
San Francisco is also spending 40 million dollars to rethink and redesign its water and sewage treatment, as water outfall pipes like this one can be flooded with seawater, causing backups at the plant, harming the bacteria that are needed to treat the waste.
5. Hela navêd wan sê tişta bide, yê ku di otaxa mezinda hebû.ted2019 ted2019
CA: So that would be your response to the Bjørn Lomborg argument, basically if you spend all this energy trying to solve the CO2 problem, it's going to take away all your other goals of trying to rid the world of poverty and malaria and so forth, it's a stupid waste of the Earth's resources to put money towards that when there are better things we can do.
Dehe zarên Îbo hebûn, heft kur û sê qîz.ted2019 ted2019
Very little water is wasted.
“Femdarî ye, her malek bi destê yekî tê çêkirinê, lê yê her tişt efirandiye, Xwedê ye”ted2019 ted2019
It will lay waste to social confidence.
Wedê hînkirina zara dê-bav çi cûre mêtod dikarin bidine xebatê mîna Îsa?ted2019 ted2019
We generate quite a lot of waste.
Nav biguharîneted2019 ted2019
Humans, with all their advanced technology, create countless tons of unrecyclable toxic waste annually.
Lema Yahowa Xwedê hîşt ku meriv xwexa rêberiyê xwe bikin û hine wede di bin hukumê Mîrê-cinada bin.jw2019 jw2019
And I know it's a quirky example, but I think the implications of this are quite radical, because it suggests that we could actually transform a big problem -- waste -- into a massive opportunity.
Pîrika Tîmotêyo çi kir, seva ku Tîmotêyo çawa Mesîhî mezin be?ted2019 ted2019
Now we would be able to make use of all that waste brine.
Rê Nîşan Bideted2019 ted2019
That's a terrible waste of calories.
PAŞÎ Sêlavê meriya destpêkirin şehera ava kin û têda bijîn.ted2019 ted2019
Xilaziyê Yêşû gote wan kahîna: “Derkevin ji çemê Ûrdunê”.jw2019 jw2019
Nothing Was Wasted
21 Hergê tu her-roj Kitêba Pîroz bixûnî û hîn bî, ewê alî te bike hunurên usa nav xweda mezin kî, yên ku Xwedê xweş tên.jw2019 jw2019
Now, this is an incredible waste of human potential.
Ji vê yekê Nahomî gele şa bû!ted2019 ted2019
In ecosystems, the waste from one organism becomes the nutrient for something else in that system.
Seva avakirina gemiyê gelek sal lazim hat, çimkî gemî gelekî mezin bû.ted2019 ted2019
This is the waste room.
Mixayîl [sernavekî Îsa] milyaketêd xweva tevî zîyê [Şeytan Mîrê-cina] şer kir, zîyê jî milyaketêd xweva tevî wan şer kir”.ted2019 ted2019
When we look at the food system as a whole and we implement all the production solutions like regenerative agriculture, and we adopt a plant-rich diet, and we reduce food waste, our research shows that we would produce enough food on current farmland to feed the world's growing population a healthy, nutrient-rich diet now until 2050 and beyond.
Çapa Arted2019 ted2019
We should not waste our time viewing questionable Internet news sites or reading unsubstantiated reports circulated via e-mail.
Ew yek rast nîne ku hinek dibêjin, wekî Şedên Yehowa jin û mêra hev diqetînin.jw2019 jw2019
A plant-rich diet, reduced food waste results in a healthy global population with enough food and sustenance.
Radyoyên Şexsîted2019 ted2019
The whole animal world today lives on a stockpile of bacterial oxygen that is cycled constantly through plants and algae, and their waste is our breath, and vice versa.
11 Lê gelo, ça merîkî dikaribû bi mîlyona meriv xilazkirana?ted2019 ted2019
Who's going to guarantee something that is literally billions of times larger than any type of waste you think of in terms of nuclear or other things?
Bes nîne tenê carekê derheqa wê têmayê zarên xwera bêjin.ted2019 ted2019
You can't get rid of waste.
Planên klavyeyê & çalak biketed2019 ted2019
That is a lot of wasted solar power.
Pêrista Lêgerînê Biafirîneted2019 ted2019
This means they can eat everything from toxic waste to plastic, and they can produce waste products like oil and battery power and even tiny nuggets of real gold.
Dabeşkirinted2019 ted2019
So why do we have these ghost accumulations of Styrofoam waste?
b) Çawa mêr û jin dikarin bextewar bin?ted2019 ted2019
Secondly, shifting from a linear, wasteful, polluting way of using resources to a closed-loop model.
Carekê çaxê Samûyêl di konêda raza bû, nişkêva dengekî ew hişyar kir.ted2019 ted2019
That's a terrible waste of time.
Çaxê Mûsa şivdar avîte erdê, şivdar bû mer.ted2019 ted2019
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