watchful oor Koerdies


/ˈwɒtʃfʊl/ adjektief
observant, vigilant and aware

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to watch out for
watch glass
watch guard
watch cap
watch man
watch out
watch dog
watch key


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Within 10 minutes, hundreds more security forces surrounded and filled the square, and dozens of men in civilian clothing approached the protesters and began to punch, kick, and strike them with wooden batons, protesters and journalists told Human Rights Watch.
Qe yek jî sax ne ma!
In the days leading up to the expulsions, Human Rights Watch examined satellite images from September 2016 to October 12, 2016, and identified 85 demolished buildings.
Filistîana Şimşon
KRG authorities should try to close gaps in medical care and psychosocial support for the Yezidi girls and women and ensure that doctors provide survivors with results of tests they undergo and information on the services available to them, Human Rights Watch said.
Pêrista Lêgerînê Biafirî
Human Rights Watch documented nine cases of children used by the HPG; in four cases, the child had left the HPG.
And you know, as it turns out, people don't want to just dream about flying, nor do they want to watch us fly.
Ji vê yekê meriyêd wan û hevalêd wan gele ber xwe diketin.ted2019 ted2019
Let's watch.
Wêneyên biçûkted2019 ted2019
Responding to questions from Human Rights Watch, Kurdistan Regional Government officials in Dohuk province said in a November 27 letter that it was “strictly prohibited” to recruit children from camps for displaced people, that the authorities protected the “civilian nature” of the camps, and that if any child recruits were found, they “will be given attention and rehabilitated through specialized centers and special programs.”
If children are joining armed forces to flee early marriage or domestic abuse, or to provide for their families, the Syrian Democratic Forces and the Autonomous Administration should not be enlisting them into the military and instead seek to protect them from such abuse with civilian measures, Human Rights Watch said.
Nasnav hev
The HPG should investigate and hold accountable those responsible for abducting or otherwise abusing children, and the Iraqi government in Baghdad, which has paid salaries to YBŞ forces, should pressure the group to demobilize all child soldiers, Human Rights Watch said.
Lema jî pirs pêşda tê, lê tê ça bidî xebatê evê azaya bijartinê ku Xwedê daye te?
Every displaced person who had left the camps when they spoke to Human Rights Watch had paid money to a smuggler or official to hasten the process or provide them with necessary permissions.
Capera curenivîsan a
An elderly woman in the village of Maridou told Human Rights Watch:
Ahan menî, çira Dînah bû xweyê kul û
Human Rights Watch located an apparent mass grave site where Asayish buried at least some of the bodies after the executions, according to the retired security force member and six residents of the neighboring village.
Stiranêd Silêman
And what a trained interrogator does is they come in and in very subtle ways over the course of several hours, they will ask that person to tell that story backwards, and then they'll watch them squirm, and track which questions produce the highest volume of deceptive tells.
4 Gelo Kitêba Pîroz aliyê zandariyêda rast e?ted2019 ted2019
I watch that TV show 'Lie To Me.'
Ser Ketaneke xerab agahî bideted2019 ted2019
Young women and girls told Human Rights Watch that ISIS fighters first separated them from men and boys and older women.
Usa dîya Mûsa miqatî zara xweye helal dibû
(Beirut) - A religious edict by the Kurdistan Islamic Scholars Union on female genital mutilation (FGM) sends a clear signal that the practice is not prescribed by Islam, Human Rights Watch said today.
Lê ya lape ferz ew e, ku wedê hevnaskirinê çaxê hûn heleqetiya temiz xwey dikin, hûnê şa kin Yehowa Xwedê yê ku temiyê dide xizmetkarên xwe, wekî xwe dûr bigirin ji netemizayê û bênamûsiyê (Galatî 5:19-21)
He watched it and e-mailed her: “The part about an evil power controlling the world particularly caught my attention.
Hinek ji van nîşan dikin, wekî ji çi em gerekê xwe xwey kin.jw2019 jw2019
“The KRG parliament took a huge step forward when it passed the Family Violence Law,” said Joe Stork, deputy Middle East director at Human Rights Watch.
Lê kî wana çêkir?
While the KRG may take reasonable security measures to screen goods leaving and entering its territory, it should not impose sweeping restrictions that are disproportionate to security considerations, or that unnecessarily harm people’s access to food, water, livelihoods, and other fundamental rights, Human Rights Watch said.
Çawa xweykirina normên namûsiyê, dikare malbetê ji nexweşiya xwey ke?
Asa’d Ali Mustafa, the mayor of Sidekan, told Human Rights Watch on November 9 that he was clearing an area for the construction of 200 semi-permanent structures for those displaced by Turkish bombardment.
Car-cara, jin-zared wîra pere têrê nake ku nan-xwarinê jî
Human Rights Watch reviewed video footage and photographs posted online that appeared to show looting of livestock, food, and vehicles by armed men in Afrin, whose uniforms and armbands matched the description by the witnesses.
Mîhengên Zingilê
Human Rights Watch conducted research in the town of Dohuk in January and February 2015, including interviewing 20 women and girls who escaped from ISIS, and reviewing ISIS statements about the subject.
We have made a commitment that we will never let people come out of slavery on our watch, and end up as second class citizens.
De niha bide ber çevê xwe Yahowa çi êş ser xwe texmîn kir, gava Adem û Hêwayê gura Xwedê nekirin û miqabilî wî derketin.ted2019 ted2019
Two of the incidents Human Rights Watch documented appear to have been caused by victim-activated improvised explosive devices, which explode due to the presence, proximity, or contact of a person.
Dê-bav ça dikarin xwe bi aqilayî bidin kifşê, çaxê lazim e safîkin ku zarên wan ça wede derbaz kin?
While being screened, detainees told Human Rights Watch, they are denied access to lawyers and detained even in the absence of evidence that they are not individually suspected of a crime.
Wan salên paşwextiyêda çiqas diçe zef dibin malbetên usa, ku ne bi temamî ne, dêmek yan tenê dê yan jî bav e. Dîsa jî malbetên usa ku yan dêmarî malda heye yan jî zirbav, yan jî malbetên usa, ku dê bav ji bo hine meniya tevayî najî
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