wetness oor Koerdies


The condition of being wet.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Koerdies

terî. şilbûn. hêwî. hêmî. nemî. şê. şilîtî. şilî. şilatî

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Soortgelyke frases

wet goods
wet firewood
wet back
wet weather
wet dock
wet: the wet
wet snow
wet ship


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
The virus that caused the outbreak is known as SARS-CoV-2, a newly discovered virus closely related to bat coronaviruses, pangolin coronaviruses, and SARS-CoV.The earliest known person with symptoms was later discovered to have fallen ill on 1 December 2019, and that person did not have visible connections with the later wet market cluster.
Û ev yek îzbat dike, ku zûtirekê Xwedê wê çarekê bike, çimkî di kitêba Zebûra 92:7-da nivîsar e, ku çaxê meriyên neheq mîna strîna şîn bin û hemûyê ku zulmiyê dikin mîna kulîrka gulvedin, wî çaxî ewana heta-hetayê wê bêne kutakirinê.Tico19 Tico19
By the same reasoning, pangolins should be removed from wet markets to prevent zoonotic transmission, in view of the discovery of multiple lineages of pangolin beta-CoVs closely related to SARS-CoV-2.
(a) Ça Yahowa eyan kir ku pêxembertiya derheqa Koreş eseyî wê bê serî?Tico19 Tico19
Alcohol is a quick germ-killer, but it's not quite instant, so this still requires the same 20 seconds of rubbing your hands together, making sure that every single scrap of skin gets wet, and then you have to wait about another minute, for the alcohol to completely dry.
Navê Xwedê Yahowa ye (Zebûr 83:18).Tico19 Tico19
So as a wet-behind-the-ears student, excited, our team made a prototype, brought that prototype to Tanzania, Kenya and Vietnam in 2008, and found it was terrible because we didn't get enough input from users.
Bîr nekin, ku derecê usada dibeke emir û axiriya zara we girêdayî be wê yekêva, ku hûnê ça xwe bidine kifşê hindava wan.ted2019 ted2019
Given that SARS-CoV infection originates from the contact between humans and civets in the markets, closing wet markets and killing civets therein could have effectively ended the SARS epidemic.
Silêman gote xulamê xwe ku şûr bîne, û gava ewî anî Silêman gote wî: “Zarokê bike du kera, û her yekêra kerîkî bidê”.Tico19 Tico19
Wet and moist hands are more easily recontaminated.The most commonly missed areas are the thumb, the wrist, the areas between the fingers, and under fingernails.
5. Navê kurê Bowaz û Rût çi bû, û çira ew gerekê bîra meda ba?Tico19 Tico19
Alcohol-based hand sanitizers are almost entirely ineffective against norovirus (or Norwalk) type viruses, the most common cause of contagious gastroenteritis.Enough hand antiseptic or alcohol rub must be used to thoroughly wet or cover both hands.
2. Ûsiv bi zimanê nerm birêd xwera çi şirovekir?Tico19 Tico19
Wet hands with warm or cold running water.
After the race, he tossed his wet, cloud-white hair and said, 'You're a god.'
Paceya Sepanê Nîşan Bideted2019 ted2019
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