what if? oor Koerdies

what if?

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But what if patients could do this test at home?
PalawuNameted2019 ted2019
I then started thinking, "What if I was to look at ASL through a musical lens?"
Bi rastiyê malbetêda jin û mêr xwexa gerekê safî kin, çiqas zarên wan hebin.ted2019 ted2019
But what if we stopped taking information that we discover at face value?
Meriya destpêkir ji Babîlonê cihê bin.ted2019 ted2019
And so what if you could design and build electronics like this?
_ Cureyê Danişînêted2019 ted2019
So what if bees can think like us?
Nirxa standardted2019 ted2019
I mean -- this is heresy, what I'm about to say -- but what if it's really safety third?
Meznahiya paceyêted2019 ted2019
What if we could do that?
5. Çi em dikarin hîn bin ji Yêhoşefat?ted2019 ted2019
What if we could make the impossible possible?
Wedê bela heyşta kuliyêd mezin di Misirêda tije bûn.ted2019 ted2019
What if we could turn it into something else that's actually useful?
Îsa Sax Eted2019 ted2019
But what if we could watch entire lives as they unfold through time?
Ka em dewsa Mûsa serkarekî teze xwera bijbêrin û paşda vegerin Misirê!”ted2019 ted2019
But what if changed the way we think about these conversations?
Bikarhêner û kokan hilbijêreted2019 ted2019
And what if there's no GPS?
19 Lê bi şerê Harmegedonê Padşatiya Xwedê wê bigihîje çi nêtê?ted2019 ted2019
What if we stop to think about the real-life consequences of the information that we share?
Nuh û malbatê wî di gemiyêda hîviya sêlavê bûn.ted2019 ted2019
Oh no, what if you're dreaming?
Taybetmendîted2019 ted2019
For example, what if we had repeatedly been told lies about Jehovah’s Witnesses?
Dirbê Nû & Bistînejw2019 jw2019
I remember standing in front of that bullet-ridden hospital thinking, what if I had never left?
Çaxê zar şaşiya berde, dê-bav gerekê ça xwe bide kifşê hindava wan?ted2019 ted2019
But what if I told you this?
Çi ye Padşatiya Xwedê?ted2019 ted2019
So what if we could put all that together to shoot them out of the sky with lasers?
Xebera Îbranî ku hatiye welgerandinê çawa “kenîn” usa jî dikare bê hesabê “lîstik”, “wedederbazkirin”, “cejin”, yan jî “bikenin û şa bin”.ted2019 ted2019
9 What if singing is not customary in your family, culture, or environment?
Hîngê kahînê pêşin ji Steyfan pirsî: “Ev hemû tişt rast e?”jw2019 jw2019
What if, in these heated moments, we chose dialogue over debate?
Ça tu dişirmîş dibî, kî usa kir wekî steyrka nû kivş be û rê heta Îsa nîşan ke?ted2019 ted2019
What if the Bible is not God’s Word?
(a) Ça em gerekê fem bikin ev fikir, ku Xwedê navê xwe Birahîmra, Îshaqra û Aqûbra venekir?jw2019 jw2019
What if we had an African television network that broadcast diverse African stories all over the world?
Ça ji Karêd Şandiya 13:51, 52 tê kivşê, wekî rast e şagirt rastî peyketina dihatin, lê ewana yeke şabûnê unda nedikirin?ted2019 ted2019
What if we could prevent electrical fires before they start?
Destê xwe nedine tu tiştî, yê ku yê wan in”.ted2019 ted2019
Yet, what if ovulation does occur and an egg is fertilized?
3. Firewin çi got Çaxê pêhesiya derheqa birêd Ûsiv?jw2019 jw2019
What if my mother had told us that Fide's family was poor and hardworking?
Kîjan mesele dide kifşê, wekî şîretên ji Kitêba Pîroz alî malbeta dike?ted2019 ted2019
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