what is more oor Koerdies

what is more

(idiomatic) furthermore, or in addition, moreover.

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And what's even more disturbing is what's happening with younger boys.
MalezyaNameted2019 ted2019
It seems that writers know that the child outside of family reflects on what family truly is more than what it promotes itself to be.
Lê ji vê kitêbê di serê 3-da, em pêhesiyan ku milyaketek gura Xwedê nekir û dewda Adem û Hêwa wekî ewana gune bikin.ted2019 ted2019
No, what you've just drawn is more like a diagram or a schematic.
Lema wê baş be ewê rêberiyê emirê xweda bidine xebatê.ted2019 ted2019
But what's more interesting is how it tastes to you will depend critically on what you think you're eating.
BINIHÊRE Pawlos bi zincîra girêdayî ye û kêleka wî jî eskerê romayî sekiniye.ted2019 ted2019
It is not the infrastructure, not the toilets, not the libraries, but it is what actually happens in this school that is more important.
Gava Îzabêl pêhesiya ku Yahû tê cem wî, ewê ser çevê xwe bedew kir û xwa çêkir seva Yahû.ted2019 ted2019
Because what we're interested in is finding form that's more than just a function.
Navnîşana Pêşdîtinêted2019 ted2019
What's even more exciting is that if we can prevent five months of lost time just by redesigning two months, imagine the possibilities that we can unlock by tackling the rest of the calendar year.
LîbiyaNameted2019 ted2019
I wish I had more wishes but three is what I've got and there they are.
Pêybîr ji nû ve tê amadekirin... hate temamkirin!ted2019 ted2019
But because so many of the issues in education aren't just in school, they're in family and community, what you also need, definitely, is more on the right hand side.
Gava temamiya cimetê dît ku ew digere, zendegirtî man û ji bo vê keremetê gele şa dibûn.ted2019 ted2019
According to a WHO official, there may be five times more cases in Iran than what is being reported.
3 Hela dişirmîş be li ser navê kitêbê, usa jî li ser pirsên serecemê û li ser pirsên destpêka serê pêşiyê.Tico19 Tico19
However, what we have learned more recently is that this is one of the unique structures of the adult brain where new neurons can be generated.
Sernavê diyalogêted2019 ted2019
What's happening is we're taking this technology -- it's becoming more precise, more potent -- and we're turning it back upon ourselves.
Hemûyên tirbada wê bêne saxkirinê (Yûhenna 5:28, 29).ted2019 ted2019
Arwa, an 18-year-old from Kocho, said, “What I want more than anything is to work, so I can keep my mind off everything that happened.”
Dîmendera Agahdarkirinê Veava Bikehrw.org hrw.org
And I set out to find out what it is that causes some people to be more resilient than other people.
Tîto Tît.ted2019 ted2019
But perhaps more than anything, what this thinking provides is a really positive way of talking about sustainable design.
Paceya Diyalogêted2019 ted2019
Yes, trees are the foundation of forests, but a forest is much more than what you see, and today I want to change the way you think about forests.
Guherto yê ajokarê kernel yê niha (% #. % #. % #) ne yê ku jêre ev module berhev bûye (% #. % #. %ted2019 ted2019
And that actually helped a lot. But I'll tell you, what helps even more is my sense, my belief, my hope that when it comes to our attitudes to introversion and to quiet and to solitude, we truly are poised on the brink on dramatic change.
& Nav biguhereted2019 ted2019
The truly interesting thing about this is that we can't take these obese mice and make them lose more weight than what the normal mouse's weight is supposed to be.
KolombiyaNameted2019 ted2019
When I saw Joel Meyerowitz recently, I told him how much I admired his passionate obstinacy, his determination to push through all the bureaucratic red tape to get to work, and he laughed, and he said, "I'm stubborn, but I think what's more important is my passionate optimism."
Dawid û Avîşe hêdî-hêdî ketine nav çadirêd wan, çaxê Şawûl eskerêd xweva razayî bû.ted2019 ted2019
And what that means is all of a sudden, your recruitment model is much more broad.
(a) Ew yek ku Îsa çawa şagirtêd xwe şîret dikir, çi meselekî baş e seva rûspiyêd îroyîn?ted2019 ted2019
So what was once the special little side treat now is the main, much more regular.
Nav biguharîneted2019 ted2019
But what's even more interesting from this study, is that in those men who did develop prostate cancer, those who ate more servings of tomato sauce, actually had fewer blood vessels feeding their cancer.
Lema jî here û tu jî usa bike”.ted2019 ted2019
And what I'm going to do today is tell you a little bit more about how it really works on the inside.
18 Zulmkarî dilda û hişda pêşda tê û hişê me, me hêlan dike ewê yekê bikin (Aqûb 1:14, 15).ted2019 ted2019
It has far more to do with what I can perceive than what it is that I can do.
çi serê wî qewimî?ted2019 ted2019
But in fact, what we're seeing more and more is that if you are willing to cut, get rid of those extraneous redundant options, well there's an increase in sales, there's a lowering of costs, there is an improvement of the choosing experience.
Dibek tera gele çetin be tiştekî biguhêzî di emirê xweda û bijîyî usa, ça Xwedê dixwaze.ted2019 ted2019
45 sinne gevind in 13 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.