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And what is that thing?
Nivîsa Asayîted2019 ted2019
What is that?
Derheqa kîjan pirsa merî timê dişirmîş dibin, û serwêrên dînê dinyayê li ser van pirsa çi caba didin?ted2019 ted2019
What is it that we're actually -- what story are we actually telling?
Dîroka Cihûya paşî wegerandina ji dîltiya Babîlonêted2019 ted2019
What that means is that we play to play.
11, 12. (a) Bi xeberdana Mîrê-cina tevî Îsa, ça hate kifşê ku serwêrê vê dinê Mîrê-cina ye?ted2019 ted2019
What is it that we're afraid that this young man is going to do with this gun?
Hineka baweriya xwe giliyêd Pawlos anîn û bûne Mesîhî, lê ya dinê bawer nekirin.ted2019 ted2019
What matters is that my hands know how to do it.
5. Pêşiya wê yekê ça Îsa hemû zulmiyê wê qir kira, li ser erdê çi gerekê biqewime?ted2019 ted2019
Because you may notice that what's actually happening is that the egg is unscrambling itself.
Newala Sîddîmêted2019 ted2019
So what is it that makes us different?
15 Jina Lût Pişt Xweva Zivirîted2019 ted2019
This was a tragedy, but it really forced us to refocus what it is that we were doing.
were em vekin serhatiya 115 û pêbihesin.ted2019 ted2019
What is it that shapes us?
“Lê vê yekê zanibe ku rojêd axiriyêda zemanêd xirab wê bên.ted2019 ted2019
What is it that governments and NGOs can learn from Coke?
Hilberîner: %ted2019 ted2019
If you don't want to be deceived, you have to know, what is it that you're hungry for?
Di diyaloga pelî de pêşdîtînapelî nîşan bideted2019 ted2019
So my father might not understand what it is that I do for a living.
Bi saya vê padşatiyê temamiya erdê wê bibe cineta xas û bedew.ted2019 ted2019
And what's extraordinary is that we're not just observing this, we are the architects of this.
(b) Seva pêşkêşa ji Xwedê, dêmek Kitêba Pîroz, tu ça dikarî razîbûna xwe nîşan kî?ted2019 ted2019
What is it that drives you in your life today?
Heke pêkan be danişîna tomarkirî ji nû ve lê bar diketed2019 ted2019
It has far more to do with what I can perceive than what it is that I can do.
Wana Pawlos li sevetê dana rûniştandinê û ji dîwarêd şeherê wî peya kirine derê şeherê.ted2019 ted2019
And I set out to find out what it is that causes some people to be more resilient than other people.
(a) Ça Silêman eyan kir ku tu avayî yê ku meriv çêkir, nikarin Xwedayê Jorin cîwar kin?ted2019 ted2019
What this means is that fetuses are effectively being taught by their mothers about what is safe and good to eat.
Lê jinêra şîret hate dayînê, ku “qedirê mêrê xwe bigire” (Efesî 5:33, DT).ted2019 ted2019
What you have to do is do what I did, that is change your exercise regime, increase your cardiorespiratory function, to get the long-lasting effects.
Lê gelo wê rast nîbe îzinê bidine zara, hevala teglîfî mal bikin, seva ku hûn hê rind wana nas kin?ted2019 ted2019
And you know what's exciting is that this innovation is now spreading South to South, from the Philippines to Indonesia, Kenya, Moldova and beyond.
& Agahiya Stranan Sererast Bike... Organize Filested2019 ted2019
Fortunately, our Secretary of Defense, Secretary Mattis, he understands that as well, and what he understands is that climate is a risk.
2. Rast e Yahowa ji xwestina Silêman qayîl bû, lê ewî dîsa çi soz da Silêman?ted2019 ted2019
And that is that I think that what we have in our society is, we forgot our connection with nature.
Çaxê Îshaq îda mezin bû, Xwedê baweriya Birahîm da cêribandinê.ted2019 ted2019
What that meant is that the only people who would bump into each other are those who are actually on that floor and who are bumping into each other anyway.
Kîjan gilî dikarin alî malbetê bikin, wekî ewana ruhanîda sist nebin û dilteng nebin?ted2019 ted2019
What happens is that bacteria have these collective behaviors, and they can carry out tasks that they could never accomplish if they simply acted as individuals.
Guhertinên Netomarkirîted2019 ted2019
Now what that 32 years is telling us is that sleep at some level is important.
(b) Derheqa kîjan pirsa, emê di serê mayînda xeber din?ted2019 ted2019
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