what with oor Koerdies

what with

pre / adposition
(idiomatic) Owing to; because of; as a result of.

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ji ber

owing to


owing to

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i dont even know whats wrong with me anymore
i dont even know whats wrong with me anymore


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Do not compare what you can do with what others can do or with what you were able to do in the past
Dîya wî Rexabê ji Erîhayê bû.jw2019 jw2019
Jehoshaphat made what mistakes, and with what results?
10 Di Kitêba Pîrozda nivîsar e, wekî Îsa pêşiya hatina xwe ser erdê, di ezmanada dijît.jw2019 jw2019
What pressures must we deal with, but what reason does Jehovah have to be pleased with his faithful servants?
Îro rojbûna xwiska min e.jw2019 jw2019
But what do God’s servants do with what they’ve learned?
Em gelek şa ne wekî Yahowa ev nêta xwe hê pêşda neaniye sêrî, çimkî bi saya sebirkirina wî, em derheqa rastiyê pêhesiyan û wîra qulix dikin.jw2019 jw2019
You know, what's wrong with teaching kids that chicken looks like chicken?
Xebera Xwedê rêberiyê dike hemû derecada (Zebûr 119:105).ted2019 ted2019
What happens with the APP (Annual Planning)?
Lê hergê ez wî alt kim û wî bikujim, hûnê bibin dîlê me.Tico19 Tico19
And what's even more disturbing is what's happening with younger boys.
2. Ça Koreş giliyê Yahowa, yê ku Îşaya nivîsî bû, anî serî?ted2019 ted2019
That's what happened with my dad.
46 Dîwarêd Erîhayêted2019 ted2019
What's new with you?
Hûn dikarin ji wan pirs kin, zarên din çi difikirin derheqa hevalên wan.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Why would it be unwise to compare what you do to promote Jehovah’s purposes with what others do?
Ew xeber wê ne bi logîk bûya, heger di qirna yekêda tu kesî nizanibûya û nedana xebatê navê Xwedê.jw2019 jw2019
What did Adam and Eve lose, and with what result?
5. Aqûb qayîl bû wê yekêra, çi Şimhûn û Lêwî kirin?jw2019 jw2019
What choice did Adam have to make, and with what consequences?
Nivîsa Asayîjw2019 jw2019
When on occasion the imperfections of others proved challenging, Brother Woodworth would say, “It sure is marvelous what the Lord has done with what he has to work with.”
Usa jî emê hîn bin bi sebir bin, çaxê tiştek me eciz dike, yan çaxê em rastî çetinaya tên.jw2019 jw2019
2 As we consider this material, do not compare what you can do for Jehovah with what others can do.
Zend (2 buhust / 6 beraya dest)jw2019 jw2019
What affected Cain’s ability to make a wise decision, and with what result?
Ew wan weda padşatiyê dike, çaxê li ser 10 berekêd îsraêliya Ahab û Îzabêl padşatî dikirin.jw2019 jw2019
What could cause us to drift away from Jehovah, and with what consequences?
2. Debora çi qedrekî mezin stand û şixulêd çi bû?jw2019 jw2019
What kind of fear did Adam and Eve lack, and with what result?
Hergê di welatêda edet hene ku hurmetê bidine meriyêd mezin, yanê serê xwe li ber wan daxin, dikarin qulixkarêd Yahowa xwe wan edetê bigirin yanê na?jw2019 jw2019
So we coded up a light that mimics this physics -- first, the visibility of the water, and then what happens with the color.
Îbo Xwedêra Amin Dimîneted2019 ted2019
So we're going to zoom in to this area and I'm going to tell you a little bit about what happened with the Kosi.
Berê, çaxê cimeta Îsraêl gura Xwedê dikirin, ewana rihet û bê xof dijîtin (Qanûna Kahîntiyê 25:18, 19).ted2019 ted2019
I agree with what was described a few days ago, that people work in their self-interest.
Hemû kesên ku keda wan ketiyê û yên min navên wan ji bîr kirineted2019 ted2019
What you see with successful givers is they recognize that it's OK to be a receiver, too.
Çaxê Malbetêda Kesek Nexweş eted2019 ted2019
(b) How did God’s Word help one brother to adjust his attitude, and with what results?
Ewana diçin li şer, û mêrê ku pêşiya wan diçin kulama dibêjin.jw2019 jw2019
Now what happened next with the game surprised me.
cureyê soketên ku tê xwestin nayê destekkirinted2019 ted2019
That it is amazing that connection we can have with what's there.
Dema & nûkirinêted2019 ted2019
You know, run up into the end of the rainbow, I don't know what you do with it.
Îjar wana îda keremet nîşan kirin.ted2019 ted2019
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