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The father of a Kurdish boy from the city of Halabja in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq said his son left school at 15 to join the group in early 2016, and that its officials had repeatedly refused to acknowledge the boy’s whereabouts.
Ji bo vê yekê ev kulfet ecêv ma.hrw.org hrw.org
Human Rights Watch received no response from a government spokesman to requests for information about the four protesters' whereabouts.
kûr û dûrhrw.org hrw.org
Depriving detainees of any contact with the outside world and refusing, when asked, to give family members any information about their fate or whereabouts can be indications that detentions are enforced disappearances.
Ewî birakî wan Şimhûn kire kelê û hîşt ku ewana xwarin hildin û herine malê.hrw.org hrw.org
In any case, the responsible officer should inform the parent of the child’s detention, of any transfer of the child to another location, and how the parent can continue to obtain information on the child’s whereabouts and situation.
Çaxê mala meda nexweşê giran heye, em çi gerekê nekin?hrw.org hrw.org
The families said that authorities refused to disclose their children’s whereabouts or permit communication with them.
Bikarhêneran & Rêz Bikehrw.org hrw.org
Two of the rape incidents took place in women’s apartments; one in workplace; one in a forestry area to where the woman was forcibly taken. Whereabouts of one rape incidents was not reported in the media.
Ew zar yên ku nava malbetêda zulmkariyê divînin, yan ser xwe texmîn dikin, axiriyêda xwexa dikarin bibine merivne zulm hindava malbeta xweda.Bianet Bianet
They also said that they had not yet asked the authorities about their whereabouts because they believed that the authorities would realize that these men, who had both been detained and abused by ISIS over the past two years, were innocent and release them promptly to the camp.
Bixebitînehrw.org hrw.org
They said that they had not yet asked the authorities about the men’s whereabouts because they had full faith that the authorities would release those without ISIS-affiliation promptly to the camp.
6. Yahowa kê da xevatê, wekî di Kitêba Pîrozda du kitêbêd paşin binivîse, û di kitêba Eyantîda derheqa çi tê gotinê?hrw.org hrw.org
The relatives said that KRG and Iraqi forces did not inform them of their detained relatives’ whereabouts or facilitate any communication with the detainees.
Çyêd. Lubnanêhrw.org hrw.org
A few were desperate, having no idea of their children’s whereabouts.
Ew prînsîpên ku wê kitêbêda wê bêne şêwirkirinê, dikarin bidin xebatê bona malbetên usa jî.hrw.org hrw.org
60% of the harassment cases took place at schools: 21 girls were subjected to sexual abuse at school, one in a bus, three on the street and four at home. Whereabouts of the five incidents weren’t covered by media.
Di nemêda Pawlos giliyê usa nivîsî Tîmotêyora: “Ez Xwedêra amin mam.Bianet Bianet
Depriving detainees of any contact with the outside world and refusing to give family members any information about their fate or whereabouts can qualify their detentions as enforced disappearances.
Galatî Gl.hrw.org hrw.org
She had no idea why he was taken or where, and was afraid to ask the Asayish about his whereabouts.
16 Çaxê kesek ji neferên malê nexweşiya giran dikeve, zarên wê malê dikarin rastî çetinaya bên.hrw.org hrw.org
It was unable to verify how many of the detainees are still being held by KRG officials, whether any of them were allowed to communicate with their family members, and whether the families were informed of their whereabouts in any cases.
Çira dê-bav gerekê meseleke baş bin seva zarên xwe?hrw.org hrw.org
After ISIS discovered his escape, one of its enforcers tried to make Nadia reveal his whereabouts.
(b) Seva pêşkêşa ji Xwedê, dêmek Kitêba Pîroz, tu ça dikarî razîbûna xwe nîşan kî?hrw.org hrw.org
Enforced disappearances, which occur when security forces detain and then conceal the fate or whereabouts of a detainee, placing them outside the protection of the law, are violations of international human rights law, and can be international crimes.
Pace & Sermasêhrw.org hrw.org
Enforced disappearances, which occur when security forces detain and then conceal the fate or whereabouts of a detainee, placing them outside the protection of the law, are violations of international human rights law and can be international crimes.
Hergê dersdar van şagirtên neguhdar ji dersxanê derxe, lê şagirtên din wê çi dişirmîş bin?hrw.org hrw.org
“It is vital that the Turkish authorities uphold their strict obligation to promptly investigate these cases, and others like them, and seek to locate the whereabouts of the missing men, who may be in grave danger, and let their families know where they are”.
Meriv dikare îtbariya xwe wê bîne?Bianet Bianet
He and Faris’s sister said they had heard nothing official about his whereabouts since then, and that he never had any affiliation with ISIS.
(b) Ew jin yê ku alî jina dikirin wedê zarbûyînê, ça jîyîna meriya dişêkirandin?hrw.org hrw.org
Human Rights Watch has previously documented 85 other cases in which relatives of terrorism suspects said they were in the dark about the fate and whereabouts of relatives detained by KRG or Iraqi forces from camps and local communities.
Pelê Dirban Saz Bikehrw.org hrw.org
They said that neighborhood officials had warned them that security forces had made increased inquiries into the activists' whereabouts and activities over the past two weeks.
Samûyêl hê weke çar-pênc salî bû.hrw.org hrw.org
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