withdrawal oor Koerdies


Receiving from someone's care what one has earlier entrusted to them. Usually refers to money.

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For 18 months in the Intifada, women were the ones calling the shots behind the scenes: Palestinian women from all walks of life in charge of mobilizing hundreds of thousands of people in a concerted effort to withdraw consent from the occupation.
Merî nêzîkî wî dibûn, çimkî ewî bona wan xem dikir û wanara heyf bû.ted2019 ted2019
On 20 March, the United States began to partially withdrawal its troops from Iraq due to the pandemic.
Ça em dikarin nîşan kin ku em meriyêd ruhfeqîr in?Tico19 Tico19
Işık University management has fired another academic since they didn’t withdraw her signature from the declaration entitled “We Will not be a Party to This Crime” by Academics for Peace.
Mirin û saxkirina LazarBianet Bianet
The political parties in the German Parliament except The Left (Die Linke) back the plan to move the troops from İncirlik to Jordan. The Left on the other side demands that Germany withdraw from the fight against ISIS (Islamic State of Syria and Iraq).
Ev ketan jixwe heyeBianet Bianet
Is he withdrawing from false religion?
Tu dikarî ferhenga min bi kar bînî.jw2019 jw2019
“We are not totally withdrawing from the parliament. We will continue to use every field of democratic politics to the fullest. We will not attend general assembly studies. We will not be present in commission studies. We will not use tools such as parliamentary inquiry, summary of proceedings.
Di neşirkirinekêda hatibû nivîsarê: “Teknolociya meriya qet tu tiştî nikare bike, seva ku emirê meriya ji erdheja xilaz ke”.Bianet Bianet
It is estimated that all kinds of illegal wildlife trade in Brazil withdraw from nature almost 38 million animals every year, a business worth almost two billion dollars.
(c) Kî ne ew esker yê ku pişt Îsava tên?ted2019 ted2019
Declaring the incident on his social media account, Birdal said, “I was notified that I was discharged from Işık University after I refused to withdraw my signature. I will continue to advocate truth and freedom with the hope of seeing my students and colleagues again”.
Îshaq kerema xwe da Aqûb.Bianet Bianet
Yıldırım’s attorney Tuba Kılıç submitted petition of withdrawing cases, state-run Anadolu Agency (AA) reported.
Gihandina DûrNameBianet Bianet
Some other signs to look for: hopelessness, believing that things are terrible and never going to get better; helplessness, believing that there is nothing that you can do about it; recent social withdrawal; and a loss of interest in life.
Paşî wê yekê ça Pîlato pirsa da Îsa, ewî got: “Ez tu neheqiyê wîda nabînim”.ted2019 ted2019
Upon President Erdoğan’s declaration following the coup attempt on July 15, that he would withdraw the charges he had filed against approximately 3,000 individuals, some individuals were released in certain provinces including Antalya and Ankara.
Mêrê ku destê wê girtiye Îsa ye. Lê mêr û jinê kêlekê wê dê-bavê wê ne.Bianet Bianet
The Spanish ministry said it will withdraw the kits that returned incorrect results, and would replace them with a different testing kit provided by Shenzhen Bioeasy.80% of test kits the Czech Republic purchased from China gave wrong results.Slovakia purchased 1.2 million test kits from China which were found to be inaccurate.
Paşwextiyê qedirê meriya hindava Abşalom ji ber hev zêde bibû, û ewî xwe kire padşa.Tico19 Tico19
Işık University management has urged the academics, who signed the declaration entitled “We Will Not be a Party to This Crime” released by the Academics for Peace, to withdraw their signatures. Assoc. Prof. Dr. M. Sinan Birdal didn’t withdraw and was fired.
Bêyî Pirskirinê Mîhengan BiguherîneBianet Bianet
Remarking that she was fired for not withdrawing her signature from the declaration, Yıldıran said will “take it to the court”.
Ew herî biçûk e û niha miqatî peza dibe”.Bianet Bianet
For others, withdrawal, nihilism, materialism.
Paşî wê yekê ça Yûhenna dîtû bihîst çi ku qewimîn, ew îda dudilî nîbû, ku Îsa ji Xwedê Yahowa hatiye şandinê (Yûhenna 1:32-34).ted2019 ted2019
The KRG should publish information publicly stating who is authorized to issue and withdraw restrictions on movement of goods, what restrictions are in place around Sinjar, on what goods, for how long, and for what reasons, with a clear expiration date.
Gele ferz e şîretên ji Kitêba Pîroz bidî xebatê, û ji van hemû tişta çi ku sêrbaziyêva girêdayî ye, xwe xwey kî (1 Petrûs 5:6, 7; 2 Petrûs 2:9).hrw.org hrw.org
The petition stated that the purpose of withdrawing the cases is to “contribute to social consensus that has come into existence following the July 15 coup attempt” and read “now it is time make fresh starts, open new pages”.
Hine eskera çûbûn cem Şawûl û wîra gotin, ku Dawid dixwaze tevî Golyat şer bike.Bianet Bianet
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