I marvel oor Kornies

I marvel

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I marvel
/ marth a'm beus / / /langbot langbot
I marvel
/ marth yw genev / / /langbot langbot
Much marvel have I
Meur a varth yw genev vylangbot langbot
I will do it above marvel.
My a'n gwra, awos merwel.langbot langbot
The series on Ireland that I saw on the TV was marvellous.
Marthys o an kevres yn kever Iwerdhon a welis war an bellwolok.langbot langbot
Did that make him, comparatively, a mental giant among zombies? Possibly. Not sure. But, contrary to popular belief, this particular zombie, my twin brother, had a discernible intelligence. He was no mere automaton, driven by some base instincts alone. That said, he was not about to win any awards for higher learning – nor for philanthropy (unless, by philanthropy, you mean someone who loves the taste of other men.) In any event, the suggestion of going to the cemetery had struck some chord deep within David’s psyche. He put out his hand and placed it in mine. I took this to mean he wanted to be taken there. So, we turned around and headed North along Lygon Street. Melbourne General Cemetery was, maybe, 10 to 15 minutes gentle stroll away. o0o It was late afternoon and the sun was low in the sky. One or two of the streetlights came on as we walked. I marvelled that, despite the chaos and destruction, simple things like streetlights continued to work. David continued to hold my hand. It was cold. Did he draw warmth from me? Some comfort, perhaps. Don’t know. Zombies still roamed the streets, of course, but paid us no mind. Even outside the University precinct, I was still an honorary zombie, it seemed. We paused briefly at a vacant block where students used to park their cars, without permission, of course. My blue 1962 EJ Holden (HPC 933) was still there – but blocked in by about twenty other vehicles. Useless. A little further on, we passed the government building for motor vehicle registration. It had been burnt to the ground. Why? How? Don’t know. Maybe zombies don’t like government officials. A block further on, I saw an electric sign, still working – like the streetlights. It was above a solicitors’ office. The solicitors’ names were still written boldly in gold on the window. ‘Sic transit gloria’, I thought. I noticed that one of the letters in the sign was slightly crooked – a sign-writing error, I guessed. Was that significant? We paused as I peered through the window: a waiting area, with clients still seated, waiting!
A wrug henna dhodho, dre gomparyans, bos kowr skiansek yn mysk an zombis? Possybyl o. Nyns ov sur. Mes, dihaval dhe gryjyans gwerinek, yth esa dhe’n zombi arbennik ma, ow gevell, ow broder vy, poell a allsa bos dissernyes. Nyns o yn sempel kroadur omrewlys, drivyes gans gnas isel unnsel. Byttele, ny ylli Davydh gwaynya piwasow rag dyskas ughella – na rag dengerensa (marnas, dre ‘dengerensa’, ty a styr nebonan a gar blas an dus erell.) Yn neb kas, ow profyans dhodho mos dhe’n ynkleudhva o neppyth a sonas yn town yn kolonn Davydh. Ev a worras y leuv y’m huni. Henn a styryas ev dhe vynnes bos kemmerys bys di, dell grysyn. Ytho, ni a dreylyas dhe’n gledhbarth rag kerdhes arta a-hys Stret Lygon. Yth esa Penn-Ynkleudhva Melbourne rosyas es alemma dres 10 po 15 mynysenn. o0o Yth esa isel an howl y’n ebrenn. Gorthugher o. Onan po dew yntra golowys an stret re dhothya yn fyw ha ni kerhdys. Hwath meur o’w marth drefenn, yn despit dhe’n deray ha’n distruyans, yth esa traow sempel, kepar ha golowys an stret, ow pesya oberi. Yth esa Davydh hwath ow dalgenna ow leuv. Yeyn o y baw.. A ylli kavoes toemmder dhiworthiv? Neb konfort, martesen. Ny wonn. Yth esa zombis oll a-dro dhyn ni y’n stretow, heb mar. Byttegyns, ny wrens agan merkya, dell heveli. Kynth esen vy yn-mes klos an bennskol, zombi dre enor hwath en, yn apert. Ni a hedhis pols ogas dhe dir gwag le mayth esa parkyes kerri-tan studhyoryon,- heb kummyas, heb mar. Yth esa ena ow harr-tan ow honan, Holden gwrys yn 1962 ha glas y liw (HPC 933). Byttegyns, keys a-bervedh o gans ogas ha ugans karr arall. Euver yn tien. Nebes pella, ni a dremenas drehevyans governansel – rag kovskrifans an kerri- tan. Leskys dhe’n dor o. Praga? Fatell? Ny wonn. A ny gar an zombis soedhogyon governansel? Martesen. Nebes pella arta, my a welas arwoedh dredanek hwath yn fyw – kepar ha golowys an stret – a-ugh soedhva laghysi. Yth esa henwyn an laghysi hwath skrifys, yn lytherennow meur owrek, war fenestr an soedhva. ‘Sic transit gloria’, a brederis vy. My a verkyas bos kamm onan yntra lytherennow an arwoedh. Kammgemmeryans an skrifer-arwoedh, dell heveli. O hemma heb styryans? Ni a hedhis ha my mirys dre an fenestr: degemmerva – gans kliensow hwath esedhys, ow kortos! 61langbot langbot
Shaking all over from the exertion, I managed to do this – not so gently. I had no strength at all in reserve and marvelled at the fact that the two of us had managed to carry this massive thing so far. I stopped and, trying to control my quivering, listened. No snoring was audible. It was still night and the guard’s snoring had been clearly audible from this distance on the night before. “Anyone there?” came a stern-sounding voice. Bugger – I had been heard by the guard. (What ever happened to the imprecation “friend or foe” that I had been taught in my time as a toy soldier?) Or, maybe, he had merely been awakened by the noise without really hearing it. (Or so I hoped.) I motioned to David to remain still. I heard the guard noisily lifting his rifle – the sound of the thick, woven strap casually slapping the butt was quite distinctive for me. The sound of heavy boots, equally familiar, started approaching us. Fight or flight? Neither – stay put! “Anyone there?” the voice repeated, with perceptible uncertainty. Uncertainty? Yes, that’s what we wanted. I decided we should stay put and, soon the footsteps retreated without the guard having seen us. I knew the plan had gone too far for us to abandon without raising suspicion – and, probably, initiating a detailed search of the cemetery which, as far as I knew, had not previously been done. (After all, who hides in a cemetery?) David and I stood, frozen to the spot for about twenty minutes before we heard the resumption of the guard’s snoring. Time to move. The main driveway to the cemetery was, unfortunately, relatively flat. So, for silent running, it needed both of us to push the khaki-coloured ute, me from the driver’s wheel and David from the rear. (It took some little time to indicate to him what it was that I required but I needed his strength. So, I persisted until he understood.)
Ow krena heb kontrol drefenn an stryvyans ma, my a sewenas yn y wul – mes nyns o hemma gwrys mar gosel ha Davydh. Nyns esa nerth mann gesys dhymm ha meur o’m marth drefenn ni dhe alloes, an dhew, doen an dra ma, meur hy thewder, mar bell. My a hedhis. Ha my assayys dhe gontrolya ow kren, yth esen ow goslowes. Ronk vyth bos klywys. Nos o hwath ha renkyans an gwithyas re via klywys dhiworth an pellder ma nyhewer. “Eus nebonan ena?” a dheuth lev asper. Buggra – y fien klywys gans an gwithyas. (Pyth re hwarvia dhe’n chalenj “Kothman po eskar?” re via dyskys pan vien souder-wariell?) Po, martesen, an tros re’n difunsa hepken heb y glywes yn hwir. (Po, yndellna o govenek dhymm.) My a wrug mosion dhe Dhavydh rag leverel dhodho dhe remaynya kosel. My a glywas an gwithyas dhe dhrehevel yn trosek y wonn hir – son an ledhrenn, tew ha gwiys, ow hwattya erbynn an karn, o aswonnys yn ta dhymm. Son an botasennow poesek, aswonnys yn ta keffrys, a dhallathas dos troha ni. Batalyas po fia? Nag an eyl po y gila – gortos! “Eus nebonan ena?” a dhasleveris an voys, meur y ansurneth. Ansurneth? Ya, henn o pyth a vynnen ni. My a erviras y talvien gortos. Ena, yn skon, yth esa kildennans a’n kammow heb agan bos gwelys gans an gwithyas. My a wodhya an towl dhe vos re avonsyes seulabrys. Ny yllyn y forsakya heb kawsya gogrys – ha, gwirhaval, heb dalleth hwithrans dien an ynkleudhva. Dell grysyn, ny via kyns hwithrans anedhi. (Wosa oll, piw omgudhsa yn ynkleudhva?) Y sevi Davydh ha my, heb gwayans vyth, dres ogas dhe ugens mynysenn kyns ni dhe glywes renkyans an gwithyas dasdhalleth. Termyn o dhe fia.langbot langbot
Exodus 34 The Covenant is Renewed 1And the LORD said unto Moses, Hew thee two tables of stone like unto the first: and I will write upon these tables the words that were in the first tables, which thou brakest. 2And be ready in the morning, and come up in the morning unto mount Sinai, and present thyself there to me in the top of the mount. 3And no man shall come up with thee, neither let any man be seen throughout all the mount; neither let the flocks nor herds feed before that mount. 4And he hewed two tables of stone like unto the first; and Moses rose up early in the morning, and went up unto mount Sinai, as the LORD had commanded him, and took in his hand the two tables of stone. 5And the LORD descended in the cloud, and stood with him there, and proclaimed the name of the LORD. 6And the LORD passed by before him, and proclaimed, The LORD, The LORD God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth, 7keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, and that will by no means clear the guilty; visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children's children, unto the third and to the fourth generation. 8And Moses made haste, and bowed his head toward the earth, and worshipped. 9And he said, If now I have found grace in thy sight, O Lord, let my Lord, I pray thee, go among us; for it is a stiffnecked people; and pardon our iniquity and our sin, and take us for thine inheritance. 10And he said, Behold, I make a covenant: before all thy people I will do marvels, such as have not been done in all the earth, nor in any nation: and all the people among which thou art shall see the work of the LORD: for it is a terrible thing that I will do with thee. 11Observe thou that which I command thee this day: behold, I drive out before thee the Amorite, and the Canaanite, and the Hittite, and the Perizzite, and the Hivite, and the Jebusite. 12Take heed to thyself, lest thou make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land whither thou goest, lest it be for a snare in the midst of thee: 13but ye shall destroy their altars, break their images, and cut down their groves: 14for thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God: 15lest thou make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land, and they go a whoring after their gods, and do sacrifice unto their gods, and one call thee, and thou eat of his sacrifice; 16and thou take of their daughters unto thy sons, and their daughters go a whoring after their gods, and make thy sons go a whoring after their gods. 17Thou shalt make thee no molten gods. 18The feast of unleavened bread shalt thou keep. Seven days thou shalt eat unleavened bread, as I commanded thee, in the time of the month Abib: for in the month Abib thou camest out from Egypt. 19All that openeth the matrix is mine; and every firstling among thy cattle, whether ox or sheep, that is male. 20But the firstling of an ass thou shalt redeem with a lamb: and if thou redeem him not, then shalt thou break his neck. All the firstborn of thy sons thou shalt redeem. And none shall appear before me empty. 21Six days thou shalt work, but on the seventh day thou shalt rest: in earing time and in harvest thou shalt rest. 22And thou shalt observe the feast of weeks, of the firstfruits of wheat harvest, and the feast of ingathering at the year's end. 23Thrice in the year shall all your menchildren appear before the Lord GOD, the God of Israel. 24For I will cast out the nations before thee, and enlarge thy borders: neither shall any man desire thy land, when thou shalt go up to appear before the LORD thy God thrice in the year. 25Thou shalt not offer the blood of my sacrifice with leaven; neither shall the sacrifice of the feast of the passover be left unto the morning. 26The first of the firstfruits of thy land thou shalt bring unto the house of the LORD thy God. Thou shalt not seethe a kid in his mother's milk. 27And the LORD said unto Moses, Write thou these words: for after the tenor of these words I have made a covenant with thee and with Israel. 28And he was there with the LORD forty days and forty nights; he did neither eat bread, nor drink water. And he wrote upon the tables the words of the covenant, the ten commandments. 29And it came to pass, when Moses came down from mount Sinai with the two tables of testimony in Moses' hand, when he came down from the mount, that Moses wist not that the skin of his face shone while he talked with him. 30And when Aaron and all the children of Israel saw Moses, behold, the skin of his face shone; and they were afraid to come nigh him. 31And Moses called unto them; and Aaron and all the rulers of the congregation returned unto him: and Moses talked with them. 32And afterward all the children of Israel came nigh: and he gave them in commandment all that the LORD had spoken with him in mount Sinai. 33And till Moses had done speaking with them, he put a vail on his face. 34But when Moses went in before the LORD to speak with him, he took the vail off, until he came out. And he came out, and spake unto the children of Israel that which he was commanded. 35And the children of Israel saw the face of Moses, that the skin of Moses' face shone: and Moses put the vail upon his face again, until he went in to speak with him.
AN BIBEL KERNEWEK 2020 Eksodus 34 An Dhiw Leghenn Nowydh 1An ARLOEDH a leveris dhe Moyses, ‘Fols diw leghenn a ven haval dhe'n kynsa; ha my a wra skrifa war an leghennow an geryow esa war an kynsa leghennow, a derrsys. 2Bydh parys myttinweyth hag yskynn y'n myttin dhe venydh Sinay, ha sav ragov ena war benn an menydh. 3Ny dheu denvyth genes, ha na as denvyth dhe vos gwelys yn tyller vyth y'n menydh; na as flokkys na greow dhe beuri a-rag an menydh na.’ 4Ytho ev a folsas diw leghenn a ven avel an kynsa; hag y sevis myttin a-varr hag yskynna menydh Sinay, dell worhemmynnsa an ARLOEDH dhodho, ha kemmeres yn y dhorn diw leghenn a ven. 5Ha'n ARLOEDH a dhiyskynnas y'n gommolenn ha sevel ganso ena, ha gelwel y hanow: an ARLOEDH. 6An ARLOEDH a dremenas a-ragdho ha gelwel, ‘An ARLOEDH, an ARLOEDH, Duw truedhek ha grassyes, lent ow serri ha leun a dregeredh ha lelder, 7ow kwitha tregeredh rag milyow, ow kava kammweyth ha kammdremenans ha pegh, mes neb na as an re gablus heb kessydhyans, ow korra kammweyth an tasow war an fleghes, ha war fleghes an fleghes dhe'n tressa ha'n peswora henedh.’ 8Ha Moyses a fistenas dhe omblegya, hag a wordhyas. 9Hag y leveris, ‘Mar kevis lemmyn gras y'th wolok, A Arloedh, my a'th pys, gwres an Arloedh mones yn agan mysk, kynth yw pobel kales hy hilbenn; ha gav agan kammweyth ha'gan pegh, ha kemmer ni rag dha eretons.’ Nowydhheans an Kevambos 10Hag ev a leveris, Otta, my a wra dhis kevambos. A-rag oll dha bobel my a wra anethow a'n par na vons gwrys war oll an norvys nag yn py kenedhel bynag; hag oll an bobel mayth esos yn aga mysk a wra gweles ober an ARLOEDH rag yth yw tra euthyk hag a wrav genes. 11Gwith orth an pyth a worhemmynnav dhis hedhyw. Otta, my a worr yn-mes a-ragos an Amorysi, an Kananysi, an Hittysi, an Perizzysi, an Hivysi, ha'n Yebusysi. 12Kemmer with ma na wrylli kevambos gans annedhysi an vro mayth esos ow mones, ma na dheffo ha bos antell yn agas mysk. 13Ty a derr dhe'n dor aga alteryow, ha terri dhe demmyn aga feulveyn, ha treghi aga Asherim, 14rag ny wordhydh ken Duw, rag an ARLOEDH, neb yw y hanow Avius, yw Duw avius; 15ma na wrewgh kevambos gans annedhysi an tir, ha pan horyons war-lergh aga duwow ha sakrifia dh'aga duwow hag onan anedha a'th helow, ma na dhyppri a'y sakrifis, 16ha ty a gemmer a'ga myrghes dhe'th vebyon, ha'ga myrghes a wra horya war-lergh aga duwow ha gul dhe'th vebyon horya war-lergh aga duwow. 17Ny wredh ragos duwow deudh. 18Goel an bara heb goell ty a wra gwitha. Seyth dydh ty a dheber bara heb goell, dell worhemmynnis dhis, dhe'n prys ordenys y'n mis Abib, rag y'n mis Abib y teuthys yn-mes a Ejyp. 19Peub a iger an dorr yw dhymm, oll dha warthek gorow, kynsa-genys an vugh ha'n dhavas. 20Kynsa-genys an asen ty a dhaspren gans oen, po mar ny'n dasprenydh, ty a wra terri y gonna. Kynsa-genys oll dha vebyon ty a wra dasprena. Na ny wra nagonan omdhiskwedhes a-ragov gwag y dhiwleuv. 21Hwegh dydh ty a wra oberi, mes y'n seythves dydh ty a wra powes; yn termyn aras ha trevas ty a wra powes. 22Ha ty a wra gwitha goel an seythunyow, kynsa frut an gwaneth ha goel an kuntell dhe benn an vlydhen. 23Teyrgweyth y'n vlydhen y hwra omdhiskwedhes oll dha re worow a-rag an Arloedh DUW, Duw Ysrael. 24Rag my a wra fesya kenedhlow a-ragos, ha lesa dha oryon; ha ny'n jevydh denvyth hwans dhe'th tir, pan yskynnowgh dhe omdhiskwedhes a-rag an ARLOEDH dha Dhuw teyrgweyth y'n vlydhen. 25Ny wrewgh profya goes ow sakrifis gans goell; na ny vydh gesys offrynn goel an pask bys y'n myttin. 26Kynsa frut dha dhor ty a wra dri dhe ji an ARLOEDH dha Dhuw. Ny wrewgh hwi bryjyon mynn yn leth y vamm. 27Ha'n ARLOEDH a leveris dhe Moyses, Skrif an geryow ma; herwydh an geryow ma my re wrug kevambos genes ha gans Ysrael. 28Hag y feu ena gans an ARLOEDH dew-ugens dydh ha dew-ugens nos; ha ny dhybris bara nag eva dowr. Hag y skrifas war leghennow geryow an kevambos, an deg gorhemmynn. Moyses a Dhiyskynn a'n Menydh 29Pan dhiyskynnas Moyses a venydh Sinay, ha diw leghenn an dustuni yn y dhorn dell dhiyskynnas a'n menydh, ny wodhya Moyses kroghen y fas dhe splanna, rag ev re bia ow kewsel gans Duw. 30Hag Aron ha mebyon Ysrael oll, pan welsons Moyses, otta, kroghen y vejeth a splannas, hag own a's teva a dhos yn y ogas. 31Mes Moyses a elwis dhedha; hag Aron ha hembrenkysi oll an kuntelles a dhehwelis dhodho, ha Moyses a gewsis gansa. 32Hag a-wosa mebyon Ysrael oll a nesas, hag ev a worhemmynnis dhedha pup-tra re gowssa an ARLOEDH dhodho war venydh Sinay. 33Ha pan worfennsa Moyses ow kewsel gansa, ev a worras kudhlenn war y vejeth; 34mes pan e Moyses a-ji a-rag an ARLOEDH dhe gewsel ganso, y tiwiska an gudhlenn; bys pan dho yn-mes; hag y to yn-mes ha derivas dhe vebyon Ysrael an pyth a vedha gorhemmynnys dhodho. 35Mebyon Ysrael a welas fas Moyses, bos kroghen fas Moyses ow splanna; ha Moyses a wiskas an gudhlenn arta war y vejeth, bys pan dheuth a-ji dhe gewsel ganso.langbot langbot
OBADIAH 1 Edom's Pride and Punishment 1 The Lord God gave Obadiah a message about Edom, and this is what we heard: “I, the Lord, have sent a messenger with orders for the nations to attack Edom.” 2The Lord said to Edom: I will make you the weakest and most despised nation. 3You live in a mountain fortress, because your pride makes you feel safe from attack, but you are mistaken. 4I will still bring you down, even if you fly higher than an eagle or nest among the stars. I, the Lord, have spoken! 5If thieves break in at night, they steal only what they want. And people who harvest grapes always leave some unpicked. But, Edom, you are doomed! 6Everything you treasure most will be taken from you. 7Your allies can't be trusted. They will force you out of your own country. And your best friends will trick and trap you, even before you know it. 8Edom, when this happens, I, the Lord, will destroy all your marvelous wisdom. 9Warriors from the city of Teman will be terrified, and you descendants of Esau will be wiped out. The Lord Condemns Edom's Cruelty 10You were cruel to your relatives, the descendants of Jacob. Now you will be destroyed, disgraced forever. 11You stood there and watched as foreigners entered Jerusalem and took what they wanted. In fact, you were no better than those foreigners. 12Why did you celebrate when such a dreadful disaster struck your relatives? Why were you so pleased when everyone in Judah was suffering? 13They are my people, and you were cruel to them. You went through their towns, sneering and stealing whatever was left. 14In their time of torment, you ambushed refugees and handed them over to their attackers. The Lord Will Judge the Nations 15The day is coming when I, the Lord, will judge the nations. And, Edom, you will pay in full for what you have done. 16I forced the people of Judah to drink the wine of my anger on my sacred mountain. Soon the neighboring nations must drink their fill— then vanish without a trace. Victory for Israel 17The Lord's people who escape will go to Mount Zion, and it will be holy. Then Jacob's descendants will capture the land of those who took their land. 18Israel will be a fire, and Edom will be straw going up in flames. The Lord has spoken! 19The people of Israel who live in the Southern Desert will take the land of Edom. Those who live in the hills will capture Philistia, Ephraim, and Samaria. And the tribe of Benjamin will conquer Gilead. 20Those who return from captivity will control Phoenicia as far as Zarephath. Captives from Jerusalem who were taken to Sepharad will capture the towns of the Southern Desert. 21Those the Lord has saved will live on Mount Zion and rule over Edom. Then the kingdom will belong to the Lord.
OBADIA 1 Breus Duw erbynn Edom 1Gwelesigeth Obadia. Yndellma y lever an Arloedh DUW a-dro dhe Edom: Ni re glewas nowodhow dhiworth an ARLOEDH, ha kannas re beu dannvenys yn mysk an kenedhlow: ‘Sevewgh hwi, ha sevyn ni er hy fynn rag an gas.’ 2Otta, my a'th wrug byghan yn mysk an kenedhlow; dispresys yn feur osta. 3Goeth dha golonn re'th toellas, ty neb eus trigys ughel yn savnow an garrek, y drigva y'n ughelder, ow leverel y'th kolonn, ‘Piw a'm dre yn-nans dhe'n dor?’ 4Kyn nijydh ughel kepar ha'n er, ha kyn settydh dha neyth yn mysk an ster, my a'th tre yn-nans alena, yn-medh an ARLOEDH. 5Mar teffa robbyoryon dhis, po ladron yn nos, fatell allses bos distruys? A ny wrussens ladra unnweyth an pyth a ve lowr ragdha i aga honan? Mar teffa kuntelloryon grappys dhis, a ny wrussens gasa rann a'n grappys? 6Mes assa vydh Esaw leun hwithrys, pyllys y dresoryow kudh! 7Oll dha geffrysysi a'th chasyas dhe'n oryon; an re yn kres genes re'th toellas, i re brevaylyas warnas; an re a dheber bara genes a sett maglenn yn-dannos, heb ty dh'y gonvedhes. 8Y'n jydh na, yn-medh an ARLOEDH, a ny wrav vy distrui tus fur yn-mes a Edom, ha konvedhes yn-mes a venydh Esaw? 9Dha gasoryon a berth own, Teman, rag bos pub den oll a venydh Esaw treghys dhe-ves. 10Drefenn an ladhva ha'n garowder gwrys erbynn dha vroder Yakob, meth a wra dha gudha, ha ty a vydh treghys dhe-ves bynitha. 11Y'n jydh may sevsys a-denewen, y'n jydh may hwrug alyons kemmeres y lu yn keth, hag estrenyon a dheuth bys dh'y yetys, ha tewlel prenn war Yerusalem, ty ynwedh o kepar hag onan anedha. 12Mes ny dalvia, ty dhe vires yn heudh war dhydh dha vroder yn dydh y anfeusi, na lowenhe war vebyon Yuda yn dydh aga diswrians; na kewsel yn howtyn yn dydh aga diswrians. 13Ny dalvia, ty dhe dhos a-ji dhe yet ow fobel yn dydh aga therroes, na mires, ty ynwedh, yn heudh war y anken yn dydh y derroes, na settya dalghenn yn y bythow yn dydh y derroes. 14Ny dalvia, ty dhe sevel orth an growsfordh may hylli treghi yn-nans y fowesigyon, na dhaskorr an re a fi alena yn dydh anken. 15Rag ogas yw dydh an ARLOEDH rag oll an kenedhlow. Kepar dell wrussys, yndellma y fydh gwrys dhiso jy; dha attal a dheu war dha benn dha honan. 16Rag kepar dell wrussowgh eva war ow menydh sans, yn kettella y hwra an kenedhlow oll eva heb hedhi. Eva a wrons, ha lenki, hag y fydhons kepar ha pan nag esens bythkweth yn few. 17Mes war venydh Sion y fydh remenant a'n re a dhienk, hag y fydh tyller sans. Ha chi Yakob a dhaskemmer eretons an dus a gemmersa aga eretons i. 18Chi Yakob a vydh tan, ha chi Yosep a vydh flamm; chi Esaw a vydh sowl, hag i a worr tan ynna ha'ga devorya. Ny vydh denvyth gesys a ji Esaw, rag an ARLOEDH re gewsis. 19Tus an Negeb a gemmer menydh Esaw yn perghennogeth, ha tus an Shefela a gemmer pow an Filistysi. I a gemmer tiredh Efraym ha tiredh Samaria, ha Benyamin a gemmer Gilead yn perghennogeth. 20Divresow an lu ma a vebyon Ysrael a gemmer tiredh an Kananysi bys yn Sarefath, ha divresow Yerusalem usi yn Sefarad a gemmer sitys an dhyghowbarth. 21Ha tus delivrys a yn-bann dhe venydh Sion dhe rewlya menydh Esaw; ha'n myghternsys a vydh dhe'n ARLOEDH.langbot langbot
EPHESIANS 3 God’s Marvelous Plan for the Gentiles 1For this reason I, Paul, the prisoner of Christ Jesus for the sake of you Gentiles— 2Surely you have heard about the administration of God’s grace that was given to me for you, 3that is, the mystery made known to me by revelation, as I have already written briefly. 4In reading this, then, you will be able to understand my insight into the mystery of Christ, 5which was not made known to people in other generations as it has now been revealed by the Spirit to God’s holy apostles and prophets. 6This mystery is that through the gospel the Gentiles are heirs together with Israel, members together of one body, and sharers together in the promise in Christ Jesus. 7I became a servant of this gospel by the gift of God’s grace given me through the working of his power. 8Although I am less than the least of all the Lord’s people, this grace was given me: to preach to the Gentiles the boundless riches of Christ, 9and to make plain to everyone the administration of this mystery, which for ages past was kept hidden in God, who created all things. 10His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms, 11according to his eternal purpose that he accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord. 12In him and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence. 13I ask you, therefore, not to be discouraged because of my sufferings for you, which are your glory. A Prayer for the Ephesians 14For this reason I kneel before the Father, 15from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name. 16I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, 17so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, 18may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, 19and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. 20Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, 21to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.
EFESIANYS 3 Menystrans Powl dhe'n Jentilys 1Rag hemma, my, Powl, prisner Krist Yesu ragowgh hwi, an Jentilys – 2mar klewsowgh a'n charj dhe venystra ras Duw a veu res dhymmo ragowgh, 3fatell veu notys dhymm an mysteri dre dhiskwedhyans, kepar dell skrifis dhywgh kyns war verr lavarow. 4Ow redya hemma, hwi a woer konvedhes ow skians yn mysteri Krist, 5na veu notys dhe vebyon den yn henedhow erell, kepar dell yw diskwedhys lemmyn dh'y abesteli sans, ha'y brofoesi y'n Spyrys, 6an Jentilys dhe vos kes-heryon ha keskorf, ha kevrennoryon a'n ambos yn Krist Yesu der an aweyl. 7Ha my eth ha bos gwas war-lergh ro an ras a Dhuw, res dhymm war-lergh oberyans y alloes. 8Dhymmo vy, yw le ages an lyha a'n syns oll, y feu res an ras ma dhe bregoth dhe'n Jentilys an rychys a Grist yw dres hwithra, 9ha golowi dhe bub den towl an mysteri kudhys dres an oesow yn Duw neb a wrug pup-tra, 10may fe deklarys lemmyn dhe'n prynsipatys ha'n potestatys y'n tylleryow nevek, der an eglos, furneth Duw, meur hy diverseth, 11war-lergh towl an oesow a wrug ev yn Krist Yesu agan Arloedh, 12yn neb y'gan beus kolonnekter ha fordh dhodho yn trest dre fydh ynno. 13Rag hemma, my a'gas pys na gemmerrowgh digolonn y'm galarow ragowgh hwi; agas glori yns i. Godhvos Kerensa Krist 14Ytho, my a bleg an dhewlin a-dherag an Tas, 15mayth yw henwys warnodho pub teylu yn nev ha nor, 16may rollo dhywgh hwi, war-lergh rychys y splannder, dhe vos krevhes gans galloes der y Spyrys y'n den pervedhel, 17may trikko Krist, dre fydh, yn agas kolonn, gwreydhys ha selys yn kerensa, 18ma'gas bo nerth dhe gonvedhes gans oll an syns, pyth yw an les ha'n hys ha'n ughelder ha'n downder, 19ha dhe aswonn kerensa Krist a dremen dres aswonnvos, may fewgh lenwys a oll leunder Duw. 20Lemmyn, dhe neb a yll gul dres pup-tra yn pals dres eghenn moy es dell bysyn na brederyn, war-lergh an galloes a ober ynnon ni, 21dhodho ev re bo gordhyans y'n eglos hag yn Krist Yesu dres oll henedhow, trank heb worfenn. Amen.langbot langbot
Matthew 8 1When he was come down from the mountain, great multitudes followed him. 2And, behold, there came a leper and worshipped him, saying, Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean. 3And Jesus put forth his hand, and touched him, saying, I will; be thou clean. And immediately his leprosy was cleansed. 4And Jesus saith unto him, See thou tell no man; but go thy way, shew thyself to the priest, and offer the gift that Moses commanded, for a testimony unto them. Marvellous Deeds Power Over Disease 5And when Jesus was entered into Capernaum, there came unto him a centurion, beseeching him, 6and saying, Lord, my servant lieth at home sick of the palsy, grievously tormented. 7And Jesus saith unto him, I will come and heal him. 8The centurion answered and said, Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof: but speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed. 9For I am a man under authority, having soldiers under me: and I say to this man, Go, and he goeth; and to another, Come, and he cometh; and to my servant, Do this, and he doeth it. 10When Jesus heard it, he marvelled, and said to them that followed, Verily I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel. 11And I say unto you, That many shall come from the east and west, and shall sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of heaven. 12But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. 13And Jesus said unto the centurion, Go thy way; and as thou hast believed, so be it done unto thee. And his servant was healed in the selfsame hour. 14And when Jesus was come into Peter's house, he saw his wife's mother laid, and sick of a fever. 15And he touched her hand, and the fever left her: and she arose, and ministered unto them. 16When the even was come, they brought unto him many that were possessed with devils: and he cast out the spirits with his word, and healed all that were sick: 17that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet, saying, Himself took our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses. Power Over Men 18Now when Jesus saw great multitudes about him, he gave commandment to depart unto the other side. 19And a certain scribe came, and said unto him, Master, I will follow thee whithersoever thou goest. 20And Jesus saith unto him, The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head. 21And another of his disciples said unto him, Lord, suffer me first to go and bury my father. 22But Jesus said unto him, Follow me; and let the dead bury their dead. Power Over Nature 23And when he was entered into a ship, his disciples followed him. 24And, behold, there arose a great tempest in the sea, insomuch that the ship was covered with the waves: but he was asleep. 25And his disciples came to him, and awoke him, saying, Lord, save us: we perish. 26And he saith unto them, Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm. 27But the men marvelled, saying, What manner of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him! Power Over Devils 28And when he was come to the other side into the country of the Gergesenes, there met him two possessed with devils, coming out of the tombs, exceeding fierce, so that no man might pass by that way. 29And, behold, they cried out, saying, What have we to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God? art thou come hither to torment us before the time? 30And there was a good way off from them an herd of many swine feeding. 31So the devils besought him, saying, If thou cast us out, suffer us to go away into the herd of swine. 32And he said unto them, Go. And when they were come out, they went into the herd of swine: and, behold, the whole herd of swine ran violently down a steep place into the sea, and perished in the waters. 33And they that kept them fled, and went their ways into the city, and told every thing, and what was befallen to the possessed of the devils. 34And, behold, the whole city came out to meet Jesus: and when they saw him, they besought him that he would depart out of their coasts. Rights in the Authorized (King James) Version of the Bible are vested in the Crown. Published by permission of the Crown's patentee, Cambridge University Press.
AN BIBEL KERNEWEK 2020 Matthew 8 Glanhe Den Klavorek Mark 1:40-45; Luk 5:12-16 1Ha wosa ev dhe dhiyskynna a'n menydh, routhow bras a'n siwyas. 2Hag awotta den klavorek ow tos nes a blegyas dhe'n leur a-dheragdho ha leverel, ‘Arloedh, mar mynnydh, ty a yll ow glanhe.’ 3Ha Yesu owth ystynn i leuv a'n tochyas ha leverel, ‘Mynnav, bydh glan’; ha dihwans y lovryjyon a veu glanhes. 4Hag yn-medh Yesu dhodho, ‘Gorwith na leverri ger dhe dhenvyth, mes ke hag omdhiskwa dha honan dhe'n oferyas ha doro dha ro a ordenas Moyses, avel dustuni dhedha.’ Yaghheans Kethwas Penn-kangour Luk 7:1-10; Yow 4:43-54 5Ha pan eth ev a-bervedh yn Kapernaum, y teuth dhodho penn-kangour, orth y bysi, 6ha leverel, ‘Arloedh, yma ow gwas vy a'y wrowedh palsyes y'n chi, ow kodhevel yn tynn.’ 7Hag yn-medh ev dhodho, ‘Yth av dh'y yaghhe.’ 8Ha'n penn-kangour a worthybis ow leverel, ‘Arloedh, nyns ov vy gwiw ty dhe dhos yn-dann ow tho, lemmyn ty na wra saw unnsel leverel an ger ha'm gwas a vydh gwrys yagh. 9Rag my ynwedh yw den yn-dann awtorita, hag a'm beus soudoryon yn-dannov, ha my a lever dhe onan, “Ke”, ha mos a wra, ha dhe arall, “Deus”, ha dos a wra, ha dhe'm kethwas, “Gwra hemma”, hag ev a'n gwra.’ 10Yesu pan glewas henna, marth a'n jeva, hag yn-medh ev dhe'n re a'n siwya, ‘Yn hwir y lavarav dhywgh, ny gevis vy kemmys fydh, na hwath yn Ysrael. 11Ha my a lever y teu meur a dus dhiworth an howldrevel ha'n howlsedhes hag esedha orth moes gans Abraham hag Ysak ha Yakob yn gwlaskor nev, 12mes mebyon an wlaskor a vydh tewlys yn-mes dhe'n tewlder pella; ena y fydh oelva ha skrinva dyns.’ 13Hag yn-medh Yesu dhe'n penn-kangour, ‘Ke; ha kepar dell gryssys bedhes gwrys dhis.’ Ha'y was a veu gwrys yagh y'n keth eur na. Yaghheans Lies Den Mark 1:29-34; Luk 4:38-41 14Ha Yesu ow tos dhe ji Peder, a welas y hweger ev a'y growedh grevys gans fevyr; 15hag ev a dochyas hy leuv, ha'n fevyr a's gasas; ena hi a sevis yn-bann ha'y servya ev. 16Pan o devedhys an gorthugher i a dhug dhodho lies sagh dyowl; hag ev a dewlis yn-mes an spyrysyon gans ger ha sawya oll an glevyon, 17may fe kollenwys an dra kewsys der Ysay an profoes ow leverel, ‘Ev y honan a gemmeras agan gwannegredh hag a borthas agan klevesow.’ Holyoryon Yesu Luk 9:57-62 18Ha pan welas Yesu routh a-dro dhodho, ev a ros gorhemmynn dhe omdenna dhe'n lann arall. 19Hag unn skriba a dheuth ha leverel dhodho, ‘Mester, my a wra dha holya pyle pynag yth ylli.’ 20Hag yn-medh Yesu dhodho, ‘Dhe'n lewern yma tell, ha neythow dhe ydhyn an ayr, mes dhe Vab an den nyns eus le may hyll powes y benn ynno.’ 21Onan arall a'y dhyskyblon a leveris dhodho, ‘Arloedh, gas vy kyns oll dhe vos dhe ynkleudhyas ow thas.’ 22Mes Yesu a leveris dhodho, ‘Ty gwra ow holya, ha gas dhe'n re varow ynkleudhyas aga thus varow aga honan.’ Yesu a Goselha Annawel Mark 4:35-41; Luk 8:22-25 23Ena ev a yskynnas yn gorhel ha'y dhyskyblon a'n siwyas. 24Hag awotta, annawel veur a sevis, may feu kudhys an gorhel gans tonnow, mes yth esa ev ow koska. 25Ha'y dhyskyblon a dheuth, hag a wrug dhodho difuna, ow leverel, ‘Arloedh, salw ni, kellys on!’ 26Yn-medh ev dhedha, ‘Prag yth owgh hwi mar ownek, hwi a voghes fydh?’ Ena ev a sevis ha keredhi an gwynsow ha'n mor, hag y feu kalmynsi meur. 27Marth a gemmeras an dus, hag yn-medhons, ‘Py par den yw hemma, mayth yw gostydh dhodho keffrys an mor ha'n gwynsow?’ Yaghheans an Gadarenys Tormentys gans Dywolow Mark 5:1-20; Luk 8:26-39 28Pan ova devedhys dhe'n lann arall, dhe Bow an Gadarenys, y teuth er y bynn dew sagh dyowl, ow tos yn-mes a'n bedhow, gwyls dres eghenn, ma na ylli nebonan tremena war an fordh na. 29Hag i a armas ow leverel, ‘Pandr'a vynnydh tejy genen ni, A Vab Duw? Osta devedhys omma rag agan tormentya kyns an termyn?’ 30Mes neb pellder dhiworta yth esa flokk veur a vogh ow peuri. 31Ha'n dhywolow a'n pysis ow leverel, ‘Mara kwredh agan tewlel yn-mes, dannvon ni a-bervedh yn flokk an mogh.’ 32Hag yn-medh ev dhedha, ‘Ewgh ytho.’ Hag ow tos yn-mes, yth ethons a-bervedh y'n mogh; hag oll an flokk a boenyas gwyls yn-nans dres an lann serth bys y'n mor, ha merwel y'n dowrow. 33Ha'n vugeledh a fias dhe'n fo ha mos dhe'n sita ha derivas pup-tra, keffrys ha'n pyth o hwarvedhys dhe'n dus dalghennys gans dywolow. 34Hag otta, oll an sita a dheuth yn-mes rag dyerbynna Yesu; ha pan y'n gwelsons, i a'n pysis a omdenna yn-mes a'ga oryon. © Kesva an Taves Kernewek 2004, 2021 © Cornish Language Board 2004, 2021KING JAMES VERSION (BIBLE SOCIETY PARAGRAPHED EDITION 1954)langbot langbot
At an open door, air streams The play of gnats free in a swarm; A swallow's beak before the night Seizes nimbly her easy spoils; And on the grey limestone slops I walked before, last niht Bare mountains above the wood Where the weather changes uddenly; I will return to you soon - Wide slopes of Rousillon Vineyards over the valley below Row on row, long lines; Black juice before the end of the month When the harvest comes on your land; Fruit unripe, bitter, sharp Will soon change to something sweet Which will always be a marvel to me A secret of nature always unseen; The night falls, a cricket sings Good company, warm amusing laughter In a lazy dry Catalan valley When the song of the night finally stops There falls a calmness on the house; To my bed I must go And now a desire I have for her; Against a wide sky, dark and far Half-dressed, loose clothing Skin like brown olives She kneels at the cross; I remember sight and sound; I know every word, every tune And I will return to you soon - Long, hot nights of Rousillon
Orth daras igor, ayr a fros Gwari gwybes rydh yn hes; Gelvin gwennol, kyns an nos A dhalghenn skav hy freydhow es; Ha war an ledrow limven loes My a gerdhas kyns, nyhewer Menydhyow moel a-ugh an koes Le may trel distowgh an gewer; My a dhehwel dhis yn skon - Ledrow ledan Rousillon Gwinlannow dres an nans a-is Rew war rew, linennow hir; Sugen du dhe benn an mis Pan dheu an drevas war an tir; Froeth anadhves, hwerow, lymm A drel yn skon dhe neppyth melys A vydh pup-prys marthys dhymm Rin a natur, prest anwelys; An nos a goedh, an gryll a gan Kowetha dha, hwarth toemm didhan Ym syghnans syger katalan Pan hedh wor'tiwedh kan an nos Y koedh kosoleth war an chi; Dhe'm gweli res y dhymmo mos Ha lemmyn hwans a'm beus anedhi; Er ebrenn efan, tewl ha pell Hanterwiskys, dillas lows Kroghenn avel oliv gell Hi a war dhwelin orth an grows; My a berth kov gwel ha son; My a woer pub ger, pub ton Ha my a dhehwel dhis yn skon - Nosow poeth, hir Rousillonlangbot langbot
REVELATION 15 Seven Angels With Seven Plagues 1I saw in heaven another great and marvelous sign: seven angels with the seven last plagues—last, because with them God’s wrath is completed. 2And I saw what looked like a sea of glass glowing with fire and, standing beside the sea, those who had been victorious over the beast and its image and over the number of its name. They held harps given them by God 3and sang the song of God’s servant Moses and of the Lamb: “Great and marvelous are your deeds, Lord God Almighty. Just and true are your ways, King of the nations. 4Who will not fear you, Lord, and bring glory to your name? For you alone are holy. All nations will come and worship before you, for your righteous acts have been revealed.” 5After this I looked, and I saw in heaven the temple—that is, the tabernacle of the covenant law—and it was opened. 6Out of the temple came the seven angels with the seven plagues. They were dressed in clean, shining linen and wore golden sashes around their chests. 7Then one of the four living creatures gave to the seven angels seven golden bowls filled with the wrath of God, who lives for ever and ever. 8And the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God and from his power, and no one could enter the temple until the seven plagues of the seven angels were completed.
DISKWEDHYANS 15 An Eledh gans an Plaow Diwettha 1Ha my a welas tokyn arall yn nev, bras ha marthys, seyth el gans an seyth pla diwettha, rag bos sorr Duw kowlwrys ynna i. 2Ha my a welas kepar ha pan ve mor gwedrek kemmyskys gans tan: ha'n re a wrussa fetha an best ha'y imaj, ha niver y hanow, ow sevel war an mor gwedrek, ha gansa telynnow Duw. 3Hag i a gan kan Moyses gwas Duw, ha kan an Oen, ow leverel, ‘Bras ha marthys yw dha wriansow, A Arloedh Duw Ollgalloesek; ewn ha gwir yw dha fordhow, A Vyghtern an kenedhlow. 4Piw ny berth own ahanas, A Arloedh, ha gordhya dha hanow? Rag ty yn unnsel yw sans, rag pub kenedhel a dheu dhe wordhya a-dheragos; rag dha oberow gwiryon re beu diskwedhys.’ 5Ha wosa henna, my a welas, hag otta, tempel tylda an dustuni yn nev a veu igerys, 6ha'n seyth el, gans an seyth pla, a dheuth yn-mes a'n tempel, ow kwiska lien glan ha splann, ha grogysys gans grogys owrek a-dro dh'aga diwvronn. 7Hag onan a'n peswar kreatur bew a ros dhe'n seyth el seyth fiol owrek lenwys a'n sorr a Dhuw, neb a vew trank heb worfenn. 8Ha'n tempel a veu lenwys a vog a'n golewder a Dhuw ha'y alloes, ha denvyth ny ylli mos a-bervedh y'n tempel bys pan veu kowlwrys seyth pla an seyth el.langbot langbot
Marvellous! Hours of fun for the whole family. It made me proud to be a Roman Catholic. (I shouldn’t really be so disrespectful of the owners’ tastes in religious art. The little light in the basilica actually proved to be invaluable inside the otherwise gloomy crypt.) Anyway, there was no doubt as to the ancestry of the folk who had so generously provided my brother and me with this precious haven. And no expense had been spared, it seemed. In one of the niches, was a brand-new – and unoccupied – coffin of extreme grandeur and ornamentation. Whom was this waiting for? None could say since it did not yet bear a plaque. Given that it had obviously been made to order – and was of the highest specification – my guess was that it could only have been made for the (still-living?) patriarch or matriarch of the family. Just a guess, though. And, sure, there were plenty of other expensive fittings inside – including some which appeared to be made of gold and silver (or, at least, were plated with gold and silver) – but this wasn’t the most startling thing to me: it was the fact that the crypt had running water! There was no hot water, of course – let’s not get completely ridiculous – but there, in one dark corner of the room, sat a small water tap (with even a modest drain to catch any overflow). Why? Did the deceased family members get thirsty in the night and need to take a sip of water? I put this question to David – he was no help. I thought about this for a while – in the circumstances, there was nothing much else to do – then the obvious answer dawned on me. There were literally dozens of vases inside the crypt, mostly containing withered blooms. Who was going to lug water from outside to fill all these vessels on a regular basis? No-one would do it willingly. Far better to have the water piped in. Kinda sensible – in an extravagant sort of way. And now pretty handy for any living person – or even a zombie – who decided to move in!
Barthusek! Yth esa ouryow a dhelit rag oll an teylu. Prout en vy bos Katholik Romanek. (Ny dalvien gul anvri, y’n fordh ma, dhe vlas an berghennow a-dro dhe art kryjyk. Y hyllyn gul devnydh an golow byghan y’n vasilyka avel golowys y’n gleudhgell dewal. Poran dhe les o yn hwir.) Yn neb kas, nyns esa dout vyth a-dro dhe linyeth an dus re brovisa, meur aga larjes, an skovva breshyous ma dhymm ha’m broder. Ha, gans henna, kost vyth re via sparyes, dell heveli. A-berth yn onan a’n neythigow, yth esa geler, flamm-nowydh ha heb annedhyas, geler meur y veuredh mayth esa meur a afinans. Rag piw esa ow kortos an eler ma? Ny yllyn leverel drefenn na dhegi hwath lown. Gwrys herwydh arghadow o, dell heveli, ha dhe’n ughella ragavysyans. Ytho, my a grysi hy bos gwrys rag ughelvamm po ugheldas (hwath byw?) an teylu. Mes ny allav bos sur. Hag, yn sur, yth esa meur a stagellow kostek erell – y’ga mysk, an re gwrys gans arghans hag owr (po, yn lyha, platyes gans arghans hag owr) - mes nyns o hemma an moyha marthek tra dhe’m breus vy: an dra ma o an dowr ow resek y’n gleudhgell! Heb mar, nyns esa dowr toemm ow resek ynni – na dheun ha bos gokki yn tien – mes, ena, yn unn gornell dewal, y sevi tapp (hag yn-danno sygerva byghan rag kachya fennans). Prag? Esa sygh nosweyth dhe eseli marow an teylu – hag yndella esa edhomm dhedha ganowas dowr? My a wovynnas Davydh – nyns o ev gweres vyth. (Herwydh usadow.) My a ombrederis pols yn y gever – wosa oll, nyns esa travyth porres dhe wul. Ena, y teuth dhymm gorthyp apert. Yth esa dewdhegow a lestri-vleujyow a- berth y’n gleudhgell hag ynna, dre vras, bleujennow gwedhrys. Piw a vynnsa doen dowr yn fenowgh rag lenwel oll an lestri ma? Denvyth. Gwella a via dhe dhri an dowr a-bervedh dre bib. Poran konnyk – yn fordh nebes skoellyek. Byttegyns, gans henna, pur dhe-les o dhe’n dus vyw – po dhe’n zombis hogen – a erviras triga ena!langbot langbot
Luke 7 A Gentile Believer 1Now when he had ended all his sayings in the audience of the people, he entered into Capernaum. 2And a certain centurion's servant, who was dear unto him, was sick, and ready to die. 3And when he heard of Jesus, he sent unto him the elders of the Jews, beseeching him that he would come and heal his servant. 4And when they came to Jesus, they besought him instantly, saying, That he was worthy for whom he should do this: 5for he loveth our nation, and he hath built us a synagogue. 6Then Jesus went with them. And when he was now not far from the house, the centurion sent friends to him, saying unto him, Lord, trouble not thyself: for I am not worthy that thou shouldest enter under my roof: 7wherefore neither thought I myself worthy to come unto thee: but say in a word, and my servant shall be healed. 8For I also am a man set under authority, having under me soldiers, and I say unto one, Go, and he goeth; and to another, Come, and he cometh; and to my servant, Do this, and he doeth it. 9When Jesus heard these things, he marvelled at him, and turned him about, and said unto the people that followed him, I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel. 10And they that were sent, returning to the house, found the servant whole that had been sick. The Widow of Nain 11And it came to pass the day after, that he went into a city called Nain; and many of his disciples went with him, and much people. 12Now when he came nigh to the gate of the city, behold, there was a dead man carried out, the only son of his mother, and she was a widow: and much people of the city was with her. 13And when the Lord saw her, he had compassion on her, and said unto her, Weep not. 14And he came and touched the bier: and they that bare him stood still. And he said, Young man, I say unto thee, Arise. 15And he that was dead sat up, and began to speak. And he delivered him to his mother. 16And there came a fear on all: and they glorified God, saying, That a great prophet is risen up among us; and, That God hath visited his people. 17And this rumour of him went forth throughout all Judæa, and throughout all the region round about. 18And the disciples of John shewed him of all these things. The Baptist's Question 19And John calling unto him two of his disciples sent them to Jesus, saying, Art thou he that should come? or look we for another? 20When the men were come unto him, they said, John Baptist hath sent us unto thee, saying, Art thou he that should come? or look we for another? 21And in that same hour he cured many of their infirmities and plagues, and of evil spirits; and unto many that were blind he gave sight. 22Then Jesus answering said unto them, Go your way, and tell John what things ye have seen and heard; how that the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, to the poor the gospel is preached. 23And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me. 24And when the messengers of John were departed, he began to speak unto the people concerning John, What went ye out into the wilderness for to see? A reed shaken with the wind? 25But what went ye out for to see? A man clothed in soft raiment? Behold, they which are gorgeously apparelled, and live delicately, are in kings' courts. 26But what went ye out for to see? A prophet? Yea, I say unto you, and much more than a prophet. 27This is he, of whom it is written, Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee. 28For I say unto you, Among those that are born of women there is not a greater prophet than John the Baptist: but he that is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he. 29And all the people that heard him, and the publicans, justified God, being baptized with the baptism of John. 30But the Pharisees and lawyers rejected the counsel of God against themselves, being not baptized of him. 31And the Lord said, Whereunto then shall I liken the men of this generation? and to what are they like? 32They are like unto children sitting in the marketplace, and calling one to another, and saying, We have piped unto you, and ye have not danced; we have mourned to you, and ye have not wept. 33For John the Baptist came neither eating bread nor drinking wine; and ye say, He hath a devil. 34The Son of man is come eating and drinking; and ye say, Behold a gluttonous man, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners! 35But wisdom is justified of all her children. In a Pharisee's House 36And one of the Pharisees desired him that he would eat with him. And he went into the Pharisee's house, and sat down to meat. 37And, behold, a woman in the city, which was a sinner, when she knew that Jesus sat at meat in the Pharisee's house, brought an alabaster box of ointment, 38and stood at his feet behind him weeping, and began to wash his feet with tears, and did wipe them with the hairs of her head, and kissed his feet, and anointed them with the ointment. 39Now when the Pharisee which had bidden him saw it, he spake within himself, saying, This man, if he were a prophet, would have known who and what manner of woman this is that toucheth him: for she is a sinner. 40And Jesus answering said unto him, Simon, I have somewhat to say unto thee. And he saith, Master, say on. 41There was a certain creditor which had two debtors: the one owed five hundred pence, and the other fifty. 42And when they had nothing to pay, he frankly forgave them both. Tell me therefore, which of them will love him most? 43Simon answered and said, I suppose that he, to whom he forgave most. And he said unto him, Thou hast rightly judged. 44And he turned to the woman, and said unto Simon, Seest thou this woman? I entered into thine house, thou gavest me no water for my feet: but she hath washed my feet with tears, and wiped them with the hairs of her head. 45Thou gavest me no kiss: but this woman since the time I came in hath not ceased to kiss my feet. 46My head with oil thou didst not anoint: but this woman hath anointed my feet with ointment. 47Wherefore I say unto thee, Her sins, which are many, are forgiven; for she loved much: but to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little. 48And he said unto her, Thy sins are forgiven. 49And they that sat at meat with him began to say within themselves, Who is this that forgiveth sins also? 50And he said to the woman, Thy faith hath saved thee; go in peace. Rights in the Authorized (King James) Version of the Bible are vested in the Crown. Published by permission of the Crown's patentee, Cambridge University Press.
AN BIBEL KERNEWEK 2020 Luk 7 Yaghheans Kethwas Penn-kangour Mat 8:5-13; Yow 4:43-54 1Wosa gorfenna oll y lavarow yn klewans an bobel, ev eth yn Kapernaum. 2Hag yth esa kethwas dhe benn-kangour, drudh dhodho, neb o klav hag yn eneworres 3Ytho pan glewas a Yesu, ev a dhannvonas dhodho henavogyon a'n Yedhewon ow pysi orto a dhos ha sawya y gethwas. 4Ha wosa dos dhe Yesu i a elwi warnodho yn ter, ow leverel, ‘Ev yw wordhi may hwredh hemma ragdho, 5rag ev a gar agan kenedhel hag ev a dhrehevis ragon an synaga.’ 6Ytho Yesu eth gansa. Mes pan nag esa nep-pell dhiworth an chi, an penn-kangour a dhannvonas dhodho kowetha, ow leverel dhodho, ‘Arloedh, na borth ahwer, rag nyns ov vy gwiw ty dhe dhos yn-dann ow tho; 7rakhenna ny omsynsis gwiw dhe dhos dhis, mes lavar an ger, ha'm gwas a vydh sawys. 8Rag my ynwedh yw den yn-dann awtorita, ha dhymm soudoryon yn-dannov, ha my a lever dhe hemma, “Ke”, ha mos a wra, ha dhe dhen arall, “Deus”, ha dos a wra, ha dhe'm kethwas, “Gwra hemma”, hag ev a'n gwra.’ 9Ha Yesu pan glewas hemma, marth a'n jeva anodho, hag ow treylya dhe'n routh a'n siwya yn-medh ev, ‘My a lever dhywgh, ny gevis vy kemmys fydh, na hwath yn Ysrael.’ 10Ha'n re a veu dannvenys a dhehwelis dhe'n chi ha kavoes an kethwas yagh neb re bia klav. Drehevel Mab an Wedhwes yn Nayn 11Nebes a-wosa, ev eth yn sita henwys Nayn, hag yth esa y dhyskyblon ha routh veur ow mos ganso. 12Ha pan dheuth nes dhe yet an sita, awotta den re varwsa neb eses orth y dhoen yn-mes, an unn vab a'y vamm, ha hi gwedhwes, hag yth esa routh veur a'n sita gensi. 13Ha pan y's gwelas, an Arloedh a'n jeva truedh anedhi, hag a leveris dhedhi, ‘Na oel.’ 14Hag ev a dheuth yn-rag ha tochya an eler, ha'n dhegoryon a hedhis; hag ev a leveris, ‘Den yowynk, my a lever dhis, sav yn-bann!’ 15Ha'n marow a sevis dh'y esedh ha dalleth kewsel; hag ev a'n ros dh'y vamm. 16Hag own a's kemmeras oll, hag yth esens ow kormel Duw, ow leverel, ‘Profoes meur re sevis yn agan mysk’, ha ‘Duw re wrug vri a'y bobel.’ 17Ha'n lavar ma yn y gever eth yn-mes dres oll Yudi hag oll an pow a-dro. Kannasow dhiworth Yowann Besydhyer Mat 11:2-19 18Ha dyskyblon Yowann a dherivas dhodho a-dro dhe oll an taklow ma. Ytho Yowann a elwis dhodho dew a'y dhyskyblon 19ha'ga dannvon dhe Yesu ow leverel, ‘Yw ty an den a dal dos, po ken onan a wortyn?’ 20Wosa an wer dhe dhos dhodho, i a leveris, ‘Yowann Besydhyer re'gan dannvonas dhis, ow leverel, “Yw ty an den a dal dos, po ken arall a wortyn?” ’ 21Y'n eur na poran, ev re wrussa sawya lies den a glevesow ha plagys ha tebel spyrysyon, ha dhe lies dall ev re rosa golok. 22Hag ev a worthybis ha leverel dhedha, ‘Kewgh dhe dherivas dhe Yowann an taklow a welsowgh hag a glewsowgh: dellyon a wel arta, evredhyon a gerdh, klavorogyon yw glanhes ha'n vodharogyon a glew, an re varow yw drehevys, dhe'n voghosogyon an aweyl yw pregewthys; 23ha gwynnvys neb na vo sklandrys ahanav.’ 24Wosa kannasow Yowann dhe omdenna, ev a dhallathas kewsel a-dro dhe Yowann dhe'n routhow, ‘Pandra ethewgh dhe-ves dhe'n gwylvos dh'y weles? Korsenn kryghyllys gans an gwyns? 25Mes pandra ethewgh dhe-ves dh'y weles? Den gwiskys yn dillas medhel? Otta, tus gwiskys yn dillas splann hag ow pewa attes, ymons yn chiow myghternedh. 26Mes pandra ethewgh dhe-ves dh'y weles? Profoes? Ya, my a lever dhywgh, ha moy ages profoes. 27Hemm yw neb may feu skrifys anodho, “Awotta, my a dhannvon ow hannas a-rag dha fas, neb a dharbar dha fordh a-dheragos.” 28Rag my a lever dhywgh, yn mysk an re genys a venynes nyns eus nagonan brassa ages Yowann Besydhyer; mes neb yw lyha yn gwlaskor Duw yw brassa agesso ev.’ 29Hag oll an dus, hag ynwedh an dolloryon, pan glewsons hemma, a aswonnis ewnder Duw, hag i besydhys gans besydh Yowann. 30Mes an Fariseow ha'n laghysi a skonyas towl Duw ragdha, hag i heb bos besydhys ganso. 31‘Rag dhe bana dra y hwrav vy hevelebi tus an henedh ma, ha dhe bana dra yns i haval? 32Haval yns i dhe fleghes a'ga esedh y'n varghasva ow kelwel an eyl dh'y gila ha leverel, “Ni a bibas dhywgh ha ny wrussowgh donsya, ni a ganas galargan ha ny wrussowgh oela.” 33Rag Yowann Besydhyer a dheuth heb dybri bara nag eva gwin, ha hwi a lever, “Yma dyowl ganso.” 34Mab an den a dheuth ow tybri hag owth eva, ha hwi a lever, “Gargasenn ha penn-medhow yw, koweth tolloryon ha peghadoryon.” 35Mes furneth yw prevys ewn gans oll hy fleghes.’ Peghadores yw Gevys 36Yth esa onan a'n Fariseow ow kovynn orto dybri ganso, ytho ev eth yn chi an Farise, hag esedha dhe dhybri. 37Hag otta, yth esa unn venyn neb esa y'n sita, peghadores. Ha pan wodhva ev dhe vos esedhys yn chi an Farise, hi a dhros fiol alabaster a unyent; 38hi a sevis a-dryv dhodho ryb y dreys, owth oela, ha dalleth glybya y dreys gans hy dagrow ha'ga sygha gans hy gols; ha hi a amma dh'y dreys ha'ga ura gans an unyent. 39Ytho pan y'n gwelas an Farise neb a'n galwsa, ev a gewsis dhodho y honan ow leverel, ‘Mar pe hemma profoes, ev a wodhvia piw ha py par benyn yw hi neb a wra y dochya, rag peghadores yw hi.’ 40Ha Yesu a worthybis ha leverel dhodho, ‘Simon, yma dhymm neppyth dhe leverel dhis.’ Yn-medh ev, ‘Mester, lavar.’ 41‘Yth esa dhe unn kresysor dew gendoner; yth esa dhe'n eyl kendon a bymp kans diner, ha dh'y gila hanter-kans. 42Pan na yllens pe, ev a avas dh'aga dew. Ytho pyneyl anedha a'n kar moy?’ 43Simon a worthybis ow leverel, ‘Dell dybav, ev dhe neb ev a avas moy.’ Yn-medh ev dhodho, ‘Ewn re vreussys.’ 44Ena ev a dreylyas dhe'n venyn ha leverel dhe Simon, ‘A welydh an venyn ma? My a dheuth y'th chi; ny resys dhymm dowr dhe'm treys, mes hi re beu ow klybya ow threys gans hy dagrow ha'ga sygha gans hy gols. 45Ny resys dhymm bay, mes a-ban dheuth vy a-ji ny hedhi hi amma dhe'm treys. 46Ny wrussys ura ow fenn gans oyl, mes hi a uras ow threys gans unyent. 47Rakhenna y lavarav dhis, yma gevys dhedhi hy feghosow pals, rag hi dhe gara meur; mes dhe neb yma boghes gevys, boghes ev a gar.’ 48Ena ev a leveris dhedhi, ‘Yma gevys dhis dha beghosow.’ 49Ha'n re o esedhys ganso a dhallathas leverel an eyl dh'y gila, ‘Piw yw hemma neb a av ynwedh peghosow?’ 50Hag ev a leveris dhe'n venyn, ‘Dha fydh re'th sawyas; ke yn kres.’langbot langbot
Matthew 21 In Jerusalem Triumphal Entry 1And when they drew nigh unto Jerusalem, and were come to Bethphage, unto the mount of Olives, then sent Jesus two disciples, 2saying unto them, Go into the village over against you, and straightway ye shall find an ass tied, and a colt with her: loose them, and bring them unto me. 3And if any man say ought unto you, ye shall say, The Lord hath need of them; and straightway he will send them. 4All this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying, 5Tell ye the daughter of Sion, Behold, thy King cometh unto thee, Meek, and sitting upon an ass, And a colt the foal of an ass. 6And the disciples went, and did as Jesus commanded them, 7and brought the ass, and the colt, and put on them their clothes, and they set him thereon. 8And a very great multitude spread their garments in the way; others cut down branches from the trees, and strawed them in the way. 9And the multitudes that went before, and that followed, cried, saying, Hosanna to the son of David: Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest. 10And when he was come into Jerusalem, all the city was moved, saying, Who is this? 11And the multitude said, This is Jesus the prophet of Nazareth of Galilee. Cleansed the Temple 12And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves, 13and said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves. 14And the blind and the lame came to him in the temple; and he healed them. 15And when the chief priests and scribes saw the wonderful things that he did, and the children crying in the temple, and saying, Hosanna to the son of David; they were sore displeased, 16and said unto him, Hearest thou what these say? And Jesus saith unto them, Yea; have ye never read, Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise? 17And he left them, and went out of the city into Bethany; and he lodged there. The Barren Fig Tree 18Now in the morning as he returned into the city, he hungered. 19And when he saw a fig tree in the way, he came to it, and found nothing thereon, but leaves only, and said unto it, Let no fruit grow on thee henceforward for ever. And presently the fig tree withered away. 20And when the disciples saw it, they marvelled, saying, How soon is the fig tree withered away! 21Jesus answered and said unto them, Verily I say unto you, If ye have faith, and doubt not, ye shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, but also if ye shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; it shall be done. 22And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive. 23And when he was come into the temple, the chief priests and the elders of the people came unto him as he was teaching, and said, By what authority doest thou these things? and who gave thee this authority? 24And Jesus answered and said unto them, I also will ask you one thing, which if ye tell me, I in like wise will tell you by what authority I do these things. 25The baptism of John, whence was it? from heaven, or of men? And they reasoned with themselves, saying, If we shall say, From heaven; he will say unto us, Why did ye not then believe him? 26But if we shall say, Of men; we fear the people; for all hold John as a prophet. 27And they answered Jesus, and said, We cannot tell. And he said unto them, Neither tell I you by what authority I do these things. 28But what think ye? A certain man had two sons; and he came to the first, and said, Son, go work to day in my vineyard. 29He answered and said, I will not: but afterward he repented, and went. 30And he came to the second, and said likewise. And he answered and said, I go, sir: and went not. 31Whether of them twain did the will of his father? They say unto him, The first. Jesus saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, That the publicans and the harlots go into the kingdom of God before you. 32For John came unto you in the way of righteousness, and ye believed him not: but the publicans and the harlots believed him: and ye, when ye had seen it, repented not afterward, that ye might believe him. The Wicked Husbandmen 33Hear another parable: There was a certain householder, which planted a vineyard, and hedged it round about, and digged a winepress in it, and built a tower, and let it out to husbandmen, and went into a far country: 34and when the time of the fruit drew near, he sent his servants to the husbandmen, that they might receive the fruits of it. 35And the husbandmen took his servants, and beat one, and killed another, and stoned another. 36Again, he sent other servants more than the first: and they did unto them likewise. 37But last of all he sent unto them his son, saying, They will reverence my son. 38But when the husbandmen saw the son, they said among themselves, This is the heir; come, let us kill him, and let us seize on his inheritance. 39And they caught him, and cast him out of the vineyard, and slew him. 40When the lord therefore of the vineyard cometh, what will he do unto those husbandmen? 41They say unto him, He will miserably destroy those wicked men, and will let out his vineyard unto other husbandmen, which shall render him the fruits in their seasons. 42Jesus saith unto them, Did ye never read in the scriptures, The stone which the builders rejected, The same is become the head of the corner: This is the Lord's doing, And it is marvellous in our eyes? 43Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof. 44And whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder. 45And when the chief priests and Pharisees had heard his parables, they perceived that he spake of them. 46But when they sought to lay hands on him, they feared the multitude, because they took him for a prophet. Rights in the Authorized (King James) Version of the Bible are vested in the Crown. Published by permission of the Crown's patentee, Cambridge University Press.
AN BIBEL KERNEWEK 2020 Matthew 21 Devedhyans Yesu dhe Yerusalem yn Trygh Mark 11:1-11; Luk 19:28-38; Yow 12:12-19 1Ha pan dheuthons ogas dhe Yerusalem ha dos dhe Bethfage dhe'n menydh Oliv, ena Yesu a dhannvonas dew dhyskybel 2ow leverel dhedha, ‘Ewgh y'n dre a-dal dhywgh ha desempis hwi a gyv asen kelmys hag ebel gensi; gwrewgh aga digelmi ha'ga dri dhymmo. 3Ha mar lever nebonan neppyth dhywgh hwi, hwi a lever, “Yma edhomm dhe'n Arloedh anedha”; hag ev a's dannvon dison.’ 4Hemma a hwarva may fe kollenwys an dra kewsys gans an profoes ow leverel, 5‘Lavar dhe vyrgh Sion, Awotta dha vyghtern a dheu dhiso klor hag esedhys war asen ha war ebel, mab asen.’ 6An dhyskyblon eth ha gul kepar dell worhemmynnsa Yesu dhedha, 7ha dri an asen ha'n ebel ha gorra warnedha aga mantelli hag ev a esedhas warnedha. 8Ha routh pur veur a lesas aga mantelli war an fordh, ha re erell a droghas skorrennow dhiworth an gwydh ha'ga lesa war an fordh. 9Ha'n routhow esa ow mos a-ragdho, ha'n re a'n siwya a armas ow leverel, ‘Hosanna dhe Vab Davydh, Benniges yw neb a dheu yn hanow an Arloedh, Hosanna y'n ughelder!’ 10Hag ev ow tos a-bervedh yn Yerusalem, oll an sita a veu movyes hag a wovynnas, ‘Piw yw hemma?’ 11Ha'n routhow a worthybis, ‘Hemm yw an profoes Yesu, a Nazareth yn Galile.’ Glanhe an Tempel Mark 11:15-19; Luk 19:45-48; Yow 2:13-22 12Ha Yesu a entras y'n tempel hag a dewlis yn-mes oll an re esa ow kwertha hag ow prena y'n tempel hag ev a dhomhwelis moesow an arghansoryon hag esedhow an re esa ow kwertha kelemmi, 13hag yn-medh ev dhedha, ‘Skrifys yw, “Ow chi vy a vydh gelwys chi pysadow”, mes hwi a'n gwra fow ladron.’ 14Hag y teuth dhodho tus dhall hag evredhek y'n tempel hag ev a's yaghhas. 15Ha'n bennoferysi ha'n skribys pan welsons an marthusyon a wruga ha'n fleghes ow karma y'n tempel ow leverel, ‘Hosanna dhe vab Davydh’, yth ens i serrys, 16hag yn-medhons dhodho, ‘A glewydh pandr'a lever an re ma?’ Mes Yesu a leveris dhedha, ‘Klewav. A ny wrussowgh bythkweth redya hemma, “Yn-mes a anow fleghesigow ha'n re ow tena ty re ordenas gormola”?’ 17Hag ev a's gasas ha mos yn-mes a'n sita dhe Bethani, hag ena ev a ostyas dres nos. Molleth an Figbrenn Mark 11:12-14, 20-24 18Hag a-varr myttin pan esa ow tehweles dhe'n sita, yth esa nown dhodho. 19Hag ow kweles unn figbrenn ryb an fordh, ev a dheuth dhodho, mes ny gavas travyth warnodho saw unnsel delyow, hag yn-medh ev dhodho, ‘Na dhes frut dhiworthis na fella bys vykken!’ Ha dihwans an figbrenn a wedhras. 20Ha marth o gans an dhyskyblon pan welsons henna hag yn-medhons, ‘Fatell yw, an figbrenn dhe wedhra mar uskis?’ 21Ha Yesu a worthybis ha leverel dhedha, ‘Yn hwir y lavarav dhywgh, mar pydh genowgh fydh heb hokya, ny wrewgh yn unnsel an dra gwrys dhe'n figbrenn, mes ynwedh mar leverewgh dhe'n menydh ma, “Ty bydh drehevys ha tewlys y'n mor”, henna a hwyrvydh; 22ha pypynag oll a wovynnowgh yn pysadow gans fydh, hwi a'n kyv.’ Govynn a-dro dhe Awtorita Yesu Mark 11:27-33; Luk 20:1-8 23Ha pan o devedhys y'n tempel, an bennoferysi ha henavogyon an bobel a dheuth dhodho, hag ev ow tyski, hag yn-medhons, ‘Py awtorita dredho y hwre'ta an taklow ma? Ha piw a ros dhis an awtorita ma?’ 24Yesu a worthybis ow leverel dhedha, ‘Ha my ynwedh a vynn govynn orthowgh hwi unn dra, ha mar kwrewgh gorthybi dhymm, my a lever dhywgh py awtorita dredho y hwrav an taklow ma. 25Besydh Yowann, a-ble feu? A nev po a dus?’ Ena yth esens ow resna yntredha aga honan ow leverel, ‘Mar leveryn, “A nev”, ena ev a lever dhyn, “Prag ytho na gryssowgh dhodho?” 26Ha mar leveryn, “A dus”, own a'gan beus a'n routh, rag pubonan a syns Yowann dhe vos profoes.’ 27Ytho i a worthybis dhe Yesu ow leverel, ‘Ny wodhon.’ Hag yn-medh ev y honan dhedha, ‘Na byth moy ny wrav vy leverel dhywgh py awtorita dredho y hwrav an taklow ma.’ Parabolenn an Winlann ha'n Diogyon Mark 12:1-12; Luk 20:9-19 28‘Lemmyn pyth yw agas breus? Yth esa dhe dhen dew vab. Hag ev a dheuth dhe'n kynsa, ha leverel, “Ow mab, ke dhe wonis hedhyw y'n winlann”. 29Mes ev a worthybis ha leverel, “Ny vynnav”; mes a-wosa edrek a'n jeva hag ev eth. 30Ena ev a dheuth dhe'n nessa ha kewsel y'n keth vaner. Mes ev a leveris, “Yth av, syrra”, mes nyns eth. 31Pyneyl a'n dhew a wrug bodh y das?’ Yn-medhons, ‘An kynsa.’ Yesu a leveris dhedha, ‘Yn hwir y lavarav dhywgh, bos an dolloryon ha'n horys ow mones a-bervedh yn gwlaskor Duw kyns es dell wrewgh hwi. 32Rag Yowann a dheuth dhywgh yn fordh ewnder ha ny wrussowgh krysi dhodho, mes an dolloryon ha'n horys a grysis dhodho; mes hwi hwath ow kweles henna ny'gas teva edrek a-wosa, na krysi dhodho. Parabolenn an Winlann ha'n Diogyon Mark 12:1-12; Luk 20:9-19 33‘Klewewgh parabolenn arall. Yth esa unn den, perghennek tir, neb a blansas gwinlann ha gorra ke a-dro dhedhi ha palas gwinwask ynni, ha drehevel tour, ha'y settya dhe diogyon, hag ena vyajya yn-kerdh. 34Ha pan esa prys an drevas ow nesa, ev a dhannvonas y gethwesyon dhe'n diogyon rag kavoes y drevas. 35Mes an diogyon a dhalghennas y gethwesyon ha kronkya onan, ha ladha onan, ha labydha onan arall. 36Arta ev a dhannvonas kethwesyon erell, moy aga niver ages an re gynsa, hag i a's dyghtyas y'n keth vaner na. 37Wor'tiwedh ev a dhannvonas dhedha y vab y honan, ow leverel, “Y hwrons vri a'm mab.” 38Mes an diogyon, pan welsons an mab a leveris an eyl dh'y gila, “Hemm yw an her; dewgh, gwren ni y ladha ha kavoes y ertach!” 39Ha wosa settya dalghenn ynno, i a'n tewlis yn-mes a'n winlann ha'y ladha. 40Ytho pan dheu arloedh an winlann, pandr'a wra dhe'n diogyon na?’ 41Yn-medhons dhodho, ‘Ev a dhistru an debeles na yn hager, ha settya an winlann dhe diogyon erell, neb a vynn ri dhodho an drevas yn hy frys.’ 42Yn-medh Yesu dhedha, ‘A ny redsowgh bythkweth y'n skryptors, “An men hag a veu skonys gans an weythoryon, henn yw gwrys pennmen an korn; gans an Arloedh y feu hemma gwrys, ha marthys yw yn agan dewlagas?” 43Rakhenna, my a lever dhywgh, gwlaskor Duw a vydh kemmerys a-dhiworthowgh ha res dhe genedhel a dheg hy threvas. 44Ha neb a goedh war an men ma a vydh terrys dhe demmyn, mes neb may koettho an men warnodho, ev a vydh skwattys dhe dhoust.’ 45Ha'n bennoferysi ha'n Fariseow, pan glewsons y barabolennow, a wodhva ev dhe gewsel a-dro dhedha i; 46hag i a hwilas y dhalghenna, mes yth esa own dhedha a'n routhow, rag i a'n synsis avel profoes. © Kesva an Taves Kernewek 2004, 2021 © Cornish Language Board 2004, 2021KING JAMES VERSION (BIBLE SOCIETY PARAGRAPHED EDITION 1954)langbot langbot
Matthew 27 1When the morning was come, all the chief priests and elders of the people took counsel against Jesus to put him to death: 2and when they had bound him, they led him away, and delivered him to Pontius Pilate the governor. 3Then Judas, which had betrayed him, when he saw that he was condemned, repented himself, and brought again the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders, 4saying, I have sinned in that I have betrayed the innocent blood. And they said, What is that to us? see thou to that. 5And he cast down the pieces of silver in the temple, and departed, and went and hanged himself. 6And the chief priests took the silver pieces, and said, It is not lawful for to put them into the treasury, because it is the price of blood. 7And they took counsel, and bought with them the potter's field, to bury strangers in. 8Wherefore that field was called, The field of blood, unto this day. 9Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremy the prophet, saying, And they took the thirty pieces of silver, the price of him that was valued, whom they of the children of Israel did value; 10and gave them for the potter's field, as the Lord appointed me. Jesus Before Pilate 11And Jesus stood before the governor: and the governor asked him, saying, Art thou the King of the Jews? And Jesus said unto him, Thou sayest. 12And when he was accused of the chief priests and elders, he answered nothing. 13Then said Pilate unto him, Hearest thou not how many things they witness against thee? 14And he answered him to never a word; insomuch that the governor marvelled greatly. 15Now at that feast the governor was wont to release unto the people a prisoner, whom they would. 16And they had then a notable prisoner, called Barabbas. 17Therefore when they were gathered together, Pilate said unto them, Whom will ye that I release unto you? Barabbas, or Jesus which is called Christ? 18For he knew that for envy they had delivered him. 19When he was set down on the judgment seat, his wife sent unto him, saying, Have thou nothing to do with that just man: for I have suffered many things this day in a dream because of him. 20But the chief priests and elders persuaded the multitude that they should ask Barabbas, and destroy Jesus. 21The governor answered and said unto them, Whether of the twain will ye that I release unto you? They said, Barabbas. 22Pilate saith unto them, What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ? They all say unto him, Let him be crucified. 23And the governor said, Why, what evil hath he done? But they cried out the more, saying, Let him be crucified. 24When Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing, but that rather a tumult was made, he took water, and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, I am innocent of the blood of this just person: see ye to it. 25Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children. 26Then released he Barabbas unto them: and when he had scourged Jesus, he delivered him to be crucified. 27Then the soldiers of the governor took Jesus into the common hall, and gathered unto him the whole band of soldiers. 28And they stripped him, and put on him a scarlet robe. 29And when they had platted a crown of thorns, they put it upon his head, and a reed in his right hand: and they bowed the knee before him, and mocked him, saying, Hail, King of the Jews! 30And they spit upon him, and took the reed, and smote him on the head. 31And after that they had mocked him, they took the robe off from him, and put his own raiment on him, and led him away to crucify him. 32And as they came out, they found a man of Cyrene, Simon by name: him they compelled to bear his cross. The Crucifixion 33And when they were come unto a place called Golgotha, that is to say, a place of a skull, 34they gave him vinegar to drink mingled with gall: and when he had tasted thereof, he would not drink. 35And they crucified him, and parted his garments, casting lots: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, They parted my garments among them, and upon my vesture did they cast lots. 36And sitting down they watched him there; 37and set up over his head his accusation written, THIS IS JESUS THE KING OF THE JEWS. 38Then were there two thieves crucified with him, one on the right hand, and another on the left. 39And they that passed by reviled him, wagging their heads, 40and saying, Thou that destroyest the temple, and buildest it in three days, save thyself. If thou be the Son of God, come down from the cross. 41Likewise also the chief priests mocking him, with the scribes and elders, said, 42He saved others; himself he cannot save. If he be the King of Israel, let him now come down from the cross, and we will believe him. 43He trusted in God; let him deliver him now, if he will have him: for he said, I am the Son of God. 44The thieves also, which were crucified with him, cast the same in his teeth. 45Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land unto the ninth hour. 46And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? 47Some of them that stood there, when they heard that, said, This man calleth for Elias. 48And straightway one of them ran, and took a spunge, and filled it with vinegar, and put it on a reed, and gave him to drink. 49The rest said, Let be, let us see whether Elias will come to save him. 50Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost. 51And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent; 52and the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, 53and came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many. 54Now when the centurion, and they that were with him, watching Jesus, saw the earthquake, and those things that were done, they feared greatly, saying, Truly this was the Son of God. 55And many women were there beholding afar off, which followed Jesus from Galilee, ministering unto him: 56among which was Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James and Joses, and the mother of Zebedee's children. The Burial 57When the even was come, there came a rich man of Arimathæa, named Joseph, who also himself was Jesus' disciple: 58he went to Pilate, and begged the body of Jesus. Then Pilate commanded the body to be delivered. 59And when Joseph had taken the body, he wrapped it in a clean linen cloth, 60and laid it in his own new tomb, which he had hewn out in the rock: and he rolled a great stone to the door of the sepulchre, and departed. 61And there was Mary Magdalene, and the other Mary, sitting over against the sepulchre. 62Now the next day, that followed the day of the preparation, the chief priests and Pharisees came together unto Pilate, 63saying, Sir, we remember that that deceiver said, while he was yet alive, After three days I will rise again. 64Command therefore that the sepulchre be made sure until the third day, lest his disciples come by night, and steal him away, and say unto the people, He is risen from the dead: so the last error shall be worse than the first. 65Pilate said unto them, Ye have a watch: go your way, make it as sure as ye can. 66So they went, and made the sepulchre sure, sealing the stone, and setting a watch. Rights in the Authorized (King James) Version of the Bible are vested in the Crown. Published by permission of the Crown's patentee, Cambridge University Press.
Matthew 27 Yesu Dres a-rag Pilat Mark 15:1; Luk 23:1-2; Yow 18:28-32 1Ha ternos vyttin, oll an bennoferysi ha henavogyon an bobel a wrug omgusulyans erbynn Yesu rag y worra dhe'n mernans; 2ha wosa i dh'y gelmi, i a'n dug yn-kerdh ha'y dhaskorr dhe Pilat an governour. Mernans Yudas Obe 1:18-19 3Ena Yudas neb a'n traytas pan welas ev dhe vos dampnys a goedhas yn edrek hag a dhros an deg bath warn ugens a arghans arta dhe'n bennoferysi ha'n henavogyon, 4ow leverel, ‘My re beghas a-ban draytis goes gwiryon.’ Yn-medhons i, ‘Pandr'yw henna dhyn ni? Ty dha honan preder anodho.’ 5Ha wosa tewlel an mona y'n tempel, ev a omdennas ha mones dh'y omgregi. 6An bennoferysi a gemmeras an mona ha leverel, ‘Nyns yw lafyl y worra y'n arghow, rag y vos pris goes.’ 7Ha wosa omgusulya i a brenas ganso gwel an weythoryon pri avel ynkleudhva rag estrenyon. 8Rakhenna an gwel na yw henwys Gwel an Goes bys y'n jydh hedhyw. 9Ena y feu kollenwys an dra kewsys dre Yeremia an profoes, ow leverel, Hag i a gemmeras an deg bath warn ugens a arghans, pris an den talvesys, neb a veu talvesys gans mebyon Ysrael, 10hag i a's ros rag gwel an gweythor pri, dell ordenas an Arloedh dhymm. Yesu Apposys gans Pilat Mark 15:2-5; Luk 23:3-5; Yow 18:33-38 11Ha Yesu a sevis a-rag an governour; ha'n governour a wovynnas orto, ow leverel, ‘Ty yw myghtern an Yedhewon?’ Yn-medh Yesu, ‘Ty a'n lever.’ 12Ha pan ova kuhudhys gans an bennoferysi ha'n henavogyon, ny worthybis travyth. 13Ena yn-medh Pilat dhodho, ‘A ny glewydh py lies tra y tustunions er dha bynn?’ 14Hag ev ny worthybis dhodho unn ger vytholl, mayth o marth meur dhe'n governour. Yesu Dampnys dhe'n Mernans Mark 15:6-15; Luk 23:13-25; Yow 18:39–19:16 15Hag yth o dhe'n governour us y'n goel dhe dhelivra unn prisner dhe'n routh, piwpynag a vynnens. 16Hag y'n eur na yth esa dhedha prisner drog-gerys gelwys Barabbas. 17Ytho pan ens i kuntellys war-barth, Pilat a leveris dhedha, ‘Pyneyl a vynnowgh may hwrylliv y dhelivra dhywgh, Barabbas, po Yesu yw henwys Krist?’ 18Rag ev a wodhya i dh'y dhaskorr dre atti. 19Ha pan ova esedhys yn barr an vreus, y wreg a dhannvonas dhodho, ow leverel, ‘Ty na wra mellya gans an den gwiryon na, rag my a wodhevis lower hedhyw yn hunros a'y wovis ev.’ 20Mes an bennoferysi ha'n henavogyon a dhynyas an routhow dhe wovynn Barabbas dhe vos delivrys, ha distrui Yesu. 21Ena y hworthybis an governour ha leverel dhedha, ‘Pyneyl a'n dhew y fynnowgh orthiv delivra dhywgh?’ Yn-medhons, ‘Barabbas.’ 22Yn-medh Pilat dhedha, ‘Pandr'a wrav vy orth Yesu yw gelwys Krist?’ I oll a leveris, ‘Bedhes krowsys!’ 23Yn-medh ev, ‘Pana dhrog ytho a wruga?’ Mes i a armas dhe voy ow leverel, ‘Bedhes krowsys!’ 24Ha Pilat, pan welas na ylli gwaynya travyth, mes yth esa freudh ow talleth, a gemmeras dowr ha golghi y dhiwla a-rag an routh ow leverel, ‘Glan yth o'ma a woes an den gwiryon ma. Hwi omgemmerewgh.’ 25Ha'n bobel oll a worthybis ow leverel, ‘Re bo y woes warnan ni ha war agan fleghes.’ 26Ena ev a dhelivras Barabbas dhedha, mes Yesu ev a skorjyas ha'y ri dhe vos krowsys. An Soudoryon a Skorn Yesu Mark 15:16-20; Yow 19:2-3 27Ena soudoryon an governour a worras Yesu dhe'n pretorium hag a guntellas oll an bagas a soudoryon a-dro dhodho. 28Ha wosa y dhestryppya, i a worras mantell gogh a-dro dhodho, 29hag a blethas kurun a spern ha'y gorra war y benn ha korsenn yn y leuv dhyghow, hag ow koedha war benn-dewlin a-dheragdho, i a wrug ges anodho ow leverel, ‘Hayl, Myghtern an Yedhewon!’ 30Hag i a drewas warnodho ha kemmeres an gorsenn hag yth esens orth y weskel war y benn. 31Ha wosa gul ges anodho, i a dhi'skas an vantell ha'y wiska gans y dhillas y honan ha'y dhoen yn-kerdh dhe vos krowsys. Krowsyans Yesu Mark 15:21-32; Luk 23:26-43; Yow 19:17-27 32Hag ow mos yn-mes, i a gavas den a Kyrene, henwys Simon; i a wrug y gonstryna dhe dhoen y grows. 33Ha pan ens devedhys dhe tyller henwys Golgotha (henn yw Tyller Krogen), 34i a ros dhodho dhe eva gwin kemmyskys gans bystel; mes wosa ev dh'y dastya, ny vynnas y eva. 35Ha pan y'n krowssons i a rannas y dhillas ow tewlel prenn. 36Ena i a esedhas, ha'y witha ena. 37Hag a-ugh y benn i a worras skrif an kuhudhans er y bynn, ‘Hemm yw Yesu, Myghtern an Yedhewon.’ 38Ena y feu krowsys ganso dew lader, an eyl a'y barth dhyghow, ha'y gila a'y barth kledh. 39Ha'n dremenysi a'n kablas, ow shakya aga fenn, 40ha leverel, ‘A ty, neb a dhistru an tempel ha'y dhrehevel kyns penn trydydh, omsaw dha honan mars os Mab Duw, ha diyskynn a'n grows.’ 41Yn keth vaner an bennoferysi gans an skribys ha'n henavogyon ow kul ges a leveris, 42‘Tus erell ev a's sawyas, ev y honan ny yll omsawya; Myghtern Ysrael ywa, diyskynnes lemmyn a'n grows ha ni a grys dhodho; 43ev a fydhyas yn Duw, re'n deliffro lemmyn mara'n mynn; rag ev a leveris, “My yw Mab Duw.” ’ 44Yn kepar maner ynwedh yth esa an ladron neb o krowsys ganso orth y dhespitya. Mernans Yesu Mark 15:33-41; Luk 23:44-49; Yow 19:28-30 45Ha dhiworth an hweghves eur yth esa tewolgow war oll an nor bys y'n nawves eur. 46Hag a-dro dhe'n nawves eur, Yesu a armas gans lev ughel ow leverel, ‘Eli, Eli, lema sabaghthani?’ henn yw: ‘Ow Duw, Ow Duw, prag y'm forsaksys?’ 47Re an dus a sevi ena, pan y'n klewsons a leveris, ‘Yma an den ma ow karma war Elias.’ 48Ha dihwans onan anedha a boenyas dhe gavoes spong hag a'n lenwis a aysel ha'y worra war welenn ha'y ri dhodho dhe eva. 49Mes an re erell a leveris, ‘Gesewgh ni dhe weles mar teu Elias rag y sawya.’ 50Ena Yesu a armas arta gans lev ughel hag a dhaskorras an enev. 51Hag otta, vayl an tempel a veu skwardys yntra diw rann, a'n penn a-wartha bys y'n goeles, hag y feu dorgrys ha'n karregi a veu folsys, 52ha'n bedhow a veu igerys ha meur a gorfow a'n syns koedhys yn kosk a veu drehevys; 53hag i a dheuth yn-mes a'n bedhow wosa y dhasserghyans, ha mos y'n sita sans hag omdhiskwedhes dhe lies huni. 54Ha'n penn-kangour ha'n re esa ganso ow kwitha Yesu, pan welsons an dorgrys hag oll a hwarva, a borthas own meur, ow leverel, ‘Yn tevri hemma o Mab Duw.’ 55Hag yth esa ena lies benyn ow mires a-bell, neb a holyas Yesu dhiworth Galile, orth y servya. 56Yn aga mysk yth esa Maria Magdalena, ha Maria mamm Jamys ha Yoses, ha mamm mebyon Zebede. Ynkleudhyans Yesu Mark 15:42-47; Luk 23:50-56; Yow 19:38-42 57Ha devedhys an gorthugher, den rych a Arimathea, henwys Yosep, a dheuth, neb y honan ynwedh o dyskybel dhe Yesu. 58Ev eth dhe Pilat ha govynn orto korf Yesu. Ena Pilat a erghis may fe res dhodho. 59Ha wosa ev dhe gemmeres an korf, Yosep a'n maylyas yn lien glan 60hag a'n gorras yn y vedh nowydh a wrussa y dreghi y'n garrek, ha wosa ev dhe rolya men bras a-dreus dhe dharas an bedh, yth eth yn-kerdh. 61Hag yth esa ena Maria Magdalena ha'n Varia arall, esedhys a-dal an bedh. An Withysi orth an Bedh 62Ha ternos, an jydh wosa Darbar an Goel, an bennoferysi ha'n Fariseow a omguntellas war-barth ha mos dhe Pilat, 63ow leverel, ‘Arloedh, yma kov dhyn an toeller na, pan o hwath yn few, dhe gewsel, “Wosa trydydh y hwrav dasserghi.” 64Argh, ytho, may fo an bedh gwithys gans rach bys y'n tressa dydh rag na dheffo y dhyskyblon yn nos ha'y ladra ha leverel dhe'n bobel, “Drehevys veu dhiworth an re varow”, hag yndella an toell diwettha a vydh gweth ages an kynsa.’ 65Yn-medh Pilat dhedha, ‘Yma gwithysi genowgh, kewgh, ha'y witha dell wodhowgh.’ 66Hag yth ethons ha gwitha an bedh, ow selya an men ha gorra gwithysi warnodho. © Kesva an Taves Kernewek 2004, 2021 © Cornish Language Board 2004, 2021langbot langbot
Matthew 27 1When the morning was come, all the chief priests and elders of the people took counsel against Jesus to put him to death: 2and when they had bound him, they led him away, and delivered him to Pontius Pilate the governor. 3Then Judas, which had betrayed him, when he saw that he was condemned, repented himself, and brought again the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders, 4saying, I have sinned in that I have betrayed the innocent blood. And they said, What is that to us? see thou to that. 5And he cast down the pieces of silver in the temple, and departed, and went and hanged himself. 6And the chief priests took the silver pieces, and said, It is not lawful for to put them into the treasury, because it is the price of blood. 7And they took counsel, and bought with them the potter's field, to bury strangers in. 8Wherefore that field was called, The field of blood, unto this day. 9Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremy the prophet, saying, And they took the thirty pieces of silver, the price of him that was valued, whom they of the children of Israel did value; 10and gave them for the potter's field, as the Lord appointed me. Jesus Before Pilate 11And Jesus stood before the governor: and the governor asked him, saying, Art thou the King of the Jews? And Jesus said unto him, Thou sayest. 12And when he was accused of the chief priests and elders, he answered nothing. 13Then said Pilate unto him, Hearest thou not how many things they witness against thee? 14And he answered him to never a word; insomuch that the governor marvelled greatly. 15Now at that feast the governor was wont to release unto the people a prisoner, whom they would. 16And they had then a notable prisoner, called Barabbas. 17Therefore when they were gathered together, Pilate said unto them, Whom will ye that I release unto you? Barabbas, or Jesus which is called Christ? 18For he knew that for envy they had delivered him. 19When he was set down on the judgment seat, his wife sent unto him, saying, Have thou nothing to do with that just man: for I have suffered many things this day in a dream because of him. 20But the chief priests and elders persuaded the multitude that they should ask Barabbas, and destroy Jesus. 21The governor answered and said unto them, Whether of the twain will ye that I release unto you? They said, Barabbas. 22Pilate saith unto them, What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ? They all say unto him, Let him be crucified. 23And the governor said, Why, what evil hath he done? But they cried out the more, saying, Let him be crucified. 24When Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing, but that rather a tumult was made, he took water, and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, I am innocent of the blood of this just person: see ye to it. 25Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children. 26Then released he Barabbas unto them: and when he had scourged Jesus, he delivered him to be crucified. 27Then the soldiers of the governor took Jesus into the common hall, and gathered unto him the whole band of soldiers. 28And they stripped him, and put on him a scarlet robe. 29And when they had platted a crown of thorns, they put it upon his head, and a reed in his right hand: and they bowed the knee before him, and mocked him, saying, Hail, King of the Jews! 30And they spit upon him, and took the reed, and smote him on the head. 31And after that they had mocked him, they took the robe off from him, and put his own raiment on him, and led him away to crucify him. 32And as they came out, they found a man of Cyrene, Simon by name: him they compelled to bear his cross. The Crucifixion 33And when they were come unto a place called Golgotha, that is to say, a place of a skull, 34they gave him vinegar to drink mingled with gall: and when he had tasted thereof, he would not drink. 35And they crucified him, and parted his garments, casting lots: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, They parted my garments among them, and upon my vesture did they cast lots. 36And sitting down they watched him there; 37and set up over his head his accusation written, THIS IS JESUS THE KING OF THE JEWS. 38Then were there two thieves crucified with him, one on the right hand, and another on the left. 39And they that passed by reviled him, wagging their heads, 40and saying, Thou that destroyest the temple, and buildest it in three days, save thyself. If thou be the Son of God, come down from the cross. 41Likewise also the chief priests mocking him, with the scribes and elders, said, 42He saved others; himself he cannot save. If he be the King of Israel, let him now come down from the cross, and we will believe him. 43He trusted in God; let him deliver him now, if he will have him: for he said, I am the Son of God. 44The thieves also, which were crucified with him, cast the same in his teeth. 45Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land unto the ninth hour. 46And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? 47Some of them that stood there, when they heard that, said, This man calleth for Elias. 48And straightway one of them ran, and took a spunge, and filled it with vinegar, and put it on a reed, and gave him to drink. 49The rest said, Let be, let us see whether Elias will come to save him. 50Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost. 51And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent; 52and the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, 53and came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many. 54Now when the centurion, and they that were with him, watching Jesus, saw the earthquake, and those things that were done, they feared greatly, saying, Truly this was the Son of God. 55And many women were there beholding afar off, which followed Jesus from Galilee, ministering unto him: 56among which was Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James and Joses, and the mother of Zebedee's children. The Burial 57When the even was come, there came a rich man of Arimathæa, named Joseph, who also himself was Jesus' disciple: 58he went to Pilate, and begged the body of Jesus. Then Pilate commanded the body to be delivered. 59And when Joseph had taken the body, he wrapped it in a clean linen cloth, 60and laid it in his own new tomb, which he had hewn out in the rock: and he rolled a great stone to the door of the sepulchre, and departed. 61And there was Mary Magdalene, and the other Mary, sitting over against the sepulchre. 62Now the next day, that followed the day of the preparation, the chief priests and Pharisees came together unto Pilate, 63saying, Sir, we remember that that deceiver said, while he was yet alive, After three days I will rise again. 64Command therefore that the sepulchre be made sure until the third day, lest his disciples come by night, and steal him away, and say unto the people, He is risen from the dead: so the last error shall be worse than the first. 65Pilate said unto them, Ye have a watch: go your way, make it as sure as ye can. 66So they went, and made the sepulchre sure, sealing the stone, and setting a watch. Rights in the Authorized (King James) Version of the Bible are vested in the Crown. Published by permission of the Crown's patentee, Cambridge University Press.
AN BIBEL KERNEWEK 2020 Matthew 27 Yesu Dres a-rag Pilat Mark 15:1; Luk 23:1-2; Yow 18:28-32 1Ha ternos vyttin, oll an bennoferysi ha henavogyon an bobel a wrug omgusulyans erbynn Yesu rag y worra dhe'n mernans; 2ha wosa i dh'y gelmi, i a'n dug yn-kerdh ha'y dhaskorr dhe Pilat an governour. Mernans Yudas Obe 1:18-19 3Ena Yudas neb a'n traytas pan welas ev dhe vos dampnys a goedhas yn edrek hag a dhros an deg bath warn ugens a arghans arta dhe'n bennoferysi ha'n henavogyon, 4ow leverel, ‘My re beghas a-ban draytis goes gwiryon.’ Yn-medhons i, ‘Pandr'yw henna dhyn ni? Ty dha honan preder anodho.’ 5Ha wosa tewlel an mona y'n tempel, ev a omdennas ha mones dh'y omgregi. 6An bennoferysi a gemmeras an mona ha leverel, ‘Nyns yw lafyl y worra y'n arghow, rag y vos pris goes.’ 7Ha wosa omgusulya i a brenas ganso gwel an weythoryon pri avel ynkleudhva rag estrenyon. 8Rakhenna an gwel na yw henwys Gwel an Goes bys y'n jydh hedhyw. 9Ena y feu kollenwys an dra kewsys dre Yeremia an profoes, ow leverel, Hag i a gemmeras an deg bath warn ugens a arghans, pris an den talvesys, neb a veu talvesys gans mebyon Ysrael, 10hag i a's ros rag gwel an gweythor pri, dell ordenas an Arloedh dhymm. Yesu Apposys gans Pilat Mark 15:2-5; Luk 23:3-5; Yow 18:33-38 11Ha Yesu a sevis a-rag an governour; ha'n governour a wovynnas orto, ow leverel, ‘Ty yw myghtern an Yedhewon?’ Yn-medh Yesu, ‘Ty a'n lever.’ 12Ha pan ova kuhudhys gans an bennoferysi ha'n henavogyon, ny worthybis travyth. 13Ena yn-medh Pilat dhodho, ‘A ny glewydh py lies tra y tustunions er dha bynn?’ 14Hag ev ny worthybis dhodho unn ger vytholl, mayth o marth meur dhe'n governour. Yesu Dampnys dhe'n Mernans Mark 15:6-15; Luk 23:13-25; Yow 18:39–19:16 15Hag yth o dhe'n governour us y'n dy'goel dhe dhelivra unn prisner dhe'n routh, piwpynag a vynnens. 16Hag y'n eur na yth esa dhedha prisner drog-gerys gelwys Barabbas. 17Ytho pan ens i kuntellys war-barth, Pilat a leveris dhedha, ‘Pyneyl a vynnowgh may hwrylliv y dhelivra dhywgh, Barabbas, po Yesu yw henwys Krist?’ 18Rag ev a wodhya i dh'y dhaskorr dre atti. 19Ha pan ova esedhys yn barr an vreus, y wreg a dhannvonas dhodho, ow leverel, ‘Ty na wra mellya gans an den gwiryon na, rag my a wodhevis lower hedhyw yn hunros a'y wovis ev.’ 20Mes an bennoferysi ha'n henavogyon a dhynyas an routhow dhe wovynn Barabbas dhe vos delivrys, ha distrui Yesu. 21Ena y hworthybis an governour ha leverel dhedha, ‘Pyneyl a'n dhew y fynnowgh orthiv delivra dhywgh?’ Yn-medhons, ‘Barabbas.’ 22Yn-medh Pilat dhedha, ‘Pandr'a wrav vy orth Yesu yw gelwys Krist?’ I oll a leveris, ‘Bedhes krowsys!’ 23Yn-medh ev, ‘Pana dhrog ytho a wruga?’ Mes i a armas dhe voy ow leverel, ‘Bedhes krowsys!’ 24Ha Pilat, pan welas na ylli gwaynya travyth, mes yth esa freudh ow talleth, a gemmeras dowr ha golghi y dhiwla a-rag an routh ow leverel, ‘Glan yth o'ma a woes an den gwiryon ma. Hwi omgemmerewgh.’ 25Ha'n bobel oll a worthybis ow leverel, ‘Re bo y woes warnan ni ha war agan fleghes.’ 26Ena ev a dhelivras Barabbas dhedha, mes Yesu ev a skorjyas ha'y ri dhe vos krowsys. An Soudoryon a Skorn Yesu Mark 15:16-20; Yow 19:2-3 27Ena soudoryon an governour a worras Yesu dhe'n pretorium hag a guntellas oll an bagas a soudoryon a-dro dhodho. 28Ha wosa y dhestryppya, i a worras mantell gogh a-dro dhodho, 29hag a blethas kurun a spern ha'y gorra war y benn ha korsenn yn y leuv dhyghow, hag ow koedha war benn-dewlin a-dheragdho, i a wrug ges anodho ow leverel, ‘Hayl, Myghtern an Yedhewon!’ 30Hag i a drewas warnodho ha kemmeres an gorsenn hag yth esens orth y weskel war y benn. 31Ha wosa gul ges anodho, i a dhi'skas an vantell ha'y wiska gans y dhillas y honan ha'y dhoen yn-kerdh dhe vos krowsys. Krowsyans Yesu Mark 15:21-32; Luk 23:26-43; Yow 19:17-27 32Hag ow mos yn-mes, i a gavas den a Kyrene, henwys Simon; i a wrug y gonstryna dhe dhoen y grows. 33Ha pan ens devedhys dhe tyller henwys Golgotha (henn yw Tyller Krogen), 34i a ros dhodho dhe eva gwin kemmyskys gans bystel; mes wosa ev dh'y dastya, ny vynnas y eva. 35Ha pan y'n krowssons i a rannas y dhillas ow tewlel prenn. 36Ena i a esedhas, ha'y witha ena. 37Hag a-ugh y benn i a worras skrif an kuhudhans er y bynn, ‘Hemm yw Yesu, Myghtern an Yedhewon.’ 38Ena y feu krowsys ganso dew lader, an eyl a'y barth dhyghow, ha'y gila a'y barth kledh. 39Ha'n dremenysi a'n kablas, ow shakya aga fenn, 40ha leverel, ‘A ty, neb a dhistru an tempel ha'y dhrehevel kyns penn trydydh, omsaw dha honan mars os Mab Duw, ha diyskynn a'n grows.’ 41Yn keth vaner an bennoferysi gans an skribys ha'n henavogyon ow kul ges a leveris, 42‘Tus erell ev a's sawyas, ev y honan ny yll omsawya; Myghtern Ysrael ywa, diyskynnes lemmyn a'n grows ha ni a grys dhodho; 43ev a fydhyas yn Duw, re'n deliffro lemmyn mara'n mynn; rag ev a leveris, “My yw Mab Duw.” ’ 44Yn kepar maner ynwedh yth esa an ladron neb o krowsys ganso orth y dhespitya. Mernans Yesu Mark 15:33-41; Luk 23:44-49; Yow 19:28-30 45Ha dhiworth an hweghves eur yth esa tewolgow war oll an nor bys y'n nawves eur. 46Hag a-dro dhe'n nawves eur, Yesu a armas gans lev ughel ow leverel, ‘Eli, Eli, lema sabaghthani?’ henn yw: ‘Ow Duw, Ow Duw, prag y'm forsaksys?’ 47Re an dus a sevi ena, pan y'n klewsons a leveris, ‘Yma an den ma ow karma war Elias.’ 48Ha dihwans onan anedha a boenyas dhe gavoes spong hag a'n lenwis a aysel ha'y worra war welenn ha'y ri dhodho dhe eva. 49Mes an re erell a leveris, ‘Gesewgh ni dhe weles mar teu Elias rag y sawya.’ 50Ena Yesu a armas arta gans lev ughel hag a dhaskorras an enev. 51Hag otta, vayl an tempel a veu skwardys yntra diw rann, a'n penn a-wartha bys y'n goeles, hag y feu dorgrys ha'n karregi a veu folsys, 52ha'n bedhow a veu igerys ha meur a gorfow a'n syns koedhys yn kosk a veu drehevys; 53hag i a dheuth yn-mes a'n bedhow wosa y dhasserghyans, ha mos y'n sita sans hag omdhiskwedhes dhe lies huni. 54Ha'n penn-kangour ha'n re esa ganso ow kwitha Yesu, pan welsons an dorgrys hag oll a hwarva, a borthas own meur, ow leverel, ‘Yn tevri hemma o Mab Duw.’ 55Hag yth esa ena lies benyn ow mires a-bell, neb a holyas Yesu dhiworth Galile, orth y servya. 56Yn aga mysk yth esa Maria Magdalena, ha Maria mamm Jamys ha Yoses, ha mamm mebyon Zebede. Ynkleudhyans Yesu Mark 15:42-47; Luk 23:50-56; Yow 19:38-42 57Ha devedhys an gorthugher, den rych a Arimathea, henwys Yosep, a dheuth, neb y honan ynwedh o dyskybel dhe Yesu. 58Ev eth dhe Pilat ha govynn orto korf Yesu. Ena Pilat a erghis may fe res dhodho. 59Ha wosa ev dhe gemmeres an korf, Yosep a'n maylyas yn lien glan 60hag a'n gorras yn y vedh nowydh a wrussa y dreghi y'n garrek, ha wosa ev dhe rolya men bras a-dreus dhe dharas an bedh, yth eth yn-kerdh. 61Hag yth esa ena Maria Magdalena ha'n Varia arall, esedhys a-dal an bedh. An Withysi orth an Bedh 62Ha ternos, an jydh wosa Darbar an Goel, an bennoferysi ha'n Fariseow a omguntellas war-barth ha mos dhe Pilat, 63ow leverel, ‘Arloedh, yma kov dhyn an toeller na, pan o hwath yn few, dhe gewsel, “Wosa trydydh y hwrav dasserghi.” 64Argh, ytho, may fo an bedh gwithys gans rach bys y'n tressa dydh rag na dheffo y dhyskyblon yn nos ha'y ladra ha leverel dhe'n bobel, “Drehevys veu dhiworth an re varow”, hag yndella an toell diwettha a vydh gweth ages an kynsa.’ 65Yn-medh Pilat dhedha, ‘Yma gwithysi genowgh, kewgh, ha'y witha dell wodhowgh.’ 66Hag yth ethons ha gwitha an bedh, ow selya an men ha gorra gwithysi warnodho. © Kesva an Taves Kernewek 2004, 2021 © Cornish Language Board 2004, 2021KING JAMES VERSION (BIBLE SOCIETY PARAGRAPHED EDITION 1954)langbot langbot
Mark 12 1And he began to speak unto them by parables. A certain man planted a vineyard, and set an hedge about it, and digged a place for the winefat, and built a tower, and let it out to husbandmen, and went into a far country. 2And at the season he sent to the husbandmen a servant, that he might receive from the husbandmen of the fruit of the vineyard. 3And they caught him, and beat him, and sent him away empty. 4And again he sent unto them another servant; and at him they cast stones, and wounded him in the head, and sent him away shamefully handled. 5And again he sent another; and him they killed, and many others; beating some, and killing some. 6Having yet therefore one son, his wellbeloved, he sent him also last unto them, saying, They will reverence my son. 7But those husbandmen said among themselves, This is the heir; come, let us kill him, and the inheritance shall be our's. 8And they took him, and killed him, and cast him out of the vineyard. 9What shall therefore the lord of the vineyard do? he will come and destroy the husbandmen, and will give the vineyard unto others. 10And have ye not read this scripture; The stone which the builders rejected Is become the head of the corner: 11This was the Lord's doing, And it is marvellous in our eyes? 12And they sought to lay hold on him, but feared the people: for they knew that he had spoken the parable against them: and they left him, and went their way. 13And they send unto him certain of the Pharisees and of the Herodians, to catch him in his words. 14And when they were come, they say unto him, Master, we know that thou art true, and carest for no man: for thou regardest not the person of men, but teachest the way of God in truth: Is it lawful to give tribute to Cæsar, or not? 15Shall we give, or shall we not give? But he, knowing their hypocrisy, said unto them, Why tempt ye me? bring me a penny, that I may see it. 16And they brought it. And he saith unto them, Whose is this image and superscription? And they said unto him, Cæsar's. 17And Jesus answering said unto them, Render to Cæsar the things that are Cæsar's, and to God the things that are God's. And they marvelled at him. 18Then come unto him the Sadducees, which say there is no resurrection; and they asked him, saying, 19Master, Moses wrote unto us, If a man's brother die, and leave his wife behind him, and leave no children, that his brother should take his wife, and raise up seed unto his brother. 20Now there were seven brethren: and the first took a wife, and dying left no seed. 21And the second took her, and died, neither left he any seed: and the third likewise. 22And the seven had her, and left no seed: last of all the woman died also. 23In the resurrection therefore, when they shall rise, whose wife shall she be of them? for the seven had her to wife. 24And Jesus answering said unto them, Do ye not therefore err, because ye know not the scriptures, neither the power of God? 25For when they shall rise from the dead, they neither marry, nor are given in marriage; but are as the angels which are in heaven. 26And as touching the dead, that they rise: have ye not read in the book of Moses, how in the bush God spake unto him, saying, I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? 27He is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living: ye therefore do greatly err. 28And one of the scribes came, and having heard them reasoning together, and perceiving that he had answered them well, asked him, Which is the first commandment of all? 29And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is , Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord: 30and thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. 31And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these. 32And the scribe said unto him, Well, Master, thou hast said the truth: for there is one God; and there is none other but he: 33and to love him with all the heart, and with all the understanding, and with all the soul, and with all the strength, and to love his neighbour as himself, is more than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices. 34And when Jesus saw that he answered discreetly, he said unto him, Thou art not far from the kingdom of God. And no man after that durst ask him any question. 35And Jesus answered and said, while he taught in the temple, How say the scribes that Christ is the son of David? 36For David himself said by the Holy Ghost, The LORD said to my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, Till I make thine enemies thy footstool. 37David therefore himself calleth him Lord; and whence is he then his son? And the common people heard him gladly. 38And he said unto them in his doctrine, Beware of the scribes, which love to go in long clothing, and love salutations in the marketplaces, 39and the chief seats in the synagogues, and the uppermost rooms at feasts: 40which devour widows' houses, and for a pretence make long prayers: these shall receive greater damnation. 41And Jesus sat over against the treasury, and beheld how the people cast money into the treasury: and many that were rich cast in much. 42And there came a certain poor widow, and she threw in two mites, which make a farthing. 43And he called unto him his disciples, and saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, That this poor widow hath cast more in, than all they which have cast into the treasury: 44for all they did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want did cast in all that she had, even all her living. Rights in the Authorized (King James) Version of the Bible are vested in the Crown. Published by permission of the Crown's patentee, Cambridge University Press.
AN BIBEL KERNEWEK 2020 Mark 12 Parabolenn an Winlann ha'n Diogyon Mat 21:33-46; Luk 20:9-19 1Hag ev a dhallathas kewsel orta dre barabolennow: ‘Unn den a blansas gwinlann, ha gorra ke a-dro dhedhi, ha palas pytt dhe'n winwask ha drehevel tour, ha'y settya dhe diogyon, hag ena vyajya yn-kerdh. 2Hag yn termyn an drevas ev a dhannvonas kethwas dhe'n diogyon, may tegemmerra a-dhiworth an diogyon rann a drevas an winlann. 3Mes i a'n dalghennas, ha'y gronkya, ha'y dhannvon dhe-ves gwag y dhiwla. 4Hag arta ev a dhannvonas dhedha kethwas arall; hag i a'n kronkyas war an penn, ha'y dhespitya. 5Hag ev a dhannvonas onan arall; ha henna i a'n ladhas; ha lower arall, ow kronkya re hag ow ladha re. 6Yth esa dhodho hwath unn mab karadow; ev a'n dannvonas dhedha wortiwedh, ow leverel, “Gul vri a'm mab i a wra.” 7Mes an diogyon na a leveris an eyl dh'y gila, “Hemm yw an her; deun, ledhyn ev, ha'n ertach a vydh dhyn ni.” 8Hag i a'n kemmeras ha'y ladha, ha'y dewlel yn-mes a'n winlann. 9Ytho pandr'a wra arloedh an winlann? Dos a wra ha distrui an diogyon, ha ri an winlann dhe re erell. 10A ny redsowgh hwi an skryptor ma: “An men hag a veu skonys gans an weythoryon, henn yw gwrys pennmen an korn; 11gans an Arloedh y feu hemma gwrys, ha marthys yw yn agan dewlagas”?’ 12Hag i a hwila settya dalghenn ynno, mes own a's teva a'n routh, rag i a wodhva ev dhe gewsel an barabolenn er aga fynn i, hag i a'n gasas, ha mos dhe-ves. Ri Trubyt dhe Sesar Mat 22:15-22; Luk 20:20-26 13Hag i a dhannvonas dhodho re a'n Fariseow ha'n Herodyanys, may hallens y vaglenna yn y lavarow. 14Ha pan dheuthons yn-medhons dhodho, ‘Mester, ni a woer ty dhe vos gwir, ha ny'th teur mann a dhenvyth; rag ny virydh orth fas tus, mes ty a dhysk fordh Duw yn gwiryonedh. Yw lafyl ri trubyt dhe Sesar, po nag yw? A ren ni po na ren?’ 15Mes ev, owth aswonn aga falsuri, a leveris dhedha, ‘Prag y'm prevowgh vy? Drewgh dhymm dinerenn, may hallav hy gweles.’ 16Ytho i a's dros, hag yn-medh ev dhedha, ‘Piw a bew an imaj ma ha'n pennskrifa?’ Yn-medhons dhodho, ‘Sesar.’ 17Ha Yesu a leveris dhedha, ‘Attelewgh dhe Sesar an taklow yw dhe Sesar ha dhe Dhuw an taklow yw dhe Dhuw.’ Ha marth a's tevo anodho. Govynn a-dro dhe'n Dasserghyans Mat 22:23-33; Luk 20:27-40 18Hag y teuth dhodho Sadukeow, neb a lever nag eus dasserghyans, hag yth esens ow kovynn orto, ow leverel, 19‘A Vester, Moyses a skrifas ragon, Mar merow broder neb den, ha gasa gwreg a-dhelergh, heb gasa flogh, y vroder a dal kemmeres an wreg, ha maga askorr dh'y vroder. 20Yth esa seyth broder; ha'n kynsa a gemmeras gwreg, ha pan verwis, ny asas askorr. 21Ha'n nessa a's kemmeras, hag y ferwis heb gasa askorr; ha'n tressa kekeffrys; 22ha'n seyth, ny assons askorr. Yn tiwettha oll an wreg a verwis y'n keth vaner. 23Y'n dasserghyans, pan sevons, piw anedha a's pew yn gwreg? Rag an seyth a's kemmeras yn gwreg.’ 24Yn-medh Yesu dhedha, ‘A nyns yw drefenn na wodhowgh naneyl an skryptors, na galloes Duw, y kammdybowgh hwi yn hemma? 25Rag i pan dhasserghons a'n re varow, ny dhemmedhons, na ny vydhons demmedhys mes yth ens i avel eledh y'n nevow. 26Hag a-dro dhe'n re varow, i dhe vos drehevys, a ny redsowgh yn lyver Moyses, a-dro dhe'n bos, fatell gewsis Duw dhodho, ow leverel, My yw Duw Abraham, ha Duw Ysak, ha Duw Yakob? 27Nyns yw ev Duw an re varow, saw a'n re vew; hwi a gammdyp meur!’ An Gorhemmynn Meur Mat 22:34-40; Luk 10:25-28 28Hag onan a'n skribys a dheuth yn-rag, ha wosa goslowes orta ow tisputya war-barth, hag ow kweles ev dhe worthybi dhedha yn ta, ev a wovynnas orto, ‘Py yw an kynsa gorhemmynn oll?’ 29Yesu a'n gorthybis, ‘An kynsa yw, “Klew, A Ysrael; an Arloedh agan Duw yw unn Arloedh; 30ha ty gwra kara dha Arloedh Duw gans oll dha golonn, gans oll dha enev, gans oll dha vrys, ha gans oll dha nerth.” Hemm yw an kynsa gorhemmynn. 31An nessa yw hemma, “Ty gwra kara dha gentrevek kepar dell omgerydh dha honan.” Nyns eus gorhemmynn arall brassa es an re ma.’ 32An skriba a leveris dhodho, ‘Yn ta, Mester, ty re gewsis an gwiryonedh, “Onan yma, ha nyns eus arall marnas ev”, 33hag: “y gara gans oll an golonn, ha gans oll an skians, ha gans oll an enev, ha gans oll an nerth”, ha “kara y gentrevek kepar hag ev y honan”, hemm yw moy ages oll an offrynnow kowlleskys ha'n sakrifisow.’ 34Ha Yesu, ow kweles ev dhe worthybi yn fur, a leveris dhodho, ‘Nyns osta pell a-dhiworth gwlaskor Duw.’ Ha ny lavasa denvyth govynn travyth orto na fella. Govynn a-dro dhe Vab Davydh Mat 22:41-46; Luk 20:41-44 35Ha Yesu a worthybis ha leverel, hag ev ow tyski y'n tempel, ‘Fatell yw, y lever an skribys Krist dhe vos mab Davydh? 36Davydh y honan a gewsis der an Spyrys Sans, “An Arloedh a leveris dhe'm Arloedh, ‘Ty esedh a'n barth dhyghow dhymm, erna worriv dha eskerens yn-dann dha dreys.’ ” 37Yma Davydh y honan orth y elwel Arloedh; ha fatell, ytho, ymava mab dhodho?’ Ha'n routh veur a woslowi orto yn lowen. Kuhudhans an Skribys Mat 23:1-36; Luk 20:45-47 38Hag ev a leveri yn y dhyskas, ‘Bedhewgh war a'n skribys, neb a gar kerdhes a-dro yn gwiskas hir, hag a gar salusyansow y'n marghasow, 39ha penn-esedhow y'n synagys, ha penn-esedhow y'n kevewiow, 40neb a lenk chiow an gwedhwesow, hag a wra pysadow hir yn fayntys; an re ma a's tevydh dhe voy dampnasyon.’ Offrynn an Wedhwes Luk 21:1-4 41Hag ev a esedhas a-dal an arghow, hag a weli fatell esa an routh ow tewlel mona y'n argh. Ha lies den rych a dewli meur. 42Hag unn wedhwes voghosek a dheuth, ha hi a dewlis ynni dew vita, henn yw ferdhynn. 43Hag ev a elwis dhodho y dhyskyblon ha leverel dhedha, ‘Yn hwir y lavarav dhywgh, y hwrug an wedhwes voghosek ma tewlel moy ages oll an re erell esa ow tewlel y'n arghow. 44Rag i oll a wrug tewlel a'ga lanwes, mes hi a'y edhomm a wrug tewlel myns a's teva, oll hy fygans.’langbot langbot
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