as you have said oor Kornies

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as you have said
Yma hi ow kul ergh arta.langbot langbot
as you have said
My a vetyas orth ow hothman.langbot langbot
Like as I have said to you, 765
Nyns eus drog penn dhymm.langbot langbot
Frodo looked at her questioningly. ‘He is, as you have seen him,’ she said in answer to his look. ‘He is the Master of wood, water, and hill.’
Nyns yw res dhis gul hemma!langbot langbot
‘No!’ answered Frodo, coming back to himself out of darkness, and finding to his surprise that it was not dark, and that out of the window he could see the sunlit garden. ‘Or perhaps, yes. As far as I understand what you have said, I suppose I must keep the Ring and guard it, at least for the present, whatever it may do to me.’
An ki ma yw bras.langbot langbot
We are focusing on what really matters and have set key performance measures in areas such as road and pavement repairs; affordable and decent housing and protecting the vulnerable - areas you have said are important to you.
Ass ov vy skwith!langbot langbot
‘Let you? Make you?’ said the wizard. ‘Haven’t you been listening to all that I have said? You are not thinking of what you are saying. But as for throwing it away, that was obviously wrong. These Rings have a way of being found. In evil hands it might have done great evil. Worst of all, it might have fallen into the hands of the Enemy. Indeed it certainly would; for this is the One, and he is exerting all his power to find it or draw it to himself.
Pes bloodh yw ev?langbot langbot
You ought to begin to understand, Frodo, after all you have heard,’ said Gandalf. ‘He hated it and loved it, as he hated and loved himself. He could not get rid of it. He had no will left in the matter.
Lowen yw Ken.langbot langbot
Maggot looked at him thoughtfully. ‘Well, I see you have ideas of your own,’ he said. ‘It is as plain as my nose that no accident brought you and that rider here on the same afternoon; and maybe my news was no great news to you, after all. I am not asking you to tell me anything you have a mind to keep to yourself; but I see you are in some kind of trouble. Perhaps you are thinking it won’t be too easy to get to the Ferry without being caught?’
Seytek bloodh yw ow howethes.langbot langbot
‘They have left us fruit and drink, and bread,’ said Pippin. ‘Come and have your breakfast. The bread tastes almost as good as it did last night. I did not want to leave you any, but Sam insisted.’
Desk yw hemma.langbot langbot
‘Now, now, my dear hobbit! ‘ said Gandalf. ‘All your long life we have been friends, and you owe me something. Come! Do as you promised: give it up! ‘
Skrif dhymm lyther, mar pleg.langbot langbot
‘Because two Black Riders have overtaken us today, or one has done so twice,’ said Pippin; ‘only a little while ago he slipped away as you drew near.’
Res o dhymm gortos.langbot langbot
Pilate knew well that they spoke out of malice. Because of this he would have liked to protect christ from abuse, and he said to them, ``if it is what you want, i will chastise him as one who is utterly foolish, and set him free.
Homm yw hy thigen.langbot langbot
‘Well!’ said Frodo at last, sitting up and straightening his back, as if he had made a decision. ‘I can’t keep it dark any longer. I have got something to tell you all. But I don’t know quite how to begin.’
Hi a vynn redya lyver.langbot langbot
You won't find your clothes again,' said Tom, bounding down from the mound, and laughing as he danced round them in the sunlight. One would have thought that nothing dangerous or dreadful had happened; and indeed the horror faded out of their hearts as they looked at him, and saw the merry glint in his eyes.
Medhow o Tom, dell grysav.langbot langbot
Those who were bondsmen to the great devil said to Pilate, ``Cheer up. don't be downcast. herod has sent you a greeting. much love towards you has steadfastly entered his heart and he will yet repay you for honouring him as you have done.
Yma dhymm dew vroder hag unn hwor.langbot langbot
‘No, and I don’t want to,’ said Frodo. I can’t understand you. Do you mean to say that you, and the Elves, have let him live on after all those horrible deeds? Now at any rate he is as bad as an Orc, and just an enemy. He deserves death.’
Bras yw an aval na.langbot langbot
2 CORINTHIANS 7 1Therefore, since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God. Paul’s Joy Over the Church’s Repentance 2Make room for us in your hearts. We have wronged no one, we have corrupted no one, we have exploited no one. 3I do not say this to condemn you; I have said before that you have such a place in our hearts that we would live or die with you. 4I have spoken to you with great frankness; I take great pride in you. I am greatly encouraged; in all our troubles my joy knows no bounds. 5For when we came into Macedonia, we had no rest, but we were harassed at every turn—conflicts on the outside, fears within. 6But God, who comforts the downcast, comforted us by the coming of Titus, 7and not only by his coming but also by the comfort you had given him. He told us about your longing for me, your deep sorrow, your ardent concern for me, so that my joy was greater than ever. 8Even if I caused you sorrow by my letter, I do not regret it. Though I did regret it—I see that my letter hurt you, but only for a little while— 9yet now I am happy, not because you were made sorry, but because your sorrow led you to repentance. For you became sorrowful as God intended and so were not harmed in any way by us. 10Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death. 11See what this godly sorrow has produced in you: what earnestness, what eagerness to clear yourselves, what indignation, what alarm, what longing, what concern, what readiness to see justice done. At every point you have proved yourselves to be innocent in this matter. 12So even though I wrote to you, it was neither on account of the one who did the wrong nor on account of the injured party, but rather that before God you could see for yourselves how devoted to us you are. 13By all this we are encouraged. In addition to our own encouragement, we were especially delighted to see how happy Titus was, because his spirit has been refreshed by all of you. 14I had boasted to him about you, and you have not embarrassed me. But just as everything we said to you was true, so our boasting about you to Titus has proved to be true as well. 15And his affection for you is all the greater when he remembers that you were all obedient, receiving him with fear and trembling. 16I am glad I can have complete confidence in you.
Yma dhodho diw vyrgh.langbot langbot
The eldest of these, and Bilbo’s favourite, was young Frodo Baggins. When Bilbo was ninety-nine, he adopted Frodo as his heir, and brought him to live at Bag End; and the hopes of the Sackville-Bagginses were finally dashed. Bilbo and Frodo happened to have the same birthday, September 22nd. ‘You had better come and live here, Frodo my lad,’ said Bilbo one day; ‘and then we can celebrate our birthday-parties comfortably together.’ At that time Frodo was still in his tweens, as the hobbits called the irresponsible twenties between childhood and coming of age at thirty-three.
Res yw dhymm oberi.langbot langbot
At once the prince said, ``You, Christ, tell me, where are your men who are so bold and whom you have trained? why do they not come with you here? the laws that you preached, demonstrate now whether they are good. and jesus answered, as he intended at that time:
Yth eson ni owth assaya studhya omma.langbot langbot
‘Such questions cannot be answered,’ said Gandalf. ‘You may be sure that it was not for any merit that others do not possess: not for power or wisdom, at any rate. But you have been chosen, and you must therefore use such strength and heart and wits as you have.’
Da yw genev hemma.langbot langbot
‘The Gaffer can’t be blamed anyway,’ said Frodo. ‘As a matter of fact I heard him talking to a stranger, who seemed to be inquiring for me, and I nearly went and asked him who it was. I wish I had, or you had told me about it before. I might have been more careful on the road.’
Yth esa ki dhodho.langbot langbot
‘Be kind to a poor old hobbit!’ laughed Frodo. ‘I shall be as thin as a willow-wand, I’m sure, before I get to Buckland. But I was talking nonsense. I suspect you have taken more than your share, Sam, and I shall look into it at our next packing.’ He picked up his stick again. ‘Well, we all like walking in the dark,’ he said, ‘so let’s put some miles behind us before bed.’
Yma karer dhymm.langbot langbot
‘Only too true, I fear,’ said Gandalf. ‘But there was something else in it, I think, which you don’t see yet. Even Gollum was not wholly ruined. He had proved tougher than even one of the Wise would have guessed -as a hobbit might. There was a little corner of his mind that was still his own, and light came through it, as through a chink in the dark: light out of the past. It was actually pleasant, I think, to hear a kindly voice again, bringing up memories of wind, and trees, and sun on the grass, and such forgotten things.
My a vynn kavos aval.langbot langbot
I decided it was opportune to assess the fallout, within the camp, of my little performance at the first lecture. If Ingrid wouldn’t tell me now, she was unlikely ever to tell me. “By the way, doctor, you said that Captain Mengele was not pleased with my contribution to his presentation. What was the problem?” Ingrid’s mind was apparently still elsewhere – where exactly I cannot say. She answered me as if in a dream, like an automaton. “Oh, the doughboys complained that we should have let you keep speaking. They said we must be hiding something, that it’s some kind of grand political conspiracy and that they don’t trust us anymore. Stuff like that.” “I suppose they’ve started writing to their congressmen?” I asked. Still in a dream, Ingrid answered simply: “Yes, they are, actually.” Then she suddenly snapped out of it, realized that I was milking her for information. “Hey! How did you know that? That’s classified information.” “Just a wild guess,” I replied. Although I did not actually know that the GI’s had started writing to their congressmen, I guessed that this was likely – and Ingrid had merely confirmed my guess. This was my next guess: “But none of those letters will ever get off this base, will they?” Ingrid set her mouth in a tight line – thus answering my question in the positive. (There was not readily available overseas phone access in those days and so, if the letters were stopped, sensitive or controversial information would not leak back to the States in any short time frame.) Ingrid stood abruptly: “This interview is concluded, prisoner. Guards?!” The guards came running and took me back to my cell.
Deus yn skon.langbot langbot
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