c oor Kornies


/k/, /siː/ Letter, naamwoord, adjektief, werkwoord, bywoordalgemene
The third letter of the English alphabet, called cee and written in the Latin script.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Kornies


c. (circa)
a-dro dhe

a-dro dhe

c. (circa)

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/ʃ/, /ks/, /s/, /k/, /siː/, /tʃ/ Letter, naamwoord, simbool, eienaam
The third letter of the English alphabet, called cee and written in the Latin script.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Kornies



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hepatitis C
fagel avi C
treghow Cesarek
tregh Cesarek
en-dadn with · yn-dann with


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
♦ our Lord Christ was c. agan arlòdh Crist a veu gorrys e'n grows SA; a tree to c. him predn dh’y crowsya PC
Ow thas yw.langbot langbot
start2 (n.) 1 a first part; beginning dalleth, derow; b time of starting; origin dallethvoz i place of starting; starting point dallethva; c signal to proceed dallethyp; 2 a lead; advantage dyspart; b opportunity; break strab; 3 slight involuntary movement; twitch; flinch tris, plynch; 4 at the ~ 1 in the first place y'n-kynza-le a in the beginning wostalleth
Kas yw genev an gwav.langbot langbot
clue n. thought tibyas ~ tibyans m. -ow; as guide gidyans m.; trace, print, indication ol m. -ow JK, JB, WJ; phr. I have not got a c. na wörama tabm veth
Fatla genes?langbot langbot
1 le po tyller a ugh dhe bub huni arall a leyn; gwartha summit; b knyght; topp peak; c toppynn apex; 2 a studh yn attaynys po leanys yw gwell es pub huni arall; ughelboynt climax; b berwans; anterth orgasm; 3 branch diberthek branching bough a sparl bar, bolt; 4 barras crisis
Homm yw dha digen.langbot langbot
start1 (v.) (bas.) 1 a begin dalleth; 2 a initiate; launch lonchya; b i activate tanya; ii set in motion; set going; set up arweytha; iii support in first part of career or venture; promote strebel; c found; establish fondya i institute; start sevylya; d i begin working; open; commence; start kommensya; ii set out; set off omferdhi; iii begin eating; begin drinking; broach attamya; 3 give sudden involuntary movement plynchya a jump; flinch sorsalza, gwibya i jump suddenly; spring suddenly gorlemmel; b i wince tresella; ii flinch desfyllel; c jerk; jolt trisa
Ple’mons i?langbot langbot
holding (n.) 1 a portion; property; possession synzaz; b acquisition; gain kavaz; 2 uncultivated ~ kroftenn a area pastell; b property; area bargen; c farm bargen-tir
Nyns yw res dhis dos a-vorow.langbot langbot
The Annual English-Cornish Dictionary. 2024 Edition. An Gerlever Sowsnek-Kernôwek Bledhednek N. Kennedy © Copyrigbht. Keniver gwir gwithys. ISSN 2754-592X hornbeam n. Carpinus betulus cornwedhen f., pl. cornwedhednow, col. cornwedh tr. E; NW has yowbredn. No trad. name. Rare in C.
An venyn a olas pan glewas an yeyn-nowodhow.langbot langbot
position1 (n.) 1 a site; spot spott, savla; b posture stonz; 2 a status; rank; favour kondyshyon, gre, savla; b function offis; c office; post soedh; d dignity; respect reowta; e seat; membership chayr; 3 a attitude; posture omdhalghenn; b point of view; viewpoint; angle alverth; c stance kowzyz; d argument argument; 4 degre, ~ow
Pyth yw hanow dha vyrgh?langbot langbot
Cornish a. Kernôwek; of Cornwall a Kernow or a Gernow Mut. not usu.; meaning 'the C. + n' Kernow after n.;
dy'Yow yw hedhyw.langbot langbot
short circuit - s/c
Henn yw hy harer.langbot langbot
(hkv.) 1 a tread; b travla trudge; c kerdhez yn po war walk; 2 a kolportya hawk; b gwika peddle
Yw hemma agas gerlyver?langbot langbot
raise (v.) (bas.) 1 a lift; raise drehynna, drehevel; b elevate; heighten ughelhe; c erect sevyza; 2 rear; bring up a breed maga; b bring up meythrin; 3 ~ up set up; erect sevyza; 4 incite; instigate sordya; 5 exalt eksaltya
Yw da genes Tom?langbot langbot
5858 Poos atomek zirkoniom yw 91.22, y boynt teudhi yw 1852°C ha'y boynt bryjyon yw 4377°C. 41.9211
Gorthugher da!langbot langbot
being1 (n.) 1 a existence; continuation adhvoz, hanvoz, boz; b essential nature substanz; c nature; essence; existence essenz; 2 a individual; entity; object; whole anherann, enzyz; b individual; human bodi; c conscious entity; creature kroadur; d existence; creation bozva; 3 ~ kept prisoner, for the time ~ temporarily dhe'n- termyn, come into ~ 1 a originate; come to be derowi, hanvoz, have ~ exist; continue adhvoz, human ~ bodi, non-human ~ giant; monster; extraterrestrial enkenedhlek, enkenedhloges, non-human ~s enkenedhel, state of ~ existence hanvoz, supernatural ~ god; goddess; angel; sprite gornaturenn, gornaturynn; 4 non-~ non-existence anvoz, have free and unconditional ~ (hkv.) exist; be hanvedhez
Ny goskav yn ta.langbot langbot
John C. Wright (awtour)
Nyns yw klavji.langbot langbot
♦ a. the people emesk an düs JT; emesk an bobel WR, JT; a. all the C. speakers mesk oll an clappyers Kernôwek NB; a. women ter benynys PA; a. you et agas mesk; a. them mesk anjei; en aga herwyth PA; a. the animals emesk an bestes WJ
Ty re gollas dha lawlen.langbot langbot
♦ he came and sd in C. e dheth ha trigas en Capurnahum WR; s. at home triga (en) tre; s. still 2 sg imp sa ~ sav; pl imp savowgh See 'keep'. > stop, hold up astel BK; hinder lettya >
Hemm yw klavji.langbot langbot
forthwith (bas.) 1 immediately a straightway dison; b soon heb-lett, hware; c suddenly; instantly a-dhesempiz; d at once desempiz; 2 quickly; with all speed yn-skon; 3 straightway heb-hokkya
Yma bosti omma.langbot langbot
convey (v.) (bas.) 1 a bring konvaya; b drive gorra; c draw off; syphon seyfeni; d conduct; transmit herena; e; 2 a transfer sessyona, statya; b assure dalghala; 3 a i impart; communicate kemenessa; b express; indicate ekspressya intend to ~ mean; intend to express menya
Henn yw glyb.langbot langbot
1 a messaj message; b skrifenn dhannvon communication; 2 a negysyans negotiation; b afrann affair; c chyffar transaction; d danwel errand; 3 kenwerth; meson business
Pyth yw an re ma?langbot langbot
omattendyanz pay ~ to (v.) gul a vri a, turning of ~ to turning of mind omattendyanz; d listening skovarnanz pay ~ to (v.) skovarna, give full ~ to (v.) listen carefully to; be all ears askoltya; e heed mihyth; 2 pay ~ (v.) care; feel concern omattendya, pay ~ to (v.) notice; take notice of attendya, a notice; consideration attendyanz; b care attend, miranz; c protection rachwith; d i gallantry; courtesy temarr; e assistance; treatment; care servyanz; f waiting on tendyanz; 3 upright position with feet together and arms straight by side gard, sevel dhe-serth stand to ~ (v.) sevel yn gard garda, at ~ (adv.) yn-gard, gard, yn
Na wra megi y’n gweli!langbot langbot
grasp1 1 a grip kraf; b grapple; grappling krapp; c grip; hold dalghenn; 2 a control; power gowas; b
Ro dhymm an lo.langbot langbot
1 gwas yn-unn berthi an kerth ughel; 2 gwas yn-unn berthi ha synzi galloez ha vertu rowetha, rewlya, po routya a gwellhevinek lord, aristocrat; b gwlezik lord, leader; c yuv lord, ruler; 3 gwas yn-unn berthi gwiryow finwethyz diblans a perghennek owner; b mester master
Ple’ma Laurie?langbot langbot
c. o.self omamendya OM; amendya y hònan etc.
Teg yw henna.langbot langbot
bump1 (n.)1ablowbonk;bimpactboemm; c knock knouk; d bang kronk; 2 a swelling bothenn; b visible pregnancy torras; 3 bothan; 4 bulge; lump bougenn
Tom yw nebes kottha agesov.langbot langbot
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