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dance in group korolli dancer donsyer, donsyores dance show
gwari donslangbot langbot
dance in group korolli dancer donzyer, donzyores dance show
(n.) gwari-donzlangbot langbot
dance2 (v.)donzya;daskrenna dance in group korolli dancer donzyer, donzyores dance show (n.) gwari-donz
dance2 (v.)donzya;daskrenna dance in group korolli dancer donzyer, donzyores dance show (n.) gwari-donzlangbot langbot
dance to sung music; dance in group
korolli (verb-hanow)langbot langbot
(hkv.) dance to sung music; dance in group
korollilangbot langbot
group, dance in korolli
group, dance in korollilangbot langbot
dance n. dons /dɔːns/ m. -yow /s/ KS dauns, PN downss; ball gwary dons; v. donsya; in group corolly TT
dance n. dons /dɔːns/ m. -yow /s/ KS dauns, PN downss; ball gwary dons; v. donsya; in group corolly TTlangbot langbot
party n. gen. party m. -s TH, BM; feast etc. kefewy m., pl. kefewiow BK, BM; fest m. -ow; kenwes m. -ow; chorys m. -ow d; with trad. dancing troyl mf. -yow d. RN f.; work p., team para m., pl. parys; appr. bagas /'bægɐz/ m. -ow; political party polityk m.; appr. In context pow m. -yow See 'group'.
party n. gen. party m. -s TH, BM; feast etc. kefewy m., pl. kefewiow BK, BM; fest m. -ow; kenwes m. -ow; chorys m. -ow d; with trad. dancing troyl mf. -yow d. RN f.; work p., team para m., pl. parys; appr. bagas /'bægɐz/ m. -ow; political party polityk m.; appr. In context pow m. -yow See 'group'.langbot langbot
party1 (n.) 1 a feast kevewi; b dance; disco fest-dros; 2 a detail; squad blowenn; b contingent; deputation perthynn; 3 a person bodi; b participant kevrennoges, kevrennek; c contestant parthek, parthoges; 4 a political organization strollaz, parti; b group of elected representatives of such an organization in a deliberatives body parti; c bloc; cabal parthenn; d movement; camp omsav; e side; partisanship turann; f group frakshyon
party1 (n.) 1 a feast kevewi; b dance; disco fest-dros; 2 a detail; squad blowenn; b contingent; deputation perthynn; 3 a person bodi; b participant kevrennoges, kevrennek; c contestant parthek, parthoges; 4 a political organization strollaz, parti; b group of elected representatives of such an organization in a deliberatives body parti; c bloc; cabal parthenn; d movement; camp omsav; e side; partisanship turann; f group frakshyonlangbot langbot
The Death of John the Baptist (Mk 6.14–29; Lk 9.7–9) 1At that time Herod, the ruler of Galilee, heard about Jesus. 2“He is really John the Baptist, who has come back to life,” he told his officials. “That is why he has this power to perform miracles.” 3For Herod had earlier ordered John's arrest, and he had him chained and put in prison. He had done this because of Herodias, his brother Philip's wife. 4For some time John the Baptist had told Herod, “It isn't right for you to be married to Herodias!” 5Herod wanted to kill him, but he was afraid of the Jewish people, because they considered John to be a prophet. 6On Herod's birthday the daughter of Herodias danced in front of the whole group. Herod was so pleased 7that he promised her, “I swear that I will give you anything you ask for!” 8At her mother's suggestion she asked him, “Give me here and now the head of John the Baptist on a dish!” 9The king was sad, but because of the promise he had made in front of all his guests he gave orders that her wish be granted. 10So he had John beheaded in prison. 11The head was brought in on a dish and given to the girl, who took it to her mother. 12John's disciples came, carried away his body, and buried it; then they went and told Jesus. Jesus Feeds a Great Crowd (Mk 6.30–44; Lk 9.10–17; Jn 6.1–14) 13When Jesus heard the news about John, he left there in a boat and went to a lonely place by himself. The people heard about it, so they left their towns and followed him by land. 14Jesus got out of the boat, and when he saw the large crowd, his heart was filled with pity for them, and he healed those who were ill. 15That evening his disciples came to him and said, “It is already very late, and this is a lonely place. Send the people away and let them go to the villages to buy food for themselves.” 16“They don't have to leave,” answered Jesus. “You yourselves give them something to eat!” 17“All we have here are five loaves and two fish,” they replied. 18“Then bring them here to me,” Jesus said. 19He ordered the people to sit down on the grass; then he took the five loaves and the two fish, looked up to heaven, and gave thanks to God. He broke the loaves and gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people. 20Everyone ate and had enough. Then the disciples took up twelve baskets full of what was left over. 21The number of men who ate was about 5,000, not counting the women and children. Jesus Walks on the Water (Mk 6.45–52; Jn 6.15–21) 22Then Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead to the other side of the lake, while he sent the people away. 23After sending the people away, he went up a hill by himself to pray. When evening came, Jesus was there alone; 24and by this time the boat was far out in the lake, tossed about by the waves, because the wind was blowing against it. 25Between three and six o'clock in the morning Jesus came to the disciples, walking on the water. 26When they saw him walking on the water, they were terrified. “It's a ghost!” they said, and screamed with fear. 27Jesus spoke to them at once. “Courage!” he said. “It is I. Don't be afraid!” 28Then Peter spoke up. “Lord, if it is really you, order me to come out on the water to you.” 29“Come!” answered Jesus. So Peter got out of the boat and started walking on the water to Jesus. 30But when he noticed the strong wind, he was afraid and started to sink down in the water. “Save me, Lord!” he cried. 31At once Jesus reached out and grabbed hold of him and said, “How little faith you have! Why did you doubt?” 32They both got into the boat, and the wind died down. 33Then the disciples in the boat worshipped Jesus. “Truly you are the Son of God!” they exclaimed. Jesus Heals the Sick in Gennesaret (Mk 6.53–56) 34They crossed the lake and came to land at Gennesaret, 35where the people recognized Jesus. So they sent for the sick people in all the surrounding country and brought them to Jesus. 36They begged him to let those who were ill at least touch the edge of his cloak; and all who touched it were made well.
Mernans Yowann Besydhyer Mark 6:14-29; Luk 9:7-9 1Y'n prys na Herod an tetrargh a glewas derivas a-dro dhe er-da Yesu, 2hag ev a leveris dh'y wesyon, ‘Hemm yw Yowann Besydhyer; drehevys yw a'n re varow ha rakhenna yma oberow barthusek owth oberi ynno ev.’ 3Rag Herod re dhalghennsa Yowann ha'y gelmi ha'y worra yn prison drefenn Herodias, gwreg y vroder Felip; 4rag Yowann a leveris dhodho, ‘Nyns yw lafyl ty dh'y havoes.’ 5Ha pan vynnas y ladha, ev a borthas own a'n routh, rag i dh'y synsi avel profoes. 6Mesa pan dheuth penn-bloedh Herod, myrgh Herodias a dhonsyas a-dheragdha ha plesya Herod; 7mayth ambosas dre li dhe ri dhedhi pypynag a vynna hi govynn. 8Mes hi, ynniys gans hy mamm, a leveris, ‘Ro dhymm omma penn Yowann Besydhyer war dallyour.’ 9Ha grevys o an myghtern, mes drefenn an li, ha'n re esedhys ganso orth an voes, ev a erghis may fe res dhedhi, 10hag ev a dhannvonas dhe dhibenna Yowann y'n prison. 11Ha'y benn a veu degys war dallyour hag a veu res dhe'n vowes ha hi a'n dug dh'y mamm. 12Ha'y dhyskyblon a dheuth ha doen y gorf ha'y ynkleudhyas, ha dos dhe ri derivas dhe Yesu. Maga an Pymp Mil Mark 6:30-44; Luk 9:10-17; Yow 6:1-14 13Ha Yesu pan y'n klewas a omdennas alena yn gorhel dhe dyller difeyth, yn priva; ha'n routhow a glewas henna hag a'n siwyas a-droes dhiworth an sitys. 14Ha pan diras, ev a welas routh veur, hag ev a veu movyes gans truedh ragdha, hag ev a yaghhas aga klevyon. 15Ha devedhys an gorthugher, y dhyskyblon a dheuth dhodho ha leverel, ‘An tyller ma yw difeyth ha seulabrys diwedhes yw an eur; gas an routhow dhe vos, mayth ellons dhe'n trevow dhe brena boes ragdha aga honan.’ 16Mes yn-medh Yesu dhedha, ‘Ny res dhedha mos yn-kerdh; hwi rewgh dhedha dhe dhybri.’ 17Yn-medhons dhodho, ‘Nyns eus dhyn omma saw pymp torth ha dew bysk.’ 18Yn-medh ev, ‘Gwrewgh aga dri dhymm omma.’ 19Ena yth erghis dhe'n routhow esedha war an glaswels ha wosa ev dhe gemmeres an pymp torth ha'n dhew bysk ha mires yn-bann dhe nev, ev a vennigas ha terri, ha ri an torthow dhe'n dhyskyblon, ha'n dhyskyblon a's ros dhe'n routhow. 20Ha pub huni a dhybris ha lenwys vons, hag i a guntellas an brewyon a veu gesys, dewdhek kanstellas leun. 21Ha'n re a dhybris o neb pymp mil wour, heb rekna benynes ha fleghes. Kerdhes war an Dowr Mark 6:45-52; Yow 6:15-21 22Ha hware, Yesu a wrug dh'y dhyskyblon mos a-bervedh y'n gorhel ha mos a-ragdho dhe'n tu arall, hag ev ow tannvon an routhow yn-kerdh. 23Ha wosa dannvon an routhow dhe-ves, ev eth yn-bann dhe'n menydh rag pysi yn priva. Ha pan o devedhys an gorthugher, yth esa ev ena, y honan. 24Hag yth esa an gorhel yn kres an mor, tewlys yn harow gans an tonnow, rag an gwyns o er y bynn. 25Hag yn peswora goel an nos ev a dheuth dhedha ow kerdhes war an mor. 26Ha'n dhyskyblon, pan y'n gwelsons ow kerdhes war an mor, broweghys vons, hag yn-medhons, ‘Tarosvann yw’, hag i a armas rag own. 27Mes a-dhesempis Yesu a gewsis dhedha, ‘Gwellhewgh agas cher, my yw; na berthewgh own.’ 28Ha Peder a worthybis dhodho ow leverel, ‘Arloedh, mars yw ty, gwra erghi dhymm a dhos dhiso war an dowrow.’ 29Ev a leveris, ‘Deus!’ Ha Peder a dhiyskynnas a'n gorhel ha kerdhes war an dowrow ha dos troha Yesu. 30Mes pan welas an gwyns dhe vos krev, own a'n kemmeras, ha pan dhallathas sedhi, ev a armas ow leverel, ‘Arloedh, gwr a ow sawya!’ 31Hag a-dhesempis Yesu a ystynnas y leuv ha'y dhalghenna, ha leverel dhodho, ‘A ty a voghes fydh, prag y hwrussys doutya?’ 32Ha pan dhothyens a-bervedh y'n gorhel an gwyns a hedhis. 33Ha'n re esa y'n gorhel a'n gordhyas, ow leverel, ‘Yn hwir ty yw Mab Duw.’ Yaghheans an Glevyon yn Gennesaret Mark 6:53-56 34Ha pan ens i tremenys, i a dheuth dhe'n tir yn Gennesaret. 35Ha gwer an tyller na, pan y'n aswonnsons, a dhannvonas derivas dhe oll an pow a-dro ha doen dhodho oll an glevyon, 36ha'y bysi may tocchyens unnsel pilenn y vantell; ha seul a's tochyas a veu sawys.langbot langbot
The Messengers from John the Baptist (Lk 7.18–35) 1When Jesus finished giving these instructions to his twelve disciples, he left that place and went off to teach and preach in the towns near there. 2When John the Baptist heard in prison about the things that Christ was doing, he sent some of his disciples to him. 3“Tell us,” they asked Jesus, “are you the one John said was going to come, or should we expect someone else?” 4Jesus answered, “Go back and tell John what you are hearing and seeing: 5the blind can see, the lame can walk, those who suffer from dreaded skin diseases are made clean, the deaf hear, the dead are brought back to life, and the Good News is preached to the poor. 6How happy are those who have no doubts about me!” 7While John's disciples were leaving, Jesus spoke about him to the crowds: “When you went out to John in the desert, what did you expect to see? A blade of grass bending in the wind? 8What did you go out to see? A man dressed up in fancy clothes? People who dress like that live in palaces! 9Tell me, what did you go out to see? A prophet? Yes indeed, but you saw much more than a prophet. 10For John is the one of whom the scripture says: ‘God said, I will send my messenger ahead of you to open the way for you.’ 11I assure you that John the Baptist is greater than anyone who has ever lived. But the one who is least in the Kingdom of heaven is greater than John. 12From the time John preached his message until this very day the Kingdom of heaven has suffered violent attacks, and violent men try to seize it. 13Until the time of John all the prophets and the Law of Moses spoke about the Kingdom; 14and if you are willing to believe their message, John is Elijah, whose coming was predicted. 15Listen, then, if you have ears! 16“Now, to what can I compare the people of this day? They are like children sitting in the market place. One group shouts to the other, 17‘We played wedding music for you, but you wouldn't dance! We sang funeral songs, but you wouldn't cry!’ 18When John came, he fasted and drank no wine, and everyone said, ‘He has a demon in him!’ 19When the Son of Man came, he ate and drank, and everyone said, ‘Look at this man! He is a glutton and a drinker, a friend of tax collectors and other outcasts!’ God's wisdom, however, is shown to be true by its results.” The Unbelieving Towns (Lk 10.13–15) 20The people in the towns where Jesus had performed most of his miracles did not turn from their sins, so he reproached those towns. 21“How terrible it will be for you, Chorazin! How terrible for you too, Bethsaida! If the miracles which were performed in you had been performed in Tyre and Sidon, the people there would long ago have put on sackcloth and sprinkled ashes on themselves, to show that they had turned from their sins! 22I assure you that on the Judgement Day God will show more mercy to the people of Tyre and Sidon than to you! 23And as for you, Capernaum! Did you want to lift yourself up to heaven? You will be thrown down to hell! If the miracles which were performed in you had been performed in Sodom, it would still be in existence today! 24You can be sure that on the Judgement Day God will show more mercy to Sodom than to you!” Come to Me and Rest (Lk 10.21–22) 25At that time Jesus said, “Father, Lord of heaven and earth! I thank you because you have shown to the unlearned what you have hidden from the wise and learned. 26Yes, Father, this was how you wanted it to happen. 27“My Father has given me all things. No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him. 28“Come to me, all of you who are tired from carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest. 29Take my yoke and put it on you, and learn from me, because I am gentle and humble in spirit; and you will find rest. 30For the yoke I will give you is easy, and the load I will put on you is light.”
Kannasow dhiworth Yowann Besydhyer Luk 7:18-35 1Ha pan worfennas Yesu y worhemmynnow dh'y dhewdhek dyskybel, ev a dremenas alena dhe dhyski ha dhe bregoth yn aga sitys. 2Ha pan glewas Yowann yn prison a-dro dhe oberow Krist, ev a dhannvonas dew a'y dhyskyblon 3dhe wovynn orto, ‘Yw ty an den a dal dos po ken onan a wortyn?’ 4Ha Yesu a worthybis ha leverel dhedha, ‘Ewgh dhe dherivas dhe Yowann an taklow a glewowgh hag a welowgh; 5dellyon a wel arta hag evredhyon a gerdh; klavorogyon yw glanhes, bodharyon a glew, ha tus varow yw drehevys, ha dhe voghosogyon an aweyl yw pregewthys; 6ha gwynn y vys neb na vo sklandrys ynnov vy.’ 7Ha pan ens i yn-kerdh, Yesu a dhallathas kewsel orth an routhow a-dro dhe Yowann, ‘Pandra ethewgh yn-mes dhe'n gwylvos dh'y weles? Korsenn kryghyllys gans an gwyns? 8Mes pandra ethewgh yn-mes dh'y weles? Den gwiskys yn dillas medhel? Otta, tus gwiskys yn dillas medhel, yn chiow myghternedh ymons. 9Mes pandra ethewgh yn-mes dhe weles? Profoes? Ya, yn-medhav dhywgh, ha moy ages profoes. 10Hemm yw neb may feu skrifys anodho, “Awotta, my a dhannvon ow hannas a-rag dha fas, neb a dharbar dha fordh a-dheragos.” 11Yn hwir y lavarav dhywgh: yn mysk an re genys a venynes ny sevis nagonan brassa ages Yowann Besydhyer; byttegyns an lyha yn gwlaskor nev yw brassa agesso ev. 12Mes dhiworth dydhyow Yowann Besydhyer bys lemmyn yma gwlaskor nev ow kodhevel garowder, ha tus a nell a's kemmer gans garowder. 13Rag oll an brofoesi ha'n lagha a wrug profoesa bys yn termyn Yowann; 14ha mar mynnowgh degemmeres hemma, ev yw Elias neb a dal dos. 15Neb a'n jeves diwskovarn rag klewes, ev klewes. 16‘Dhe bana dra y hwrav vy hevelebi an henedh ma? Haval yw dhe fleghes esedhys yn marghasvaow, ow karma an eyl dh'y gila 17ha leverel, “Ni a bibas dhywgh ha ny wrussowgh donsya, ni a ganas galargan ha ny wrussowgh oela.” 18Rag Yowann a dheuth heb dybri nag eva, hag yn-medhons, “Yma dyowl ganso”. 19Mab an den a dheuth ow tybri hag owth eva hag yn-medhons i, “Otta gargasenn ha penn-medhow, koweth tolloryon ha peghadoryon.” Mes furneth yw prevys ewn gans hy oberow.’ Go-i an Sitys na Goedhas yn Edrek Luk 10:13-15 20Ena ev a dhallathas keredhi an sitys may feu gwrys ynna i an brassa rann a'y oberow galloesek drefenn na goedhsons yn edrek: 21‘Go-jy Korasin! Go-jy Bethsaida! rag mar pe gwrys yn Tyr ha Sidon an oberow galloesek a veu gwrys yn agas mysk, seuladhydh i a goedhsa yn edrek, yn yskar ha lusu. 22Mes yn-medhav dhywgh, y fydh moy perthadow rag Tyr ha Sidon dydh breus es dell vydh ragowgh hwi. 23Ha ty, Kapernaum, a vydhydh ughelhes bys yn nev? Ty a vydh iselhes bys yn ifarn. Rag mar pe gwrys yn Sodom an oberow galloesek a veu gwrys ynnos jy, hi a wrussa durya bys y'n jydh hedhyw. 24Byttegyns, y lavarav dhywgh, y fydh moy perthadow rag tir Sodom dydh breus es dell vydh ragos jy.’ Dewgh dhymmo Vy ha Powes Luk 10:21-22 25Y'n prys na Yesu a worthybis ow leverel, ‘My a'th wormel, A Das, Arloedh nev ha nor, drefenn ty dhe gudha an taklow ma dhiworth an re fur ha skiansek ha'ga diskudha dhe fleghesigow; 26ya, A Das, rag yndella re beu dha vodh. 27Pup-tra oll a veu delivrys dhe'm charj gans ow Thas, ha denvyth ny aswonn an Mab saw an Tas, na ny aswonn denvyth an Tas saw an Mab ha neb may fynno an Mab y dhiskwedhes dhodho. 28Dewgh dhymmo vy oll hwi yw skwithys ha beghys poes, ha my a re powes dhywgh. 29Kemmerewgh ow yew warnowgh ha dyskewgh genev, rag klor yth ov hag uvel ow holonn, ha hwi a gyv powes dh'agas enev. 30Rag es yw ow yew ha skav yw ow begh.’langbot langbot
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