deacon oor Kornies


/ˈdiːkən/ werkwoord, naamwoord
(Church history) A designated minister of charity in the early Church (see Acts 6:1-6).

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6019 Queen yw band rokk eseli yw Freddie Mercury, Brian May, Roger Taylor, John Deacon. 13.1878
6019 Queen yw band rokk eseli yw Freddie Mercury, Brian May, Roger Taylor, John Deacon. 13.1878langbot langbot
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This led to a series of projects covering such subjects as archaeology, botany, oral history and place names. Its leadership changed again in 1991 with Philip Payton, a political scientist and historian, developing an interdisciplinary New Cornish Studies. This included a specific focus on modern Cornwall since the eighteenth century and a consideration of topics like migration, tourism and ethnic identity. The subsequent involvement of new members of staff from 1997 onwards, notably Amy Hale, Garry Tregidga and Bernard Deacon, led to an emphasis on New Celtic Studies, oral history and quantitative research respectively.
Hemma a ledyas dhe gevres a ragdresow ow komprehendya testennow avel hendhyskonieth, losonieth, istori der anow ha henwyn tyller. Hembrenkieth a janjyas arta yn 1991 gans Philip Payton, godhonydh-politek hag istorior, ow tisplegya Studhyansow Kernewek Nowydh ynterdhyskyblethek. Synsys ynna yth esa fog arbennek orth Kernow arnowydh a-dhia an etegves kansvledhen ha prederyans a destennow kepar ha divroans, tornyaseth ha honanieth ethnek. Omvyskans a'y wosa a vayni nowydh yn 1997 hag alena rag, yn arbennek Amy Hale, Garry Tregidga ha Bernard Deacon, a ledyas dhe boslev yn Studhyansow Keltek Nowydh, istori der anow ha hwithrans musurel a-gettep.langbot langbot
ROMANS 16 Personal Greetings 1I commend to you our sister Phoebe, a deacon of the church in Cenchreae. 2I ask you to receive her in the Lord in a way worthy of his people and to give her any help she may need from you, for she has been the benefactor of many people, including me. 3Greet Priscilla and Aquila, my co-workers in Christ Jesus. 4They risked their lives for me. Not only I but all the churches of the Gentiles are grateful to them. 5Greet also the church that meets at their house. Greet my dear friend Epenetus, who was the first convert to Christ in the province of Asia. 6Greet Mary, who worked very hard for you. 7Greet Andronicus and Junia, my fellow Jews who have been in prison with me. They are outstanding among the apostles, and they were in Christ before I was. 8Greet Ampliatus, my dear friend in the Lord. 9Greet Urbanus, our co-worker in Christ, and my dear friend Stachys. 10Greet Apelles, whose fidelity to Christ has stood the test. Greet those who belong to the household of Aristobulus. 11Greet Herodion, my fellow Jew. Greet those in the household of Narcissus who are in the Lord. 12Greet Tryphena and Tryphosa, those women who work hard in the Lord. Greet my dear friend Persis, another woman who has worked very hard in the Lord. 13Greet Rufus, chosen in the Lord, and his mother, who has been a mother to me, too. 14Greet Asyncritus, Phlegon, Hermes, Patrobas, Hermas and the other brothers and sisters with them. 15Greet Philologus, Julia, Nereus and his sister, and Olympas and all the Lord’s people who are with them. 16Greet one another with a holy kiss. All the churches of Christ send greetings. 17I urge you, brothers and sisters, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them. 18For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites. By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naive people. 19Everyone has heard about your obedience, so I rejoice because of you; but I want you to be wise about what is good, and innocent about what is evil. 20The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you. 21Timothy, my co-worker, sends his greetings to you, as do Lucius, Jason and Sosipater, my fellow Jews. 22I, Tertius, who wrote down this letter, greet you in the Lord. 23Gaius, whose hospitality I and the whole church here enjoy, sends you his greetings. Erastus, who is the city’s director of public works, and our brother Quartus send you their greetings. [24] 25Now to him who is able to establish you in accordance with my gospel, the message I proclaim about Jesus Christ, in keeping with the revelation of the mystery hidden for long ages past, 26but now revealed and made known through the prophetic writings by the command of the eternal God, so that all the Gentiles might come to the obedience that comes from faith— 27to the only wise God be glory forever through Jesus Christ! Amen.
ROMANYON 16 Gorhemmynnow Personel 1My a gommend dhywgh agan hwoer, Febe, servyades a'n eglos yn Kenkrea, 2rag ma's degemmerrewgh y'n Arloedh, dell dhelledh dhe'n syns, ha sevel rygdhi yn pypynag a's teffo edhomm anodho, rag hi re beu gwithyades dhe lies ha dhymmo vy ynwedh. 3Salusewgh Priska hag Akwila, ow hesoberoryon yn Krist Yesu, 4neb a-barth ow bewnans a beryllyas aga honna aga honan mayth aswonnyn gras dhedha, my ow honan, mes ynwedh oll eglosyow an kenedhlow; 5salusewgh ynwedh an eglos yn aga chi. Salusewgh ow Epaynetus karadow hag a veu an kynsa frut yn Asia rag Krist. 6Salusewgh Maria neb re lavuryas meur ragowgh. 7Salusewgh Andronikus ha Yunia, ow herens ha'm kesprisnoryon, hag yw tus a vri yn mysk an abesteli, hag yn tevri re beu yn Krist a-ragov. 8Salusewgh Ampliatus, ow haradow y'n Arloedh. 9Salusewgh Urbanus agan kesoberer yn Krist ha Staghys ow haradow. 10Salusewgh Apelles, neb yw kommendys yn Krist. Salusewgh eseli teylu Aristobulus. 11Salusewgh Herodion, ow har. Salusewgh an re usi y'n Arloedh a ji Narkissus. 12Salusewgh Tryfena ha Tryfosa an re ow lavurya y'n Arloedh. Salusewgh Persis an garadow, neb a lavurya meur y'n Arloedh. 13Salusewgh Rufus yw dewisys y'n Arloedh ha'y vamm ev ha'm mamm vy ynwedh. 14Salusewgh Asynkritus, Flegon, Hermes, Patrobas, Hermas ha'n vreder usi gansa. 15Salusewgh Filologus, Yulia, Nereus ha'y hwoer, hag Olympas hag oll an syns usi gansa. 16Salusewgh an eyl y gila gans amm sans. Oll eglosyow Krist a'gas salus. 17My a'gas pys, breder, omwithewgh orth an re a wra folsyow hag offensys a-der an dyskas a dhys'sowgh, ha treylyewgh a-dhiworta. 18Rag tus a'n par na, ny servyons Krist mes aga thorr aga honan, ha dre gows teg ha dre gows ow flattra, y toellons kolonn an re wiryon. 19Rag agas gostytter yw aswonnys gans tus oll, bys may lowenhav warnowgh; my a vynn orthowgh bos fur dhe'n da ha gwiryon dhe'n drog. 20Ena an Duw a gres a vrew Satnas yn-dann agas treys hware. Gras agan Arloedh Yesu Krist re bo genowgh. 21Timothi ow hesoberer a'gas salus, ha Lukius ha Yason ha Sosipater, ow herens. 22My, Tertius, skrifer an lyther ma a'gas salus y'n Arloedh. 23Gayus, ost dhymmo vy ha dhe'n eglos oll, a'gas salus. Erastus, alhwedhor an sita, ha'gan broder Kwartus, a'gas salus. 24Gras agan Arloedh Yesu Krist re bo genowgh hwi oll. Amen. Gormola Duw 25Lemmyn dhodho ev neb a yll agas krevhe herwydh ow aweyl ha pregoth Yesu Krist, herwydh diskwedhyans an kevrin a vedha gwithys taw der an oesow 26mes lemmyn yw diskudhys ha, der an skrifow profoesek, war-lergh gorhemmynn an Duw heb diwedh, rag gostytter a fydh, yw dyllys dhe'n gwlaskordhow oll: 27re bo dhe'n unn Duw fur golewder bys vykken dre Yesu Krist: Amen.langbot langbot
PHILIPPIANS 1 1Paul and Timothy, servants of Christ Jesus, To all God’s holy people in Christ Jesus at Philippi, together with the overseers and deacons: 2Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Thanksgiving and Prayer 3I thank my God every time I remember you. 4In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy 5because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, 6being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. 7It is right for me to feel this way about all of you, since I have you in my heart and, whether I am in chains or defending and confirming the gospel, all of you share in God’s grace with me. 8God can testify how I long for all of you with the affection of Christ Jesus. 9And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, 10so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, 11filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God. Paul’s Chains Advance the Gospel 12Now I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that what has happened to me has actually served to advance the gospel. 13As a result, it has become clear throughout the whole palace guard and to everyone else that I am in chains for Christ. 14And because of my chains, most of the brothers and sisters have become confident in the Lord and dare all the more to proclaim the gospel without fear. 15It is true that some preach Christ out of envy and rivalry, but others out of goodwill. 16The latter do so out of love, knowing that I am put here for the defense of the gospel. 17The former preach Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely, supposing that they can stir up trouble for me while I am in chains. 18But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice. Yes, and I will continue to rejoice, 19for I know that through your prayers and God’s provision of the Spirit of Jesus Christ what has happened to me will turn out for my deliverance. 20I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death. 21For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. 22If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me. Yet what shall I choose? I do not know! 23I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far; 24but it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body. 25Convinced of this, I know that I will remain, and I will continue with all of you for your progress and joy in the faith, 26so that through my being with you again your boasting in Christ Jesus will abound on account of me. Life Worthy of the Gospel 27Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether I come and see you or only hear about you in my absence, I will know that you stand firm in the one Spirit, striving together as one for the faith of the gospel 28without being frightened in any way by those who oppose you. This is a sign to them that they will be destroyed, but that you will be saved—and that by God. 29For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe in him, but also to suffer for him, 30since you are going through the same struggle you saw I had, and now hear that I still have.
FILIPPIANYS 1 Salusyans 11 Powl ha Timothi, gwesyon Krist Yesu, Dhe oll an syns yn Krist Yesu usi yn Filippi gans an epskobow ha'n dhyagonyon: 2Gras dhywgh hwi ha kres dhiworth Duw agan Tas ha'n Arloedh Yesu Krist. Gras ha Pysadow 3Grassav dhe'm Duw yn pub kov ahanowgh 4prest ow pysi ragowgh hwi oll gans lowena yn oll ow fysadow, 5yn agas kowethyans y'n aweyl dhiworth an kynsa dydh bys y'n eur ma, 6ow trestya dhe'n keth tra ma: neb re dhallathas gwrians da ynnowgh dh'y gowlwul bys yn dydh Yesu Krist; 7dell yw gwiw ragov dhe brederi ahanowgh hwi oll, rag ottahwi genev y'n golonn; rag hwi oll yw kevrennoryon genev a ras, hag y'm kolmow hag yn mentons ha kompoesans a'n aweyl. 8Rag Duw yw ow thest fatell yeunav ragowgh hwi oll yn kolodhyon Krist Yesu. 9Ha hemma my a bys, may hwrello agas kerensa palshe moy ha moy yn godhvos ha pub konvedhes, 10rag dissernya an taklow yw an gwella, may fewgh lel ha divlam bys yn dydh Krist, 11lenwys a frut ewnder dre Yesu Krist dhe wordhyans ha gormola Duw. Dhymmo vy, Bewa yw Krist 12A vreder, my a vynn hwi dhe wodhvos, an taklow re hwarva dhymm dhe dreylya yn hwir dhe avonsyans an aweyl, 13may teuth ha bos apert yn oll an pretorium ha dhe bub den arall, ow holmow dhe vos yn Krist, 14ha'n brassa rann a'n vreder, kolonnekhes y'n Arloedh der ow holmow, yw moy hardh dhe gewsel an ger heb own. 15Dhe wir, re a bregoth Krist der envi ha strif, mes re ynwedh dre volonjedh da; 16an re ma dre gerensa, ow kodhvos my dhe vos gorrys omma rag mentons an aweyl, 17an re na bregoth Krist dre gesstrif, heb lelder, mes hwansek dhe ynkressya ow godhevyans y'm kolmow. 18Pandra, ytho? Yn despit dhe henna, Krist yw pregewthys yn pub fordh, po yn falsuri po yn gwir, hag yn henna y lowenhav. Mes my a vynn lowenhe ynwedh, 19rag my a woer siwyans hemma dhe vos ow selwyans der agas pysadow, ha gweres res gans Spyrys Yesu Krist, 20war-lergh ow gwaytyans ha'm govenek na vydhav shamys yn travyth, mes y fydh Krist meurhes gans bolder leun avel pup-prys, hag y'n eur ma ynwedh y'm korf, po dre vewnans po dre vernans. 21Rag dhymmo vy bewa yw Krist ha merwel yw gwayn. 22Mes bewa y'n kig, hemm yw frut ow ober, ha ny wonn pandr'a vynnav dewis. 23Yth esov vy yn kaletter ynter an dhew, ow pos hwansek dhe vos dhe-ves ha bos gans Krist, rag henn yw meur gwell; 24mes moy res yw ragowgh hwi my dhe wortos y'n kig. 25Sur ov vy a-dro dhe hemma, ha my a woer my dhe wortos ha pesya genowgh rag agas avonsyans ha lowena y'n fydh, 26rag may palshaho agas bostyans yn Krist Yesu ynnov, rag my dhe dhos dhywgh arta. 27Saw bedhes agas bewedh gwiw dhe'n aweyl a Grist, mar tov dh'agas gweles po gortos a-ves, may klewviv ahanowgh, hwi dhe sevel yn unn spyrys gans unn enev, ow strivya war-barth rag fydh an aweyl, 28heb bos ownekhes yn travyth gans agas eskerens. Hemm yw prov a dhiswrians dhedha i, mes a'gas selwyans hwi, ha hemma dhiworth Duw. 29Rag y feu res dhywgh a-barth Krist, ha krysi dhodho hag ynwedh godhevel ragdho, 30hag yma genowgh an keth strif a welsowgh ynnov, ha lemmyn a glewowgh bos ynnov.langbot langbot
Queen yw band rokk eseli yw Freddie Mercury, Brian May, Roger Taylor, John Deacon.
Queen yw band rokk eseli yw Freddie Mercury, Brian May, Roger Taylor, John Deacon.langbot langbot
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1 TIMOTHY 3 Qualifications for Overseers and Deacons 1Here is a trustworthy saying: Whoever aspires to be an overseer desires a noble task. 2Now the overseer is to be above reproach, faithful to his wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, 3not given to drunkenness, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money. 4He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him, and he must do so in a manner worthy of full respect. 5(If anyone does not know how to manage his own family, how can he take care of God’s church?) 6He must not be a recent convert, or he may become conceited and fall under the same judgment as the devil. 7He must also have a good reputation with outsiders, so that he will not fall into disgrace and into the devil’s trap. 8In the same way, deacons are to be worthy of respect, sincere, not indulging in much wine, and not pursuing dishonest gain. 9They must keep hold of the deep truths of the faith with a clear conscience. 10They must first be tested; and then if there is nothing against them, let them serve as deacons. 11In the same way, the women are to be worthy of respect, not malicious talkers but temperate and trustworthy in everything. 12A deacon must be faithful to his wife and must manage his children and his household well. 13Those who have served well gain an excellent standing and great assurance in their faith in Christ Jesus. Reasons for Paul’s Instructions 14Although I hope to come to you soon, I am writing you these instructions so that, 15if I am delayed, you will know how people ought to conduct themselves in God’s household, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of the truth. 16Beyond all question, the mystery from which true godliness springs is great: He appeared in the flesh, was vindicated by the Spirit, was seen by angels, was preached among the nations, was believed on in the world, was taken up in glory.
1 TIMOTHI 3 An Pyth yw Gwiw yn Epskop 1Sur yw an lavar: Neb a vynn kavoes soedh epskop, a hwila obereth da. 2Y koedh dhe epskop bos divlam, gour unn wreg, sad, doeth, onest, hel dhe westoryon, dyskador da, 3heb eva re nag omdhal, mes klor, ha digavyllek, heb kara mona; 4rewler da a'y vayni ev, ow kwitha y fleghes ev gostydh ha gwiw yn tien aga fara. 5Den mar ny woer rewlya y vayni ev, fatell wra gwitha eglos Duw? 6Na vedhes ev dyskybel nowydh na goettho yn breus an jowl dre woeth. 7Res yw ynwedh dhodho kavoes dustuni da dhiworth an re usi a-ves, ma na goettho yn disenor ha maglenn an jowl. An Pyth yw Gwiw yn Dyagon 8Yn kepar maner, res yw dhe dhyagonyon bos sad, heb taves dewblek na hwansek dhe eva re a win na kraf rag gwayn diveth, 9ow synsi mysteri an fydh, glan aga howses. 10Ha bedhens i prevys kynsa, ha mar pydhons divlam, gwrens i gonis avel dyagonyon. 11Yn kepar maner, y koedh dh'aga gwragedh bos sad; na vedhens hwedhloresow, mes klor ha lel yn pup-tra. 12Bedhes dyagonyon gwer unn wreg ha rewloryon dha aga fleghes ha'ga mayni i. 13Rag an re a wonis yn ta avel dyagonyon a gyv roweth da ragdha i ha kolonnekter meur y'n fydh yn Krist Yesu. Kevrin agan Kryjyans 14An taklow ma a skrifav dhis ow kwaytya dos dhiso kyns nep-pell. 15Mes mar strechyav, ty a wra godhvos fatell yw res omdhegi yn mayni Duw, yw eglos an Duw bew, an pilar ha'n grond a wiryonedh. 16Res yw avowa, meur, dhe wir, yw an kevrin a sansoleth: Diskwedhys veu y'n kig, prevys ewn y'n Spyrys, gwelys gans eledh, pregewthys ynter an Jentilys, krysys y'n bys, kemmerys yn-bann yn splannder.langbot langbot
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Deacon Close
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