deplorable oor Kornies


/dɪˈplɔːɹəbəɫ/ adjektief, naamwoord
To be felt sorrow for; worthy of compassion.

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/ truedhek / / /langbot langbot
bad (adj.) (basic, bas.) 1 drog a immoral; crooked kammhynzek; b harmful dregynnus; c unethical anonest; d guilty methek; e unfriendly anhwek; f wicked penn-drog, tebel-; g badly-behaved; mischievous; disobedient sherewek; h dreadful; bad vyl i awful ythik; 2 drog- a diseased; decayed drog-; b off; putrefied; spoiled klystek, drog- i rancid melter; 3 a low; poor anvaz; b low-standard lag; c regrettable; unfortunate; deplorable truedhus, yeyn-; d fruitless koeg; e unrecoverable; written off dubyosek; f void; without force drogwag; 4 a invalid; without force divertu; b void anylz; c erroneous bad~; 5 a incompetent anhardh; b inappropriate andhesedhus; c inexpert; incompetent digreft; d incompetent; untalented gwann; 6 a inedible magdhrog; b poor-quality skovrek; c off; putrified; spoiled klystek; d unsound; inadequate gwann-; e diseased; decayed drog-; f poor-quality skovrek; 7 a
bad (adj.) (basic, bas.) 1 drog a immoral; crooked kammhynzek; b harmful dregynnus; c unethical anonest; d guilty methek; e unfriendly anhwek; f wicked penn-drog, tebel-; g badly-behaved; mischievous; disobedient sherewek; h dreadful; bad vyl i awful ythik; 2 drog- a diseased; decayed drog-; b off; putrefied; spoiled klystek, drog- i rancid melter; 3 a low; poor anvaz; b low-standard lag; c regrettable; unfortunate; deplorable truedhus, yeyn-; d fruitless koeg; e unrecoverable; written off dubyosek; f void; without force drogwag; 4 a invalid; without force divertu; b void anylz; c erroneous bad~; 5 a incompetent anhardh; b inappropriate andhesedhus; c inexpert; incompetent digreft; d incompetent; untalented gwann; 6 a inedible magdhrog; b poor-quality skovrek; c off; putrified; spoiled klystek; d unsound; inadequate gwann-; e diseased; decayed drog-; f poor-quality skovrek; 7 alangbot langbot
pitiful (adj.) unfortunate; pathetic truedhus; pitiable; piteous; pathetic truedhek; measly; contemptible; pathetic skal ~ state bad; regrettable; unfortunate; deplorable truedh
pitiful (adj.) unfortunate; pathetic truedhus; pitiable; piteous; pathetic truedhek; measly; contemptible; pathetic skal ~ state bad; regrettable; unfortunate; deplorable truedhlangbot langbot
(adj.) regrettable; unfortunate; bad truedhus; truedhek; kasadow; lamentable; wretched diethuslangbot langbot
deplorable (adj.) regrettable; unfortunate; bad truedhus; truedhek; kasadow; lamentable; wretched diethus
deplorable (adj.) regrettable; unfortunate; bad truedhus; truedhek; kasadow; lamentable; wretched diethuslangbot langbot
detestabyl yn-unn skila hwanz kisya; yn-unn dhendil kas; hegas hateful; hatyadow detestable; skruthadow repulsive; gohasadow obnoxious, vile; divlasus revolting; lastus loathsome; anressevadow repugnant; aborryadow abhorrent;; objectionable; deplorable
kasadow [hanow gwadn]langbot langbot
/ kasadow / / /langbot langbot
sad (adj.) mournful; gloomy trist; piteous; woeful; pathetic truan; wisht; subdued dormant; grieving moredhek; unhappy; miserable; dejected anlowen; distressing; deplorable; woeful truedhek; mournful; grave; doleful truesi
sad (adj.) mournful; gloomy trist; piteous; woeful; pathetic truan; wisht; subdued dormant; grieving moredhek; unhappy; miserable; dejected anlowen; distressing; deplorable; woeful truedhek; mournful; grave; doleful truesilangbot langbot
1 a truedhus; kasadow deplorable; b yeyn~ woeful, distressing; c kynvannus lamentable; 2 a truan piteous; b truesi pitiable; c ameuvus pathetic; 3 a anlowen unhappy; b trist sad; c klemmus, plaintive; 4 kortes; hweg courteous
truedhek [hanow gwadn]langbot langbot
pitiful, pathetic; yeyn- bad, regrettable, unfortunate, deplorable
truedhus [hanow gwadn]langbot langbot
1 a truedhus; kasadow deplorable; b yeyn~ woeful, distressing; c kynvannus lamentable; 2 a truan piteous; b truesi pitiable; c ameuvus pathetic; 3 a anlowen unhappy; b trist sad; c klemmus, plaintive; 4 kortes; hweg courteous
truedhek (hanow gwann / hanow gwadn)langbot langbot
lamentable (adj.) truedhek; sorrowful kynvannus; sad trist; pathetic pitethus; sorrowful moredhek; wretched; deplorable diethus
lamentable (adj.) truedhek; sorrowful kynvannus; sad trist; pathetic pitethus; sorrowful moredhek; wretched; deplorable diethuslangbot langbot
(hg.) (selvenek) pitiful, pathetic; yeyn- bad, regrettable, unfortunate, deplorable
truedhuslangbot langbot
/ mornya / / /langbot langbot
wretched (adj.) 1 a crushed; dejected; afflicted ownwann; b desolate; forlorn truan; c impoverished; harsh miserabyl; d miserable truan; e unfortunate; unlucky; abject anfeuzik; 2 a lamentable; deplorable diethus; b shabby; seedy strollek, trogh; c despicable; contemptible diklos; 3 make ~ (v.) make forlorn; desolate; abandon truana
wretched (adj.) 1 a crushed; dejected; afflicted ownwann; b desolate; forlorn truan; c impoverished; harsh miserabyl; d miserable truan; e unfortunate; unlucky; abject anfeuzik; 2 a lamentable; deplorable diethus; b shabby; seedy strollek, trogh; c despicable; contemptible diklos; 3 make ~ (v.) make forlorn; desolate; abandon truanalangbot langbot
distressing; yeyn-; c deplorable
distressing; yeyn-; c deplorablelangbot langbot
deplorable, lamentable, wretched
diethus [hanow gwadn]langbot langbot
regrettable; unfortunate; bad truedhus; truedhek; kasadow; lamentable; wretched diethuslangbot langbot
(hkg.) shame, misfortune, pity diethus (hg.) deplorable, lamentable,
diethlangbot langbot
(hg.) 1 a truedhus; kasadow deplorable; b yeyn~ woeful, distressing; c kynvannus lamentable; 2 a truan piteous; b truesi pitiable; c ameuvus pathetic; 3 a anlowen unhappy; b trist sad; c klemmus, plaintive; 4 kortes; hweg courteous
truedheklangbot langbot
pitiful, pathetic; yeyn bad, regrettable, unfortunate, deplorable
truedhus (hanow gwann / hanow gwadn)langbot langbot
regrettable (adj.) regrettable; unfortunate; deplorable; bad truedhus
regrettable (adj.) regrettable; unfortunate; deplorable; bad truedhuslangbot langbot
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