doctor oor Kornies


/ˈdɑk.tɚ/, /ˈdɒk.tə/, /ˈdɒktə/ werkwoord, naamwoordmanlike
A person who has attained a doctorate, such as a Ph.D. or Th.D. or one of many other terminal degrees conferred by a college or university.

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The title of a doctor (whether medical or academic) used before the doctor's name. Abbreviation: Dr, Dr.

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doctorate degree
you're working as doctors
medhogyon owgh · medhogyon owgh hwi
the doctors
an vedhygyon
female doctor
you work as a doctor
medhek os · medhek os ta
wisest doctor in town
furra medhyk an dre
inner ear doctor
medhek an nes-skovarn · medhek an skovarn a-bervedh
doctor's bag
sagh medhek
doctor's bags
seghyer medhek


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quack n. bad doctor cogvedhek m., pl. cogvedhogyon nc; cogvedhoges f. -ow nc; duck call qwack m. -yow, -ys; v. qwackya E
quack n. bad doctor cogvedhek m., pl. cogvedhogyon nc; cogvedhoges f. -ow nc; duck call qwack m. -yow, -ys; v. qwackya Elangbot langbot
“If one in six zombies will recover,” she said, now somewhat incredulous, “and is therefore now being killed unnecessarily by our forces, then that’s ...” “...a major war crime,” I completed her thought. “Yes, I think that was what I said the other day to anyone who cared to listen – before Dr Mengele had me silenced. Am I right?” Ingrid ignored my question – and the reference to ‘Dr Mengele’, her superior officer . “But this is simply appalling,” she continued. “If it’s true what you say, we are bombing, shooting and burning thousands of kids who would otherwise recover. Why didn’t you say anything about this at that first lecture, when you had the chance?” I raised my eyebrows at her in mild surprise. She had obviously stopped listening to me - both now and back then. I let it pass. “Cast your mind back to that lecture, doctor. Firstly, you may recall that I was rather rudely interrupted before I was able to finish my comments to the assembled troops ...” Ingrid cast her mind back – and nodded a sheepish concession to me. “ ... and, secondly, what exactly do you think our ‘military planners’ would do differently if they thought the ones who might survive were probably ‘just a bunch of poofters’ - or ‘faggots’, as the doughboys would call them. Ingrid nodded again – slowly this time. She understood what I was saying only too well. The armed forces of the 1970’s did not tolerate gays within their ranks – and the generals would have little care if some gays were ‘wasted’ as ‘collateral damage’. Official tolerance of gay personnel would have to wait until the 21st century. Maybe Ingrid herself was gay – I didn’t ask and was not told. (How ironic – in view of the US military policy which was to come, much later.) In any event, she fell silent for a time and we continued to sit opposite each other at that small wooden table in a stuffy interview room.
“Mars omwellha onan yntra hwegh an zombis,” yn-medh hi, nebes ankryjyk lemmyn, “hag ytho yma an rann na ow bos ledhys gans agan lu, henn yw ...” “...drog-ober breselyek meur.” My a worfennas hy thybyans. “Ya, henn o pyth esen ow leverel an jydh arall, dell grysav – dhe’n dus gans bern lowr a woslowes orthymm – kyns beuv gwrys tawesek gans Doktour Mengele. Ov vy ewn?” Ingrid a skonyas aswonn ow govynn – ha’m kampoellans a ‘Dhoktour Mengele’, hy ughella soedhek. “Mes hemm yw euthyk yn tien,” a besyas hi. “Mars yw gwir, an pyth re leversysta, yth eson ow thanbellenna, ow leski hag ow thenna war vilyow a yonkers a allsa omwellhe. Prag na leversysta neppyth a-dro dhe hemma dres an kynsa areth, pan esa chons dhiso jy?” My a sevis ow diwabrans, kynth o byghan ow marth. Yn apert, y hedhsa hi goslowes orthymm – y’n termyn hedhyw hag ena keffrys. My a erviras dh’y asa koedha. “Gwra dasvysytya an areth ma, ‘Dhoktour. Y’n kynsa le, gwra perthi kov ow bos goderrys, yn anhweg, kyns my dhe alloes gorfenna ow hampoellow dhe’n soudoryon ena omguntellys ...” Ingrid a dhasvysytas an areth yn hy brys – ha penndroppya, nebes methek, orthymm. “...hag, y’n nessa le, pyth a grysydh agan ‘towloryon vreselek’ dhe wul yn tihaval mar krysens an re a allsa treusvywya bos yn hwirhaval ‘bagas pouftas’ – po ‘faggots’ dell lavarsa an dowbois.” Ingrid a benndroppyas arta – yn lent an prys ma. Hi a gonvedhsa yn ta pyth esen ow leverel. Ny wodhevi luyow an blydhynnyow 1970 bos dus gethreythel y’ga mysk – ha na via bern vyth yn mysk an bennhembrynkysi mar pe ‘gwastyes’ nebes anedha dre ‘dhamaj keslinek’. Perthyans soedhek personnel kethreydhel, res bia gortos rag henna bys an kansblydhenn 21ves. Martesen Ingrid hy honan o kethreydhel – possybyl o. Ny wovynnis ha ny leveris hi yndella. (Ass o henna ironek – res polysi breselek governans an Statys Unys y’n termyn a dhothya, nebes diwettha.) Yn neb kas, hi a goedhas tawesek dres pols ha ni pesyes bos a’gan esedh dhe bub tu an voes vyghan ma yn stevell-geskows, meur hy kloster.langbot langbot
ear nose and throat doctors
/ medhogyon skovarn tron ha briansen / / /langbot langbot
2370 Doctor Who yw meurgerys rag y ilow ha sonyow dramasek hag a veu gwruthys gans an BBC Radiophonic Workshop. 25.3377
2370 Doctor Who yw meurgerys rag y ilow ha sonyow dramasek hag a veu gwruthys gans an BBC Radiophonic Workshop. 25.3377langbot langbot
medhoges [hanow benow]langbot langbot
doctor - physician
medhek ( masculine noun ) medhygyon ( plural ) medhoges ( feminine noun ) medhogesow ( plural ) ( ) ( )langbot langbot
you're doctors
medhogyon owghlangbot langbot
doctor's surgery - clinic
medhegva ( feminine noun ) medhegvaow ( plural ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )langbot langbot
Isn't she a doctor?
A nag yw hi medhoges?langbot langbot
After overcoming my revulsion at David’s ghastly fashion statement – and before daylight failed completely – I noticed that David had acquired a further ‘garment’. I studied it carefully. It was an officer’s dress-jacket, completely drenched in blood, of course. The officer’s rank was plainly that of Captain – and there were little caduceus badges clipped to each epaulette. I couldn’t actually read the good doctor’s name badge – that had been somewhat obscured by sanguinous effluvia – but I was content with what I saw. Very content. Captain Doctor Mengele should not have made his ‘grunt’ driver walk back to the base, should he? I imagined the frenzied and bloody scene when, in the twilight, David had fallen upon the lone and unsuspecting medical officer. Ah, well, excrement occurs!
Pan fethis ow skruth drefenn ‘derivas-fashyon’ euthyk Davydh – ha kyns an howlspann dhe vos yn tien – my a verkyas Davydh dhe gavoes ‘dillasenn’ arall. My a’n studhyas gans rach. Jerkynn formel an soedhek o, gwlyghys yn tien yn goes, heb mar. Renk an soedhek o apert – Kapten o – hag yth esa arwoedhigow-kadusius fastyes dhe bub skoedh-darn. Ny yllyn yn hwir redya arwoedhik-hanow an medhek da – nebes gorherys o gans effluvia goesek – byttegyns, da o genev drefenn an golok ma. Yn hwir, pur lowen en vy. Ny dalvia Kapten Doktour Mengele erghi dh’y lywyer dasgerdhes dhe’n selva. Y hyllyn gweles y’m brys an wel, woesek ha konnaryek, pan goedhsa Davydh y’n mo war soedhek medhegel, y honan ha heb gogrys. A, wel, y hwer ekskretyans!langbot langbot
I'm not a doctor.
Nyns ov medhek.langbot langbot
doctor's bag
sagh medhek [hanow gorow]langbot langbot
medically adv. Use medhek or dre vedhegieth; dre vaner vedhek; lit. by a doctor gen medhek
medically adv. Use medhek or dre vedhegieth; dre vaner vedhek; lit. by a doctor gen medheklangbot langbot
you work as a doctor (you are a doctor)
medhek oslangbot langbot
/ medhek / n.m /langbot langbot
THE INFIRMARY The next thing I remember was coughing up blood. I was no longer in the decompression chamber. I couldn’t focus my eyes – and I was so ill that I didn’t give a rat’s arse where I was. Deep, excoriating coughs seized me time and time again – and, time and time again, great gouts of coagulating blood emerged from my throat. Do you know how shitty you feel when you’ve got a stomach upset and you start ‘heaving your heart out’? Multiply that by 50 times. “If these are my actual lungs that I am coughing up,” I wondered, “ how on Earth am I still breathing?” A young nurse was attending me and catching my bloody ejecta in a shiny metal bowl. She showed no sign of disgust. She didn’t ask me to speak. She could see that I was beyond speech. She smiled encouragingly at me and stroked the still- raw scorch marks that she could see on my bare forearm. That was nice. “What evil have they done to you?” she whispered, apparently to herself. There were curtains drawn about my bed. Was that to protect my privacy or to keep prying eyes away? I saw a silhouetted head briefly appear at the side of one curtain. I could not make out the features of the backlit face but I felt sure it was Doctor Ingrid. The silhouette lingered for a few seconds only, long enough to exchange a glance but no words with the nurse attending me. Then it was gone. “You know she saved your life, young fella,” said the nurse, simply. “Tell!” I rasped. (Actually, I meant to say “Tell me!” but the second word did not come.) The nurse looked uncertain about this. Would she get into trouble for telling me what she had seen or heard?
AN VEDHEGVA An nessa tra a allav perthi kov anedhi o pasans goes. Nyns esen na fella y’n chambour diwaskans. Ny yllyn dri ow dewlagas dhe ewn fog – hag yth en mar glav ma na synsyn poynt a’n le mayth esen. Y settya dalghenn warnav, prys ha prys arta, pasow down ha tynn dres eghenn – ha, prys ha prys arta, y teuth dhiworth ow bryansenn klottys meur goesek. A wodhesta dell omglywir kawghek pan eus dhis kleves hwyja ha ty a dhalleth ‘trywa dha golonn yn-mes’? Gwra an omglywyans na bos lieshes gans hanterkans. “Mars esov yn hwir ow pasa ow skevens yn-mes,” a omwovynnis, “ fatell allav hwath anella, re’n jyowl?” Yth esa klavjiores yowynk owth attendya dhymm. Yth esa hi ow kuntell ow dyllans goesek yn bolla lentrus ha metelyek. Ny wovynnas hi orthymm kewsel. Hi a wodhya ow bos dres kows. Ev a vinhwarthas orthymm (rag ow hennertha, dell heveli) ha palva yn jentyl an merkyow goleskans, hwath rughgogh, a allsa gweles war ow ragvregh noeth. Hweg o henna. “Py par droktra re wrussons dhis?” a hwystras hi, dh’y honan yn apert. Yth esa kroglennow tennys oll a-dro dhe’m gweli. Rag gwitha ow frivetter po rag lettya dewlagas an dus erell rag ow gweles? My a welas kylghlinenn penn omdhiskwedhes dhe du unn groglenn. Ny yllyn gweles fismens an fas o golowys a-dhelergh. Byttegyns, sur ov bos ena Doktour Ingrid. Ny daryas an kylghlinenn saw nebes eylennow, hir lowr rag kesjanya golok – mes geryow vyth – gans an klavjiores owth attendya dhymm. Ena, gyllys o. “Ty a woer hi dhe’th sawya, ow sos yowynk,” yn-medh an glavjiores yn sempel. “Lavar!” yn-medhav ynn-unn-ratha. (Yn hwir, my re vynnsa leverel “Lavar dhymm!” mes ny dhothya an nessa ger. Nyns o sur an glavjiores yn y gever. A via dhedhi kudynn mar lavarra dhymm pyth re welsa po pyth re glywsa hi?langbot langbot
noun / doktour / / /langbot langbot
wisest doctor in town
/ furra medhyk an dre / / /langbot langbot
eye doctor
/ medhek lagajow / / /langbot langbot
you're a doctor
medhek owghlangbot langbot
You must see a doctor.
Res yw dhis gweles medhek.langbot langbot
Doctor, that is not any thing,
Doctor, nyns yw henna mann,langbot langbot
doctor's surgery - clinic
medhegva [hanow benow] medhegvaow [hanow liesplek] [disamstyryans]langbot langbot
animal doctors
/ medhogesow bestes / / /langbot langbot
quack doctor
/ pomster / hanow gorow / /langbot langbot
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