fighter oor Kornies


/faɪtə(r)s/, /faɪ.tə(ɹ), /faɪtə(r)/ naamwoord
A person who fights, a combatant.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Kornies

den arvow



hanow gorow


hanow benow

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kasoryon · tus arvow
freedom fighter
kasor rydhses
male fighter
female fighter


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kasoreslangbot langbot
fighter (person)
kasor [ hanow gorow ] kasoryon [ hanow liesek / hanow liesplek ] kasores [ hanow benow ] [ hanow liesek / hanow liesplek ] kasoresowlangbot langbot
The “mods” were something else. For the most part, they weren’t good boxers but they were good fighters, without fear. All they wanted to do in the ring was to punch their opponent, as many times as possible, as hard as possible, no matter how many times they were hit in return. No one but a very good boxer could protect himself from their attacks. I was not that boxer. So, I had to stand “toe to toe” with them, and swap punches.
An “arnowydhyon” o neppyth aral. Dre vras, nyns ens i boksusyoryon dha mes kasoryon dha ens, heb own. Oll a vynnens i dhe wul y’n klos o hwaffa aga erbynner, peskweyth mayth o possybyl, mar gales dell o possybyl, ny vern peskweyth aga bos frappys war nuk. Ny ylli nebonan saw boksusyer fest da omwitha dhyworth aga omsettyans. Nyns en vy an boksusyer na. Ytho, res o dhymm sevel “bys troos dhe bys troos” gansa, ha keschanjya hwaffys.langbot langbot
warrior kasor, kasores; servicewoman breselyades, serviceman breselyas; combatant breselyer, breselyores; swordsman; bravo kledhevyaslangbot langbot
(n.) warrior kazor, kazores; servicewoman breselyades, serviceman breselyaz; combatant breselyer, breselyores; swordsman; bravo kledhevyazlangbot langbot
(hkb.) ben yn-unn werrya po breseli combatant, warrior; kazores fighter
breselyores, ~owlangbot langbot
/ kasor / n.m /langbot langbot
/ kasor / hanow gorow / /langbot langbot
(hkg.) gwas yn-unn werrya po breseli combatant, warrior; kazor fighter
breselyer, breselyoryonlangbot langbot
(hkb.) base, military centre kazor, ~yon (hkg.) fighter, warrior; kazorek (hg.) military, soldierly kazores, ~ow (hkb.) fighter, warrior kazpows (hkb.) armour
kazlyslangbot langbot
You and I in a little toy shop Buy a bag of balloons with the money we've got Set them free at the break of dawn 'Til one by one they were gone Back at base bugs in the software Flash the message "something's out there!" Floating in the summer sky Ninety-nine red balloons go by Ninety-nine red balloons Floating in the summer sky Panic bells, it's red alert There's something here from somewhere else The war machine springs to life Opens up one eager eye Focusing it on the sky Where ninety-nine red balloons go by Ninety-nine decision street Ninety-nine ministers meet To worry, worry, super scurry Call the troops out in a hurry This is what we've waited for This is it, boys, this is war The president is on the line As ninety-nine red balloons go by Ninety-nine knights of the air Ride super high-tech jet fighters Everyone's a super hero Everyone's a captain Kirk With orders to identify To clarify and classify Scramble in the summer sky Ninety-nine red balloons go by As ninety-nine red balloons go by Ninety-nine dreams I have had In every one a red balloon It's all over and I'm standing pretty In this dust that was a city If I could find a souvenir Just to prove the world was here And here is a red balloon I think of you, and let it go
Ty ha my yn gwerthji gwariell A bren sagh pelyow-ayr gans arghans eus genen Ha'ga settya rydh prys bora Bys dhe bubonan gyllys. Yn selva buggs y’n medhelweyth 'Tiskwa messach "neppyth ena" Yn ebron Hav 'nija di Naw-deg, naw pel-ayr rudh a di Naw-deg naw pel-ayr rudh Ow nija yn ebron Hav Klegh eutha, gwarnyans kogh 'Ma omma neb tra a gen le. An jynn kas a dheu dhe vew A yger unn lagas ter War nev ow fogella di Naw-deg, naw pel-ayr rudh a di Naw-deg, naw Stret Ervira Naw-deg naw menyster a Rag serri, omserri, fysk yn ta Gelow festyn dhe bub mayni Hemm yw an pyth a hwansas Hemma yw, mab, yth yw kas 'Ma’n President war an linen A Naw-deg naw pel-ayr rudh a di Naw-deg, naw marghek a’n ayr Ow mos yn jetts bresel, ugh-tek, Pub onan yw gorgolonnek Pub onan yw Kapten Kirk Gans komondys rag aswon e Dhe glerhe ynwedh glass’he Yn ebron Hav ow fyski Naw-deg naw pel-ayr rudh a di Ha naw-deg naw pel-ayr rudh a di Naw-deg, naw hunros o dhymm Yn pubonan 'ma pel-ayr rudh Oll gorfennys yw hag yth ov tekka Yn doust ma esa yn sita Mar kallav vy kavos kovro Saw previ bos bys omma Hag ottomma pel-ayr rudh Y tyb 'dro dhis hag y asalangbot langbot
When I was older, I bought, every month, an American magazine called “Boxing Illustrated”. This was a colourful magazine, with many articles about the history of the sport, and stories about famous fighters from past times. My favourite story was how little Jack Dempsey (he was “little” for a heavyweight boxer) destroyed the “man-mountain” Jess Willard.
Pan en vy nebes kottha, my a brenas, pub mis, lyver termyn Amerikanek, “Boksusyans Lymnys” y hanow. Hemm o lyver termyn liwek, gans lies erthygel a-dro dhe istori an sport, ha hwedhlow a-dro dhe gasoryon a vri yn termynyow passys. Ow hwedhel meurgerys o fatell dhistruis Jack Dempsey byghan (ev o nebes “byghan” rag boksusyer poosposek) an “menydh den”, Jess Willard.langbot langbot
(hkg.) gwas neb yw esel a arvlu serviceman, professional warrior; breselyer; kazor warrior, fighter
breselyaz, breselyzilangbot langbot
ben yn unn werrya po breseli combatant, warrior; kasores fighter
breselyores (liesplek) ~ow (hanow benow)langbot langbot
kasor [hanow gorow]langbot langbot
/ kasores / n.f /langbot langbot
swordsman (n.) blade; swashbuckler kledhydhyor; professional swordsman; bravo; fighter kledhevyaz; amateur swordsman; fencer kledhevor
swordsman (n.) blade; swashbuckler kledhydhyor; professional swordsman; bravo; fighter kledhevyaz; amateur swordsman; fencer kledhevorlangbot langbot
(male) fighter
kasorlangbot langbot
fighter, warrior
kazores, ~ow [hanow kadarn benow]langbot langbot
fighter (n.) warrior kazor, kazores; servicewoman breselyades, serviceman
fighter (n.) warrior kazor, kazores; servicewoman breselyades, servicemanlangbot langbot
THE HUNTER AND THE HUNTED Tinned carrots and corned beef – that was my first meal after escaping from Puckapunyal. And I was truly grateful for it. Presumably, the Sergeant had grabbed what he could from what was lying about in the mess and had thrown it into the kitbag. For ‘dessert’, there was a packet of rock-hard ‘dog biscuits’. Very nutritious, I’m sure, and lots of fibre – but they tasted like baked excrement. (Imagine being up to your thighs in mud, in the trenches of the Western Front, and then having to eat those dog biscuits. Yuck!) I gave some corned beef to David. Predictably, he looked at it scornfully (inasmuch as dead eyes can express scorn), made a very disapproving noise (which sounded like flatulence) and promptly discarded it. This was something I would need to work on. I knew I couldn’t readily obtain a regular supply of freshly killed human flesh. So, David would just have to find something else that suited his zombie palate. (And corned beef was obviously not that ‘something’.) By mid-afternoon, we decided to do a little exploring. On an adjacent hill-top, a hill which was much higher than the one into which the tunnel had been driven, there stood an abandoned watch-tower. You know, one of those spindly wooden towers that fire-fighters sit in to watch for any signs of smoke on the horizon or, close by, in the bush. This one had definitely not been in service for many years. Its structural members, made of local timber, were rotting and cracked. The whole thing had developed a discernible lean and the original cover for the platform that sat atop the structure had been blown away a long, long time ago. (Bits of it lay about the base, slowly melting into the humus.) Nevertheless, the tower was not entirely on the point of collapse and I was able, with some difficulty, to climb it. Just as I had suspected, this vantage point afforded me with a view not only of the surrounding bushland for miles around but, in the distance, of the main base at Puckapunyal. Far more importantly, I could see (more or less) right along the road that led to the base from the Scrub Hill area.
AN HELGHOR HA’N HUNI HELGHYES Karetys yn kanna ha bewin sellys – henn o’m kynsa boes wosa agan diank dhiworth Pukkapunyal. Hag, yn hwir, y hwodhva meur ras anodho. Dres lyklod, an Serjont re dhalgennsa pyth a ylli sesya yn mysk an taklow ow korwedha war vynkow y’n voesva ha’ga thewlel y’n sagh keyn. Avel melyssand, yth esa fardellik leun a desennow-kales, kales dres eghenn, leshenwys ‘tesennow-kales rag an keun’. Leun a vegyans, sur ov, ha gans meur a fiber – mes yth esens dhedha blas a gawgh fornyes. (Gwra tybi dha vos y’n kaskleudhyow an Voward a’n Howlsedhes, a’th sav down yn leys – hag ena res o dhis dybri an tesennow-kales na rag keun. Thukk!) My a ros tamm bewin sellys dhe Dhavydh. Yn targanadow, ev a viras orto, meur y skorn (mar kyll dewlagas marow diskwedhedhes skorn). Yn apert, kas o dhodho yn y gever. Ev a wrug son kepar ha bramm ha’y dewlel dhe-ves a- dhistowgh. Homm o neppyth may fia edhomm dhymm oberi. My a wodhya na yllyn menowgh kavoes proviansow a gig denel kro, heb meur a galetter. Ytho, res a via dhe Dhavydh kavoes neppyth arall dhe dhybri, neppyth o gwiw dh’y stevnik-zombi. (Ha nyns o bewin sellys an ‘neppyth’ na, yn apert.) Hanter-dohajydh, my a erviras gul neb hwithrans. War benn an nessa bre, bre ughella ages an huni le mayth esen ni, bre an gowfordh, y sevi tour-goelyador forsakyes. Henn yw leverel, onan a’n touryow, gwann ha prennek, may hwre esedha tangasoryon rag hwilas sinys a vog orth an gorwel – po y’n gwylvos nes dhedha. Yn sertan, ny via an huni ma devnydhyes dres lies blydhen. Yth esa ow leytha (ha felsys) y lithyow framweythel – gwrys gans prennyer dhiworth an gwylvos ma, heb dhout. Dres henna, yth esa poesans apert dhe’n drehevyans dien hag y halsa nans o termyn pur hir an skovva a esedhsa war y benn. (Yth esa temmyn anedhi skoellyes oll a-dro y ven, ow teudhi yn lent y’n dor.) Byttele, nyns o an tour hwath ow fyllel yn tien hag ytho y hyllyn, gans neb kaletter, y grambla. Kepar dell gryssen, penn an tour a ros dhymm gwel an lasneth oll a-dro, a-dreus milvilyow anedhi – hag, y’n pellder, my a ylli gweles selva Pukkapunyal. Ha, dres henna, y hyllyn gweles a-hys oll an fordh (po ogas) a ledya dhiworth an gwylvos a-dro dhe Vre an Krann dhe’n selva.langbot langbot
person / kasor / / /langbot langbot
/ den arvow / / /langbot langbot
fighter (person)
kasor [hanow gorow] kasoryon [hanow liesplek] kasores [hanow benow] kasoresow [hanow liesplek] [disamstyryans]langbot langbot
male fighter
kasorlangbot langbot
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