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The combination of excellent connectivity, fantastic culture and a healthy environment will mean that Cornwall is the first choice destination for creative businesses.
An kesunyans a junyadewder, gonisogeth varthusek ha kerhynnedh yagh a wra styrya bos Kernow penn-an-hyns an kynsa dewis rag negysyow awenek.englishtainment-tm-g4sOafew englishtainment-tm-g4sOafew
The combination of excellent connectivity, fantastic culture and a healthy environment will mean that Cornwall is the first choice destination for creative businesses. The special landscapes of West Penwith have long been recognised as internationally important but they remain vulnerable to change.
An kesunyans a junyadewder, gonisogeth varthusek ha kerhynnedh yagh a wra styrya bos Kernow penn-an-hyns an kynsa dewis rag negysyow awenek.englishtainment-tm-4gq3qjnP englishtainment-tm-4gq3qjnP
It seemed, however, that Miss Pascoe, who had seen the boys decline the chance of choosing their partners themselves, had no intention of letting the same boys “cherry pick” their partners from a shortlist; so I was not given the choice. Instead, “Miss” selected for me Jennifer Harvey, an attractive, quiet girl with a brown pony-tail. The reasons for her choice are unclear: Jennifer wasn’t the first, or the last, to ask for me. So perhaps “Miss” chose her for me according to some superior adult concept of mutual compatibility.
Dell heveli, byttegyns, nyns esa dhe Mestres Pascoe, neb re welsa an vebyon nagha an chons dhe dhewis aga howethes aga honan, mynnas vyth dhe asa an keth vebyon “dewis-keresen” aga howethes dhyworth rol verr; ytho ny veu res dhymm an dewisyans. Yn le, “Mestres” a dhewisas ragov Jenefer Harvey, mowes tennvosek ha kosel gans lost hobba gell. Nyns yw kler an achesonyow rag hy dewisyans: nyns o Jenefer na an kynsa na an diwettha a wovynnas ragov. Ytho, martesen “Mestres” a’y dewisas ragov war-lergh neb tybyans tevesik ughella a gessenyans an eyl gans y gila.langbot langbot
It seemed, however, that Miss Pascoe, who had seen the boys decline the chance of choosing their partners themselves, had no intention of letting the same boys “cherry pick” their partners from a shortlist; so I was not given the choice. Instead, “Miss” selected for me Jennifer Harvey, an attractive, quiet girl with a brown pony-tail. The reasons for her choice are unclear: Jennifer wasn’t the first, or the last, to ask for me. So perhaps “Miss” chose her for me according to some superior adult concept of mutual compatibility. Thus, you could say that Jenefer became my first girlfriend. We went together to the Christmas party. But I don’t remember that this relationship was consumated in any significant way.
Dell heveli, byttegyns, nyns esa dhe Mestres Pascoe, neb re welsa an vebyon nagha an chons dhe dhewis aga howethes aga honan, mynnas vyth dhe asa an keth vebyon “dewis-keresen” aga howethes dhyworth rol verr; ytho ny veu res dhymm an dewisyans. Yn le, “Mestres” a dhewisas ragov Jenefer Harvey, mowes tennvosek ha kosel gans lost hobba gell. Nyns yw kler an achesonyow rag hy dewisyans: nyns o Jenefer na an kynsa na an diwettha a wovynnas ragov. Ytho, martesen “Mestres” a’y dewisas ragov war-lergh neb tybyans tevesik ughella a gessenyans an eyl gans y gila. Rag henna, hwi a allsa leverel y teuth ha bos Jenefer ow hynsa kares. Ni eth war-barth dhe’n kevewi Nadelik. Mes ny borth kov bos an keskowethyans ma kewerys yn fordh vyth a vri.langbot langbot
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