for a very long time oor Kornies

for a very long time

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for a very long time
Res yw dhymm maga an ki.langbot langbot
I must admit that I've wanted to write and record an album entirely in Cornish for a very long time.
A allses ta ow gweres?langbot langbot
I must admit that I've wanted to write and record an album entirely in Cornish for a very long time.
Ni a wrug koska yn tylda pur byghan.englishtainment-tm-mHh6HLhD englishtainment-tm-mHh6HLhD
Adverse media reports will only have an impact if the councillor is prepared to resign or during an election year as there is no right of recall to enable an earlier election in the case of a serious breach of the code of Conduct unless a criminal case has been taken and a custodial sentence imposed. I must admit that I've wanted to write and record an album entirely in Cornish for a very long time.
Da yw genev bara.englishtainment-tm-4gq3qjnP englishtainment-tm-4gq3qjnP
‘Of course, my dear Frodo, it was dangerous for you; and that has troubled me deeply. But there was so much at stake that I had to take some risk - though even when I was far away there has never been a day when the Shire has not been guarded by watchful eyes. As long as you never used it, I did not think that the Ring would have any lasting effect on you, not for evil, not at any rate for a very long time. And you must remember that nine years ago, when I last saw you, I still knew little for certain.’
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“IT MIGHT JUST WORK, DAVE. YOU NEVER KNOW.” Oho! This letter did indeed make interesting reading. It was a letter ordering the squad to re-deploy, now that the zombie threat had been ‘neutralised’ in the area of Melbourne Port. And to where was the squad commander, a sergeant, ordered to re-deploy his men? Allow me to quote: “You are ordered to make all necessary arrangements to disassemble and vacate your current encampments at Melbourne General Cemetery by 08.00 hours, Tuesday next, and proceed by train to the temporary barracks now established on the South West outskirts of the City of Swan Hill. Your squad’s redeployment is required to assist in quelling an outbreak of the infection that has recently occurred in that locale. Upon arrival, you are to make yourself known to the camp commandant (name suppressed) by phone and all necessary transport arrangements to the camp will be put in place ...” Clear enough. A useful document - if I wished to go, unimpeded and by train, to Swan Hill. Did I? A boy could do worse, I thought. Hmm. What did I know about Swan Hill? It was the terminus of the northerly train line out of Melbourne and on the banks of the ‘Mighty Murray River’. A river-port for paddle steamers. Home to the giant Murray cod. And? Nope, that’s about all I knew about Swan Hill. So, naturally, I decided David and I should go there as soon as possible. I outlined my plan to David. The only aspect of the plan that he understood, I think, was that I wanted him to get inside the otherwise unoccupied (but extra- fancy) coffin which had been conveniently left in the crypt – and then to stay quiet for a very long time. David seemed dubious, very dubious. No matter, I would sleep on the details of my plan and elaborate on them to David in the morning – whether he wanted to listen to them or not.
Nyns yw Sowsnek es ragov.langbot langbot
CHAPTER 19 WHY THE CAPTAIN WANTED A ZOMBIE Good news: neither David nor I received an immediate bullet to the brain. Bad news: both of us were blindfolded, bundled into the back of a military paddy-wagon and found ourselves bumping along a rural highway for a very, very long time. (Or did it just seem that way?) The paddy-wagon was roughly sprung to the point where I felt every pothole, every bump and undulation on that roadway – and there were many. My hands and feet were bound securely and so it was difficult to remain sitting upright. I couldn’t be sure what David was doing – other than roaring and moaning at irregular intervals. “Shut up, Dave!” I screamed – to no obvious effect. And the back of the paddy-wagon smelt distinctly of urine and vomit – both sharp and sour. My guess was that its usual occupants were soldiers who had had a big night on the town and needed some ‘assistance’ getting back to their base. When you close your eyes, travel time becomes distorted. I know of this from empirical research. What sort of research, you ask? Good question: try closing your eyes on the way home from work – whether travelling by train, tram or bus – and only open them when you think you have arrived at your train/tram/bus stop. Go on, try it. I guarantee you’ll always re-open your eyes long before you get near your accustomed stop (unless, of course, you fall asleep). On this particular occasion, of course, I was blindfolded and had no idea of how long the trip actually took. So, I believed the trip was actually many hours longer than it really was. Does that make sense? No matter, it’s just another digression. In any event, the paddy-wagon eventually came to a juddering halt – but not before I was physically spent from the effort of remaining upright whilst bound hand and foot.
Nyns ow da ganso fleghes.langbot langbot
It can be difficult to do this in an area that is very rural, where a lot of people work for relatively small employers, and it’s hard to get people in the same physical place at the same time. Travelling to meetings is expensive, and can be exclusionary for those with caring commitments, or who work long hours, and perhaps need the union the most.
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In this, he behaved like a small child who didn’t want to take a bath – but, in his case, I was unable to bribe him with a rubber ducky or toy boats to play with. Eventually, he relented and allowed me to strip and re-clothe him. He became “Lance-Corporal Kimson” but, as he didn’t have a speaking part in our next little drama, I did not need to bring this to his attention. After so much effort and time wasted, we stood together: a trim, fresh-faced sergeant and a grey-faced lance-corporal – both sans socks. “Time to help me with the coffin now, Dave,” I said. He had not previously understood this part of my plan, I’m sure, but, with a bit of play-acting and hand-gestures, he came to realize that I wanted him to take one end of the ornate coffin and lift it with me. After opening the steel crypt door wide, I returned and started to lift ‘my end’ of the box – and David, haltingly, copied what I was doing at his own end. “Shit! This thing is bloody heavy,” I said to myself. I thought perhaps I ought to abandon the plan as I was not at all sure I could sustain the weight for long enough to get it to one of the vehicles (about 75 – 100 metres from the crypt.) Before we even got through the door of the crypt, I was quivering from a load that was at the very limit of my physical ability. (I was a pretty skinny kid at the time.) The coffin, with its heavy timber construction and ornate metal handles, weighed, maybe, twice as much as a standard coffin. The problem was that we had only one coffin to choose from and, frankly, we were lucky to have that. David held his end of the thing aloft and was showing no signs of strain. (I thought zombies were supposed to be weak – but, noooo!) “Okay, Mate,” I groaned. “Put it down – gently.” He did so without fuss and I stood panting and sweating as I considered our options. Maybe, I thought, we could salvage a ‘used’ coffin from one of the niches in the crypt – one that was of a standard weight.
Yth esa ow seni an piano.langbot langbot
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