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human activity

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human activity
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human activities
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human activities
My a gosk y’m chambour.langbot langbot
the need to maintain and develop Cornish as a dynamic language that can be used for a full range of purposes in all fields of human activity.
Pur skwith yw an tas.langbot langbot
In order to ensure that Cornish continues to develop as a modern language that can be used for a full range of purposes in all fields of human activity, the strategic aims are:
Yth esens ow kana.langbot langbot
This collection tracks the course of human activity in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly from Mesolithic flint-based technologies (over 5000 years ago), through Bronze and Iron Age sites and field systems.
Pyth esowgh hwi ow hwilas?englishtainment-tm-K72uqq4E englishtainment-tm-K72uqq4E
The Historic Environment Record documents notable archaeological sites and monuments, find spots, settlements and landscape features. This collection tracks the course of human activity in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly from Mesolithic flint-based technologies (over 5000 years ago), through Bronze and Iron Age sites and field systems. The records, generated from surveys, assessments and excavations, are linked to a large collection of documents. These include published articles, unpublished archaeological reports, and relevant websites as well as a vast array of photographs. The records have mostly been generated by Cornwall Archaeological Society and the Cornwall Archaeological Unit as well as volunteers and community groups.
Tom a gews Frynkek yn ta, dell brederav.langbot langbot
world (n.) 1 (basic) a byz; b division of the Earth; region of the Earth byzrann; c period of existence; state of existence trank; 2 a field of human activity; milieu; way of life mydhlog; b area, sphere, or realm, considered as a complete whole kyrghynnvyz; c microcosm byzan; 3 a bubble; reality; world view realedh; b environment; milieu envyronmens; c total circumstances and experience of an individual studhvyz; 4 a worldly or secular life siekyl; b public life soegel; c mankind; the human race mab-den, den, mab, pobel; 5 kals a large amount; b great distance dystonz; 6 all the ~ everybody oll-an-byz, the natural ~ environment kyrghynnedh, the whole ~ everyone; the public pub-den-oll
Res yw dhyn gortos omma.langbot langbot
Lanthanum is a chemical element with the symbol La and atomic number 57. It is a soft, ductile, silvery-white metal that tarnishes slowly when exposed to air. It is the eponym of the lanthanide series, a group of 15 similar elements between lanthanum and lutetium in the periodic table, of which lanthanum is the first and the prototype. Lanthanum is traditionally counted among the rare earth elements. Like most other rare earth elements, the usual oxidation state is +3. Lanthanum has no biological role in humans but is essential to some bacteria. It is not particularly toxic to humans but does show some antimicrobial activity. Lanthanum usually occurs together with cerium and the other rare earth elements. Lanthanum was first found by the Swedish chemist Carl Gustaf Mosander in 1839 as an impurity in cerium nitrate – hence the name lanthanum, from the Ancient Greek λανθάνειν (lanthanein), meaning 'to lie hidden'. Although it is classified as a rare earth element, lanthanum is the 28th most abundant element in the Earth's crust, almost three times as abundant as lead. In minerals such as monazite and bastnäsite, lanthanum composes about a quarter of the lanthanide content.[6] It is extracted from those minerals by a process of such complexity that pure lanthanum metal was not isolated until 1923. Lanthanum compounds have numerous applications as catalysts, additives in glass, carbon arc lamps for studio lights and projectors, ignition elements in lighters and torches, electron cathodes, scintillators, gas tungsten arc welding electrodes, and other things. Lanthanum carbonate is used as a phosphate binder in cases of high levels of phosphate in the blood seen with kidney failure.
Hi a gegin ragdho.langbot langbot
art (n.) (basic) 1 the ~s culture; refinement; civilization sivilta a creation of works of beauty, sensibility, imagination, or other special significance kelvydhyz, art three- dimensional ~ art-trymynzek; b visual art arth i painting lymnorieth; ii artwork; illustrations tawlenn 1 photograph; painting; symbol lun; 2 a facility; dexterity; artfulness; cunning sleyghneth; b imaginative skill; subtlety sotelneth; c proficiency; ability konnygneth; d exercise of intelligence or skill as opposed to nature; ingenuity ynjinieth, ynjyn; e skill; craft tygh; 3 a humane study; non- experimental discipline art; b skill; science skianz; c system of rules or principles; business; activity egoedheur; 4 black ~ sorcery; necromancy tebel-art a craft kreft; b trade; calling myster; 5 tygh
Yma’n venyn ow tybri bara.langbot langbot
social1 (adj.)1apertainingtosocietyorits organization; public; civil kevrezygel, kowethasek, sosyel; b communal; collective brezygel; c pertaining to rank or status in a society or system; societal ordyrek, sosyel; d relating to human society kevrezygel, sosyel; e living in a community rather than alone; communal; gregarious kezvywek; f cultural; lifestyle dewellyek; 2 a convivial; familiar; sociable tuzek, kowethek; b sociable; friendly monden, kowethek; c promoting companionship and diverting activities; gregarious; convivial kyffewus, kowethasek; d superior; select galont; 3 a pertaining to welfare provision or services aluservyek; b publicly owned or controlled; public poblek
A yll’ta ow gweres?langbot langbot
THE TIDE TURNS. The basement of Union house had not improved. It still stank of rotting human remains which were scattered about here and there. It was still populated by dozens of zombies in various states of activity. It was still seemingly ruled by that wretched tortoiseshell cat. And David still seemed to think of it as home. As we entered this hellish pit, I felt David’s warm and contented glow in the pit of my own stomach. The fellow-feeling that David and I had shared throughout our lives was now a source of considerable revulsion to me. As I felt David’s pleasure, I thought of that trite saying “He ain’t heavy, he’s my brother” and found myself singing “He ain’t zombie, he’s my brother.” Hysterical. The cat turned and glared at me – the zombies didn’t notice my off-key singing. So, why should it bother that stupid cat? Did it matter? No. Figuring out a bad-tempered feline was not going to solve the zombie apocalypse. (Was it?) I knew that David would not be moved from his home-away-from-home. So, despite the nausea-inducing sights and smells, I had no choice but to make the best of it (or perish horrifically like poor, sweet Meryl.) I found a corner which was relatively free from both zombies and human detritus – and settled down. Once again, I kept a watchful eye on the cat – but attack did not seem imminent. I do believe I even nodded off for a brief time without coming to harm. David seemed happy amongst his own. He and his kind just seemed to ‘hang out’ together. There were the usual grunts and groans, the occasional squabble over the fresher pieces of ‘food’. (There had been a minor re-supply of meat in our absence.) Mostly, however, they just milled about or simply sat together. It was like the worst party you could possibly imagine – but they seemed happy enough with it.
Y leverir yma ev yn Breten Veur.langbot langbot
Manganese is a chemical element with the symbol Mn and atomic number 25. It is a hard, brittle, silvery metal, often found in minerals in combination with iron. Manganese is a transition metal with a multifaceted array of industrial alloy uses, particularly in stainless steels. It improves strength, workability, and resistance to wear. Manganese oxide is used as an oxidising agent; as a rubber additive; and in glass making, fertilisers, and ceramics. Manganese sulfate can be used as a fungicide. Manganese is also an essential human dietary element, important in macronutrient metabolism, bone formation, and free radical defense systems. It is a critical component in dozens of proteins and enzymes.[3] It is found mostly in the bones, but also the liver, kidneys, and brain.[4] In the human brain, the manganese is bound to manganese metalloproteins, most notably glutamine synthetase in astrocytes. Manganese was first isolated in 1774. It is familiar in the laboratory in the form of the deep violet salt potassium permanganate. It occurs at the active sites in some enzymes.[5] Of particular interest is the use of a Mn-O cluster, the oxygen-evolving complex, in the production of oxygen by plants.
Yma’n dhewbries ow mos yn-mes a’n eglos.langbot langbot
Captain: “Not that I can see, sir. The two brothers appear to be identical twins. Maybe the living one is simply immune – although he be identical to his brother in all other respects. (And there have been some cases of that already observed.) If so, that could make for very interesting research. What are their genetic differences? Why would one brother succumb and not his identical twin? Maybe we could use the blood of the living brother to make a vaccine. (My friggin’ blood for a vaccine!) Commander: “That’s all very well, Captain, but we can’t hold the man against his will, can we? I mean, Geneva Convention, human rights and all that.” Captain: “When I caught these two, the living brother was not only masquerading as a non-commissioned officer of Her Majesty’s Armed forces but was actively protecting his zombie brother from capture.” Commander: “Well, yes. I suppose we could detain him for a while on those bases but they are hardly hanging offences, are they?” (The death penalty still existed in Victoria at the time and I had actually seen a man sentenced to death – in the very first case that I observed. (Reg. v. Bariska) And, under military law, I wasn’t sure what the situation might be.) Captain: “But, Commander, the zombie brother had just eaten Major Smythe. That’s certainly a hanging offence.” Commander: (incredulous) “Old Smitty? Decorated veteran of Korea, Malaya and ‘Nam?” I could hear poorly stifled guffaws, followed closely by unrestrained howls of laughter from both men – which went on for a considerable time. “Old Smitty”, it seemed, had been much loved! In any event, the Captain had overcome his Commander’s initial reluctance to accommodate a zombie and his brother. So, we became medical specimens to be exhibited and experimented on.
My a welas an ki.langbot langbot
Then he lifted his hands to his bloodied locks and ran his fingers through his hair . He held the palms of his hands before him and looked admiringly at them. Another grunt of satisfaction. He then raised those palms to my own face and smeared it with what had, so recently, been Meryl’s lifeblood. At first, I pulled back from the gesture but David insisted and I allowed him to do it. I stared deep into David’s dead eyes to try and guess what purpose his withered mind had in doing this. I found none. We paused a moment and then he turned and entered the charnel house that had been ‘The Union’. I followed. I had no choice. Apparently, this was to be our shelter for the night. We entered the foyer area and David strode on to the stairwell outside the Caff. In the bowels of the building, where the lockers and toilets are, the zombies had made their home. (Their base?) There were dozens of them there, pacing about, resting, eating. If Union House had ever been a refuge for the living on that first day, it hadn’t been able to hold out long. Unlike the library, which had just one main entrance, there were just too many entrances to the Union building. It may as well have been open access. It was certainly undefendable. Most of the human remains that were lying about had obviously been there for days. Maybe the building had just been overwhelmed on that first day, in the initial onslaught. But Meryl? She had only just been killed. Where had she been hiding? In one of the activities rooms upstairs? You could hold out there for a while but, well away from the Caff, there’d be no food at all – maybe some water, if you were lucky. Perhaps there were still some survivors clinging on up there. Would I be doing them any favours if I went searching – with my brother in tow? Hmmm. I’d have to think on that one.
Re dhiwedhes yw.langbot langbot
15 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.